KanesBounty (11 page)

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Authors: A.S. Fenichel

BOOK: KanesBounty
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He slid his fingers away from her pussy, and placing them in
his mouth, licked her juices from the digits. She tasted her own juices, salty
on his tongue, yet it filled her with renewed desire.

“That was unbelievable. I can’t wait to feel you come.” She
wrapped her fingers around his hard shaft and slid them from the tip to the
base. They both moaned. His cock spread pleasure to every nerve in her body.
Her clit tightened once again, with need producing an ache between her legs.

The memory of how she could taste her own juices when it was
Kane who had sucked them from his fingers emboldened her. She got to her knees
and cupped his balls before kissing the tip of his cock.

She felt as if it were her own appendage being delighted by
her lips. Pleasure of an entirely new kind simmered in her blood. Her body
hummed with excitement as she lowered her mouth onto his hard, velvety skin.

He called her name and she heard it in her mind loudly. Then
he spoke to her without opening his mouth.
Swing your hips around so I can
taste your sweet pussy.

She stopped mid-suck, not sure what to do. He actually spoke
inside her head. It was the strangest experience to share a mind. Far more
intimate than sex alone. He nudged her knee closer with one hand. Before she
had time to think about it, she was straddling his face and sucking his cock
deep into her throat.

It was impossibly erotic. His lips and tongue swirled and
sucked her clit, while she also felt the effect her mouth had on his cock. She
knew when she took him deep in her throat, his ecstasy increased, and he also
liked it when just the tip of her tongue traced a path up and down his bulging

Heat spread from her pussy to every cell of her body and she
had no idea if it was her own rapture or his that she felt. In the moment, it
made no difference. He sucked hard on her clit and she gave a full-mouthed
moan. She took him deeper and opened her throat while wrapping her hand around
his girth and tugging up to meet her mouth. She knew he was close to coming and
the heat burned as if she were on fire.

Kane pushed her hips away from his mouth.
I want to be
inside you when you come.

She let his cock slide from her mouth and moved over,
lifting her ass in the air. Her wet pussy was exposed to him and she felt his
delight at seeing her doggie pose.

His hands settled on her hips and his cock teased her slit.
She heard the foil pack crinkle as he opened it and tossed the packaging away.

Lena lowered her shoulders so her hips tilted even farther
up and she leaned back just enough so the tip of his shaft pressed against her
pussy. The heat that had infused her body seared her as he thrust fully inside
her. His joy and her own mingled together in a way that felt ethereal, as if
they hovered somewhere outside their bodies. She could no longer identify where
her pleasure ended and Kane’s began. His desire and her own were one emotion,
ebbing and flowing with each thrust of their bodies.

The fire that burned throughout her contracted to a point
between her legs. She reached down and touched her slick clit, pressing and
rubbing until she exploded around his cock, screaming his name. Her name echoed
against the walls of her mind as he pumped quick and deep.

The explosion of sensation and emotion flooded both her body
and her mind at once. She gasped, trying to catch her breath.

Kane slid from her pussy and she felt him lift off the bed.
She collapsed on her side and pulled the pillow under her head. A minute later,
his weight settled in behind her.

“Thank you,” Kane said.

“That was the most incredible thing I have ever

His lips pressed against her shoulder. “Me too.”

Chapter Seven


It was true. He had never had sex while he’d had the other
person be open to his probing mind. It was not something he’d ever even
considered doing until his brother coerced them into a probe in the safe house.
After that, it was constantly in the back of his mind. He wanted to have all of
Lena all at once. The fact she allowed the intimacy astounded him. He felt sure
she would have told him to go to hell. Everything about the woman in his arms
surprised him.

Lena Cruz excited him in ways he never had expected. She was
beautiful and he found her attractive, but he found many women attractive. He
definitely wanted to fuck her almost all of the time, but he also wanted the
life in the second vision. It was a life he had never dreamed of for himself.
He’d never wanted to have people need him that way. He didn’t keep the kind of
hours conducive to a family. It was impossible, and yet, here she was, in his

He ached with need for what the stones had only given him a
glimpse of. His entire body had reacted to the idea. The child in the vision
was already a part of him. If the first vision came to pass, it would be more
than just Lena’s body zipped into the body bag. His children would be dead as
well. Pain streaked across his chest and he reached up, wiping a tear from his

This is crazy.

Joshua had asked if he was in love with Lena and he had not
really known how to answer, having no prior experience with the emotion. It had
gotten him wondering about all of the new feelings that coursed through his
mind. One thing he knew for certain, he had to protect her. He couldn’t let the
outcome in the first vision come to pass.

That unpleasant thought was his last before Lena’s even
breathing lulled him to sleep.

* * * * *

Kane felt Troth Banta even before the presence of another
telepath woke him. The mercenary’s Psi abilities niggled at the back of Kane’s
mind, forcing his eyes open.

“Lena, get dressed fast.” He pushed out of bed and she was
on her feet in seconds.

She did as he said and pulled her clothes on. “What is it?”

