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Authors: K.J. Coakley

Kairos (8 page)

BOOK: Kairos
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I reach my fingers to his face and trace the edge of his strong jaw. His skin is stubbled with a five o’clock shadow, but I find him even more sexy disheveled. He has that just-fucked hair, and it looks so cute I can’t help but reach to run my fingers through it. He smiles a warm smile and grabs my hand before I can lower it. He places a sweet kiss in my palm and then turns it over to kiss each of my knuckles.

I grin. And I feel it reach my eyes. I have the after-sex glow, and it feels amazing.

“Nothing is wrong. Everything is perfect. Just perfect. Better than perfect actually.” I grin, and he chuckles softly at my enthusiastic reply.

He leans over and places a small kiss on my forehead as I snuggle into his side and lay my head on his chest. My arm drapes over his stomach, and I curl my leg into his. We’re spooning. And I love it! I feel like we fit.

I know it sounds stupid, but this is not my first time having sex, and it’s not the first time I’ve had feelings for a guy. But this is the first time I have ever felt
feeling for a guy.

Logan makes my heart race and my breath stall. He excites me and calms me all at the same time. He sparks that fire in me that I thought I had lost. He’s like a breath of crisp mountain air to my smog-filled lungs. God, I’m really starting to fall for this guy. This is a man I could fall in love with. I resolve myself then and there to let whatever happens happen, and if it doesn’t…then so be it. If I can survive the death of my father, who was the most important person in my life, then I can handle whatever comes of this.

“Let’s go take a shower.” He stands and pulls me into his arms. His bare feet make a soft padded sound as he crosses into the tiled bathroom and sets me gently on my feet into the shower.

I am oddly comfortable with my nakedness in front of him, so I don’t shy away as he climbs in beside me. I reach over and turn the hot water on and then the cold and push the shower button when it’s the right temperature. We both scoot to the wall when the showerhead shoots out water and burst out laughing at our identical reactions. It’s funny how people have the same reaction to things. I always scoot to the wall before the showerhead starts to spray. That first contact is always chillingly cold, and I want no part of that on my naked flesh. Give me steaming hot water! The hotter, the better.

He steps under the water, and as I turn around, I notice there is a second showerhead behind me. I reach and adjust the water and wait for it to warm and then flip the shower switch. It warms quickly, and I step under it. As I turn around, I notice Logan is watching me. My first instinct is to shrug apologetically. I don’t know what I’ve done or why he’s studying me the way he is.

He gives me a lopsided grin and steps up to me. “You are so adorable. I like watching you. Your face is constantly telling me what you’re thinking. So fascinating.” His lips brush against my wet forehead, and then he lowers his forehead against mine and our noses touch. Water continuously runs in tiny streams over our faces, but it is a special moment, and I relish every second of it.


he sun is shining brightly outside and beams of light gleam off the flaxen strands throughout Logan’s hair. It casts a slight halo over his face, and to me he looks the very definition of an angel. As I look at him, the light glimmers and shadows over the curves and angular plains on his face.

His breathing is still slow and deep, the breathing only a peaceful sleep brings on. Or maybe it’s just an exhausted sleep. He woke me up two more times last night for more lovemaking, and I must say I’m thoroughly worn out, but I have never felt so alive and refreshed so damn early in the morning. What the hell has happened to me? I scowl. I can see the wall clock, and it’s just barely after seven in the morning.

I shrug and go back to staring at the man who made the sweetest love to me last night. Our first time was carnal and wild, but the second and third were slow, steady, and filled with a pure passion that made my heart ache with feeling. He shattered my resistance last night. I gave him everything I had to give in one night of the most sensual sex ever.

I lost count of my orgasms and won’t even pretend to be a little ashamed. I am unashamed and utterly ecstatic with everything that has happened. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I have ever been this happy. A broad grin spreads across my face when he starts to stir. I stay still, watching him with adoration gleaming in my eyes.

His lids flutter open and blink rapidly to clear his foggy eyes. I can see the exact moment the haze of sleep clears, and he sees me smiling at him. His face lights up, and his eyes tilt with the oncoming smile. It’s like pulling black curtains open in the middle of the day. The burst of light that comes through is what his smile looks like when it spreads across his beautiful face.

My heart stutters…and I gulp. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph—he is so freaking gorgeous! I’m breathless. I’m falling. Fast. Hard.

“Thank you.” The words are barely a whisper as they escape my mouth. Once they’re out I can’t believe I’ve said them. But he seems to gather my meaning because he leans over and kisses me tenderly, with such affection I feel my heart bloom within my chest.

Oh, sweet baby Jesus, please help me. I’m losing myself to him with every breath. He pulls back and presents me with a mischievous grin. It’s part smirk, part smile, and all man. I giggle at him and rise up from the bed, taking the sheet with me and wearing it like a Greek toga.

