Justin (13 page)

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Authors: Allyson James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Justin
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Sybellie’s hair was dark, her eyes a chocolate brown. She had Lillian’s nose, but the shape of her mouth was Justin’s. She wore the faintest scent, something powdery and lemony. It went with her, just like the rose-colored silks that whispered about her face.

“Is he all right?” Sybellie asked Deanna. “You haven’t arrested him, have you?”

She was a Bor Nargan female, all right. Men were creatures of inferior intellect—so Bor Nargans believed—and women often talked about men in the room as though they weren’t there.

“No, no,” Deanna said. “I’m just giving him a lift.”

Sybellie looked Justin over, as though trying to decipher what he was. “He doesn’t look Bor Nargan. Where is he from?”

Justin opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Every word he’d rehearsed to say to Sybellie if he ever met her jammed in his throat.

“He’s from Sirius,” Deanna said.

Sybellie looked interested, and she directed the next question at him. “I’ve never been there. What’s Sirius like?”

She wasn’t afraid of people, that was certain. But she’d probably never met anyone who’d been bad to her, excepting that jerk in the street.

Deanna answered, because Justin’s mouth still wouldn’t work. “There’s lots of trees there, so I hear,” Deanna said. “And meadows. And farms.”

“Are you a farmer?” Sybellie asked Justin.

Justin cleared his throat. “No.” He coughed, trying to open up his gullet.

“Well, they grow them tall on Sirius.” Sybellie laughed, ingenuous and innocent. “Bor Nargan cars must be uncomfortable for you.”

She doesn’t know what I am.
The words beat through Justin’s head.
She doesn’t know about Shareem.

“Yes,” he managed to say.

“Here’s the university,” Deanna said. “Which side of campus would you like?”

The far side,
Justin willed.
It’s too soon for you to go. Way too soon.

“This is fine,” Sybellie said, and Justin’s heart ached. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

Deanna set down the car and pushed a control to unseal the back door. “It was my pleasure. Believe me.”

Sybellie sent her another smile, gathered her skirts and robes about her, and climbed out. She bent back through the door and directed her words at Justin.

“Good-bye. I hope you enjoy your stay on Bor Narga.”

“Ungh,” Justin said.

With one last radiant smile, Sybellie straightened up, turned with a swirl of silks, and walked off into the heat-shielded campus. An artificially generated breeze caught her skirts and veils as she waved at a group of approaching young women.

Deanna sealed the door against the heat and quietly turned the car around, heading down the street and back toward the main thoroughfare.

“Shit,” Justin said. He passed a shaking hand over his face. “Shit, shit, shit, shit.” He looked back, but the university was receding quickly, swallowed by buildings and hovercars. “What the holy fuck did you do that for?”

“You wanted to see her,” Deanna said.

She looked so calm, tapping the controls to put the car on autopilot, programming it to take them back to Pas City.
her for looking so calm. Justin wanted to explode.

“Shit,” he said again.

“I thought it was a good opportun—”

Her words cut off when Justin grabbed her, hauled her half out of her seat, and kissed her—hard.

“Justin, the car—”

“Is on autopilot.”

He kissed her again, silencing her with his mouth. He dragged her up to him, licking and kissing.

Justin cupped her breasts through the coverall as she kissed him back, lifting them, full and warm. Her nipples became tight points under his thumbs, Deanna’s intake of breath telling him she felt what he did.

He kissed his way down her throat as he ripped open the catch that held her coverall in place. He dragged the coverall down and pressed her upward to tongue the nipple that rose against her undertunic.

The car’s console beeped. Deanna tried to extract herself, but Justin didn’t care. He suckled her, tasting silk and the heat of her.

The console beeped again, more insistently. Justin’s body did not want him to let her go, every nerve screaming with need for her. He wanted to fuck her right here in the car and damn the consequences.

“Justin, we’ll wreck—”

Justin closed his teeth over her nipple before releasing her. Deanna grabbed the controls just in time to slide them into the narrow streets of Pas City.

Her coverall gaped open to her waist, the silk inside clinging to her breasts. Her hair was a mess, her face flushed, as she guided the craft along the street to stop in front of Justin’s apartment.