“Banta.” Kane walked to the window and peered out of the
corner of the curtain without disturbing the cloth. He could see the parking
lot and trees beyond. No sign of any person, but he knew they were close. With
only one way out of the room, he pulled on his clothes, grabbed his duffle and
dug out the gun his brother had provided. Then he opened the door slowly.

“Stay close,” he said.

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he knew it was
too late. Banta’s mind pressed down on his and he had to fight to keep the
mercenary from ripping him to shreds. He shielded his mind, throwing up his
wall as quickly as possible while turning to grab Lena.

One of Banta’s soldiers already had his arm wrapped around
her and was pressing a knife to her throat. Kane froze. Three other soldiers
all dressed in black from head to toe and wearing black masks had surrounded
him. He might have been able to fight his way out, but if he did, he would
never save Lena.

Troth Banta had a deep, almost musical voice. “Impressive. I
can usually crush a mind in seconds. I planned to leave you here for that
brother of yours to find. Please drop the weapon.” Banta stepped out of the
shadows. The bright whites of his eyes stood out against his dark-chocolate
skin. He approached Kane with sure strides and looked down at him.

He had little choice, so he dropped the gun. Even though he
was the enemy, Kane couldn’t help being impressed by the sheer size of the man.
If Kane had not been properly trained as an agent, Banta might have been able
to overpower him with his mind. He could have been left in a vegetative state
on the pavement for Joshua to find.

“I didn’t know you were acquainted with my brother. Most
people don’t even know we’re related.”

Banta looked him up and down as if he were a rare insect,
which he was trying to decide if he should crush or study. “He and I served
together before I decided to take another path.”

“One where you do the bidding of scum like Oscar Thorn,”
Kane said.

“Thorn is one of my clients. He pays well and doesn’t
interfere with my methods. He and I share the view that the senses we were
given put us in another class than the rest of humanity. Their laws of right
and wrong do not apply to men like me. If you were smart, you would realize
they don’t apply to you either, Lakeland.”

Kane’s anger bubbled beneath the surface, but he kept his
mental wall in place. “That kind of thinking is a sign of insanity, Banta.”

The big man laughed. “I like you, Kane Lakeland. Everything
I’ve heard about you tells me you’re as good a soldier as your brother, if not
quite as psychically gifted. You should consider joining my team. I might even
be able to get you your own squad in a month or two. It would be very
profitable for you.”

“What about Lena?” Kane wished he could open his mind and
assure her they were not done yet. Her eyes were wide with fear, but he
couldn’t risk letting Banta get in his head.

Banta turned and looked at Lena. She was still tightly held
in the grip of one of his men. “I’m afraid her fate is sealed. I’ve contracted
to bring her back to Thorn and assist him in getting the information from her
he needs.”

“Then I’m afraid I can’t entertain your offer.”

Banta frowned. “Foolish. You can’t win and she isn’t worth
all the trouble of dying. Thorn wants to kill you himself, but I had hoped to
talk you into joining me. I was even willing to buy you from Thorn. You
wouldn’t have come cheap either. Once Thorn learned you were sleeping with his
ex, he became obsessed with wanting to kill you.”

“How did he hear that?”

“Wade told him.”

“I thought Wade was working for the government.”

Troth Banta’s shoulders were twice as wide as most men. He
shrugged. “I picked him up after you left him wasted in Mexico. I only missed
you by a few minutes. Wade was much easier to break than one would have thought
of a trained agent.”

“Did you kill him?”

He shook his head. “No point in that. He’s a good source of
information, even if he’s a lousy hunter.”

Banta looked toward the sun. “Time to get you two to

Kane hated being beaten. It gave him a bad taste in his
mouth, but he couldn’t get both of them away. He might be able to escape by
himself, but trailing a hunter of Banta’s skill would be difficult if not
impossible. If they were willing to take him along, he’d bide his time and wait
for a better opportunity.

A long, black limousine pulled into the parking lot. One of
the mercenaries shoved Kane in the lower back. He walked forward and played out
how he would make the soldier pay for it later. In fact, he had plans for all
of them. They pushed him against the car, took his weapons and cuffed him
before he climbed into the backseat. By the time he was frisked and bound, Lena
was already inside. He smiled briefly at her, but she didn’t return the smile.

They were both facing forward, while two men with guns drawn
sat facing them.

Lena’s mind was tightly closed, which was good, but he
missed her emotions flowing through his mind. His own mind could stay open
while blocking Banta or any other telepath. It was part of his training to
close off his thoughts while still being able to read the minds around him. He
didn’t even bother with Banta, but sensed excitement from the rest of the
squadron. They were very pleased to have captured not only Lena, but him as

* * * * *

Later that morning, they arrived in front of the Beacon Hill
federal-style row house. Elegant brick homes lined the narrow street just past
the beauty of the Boston Public Garden. Kane looked up at the three-story
structure and all the windows they potentially could gain their escape through.
One steep flight of steps led up to an ornate front door.