“You’re very welcome, Miss Macgregor. Have I told you how sexy you look with that after-sex glow and tousled hair?” He twitches his eyebrows, and I laugh out loud. “I haven’t? Well, let me proceed to inform you, Miss, that you…” He rises out of bed and walks toward me naked. “…are the sexiest and most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” His lips are on mine in a second, and he holds nothing back.

Morning breath be damned. I open my mouth to him, and he takes possession. He kisses like he fucks…intensely! It’s one thing for a man to have a sexy mouth, but it’s another matter when he knows how to use it with such skill.

I can feel the familiar tingle between my legs as I begin to moisten with expectancy. I’ve had him all night long, and I want more. Much more. I don’t think I can get enough of this man. I want him to be mine and mine alone. And it’s confusing as hell because I know it can’t be. He isn’t even from the same state, and he said his home is in Scotland. Shit on a stick, can I pick ‘em or what?

His lips leave mine, and I’m once again restless with need. He looks at me and cocks his head to the bathroom, and I follow.

I really have to pee, but I’m just not on that level of comfort with him yet. “Um…can you step out for a minute?” I ask shyly. He chuckles and steps into the shower.

“I won’t hear you over the shower. Does that satisfy your modesty?” He cranks the water on, and in seconds the bathroom is beginning to steam up. I promptly tend to my morning needs and then hop into the shower with him.

His body is lathered up, and he’s rinsing himself off under the pulsating water. Good idea. My muscles feel like I ran a marathon, and I’ll bet that massaging cycle will feel spectacular.

I turn on my showerhead and adjust the spray to pulse and step under the soothing heat. I release a long, relaxing sigh as the water runs over my face and down my chest and belly. It feels like hot silk gliding over my skin. I’m momentarily lost to the sensation, and I move slowly so I can feel the water as it glides over every inch of my body.

The simple things are so much more if you just slow down and enjoy them like a rich red wine. As I spin like a carousel under the water, I keep my eyes closed and block everything else out. Nothing else exists but the feel of hot water running sensuously over my flesh. My nipples harden and ache with the need to be touched. I become aware of Logan behind me. The air around me swirls up my spine and over my shoulders, wringing a shudder from my body.

Long, skilled fingers caress my shoulder as his other hand tickles a trail up my back and pushes my wet hair over my shoulder and onto my breast. His hands meet between my shoulder blades and begin to massage up and down my back in slow, methodical circles. I release my pent-up breath and begin to relax as his strong hands work their magic over my tense muscles.

After a few minutes, he grabs a sponge and squeezes bodywash onto it and then works it into a good lather. He works in the same slow circular motion down my legs and over my torso until he reaches my breasts. He washes over them once with the sponge and then squeezes the lather in his hands and drops it.

His eyes gleam, and I know his intent, but it still sends a thrill through my body like a bolt of lightning when his hands cup my breasts and squeeze. He massages the soap into them until they are both white mounds of soap. His fingers glide through the lather and slip over my smooth skin, brushing my nipples. He works his fingers over my areolas and around my now beading nipples but doesn’t touch them. Oh…but I want him to. Desperately want it.

He rubs them into fevered peaks and then takes mercy on me and finally plucks them like ripe grapes. The sensation causes me to gasp. They’re so sensitive from his play that I nearly come on the spot. He’s watching my face and sees the effect he’s having on me.

“I’m going to make you come without ever touching you there,
mo mhuirnín
.” His voice is deeper, breathier, each word more weighted than the last. He emanates masculinity, and I feel a tingle intensify under his magical fingers.

His hands are burning into my skin. The water sprinkles moisture so my breasts are slick and so sensitive I can feel the whisper of a caress with astounding depth and sensual clarity. It’s exhilarating. It’s addictive.

“Think of me, Sulwen. Think of how I feel when I enter your hot, wet pussy. Think of how you stretch around me as I glide in and out of you. Think of how it feels when I circle your tight little nub with my thumb until you’re blind with pleasure. Think of it…” I start to feel the wave crest as it builds to a flaming intensity so strong that I grit my teeth together and squeeze my eyes shut. I’m burning, burning, and it feels so freaking good. I can’t take it anymore. I mewl and pant. My body is shaking. My hands are pulling at him. Desperately seeking release. I need it. Oh, sweet heaven, it’s so strong.

His teeth clamp down on the flesh where my neck meets my shoulders, and I feel my orgasm crash over my body like a tsunami. My scream is muffled by his hand. He trails stinging bites up my neck and follows them with sweet licks that replace the sting with pure pleasure. Warm breath brushes my mouth as he nibbles my bottom lip and then he sucks it into his mouth and kisses me.

His lips are punishing mine, and I’m pleasantly shocked by his voracious appetite for me. I moan and push myself into him. His erection is pulsing with his heart against my stomach, and it sends an electric current straight to my still throbbing core.