“You’re home,” she said.

Justin reached over and killed the controls, and the car found the street with a thump.

“You’re coming in with me,” Justin said.

“No, I have to—”

He hit the controls, every door in the car opening. Justin locked his hands around Deanna and dragged her out with him through the passenger door to the bright, hot, empty street.

The car politely closed up again as soon as they were clear. Justin pulled Deanna to his rusty apartment door and keyed it open.

They nearly fell together into the apartment, and the door slammed closed behind them. Justin had Deanna against the wall, his body covering hers, before the door even hit the ground.

Deanna tried to stop him kissing her, tried to speak, but Justin didn’t care. What she’d done . . . What she’d done for him . . .

He wanted to kiss and kiss her. Make love to her, play with her, and make love to her again.

He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. The bed was rumpled, unmade from when Justin had crawled out of it earlier, and Justin set Deanna squarely on it.

He pushed her open coveralls from her shoulders. Deanna made a token protest, but her eyes were warm, and she in the end helped pull the coverall from her body.

Her silken tunic clung to her, a nothing barrier between herself and him. One yank and it ripped, giving Justin access to her bare body.

Justin pulled and kicked his own clothes off, his skin itching to be out of them. He lowered himself on top of Deanna, and everything stopped.

He was breathing hard, and so was she. They looked at each other, gazes locking, Justin holding himself over her, neither of them moving.

Her skin was hot to the touch, warm with sweat, and Justin’s body was scalding. In silence, he lowered his head to kiss her again, slowing down from his frenzied need.

Deanna parted her lips to take him. Their mouths met . . . and met again, slow in the midday heat. The sound of the kisses whispered in the room, the only touch in the silence.

Justin slid one hand to her breast, the supple cushion welcoming his hand. The point of her nipple poked between his first two fingers, and he rolled it as he kissed her, bringing it to beautiful tightness.

Deanna rested her arm on his shoulder, fingers finding and playing with his dark hair. Her eyes were languid brown, so dark he could drown in them. Justin kissed her lips once more before sliding his body down so he could feast on her breasts.

Justin suckled one breast as he cupped the other, caressing with fingers as much as he did with his tongue. He swirled around the areola before suckling again, loving the contrast between her silken skin, the cushion of the breast itself, and the tight apex of her nipple. When he finished, he moved his head to thoroughly taste and suck the other.

Deanna’s body moved as he worked her, her hands furrowing his hair. Justin kissed his way down her abdomen, licked her navel, then gently parted her thighs so that he could lie between them.

He studied her pussy as he ran his fingers down either side of her opening. Hers was a bit small, Deanna not a large-boned woman. But her entrance lay before him like a flower offering its petals, moist and inviting among her curled dark hair. Her clit was a little bud, pink and cute, beckoning his tongue.

Justin kissed the clit, then flicked his tongue on either side of her pussy. Deanna jumped, then her hips rose, her body begging for Justin to do what he wanted.

wanted. Justin closed his mouth over her, and drank.

Deanna thought she’d die. The room was hot, neither of them having stopped to turn on the cooler. Justin’s apartment wasn’t automated. Sweat dripped down her sides, but nothing was as wet as where Justin licked her.

His tongue moved in and out of her, or around the opening, or plunged inside, or closed with his mouth over her clit. The feeling was hot, wild, the friction driving her insane.

Justin’s eyes were closed in concentration, his large hands on her hips. At one point he opened his eyes and looked up at her, the irises hot blue, obliterating the whites. She shivered at the so inhuman sight, but everything else about Justin was certainly all male.

She heard her voice ring through the room, without any realization that she’d cried out. The noises were sharp, animallike, and Deanna couldn’t stop them.

. . .”

Then her words became incoherent, her cries shrill, as Justin took her on and on with his tongue.

And then it was over, her release complete. She fell onto the bed as though landing from a great height, trying to catch her breath.

But it wasn’t over. Justin rose over her like a god, pressed her back into the bed with his large body, and entered her in one, long stroke.

. . . she couldn’t take it. He was so big. He’d tear her apart. And why did that excite her so much?