Lena had not said a word since they’d been captured and her
thoughts were still blocked. He looked over and saw her fists clenched at her
sides and her face tightly emotionless. This had been her home. He could only
imagine what horrors she was going through as they ascended the steps to face
Oscar Thorn.

An elderly butler opened the door and looked down his
hawk-like nose at Lena.

“Hello, Monty. You look fine,” Lena said.

“Madam is a bit worse for wear,” the butler said in a
haughty, English accent.

She smiled at his insult. “Oh Monty, it is good to see you.”

The butler bowed, but said nothing else as they were ushered
through the foyer and into a doorway to the right.

He would have given anything to know what she was thinking.
As a telepath, he was accustomed to knowing the feelings and emotional state of
those around him. Lena was so expert at blocking psychic senses that he felt
absolutely nothing from her. He ignored Banta’s steady analytical thinking. The
other soldiers were useless to try to read. Their heads were filled with
various degrees of anger, lust and elation.

When they drew close to the doors, Kane began to sense the
rage burning within the room. Inside, the man himself gave the outward appearance
of a calm, almost careless businessman. His expensive suit was impeccable in
black with subtle pinstriping. He was slim and tall, with his dark hair pulled
straight back off his forehead. His thin lips were tipped up in a fake smile.
To Kane, it was obvious he was furious with both of them.

“Lena, my dear, I’m so happy you’re home.” Oscar Thorn came
around the desk and walked to Lena. He dipped his head as if to kiss her, but
she turned hers and avoided the connection.

“This is no longer my home. In fact, it never was. You made
sure of that.” She ignored the soldiers crowding the study and sat down in one
of the four overstuffed, leather chairs grouped together for conversation. She
looked as if she had sat down in that particular chair a hundred times before
and none of those occasions had been much more pleasant than the current

Kane found his hatred for Oscar Thorn growing by the second.

Thorn smiled brighter, but as his outward elation increased,
so did his internal rage. He turned his attention to Kane. “Mr. Lakeland, you
have made it quite difficult to return my wife to me.”

“Ex-wife,” Kane corrected.

He waved off the correction. “The entire thing has made me
wonder why a man such as yourself would go to so much trouble for a woman he
does not even know.”

Banta pushed Kane down into another of the chairs. The
handcuffs bit into his wrists when his body trapped them against the cushion.

Thorn continued speaking. “Then it occurred to me that my
whore of a wife had likely fucked you in order to gain your assistance. Banta
assured me that this alone would not be enough. He says you take your job quite
seriously and never take bribes of any kind. He told me it was one of the
reasons he wanted to tempt you onto his team. Your records show you are cold
and calculating.”

He paused as if waiting for some response. Kane said

Thorn shrugged. “Then I became curious about you, Mr.
Lakeland. What would make a bounty hunter help a woman of this type? I had a
friend of mine run a check on you.”

Kane’s stomach tightened. His own fury was beginning to get
away from him and he had to make an effort to hold his mind blocks in place.
Banta’s hand gripped his shoulder painfully, letting him know his slip had not
gone unnoticed.

“I learned you have a brother in the service of the
government. I also found out you were offered a similar job in spite of your
less spectacular skills, yet you turned it down. Why?”

“I don’t work well with others.” Kane’s voice was petulant.

Banta’s hand struck him across the back of his head, hard
enough so he saw stars. He grunted and bent forward before straightening again.

Either Thorn was incapable of closing off his mind or he
felt so secure he didn’t bother. Kane could sense everything the magnate was
thinking. He hated Lena, but for some reason hated Kane more. He enjoyed seeing
Kane in pain. It was the first positive emotion he had sensed from her ex. He
drew pleasure from other people’s pain.

Thorn said, “I have it on good authority that you turned
down the job with our fine government because you have no stomach for bending
the rules. Yet you took your fugitive out of the country when you had no
permission to do so.”

“I don’t need permission if the fugitive’s life is in

A painful laugh throbbed out of Thorn’s mouth. “I think you
will have a difficult time proving that Lena’s life is in danger. After all,
I’m not a monster.”

“Ha,” Lena laughed.

There was another jolt of fury from Oscar Thorn, but he
ignored Lena. “Are you in love with my wife?”

Kane narrowed his eyes. “I barely know her.”

A broad smile spread across Thorn’s face. He turned to Lena.
“You see, my dear. You were just another piece of ass to him. You fucked this
filthy bounty hunter for nothing. He couldn’t protect you and he doesn’t love
you, so now you’re just the dirty whore I always took you for.”

He actually seemed pleased.

If Lena was affected by either Kane’s words or Thorn’s, she
gave no indication. She sat and watched with a perfectly unreadable expression
on her face.

Thorn leaned over her chair. She backed away as far as the
cushion would let her. His nose was almost touching hers. “Now, where are the
Stones of Adeline?”

“I don’t have them anymore.”

He took her by the shoulders and shook her. “Where are they,

“We threw them in the sea,” she screamed into his face.

Oscar Thorn was at the end of his rope. His need for Lena’s
stones must have been much greater than just wanting to increase his coffers.
Kane sensed the man was nearing hysteria.

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