Karl Marx (54 page)

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Authors: Francis Wheen

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If I denied everything that has been said and written of me …

Chicago Tribune
, 5 January 1879.


I do not reply to pinpricks …
’ Letter from KM to Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis, 22 February 1881.


He is a short, rather small man …
’ Letter from Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant Duff MP to the Crown Princess Victoria, 1 February 1879; first printed in ‘A Meeting with Karl Marx’,
Times Literary Supplement
, 15 July 1949.


He found an exact description of his anxieties …
’ See ‘Karl Marx. Persönliche Erinnerungen’ by Paul Lafargue,
Die Neue Zeit
, Vol. IX, pt 1 (1890–1), translated in
, p. 73; also ‘Karl Marx and the Promethean Complex’ by Lewis S. Feuer,
, Vol. XXXI, No. 6 (December 1968), p. 15.


Dear Sir, I thank you for the honour …
’ Letter from Charles Darwin to KM, 1 October 1873.


Although it is developed in the crude English style …
’ Letter from KM to FE, 19 December 1860.


Darwin’s book is very important …
’ Letter from KM to Lassalle, 16 January 1861.


It represents a
very significant
advance over Darwin …
’ Letter from KM to FE, 7 August 1866.


Dear Sir, I am much obliged for your kind letter …
’ Letter from Charles Darwin to Edward Aveling, 13 October 1880. This and Darwin’s letter of October 1873 can be found in the IISH, Amsterdam. Both have identical blotches where someone – probably Aveling himself – has spilled ink over them; since the marks are slightly fainter on the Marx letter one deduces that the documents were together on his desk, with the 1880 letter on top, when the accident happened. For more on the Marx – Darwin myth, see the following: ‘The Contacts Between Karl Marx and Charles Darwin’ by Ralph Colp Jr.,
Journal of the History of Ideas
, Vol. XXXV, No. 2 (April – June 1974), pp. 329–338); ‘Did Marx Offer to Dedicate
to Darwin?’ by Margaret A. Fay,
Journal of the History of Ideas
, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1 (January – March 1978), pp. 133–146; ‘The Case of the “Darwin – Marx” Letter’ by Lewis S.
, Vol. LI, No. 4 (October 1978), pp. 62–77; ‘Marx and Darwin: A Literary Detective Story’ by Margaret A. Fay,
Monthly Review
(NY), Vol. 31, No. 10 (March 1980), pp. 40–57; ‘The Myth of the Darwin – Marx Letter’ by Ralph Colp Jr.,
History of Political Economy
(Duke University, North Carolina), Vol. 14, No. 4 (Winter 1982), pp. 461–481.


Darwin declined the honour in a polite, cautiously phrased letter …
’ From
Karl Marx
by Isaiah Berlin (Thornton Butterworth, London, 1939), p. 218.


Marx’s dedication of
to Darwin was evidently made tongue in cheek …
’ From ‘From Hoax to Dogma: A Footnote on Marx and Darwin’ by Shlomo Avineri,
, Vol. XXVIII (March 1967), pp. 30–32.


unlike Marx, Darwin was a genuine scientist …

, 17 October 1998.


Though Marx has lived much in England …
’ From ‘Karl Marx and German Socialism’ by John Macdonnell,
Fortnightly Review
, 1 March 1875.


We are much obliged by your letter …
’ Letter from Macmillan & Co. (London) to Professor Carl Schorlemmer, 25 May 1883.


Is there no hope of it being translated?
’ Letter from Robert Banner to KM, 6 December 1880.


Accustomed as we are nowadays, especially in England, to fence always with big soft buttons …
’ From
The Record of an Adventurous Life
by H. M. Hyndman (Macmillan, London, 1911), pp. 271–2.


out of spite against the world because he was not included in the Cambridge eleven …
’ See
The Proud Tower: A Portrait of the World Before the War, 1890–1914
by Barbara Tuchman (Macmillan, London, 1980), p. 360.


Our method of talking was peculiar …
’ Hyndman, p. 273.


laughing when anything struck him as particularly comic …
’ From ‘My Recollections of Karl Marx’ by Marian Comyn in
Nineteenth Century and After
(London, 1922), pp. 161 ff.


We were invaded by Hyndman and his wife …
’ Letter from KM to Jenny Longuet, 11 April 1881.


Ernest Belfort Bax, born in 1854 …
’ See
The Victorian Encounter with Marx: A Study of Ernest Belfort Bax
by John Cowley (British Academic Press, London & New York, 1992).


Now this is the first publication of that kind …
’ Letter from KM to Friedrich Adolphe Sorge, 15 December 1881.