But he’d made her pussy wide and needy, and Deanna welcomed him in, spreading herself to take him.

Justin moved inside her swiftly, and in silence. His face was set, eyes that crazy blue, his mouth pressed together as he thrust and thrust.

He was trying to work something out of himself, and his cock was ramming into her to do it.

Deanna met his thrusts with her own, feeling her pussy squeeze around him, it somehow knowing what to do. But it was wonderful. She was hot from him drinking her, and the in-and-out friction of his cock wound her back to the wild place.

He started to grunt, his strong arms holding him off her as he thrust again and again. Deanna was crying out, the bed rocking, sweat drenching her body. His skin was slick under her fingers, his sweat dropping onto her like gentle rain.

Slippery and sliding, his cock pried her open, stretching her wide. She parted her thighs to take more of him, lifting her hips to bring him all the way inside her.

Justin grabbed her hip with one hand, pulling her up to him, showing her how. Deanna lifted her feet as he wound her thigh around him, wrapping her legs over his, pressing one sole to his buttocks.

Shareem cocks were twelve inches, one standard foot, and Justin’s moved all the way inside Deanna. This wasn’t pleasure, it was raw, mad,
, so crazy Deanna wanted it to last forever.

The world ceased to matter. Deanna knew nothing but the heat within her and without, the two of them rocking on the bed, Justin so deep inside her she knew nothing would ever satisfy her again.

But then they were both shouting, bodies slamming together, tears on Deanna’s face. She seemed to be falling, falling, but his strong arms were there to catch her.

Deanna felt him come—his giant cock shot scalding seed far inside her, so much that she knew she’d never hold it.

But she did. He was glorious, and she’d never feel so fine and strong again.

“Deanna,” he said, his voice harsh. “Thank you. Thank you.”

He crashed onto her, his weight hot and hard, and all the wildness went out of him. He cradled her against him, open-mouthed kisses landing on her lips, her face, her hair.

“Thank you,” he whispered brokenly.

Deanna touched his face, which was wet with tears. “You’re welcome,” she said.

*** *** ***


It occurred to Deanna, after some time, that underneath her was hard coolness, flooring designed to keep the heat at bay. The cool slab contrasted with Justin on top of her, and the heat of his mouth on her skin.

“When did we end up on the floor?” she asked.

“Don’t remember.” Justin pressed warm kisses along her breasts. “Don’t care.”

Deanna didn’t much care either. It was beautiful here on the floor, with Justin on top of her. He was heavy, but he took care to not hurt her as he withdrew from her and rolled onto his side.

He made no suggestion that they get back on the bed but lay down next to her, spooning her against him, his hand finding her breast.

“Why did you do it?” he asked.

“Let you make love to me? I thought that was your idea.”

“I mean let me see her so close.”

Deanna shrugged, her body tired. “I didn’t like to see you hurting.”

She felt Justin’s start, then he was up on his elbow, looking at her, stunned. “It was a wonderful gift, Deanna.”

“Any time.”

He let out a long breath and lowered himself to her side again, cradling her into his big body. “This isn’t what I’m supposed to do. Fucking you like that, I mean.”

“I don’t know. It seemed fine to me. Not that I have any experience.”

“I pleasure. I make you feel good. But this time, I couldn’t stop myself. I had to
have you

Deanna ran her hand across his callused fingers. “I have news for you. I felt good. I . . . well, I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“I want to make you laugh, and beg, and laugh again.” He wiped a tear from her lashes. “Not cry.”

“I cried because it was beautiful,” Deanna whispered.

Justin went silent, his head buried in the curve of her shoulder. She couldn’t see his face in their position, but she felt his breath hot on her back.

He lay still for so long, that she thought he’d fallen asleep. Then he growled, a rumbling that vibrated, and the next thing she knew, he lifted her in his arms, up off the floor.

Back to the bed, this time side by side as they’d been on the floor, the mattress cushioning them. Justin got behind her, hooked his leg around hers, and moved her bent knee forward enough to open her to him. His cock, rock-hard again, pressed firmly against her backside, while he teased her opening, then he slid his cock into her pussy.

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