Logan pulls back and cups my face. “God, you’re beautiful when you come. I could watch you all day.” His eyes travel over my face, memorizing me as if his life depends on it. For a moment his shield falters, and I can see longing in his eyes. He looks forlorn for a second but quickly shields it. I puzzle over it for a minute but decide to leave him be. I’m as confused as he is, and I can understand if he’s a little worried about the level of attraction between us.

“Let’s finish up. I have a big day planned for us, and I want to get an early start.” The melancholy expression that overcame his face moments ago is quickly brushed aside.

I need to shave, so Logan steps out a little while before I do. When I exit the bathroom and see the bed, there are two suitcases on it. One is propped open, and Logan is digging through it for something.

He’s wearing a gray Nautica t-shirt with navy blue cargo shorts. His hair is loose and still wet. He has a strand tucked behind each ear to keep it from falling in his eyes. Logan doesn’t even have to try, and he’s sexy as hell.

The things we did last night and this morning replay in my mind. My face is getting warm, so I quickly avert my gaze and walk over to the suitcase on my side of the bed.

Logan looks up at me over the lid of his suitcase. His eyes are bright and shining. The green in them reflects the light coming in from the window like a gemstone. I catch myself and quickly look back down as I start to sort through the clothes in my suitcase.

“Where did these come from, Logan?” I pick up the purple dress I purchased from Old Navy a few days ago. Underneath there are a couple pairs of shorts, tank tops, and some halter tops. I pull out a purple paisley halter top and set it aside.

“Tonya packed a small bag for you and had it waiting in the back of her car,” is his only reply. Logan steps around the bed and comes to stand beside me. He eyes the purple dress with such longing. I giggle, and he looks up and grins. “Wear something you can walk in. We’re going to be moving about all day. Stress comfort over glamour, please.” He looks back down at the dress, and for a moment I wonder if he’s changing his mind, but he shakes his head and turns it loose, resolved to his course of action again. “It’s supposed to be seventy-five degrees today, so we should be fairly comfortable in shorts.” He leans forward and kisses the end of my nose. “I’ll meet you downstairs. I’m going to gather some breakfast for us.”

I nod and go back to searching my suitcase.

I get ready in record time. One hour flat. My makeup is light and airy. My hair is pulled back in a French braid underneath my floppy straw hat, and I’m wearing a sleeveless blue lace ruffle top with white shorts and my red ballet flats. Totally walking appropriate. Tonya has been doing most of my shopping since I gave her my credit card and told her to find me a new wardrobe. Style is not something I tend to bother with, but I’m learning to love it.

I make my way downstairs to the dining room to find Logan sitting at a table waiting for me. His eyes take me in from head to toe, and he nods his approval while trying to hide his smile. His gaze lingers on my exposed long legs as I walk toward our table. I put a little more swagger in my step, and he chuckles at me as I reach the seat and take my place.

He’s thought of everything. There are two pieces of Texas French toast covered in syrup and powdered sugar, a steaming bowl of oatmeal with sliced strawberries spread over the top, and a plate of fresh fruit beside my glass of orange juice. It looks delicious. I dig in.

We make small talk as we eat. Logan can’t seem to take his eyes from me, and it is a little unnerving now that we’re out of our little sex den. I feel too exposed sitting here in a thin halter top and short shorts. He has a lot of skin to look at, and he’s not missing an inch.

His gaze is like a caress as it explores me throughout our meal. I set my fork down, too full to eat another bite, and push my plate away. He’s finishing his last drink of juice and looks up at me as he swallows.


“Sure. Where are we going?” I know he’s not going to answer me, but I continue to interrogate him anyway. He smirks at me and then shakes his head.

“I’m not telling you. It’ll be plain enough in a few more minutes. Trust me. This is going to be a day you will never forget. I promise!” He’s so excited, and it’s rubbing off on me. He hops up and reaches for my hand. I take it and we head off.

Once in the Range Rover, he opens the moonroof and rolls all the windows halfway down. I put on my sunglasses and crank up the radio. Logan reaches over and plugs in his iPhone.

A few seconds later, Avenged Sevenfold is blaring through the SUV. Good looks, great in bed, and great taste in music…this is too good to be true. I smile over at him, turn it up a little louder, and sit back to enjoy the ride.

The huge exit signs on the interstate and his elated smile were what gave it away. We’re going to Busch Gardens. I haven’t been to a theme park since I was a little girl, and a small, childlike thrill runs through me. I’m going to ride every roller coaster they have. I can see them in the distance as we pull up into the massive parking lot.

Logan pulls the SUV into a marked space. While he’s rolling up the windows and locking up the car, I step out and around for a better view of the park. It’s so big I can’t fathom seeing it all in one day, but I want to try.

BOOK: Kairos
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