The visit is proving especially beneficial to Marx …
’ Letter from FE to Johann Philipp Becker, 17 August 1880.


Dear, good Doctor, I should so like to live a little longer …
’ Quoted in
Eleanor Marx
, Vol. 1, by Yvonne Kapp (Lawrence & Wishart, London, 1972), pp. 215–16.


The worst is that Mrs Marx’s state becomes daily more dangerous …
’ Letter from KM to Nikolai Danielson, 19 February 1881.


for my own part I prefer the “manly” sex for children …
’ Letter from
to Jenny Longuet, 29 April 1881.


Between ourselves, my wife’s illness is, alas, incurable …
’ Letter from
to Friedrich Adolph Sorge, 20 June 1881.


Jennychen’s asthma is bad …
’ Letter from KM to FE, 9 August 1881.


She has been eating next to nothing for weeks …
’ Letter from KM to FE, 18 August 1881.


drawing closer to its consummation …
’ Letter from KM to Karl Kautsky, 1 October 1881.


If any one outside event has contributed …
’ Letter from FE to Eduard Bernstein, 30 November 1881.


We are no such
’ See letter from KM to Jenny Longuet, 7 December 1881.


A ferryman is ready and waiting, with his small boat …
’ Letter from KM to Laura Lafargue, 13 and 14 April 1882.


a big man in every way, with a very large head …
’ The woman was Virginia Bateman, mother of the novelist Compton Mackenzie. Her reminiscences can be found in
My Life and Times
by Compton Mackenzie (London, 1968), Vol. VII, p. 181.


What I write and tell the children is the truth …
’ Letter from KM to FE, 20 May 1882.


To no one in the world would I wish the tortures …
’ Letter from Jenny Longuet to Eleanor Marx, 8 November 1882.


This, then, is most encouraging …
’ Letter from KM to Laura Lafargue, 14 December 1882.


touch the movements of the mucus …
’ Letter from KM to Dr James M. Williamson, 6 January 1883. See also
Prometheus Bound: Karl Marx on the Isle of Wight
by Dr A. E. Lawrence and Dr A. N. Insole (Isle of Wight County Council Cultural Services Department, Newport, 1981).


I have lived many a sad hour, but none so sad as that …
’ From
, p. 128.


is still not really making the progress it should …
’ Letter from FE to August Bebel, 7 March 1883.


Mankind is shorter by a head …
’ Letter from FE to Friedrich Adolph Sorge, 15 March 1883.


The death is announced of Dr Karl Marx …

Daily News
(London), 17 March 1883.


, unfinished as it is, will beget a host of smaller books …

Pall Mall Gazette
, 16 March 1883.


The talk was of the world, and of man, and of time …

New York Sun
, 6 September 1880.


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Aberdare, Lord 332–3

Allgemeine Literatur-Zeitung

Anneke, Friedrich 134–6

Annenkov, Pavel 103, 105

Arnim, Bettina von 50

‘A Short Sketch of an Eventful Life’ (J. Marx) 174–5

Aveling, Edward B. 367–8, 385–6

Avineri, Professor Shlomo 276–7, 367

Babeuf, Gracchus 98

Bachmann, Dr Carl Friedrich 33

Bakunin, Michael 64, 67, 314–20, 324–5, 332, 338–43, 345–7

Bartels, Adolphe 270–1

Barthélemy, Emmanuel 165

Bauer, Bruno 27, 31–2, 34–5, 40, 56–7, 86, 94, 112

Bauer, Edgar 75, 86, 256–7

Bauer, Heinrich 98

Bauer, Louis 153

Bax, Ernest Belfort 372–3

Becker, Hermann 137

Berlin, Isaiah 366–7

Bernays, Karl Ludwig 67

Bleak House
(Dickens) 149–51

Blind, Karl 238–9

Blos, Wilhelm 46

Börnstein, Henrich 67

Brandenburg, Count 141

Burns, Lydia 261–2, 349

Burns, Mary 12, 81, 261–5

(Marx) 155

birth of 166, 188–9, 227, 254–5, 259, 287, 289–90, 294–5

criticised 299–312

Darwin’s opinion of 363–9

dedication 267, 365–9

Engels influence on 82–3, 267

English translations of 369–70, 385

influence of English economists upon 304

influence of literary fiction upon 304–11

KM finishes Volume One 298–9

plagiarised 371–2

Theories of Surplus Value 308–10

Volume II & III published 385

Carr, E. H. 157, 316, 319

Carter, James 288

Carver, Professor Terrell 173–4

Chartism 81, 132 195–6

Claflin, Tennessee 337

Cologne Workers’ Association 133–4, 139, 165–6

Colonel Bangya 185, 188

Communist Correspondence Committee 103, 109–113

Communist League 112, 116–19, 128, 130–1, 133–4, 151, 153, 165–6, 186, 191, 196–7, 239–40, 269

Communist Manifesto, The
(Marx & Engels) celebrates the bourgeoisie 120–22, 240

compared with ‘Demands of the Communist Party in Germany’ 129–30

comparisons with Capital 305–6

concluding threat 4

contemporary resonance 124

criticisms of 122

early versions of 115–19

Engels contribution to 116–19

first English translation 197

inconsistencies in 132–3

parallels with earlier works 59

plagiarised 252

reception in England 255

style 115–19, 123–4

Condition of the Working Class in England, The
(Engels) 81–2, 91, 304

Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
(Marx) 229–38, 259, 271

Cremer, Randal 280–1, 283–4, 287–8

d’Agoult, Comtesse Marie 66

Daily Telegraph
242–3, 248

Dana, Charles 186

Darwin, Charles 363–9

Demuth, Helene 91, 123, 127, 170–6, 221, 375, 381, 385

Demuth, Henry Frederick 171–6, 386

118, 125–6

Deutsche-Französische Jahrbücher
48, 54, 62, 64–6, 75

Deutsche Jahrbücher
36, 45, 47, 48

Dickens, Charles 149–51

Dolleschall, Laurenz 45–6

Dronke, Ernst 130–1, 136, 138

Duff, Sir Mountstuart Elphinstone Grant 361–3

Duncker, Franz 231–2, 233, 235

Eccarius, Johann Georg 276–8, 298

Engels, Frederick

attempts to raise publicity for

becomes a solider 147

carnal appetite 110–11, 161, 261–5

cavalier 226–7

character 83–4

childhood 76–80

collates notes for

contribution to
The Communist Manifesto

contribution to
The German Ideology

contribution to
The Holy Family
85, 87

criticises KM’s journalism 131–2

criticises structure of

denounces Heinzen 41

discovers KM dead 381

expelled from Belgium 1848 138

falls out with KM 262–5

financial support for KM 85, 91, 141, 152–3, 160–1, 183–6, 222–3, 236, 248, 251, 263–5, 267, 295,
297, 349

first impressions of KM 37, 75–6

flees Cologne 1848 137–8

follows KM to Belgium 90

friendship with KM 83–4

ghost writes KM’s articles for
186–7, 218–19

ghost writes KM’s entries for
New American Cyclopedia

hatred of Prussian officialdom 136

in Germany (1848) 130–2, 136

in Paris (1846) 109–113

knowledge of KM’s infidelities 172–3

meets working-class revolutionaries 98–100

on 1848 revolutions 125

on English proletariat 206

on German elections (1881) 376

on German National Assembly 133

on Julian Harney 198–200

on KM’s bourgeois habits 268

on KM’s contribution to International 285–6

on Marxism 68

Neue Rheinische Zeitung

on power of the hirsute 38–9

on Weitling 102

on world financial crisis 1855 225–6

oration at KM’s funeral 1, 382

predicts world trade crisis 202–4, 222

relationship with parents 76, 79–80, 81, 85–6

takes job at Ermen & Engels 160–1

tours France 1848 140–1

works 75, 80–3, 91

Engels, Colonel Friedrich 144–5

England for All (Hyndman) 371–2

Ermen & Engels 77, 81, 160–1, 265

Ewerbeck, August Hermann 109–110

Favre, Jules 331, 334–5

Fay, Margaret 367–8

Feuerbach, Ludwig 17, 31, 93, 53–5, 86, 93–5

Flocon, Ferdinand 126

Franco-Prussian war 320–2, 341

(M. Shelley) 71–2

Freiligrath, Ferdinand 151, 203, 272, 298

Freyberger, Louise 171–4

Gans, Eduard 24, 31

Garibaldi, Giuseppe 275

German National Assembly 133–4

German Social Democratic Party 12, 153, 376

German Workers’ Club 128

German Workers’ Education Society 151, 153–5, 167–8

German Workers’ Educational Association
see also
League of the Just 98, 117–18, 124

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 9–10, 26

Gottschalk, Andreas 133–5, 145

Granville, Lord 332

Great Exhibition, The 249

Grün, Karl 106–7, 110, 112

Gulliver’s Travels
(Swift) 305

‘Haynau incident’ 273–5

Harney, Julian 196–200, 273–4

Healey, Denis 12

Hecker, Friedrich 139

Hegel, G. W. F. 21–7, 31–7, 53–4, 72–3, 93, 119, 236, 244, 310

Heine, Heinrich 21, 64–5, 67–8, 79, 102

Heinzen, Karl, 40–2, 90, 153

Herwegh, Georg 62, 66–7, 112, 128–9

Hess, Moses 36–7, 43, 86, 90, 106, 116

How Do You Do
? 192

Hyndman, Henry 370–3

International Alliance of Socialist Democracy 319, 338

International Working Men’s Association 272–88, 314, 318–26, 330–47

Jane Eyre
(Brontë) 51

Jones, Ernest 190, 196, 200, 206–7

Kinkel, Gottfried 152, 189–94

Köppen, Karl Friedrich 39–40

Kriege, Hermann 105–6

Kugelmann, Ludwig 286, 295–6, 312–13, 357–8

La Réforme
126, 128

Labour Party (British) 4, 12

Lafargue, Paul 19, 284, 290–3, 343, 350–52, 386

Lassalle, Ferdinand 55, 207, 211, 230–5, 243, 245–7, 249–54, 286, 317

League of Outlaws 98, 116

League of the Just 98–9, 109–112, 116

Le Lubez, Victor 276, 281, 284

Le Moussu, Benjamin Constant 351

Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 2, 386

Leopold I 90

Leske, Karl 92–3

Lessner, Friedrich 38, 99, 117–18, 124–5, 172, 282, 284, 318

Levy, Joseph Moses 242–3, 248

Liebknecht, Wilhelm 38, 74–5, 123, 153–5, 217, 221, 238, 256–8, 286

Life and Teaching of Karl Marx, The
(Lewis) 212

Lissagaray, Prosper Olivier 326, 352, 354

London Trades Council 275–6, 281, 288

Longuet, Charles 326, 343, 350, 351–2, 374

Louis Philippe, King 61–2, 90, 125

Lucas, Betty 50

Mao, Chairman 1–2

Marx, Edgar 111, 179, 216–18

Marx, Eleanor 8, 20, 55, 65, 72, 171–2, 174, 212, 215–16, 220–2, 234, 264, 268, 326, 352–9, 367, 371, 377, 379–81, 385–6

Marx, Franziska 175–7, 215

Marx, Heinrich (formerly Hirschel Marx) 10–11, 13–18, 28–30, 126

Marx, Heinrich Guido (‘Fawkesy’) 152, 160, 167

Marx, Henriette 9, 12, 19, 126, 246, 248, 265

Marx, Jenny (‘Jennychen’) 19–20, 63, 220, 234, 248, 256, 264, 267–8, 343, 350, 352, 379–81

Marx, Johanna Bertha Julie Jenny (formerly von Westphalen)
arrested 127, 138

attempts to enlist financial support for her family 157–8, 159–60

attitude towards engagement 49

background 17–21

becomes KM’s secretary 182

bemoans poor reception of

dies 376

effects of poverty upon 235–6, 249, 253–4 264

engagement to KM 18–20, 33–4

fears for KM’s faithfulness 66

health 235–6, 244–5, 373–6

incompetent parenting 63

inheritance 219, 266

intimidated by KM 50–1

marries KM 52

mourns loss of grandchildren 292

on Engels’s character 349

on Ferdinand Lassalle 250–1

on Franco-Prussian war 322

on Germany 247

on Grafton Terrace 220–3

on Marx family’s struggle for survival 157–9

on poor reception of
Critique of Political Economy

opinion of Belgium 91

praises Engel’s vitality 261–2

pursued by Willich 164

reaction to KM’s infidelity 171, 174–7



absent-mindedness 40

agent of Satan 3

appetite for duelling 15–16, 164, 192

bourgeois patriarch 74–5, 180–5, 219–23, 240, 266, 268, 296, 298, 335–6, 342, 358–61

chess lover 122–23, 389

consumerism 63

defies physical limitations 13

denounces rivals 21, 41–3, 54, 61, 86–7, 93–5, 104–110, 135–6, 167–9, 189–95, 242–4, 247, 361

diplomatic caution 46–7

disorderliness 28–9, 62–3, 169–70, 293–4

dominant presence 117–18

drinking habits 14–15, 28–9, 34–5, 40–1, 44, 74–5, 91, 170, 256–7

effect of facial hair on others’ perception of 4, 37–9, 379

fencing technique 155–6

foul temper 169

gregarious loner 269–72

hopelessness with money 52

illegible handwriting 84–5

incompetent parenting 63–4

insensitivity 48, 50, 262–5

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