KateUndone (11 page)

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Authors: Marie Harte

BOOK: KateUndone
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“He’s wet. Like me.” Kate sounded surprised.

“You haven’t touched a male like this before?”

She blushed. “No. The few I was with mostly wanted inside
me. And some of the humans I played with weren’t into anal.”

A feral need to wipe the memories of those males from her
mind had him growling. “Add another finger.”

Kate eagerly complied, and Jesse watched as she pumped her
fingers inside Logan, getting a feel for what he liked as their mate moaned his

“Now move back and watch Logan get pounded.” Jesse waited
for her to step back then aligned his cock with Logan’s hole. He was thick and
hungry, and he had no intention of being gentle. “First I like to tease him.
Let the head just sit there.”

“Bastard,” Logan growled and tried to shove himself back
over Jesse.

“See how frustrated he gets?” Jesse gripped Logan’s hips and
stopped his movements. “I like to play, to wait.” He pushed another inch in,
content when Logan shifted and sweat broke out over his back. “Then more.”

Without warning, he shoved himself balls-deep into Logan’s

Kate gasped and Logan swore. But Jesse had only just begun.

“Don’t stop touching yourself, Kate. Let’s see those ripe
tits. Pinch them.”

Her lust tasted sweet on the air, and he rocked into Logan
in time with her pulsing desire. The hot grip Logan had on his cock pushed him
to drive harder.

“You’re so fucking hard,” Logan groaned. “I’m gonna come.”

“No, hold it.” Jesse slapped Logan’s ass and stilled, though
it went against every thought in his head to stop. Kate’s and Logan’s protests
came from within him, and he felt Kate’s
pushing at him. “Kate…”

“Don’t stop, Jesse. Show me what to feel, what to do when
you’re the one fucking me. When you’re the one coming inside my ass.”

He thrust again, unable to stop himself. She needed him.
Logan was frantic to feel him sliding deeper. He loved the slap of Jesse’s
balls against his ass and the feel of his cum sliding down Logan’s thigh. Kate
loved his taste, the salty-sweet cream that pulsed from his shaft. And she
wanted to see him coming inside Logan.

“Stop it. Get out of my head,” he snarled as he took Logan
harder. Ramming inside that fine ass, needing to unload his worries, his cum,
his desire.

“More,” Logan ground back, meeting Jesse thrust for thrust.

Then Kate knelt behind Jesse and wrapped her arms around
him. He felt her breasts against his back, her pussy against his ass. Her hands
around the base of his cock as she held him while he pushed inside Logan.

“Oh fuck.” He couldn’t stop the huge climax that burst over
him from his balls to his brain. The pleasure resonated within all three of
them, and Jesse had never felt freer, or more scared, than he did right now.

“It’s okay.” Kate kissed his shoulders, his back, and
trailed her lips back up to his neck. “My mate. My Ravager.” She caressed
Logan’s thigh. “And my lover, who wants nothing more than to take me the same
way, hmm, Logan?”

Shit. Jesse had a hard time catching his breath. But he
could feel Logan’s need like his own. “Do it,” he said thickly. “Ream her.”

“I’m not going to last, but I’ll try to go easy on you,”
Logan managed to say as he rose to his knees and pulled Kate forward. “Bend

His low growl seduced with passion. And Jesse took Kate’s
place, watching and helping as Logan readied to take her ass.

“First, get wet in her pussy,” Jesse murmured.

“Oh yeah.” Logan groaned as he sank inside Kate in one swift

“Oh!” Kate moaned. “That feels so good.”

Jesse couldn’t wait until they took her at the same time.
Her ass and pussy, fucking her while fucking each other through her, the
perfect solution.

“Yeah, now. I want it now,” Kate said, looking straight at

“Use the stream,” Logan hissed at him as he fucked Kate.
“And hurry the hell up.”

Jesse quickly rinsed himself off in the stream, not at all
surprised that he was ready to go again. Kate did something to him, made him
need in a way only a Ravager female could. She didn’t lessen his desire for
Logan, but she made him crave more than mere physical gratification. She made
him want to love and be loved. Crazy thoughts, nonsense. Yet there they were,
and they weren’t going away.

He rejoined them and lay down next to them. “Get on.” He
held his cock for Kate.

Logan pulled out of her. “Ride him. Do it.” The authority in
his voice turned Kate on, and Jesse felt it arouse him as well. Normally
easygoing, when Logan turned mean, he aroused the hell out of Jesse.

Kate straddled Jesse and settled her hot pussy over him.

“Fuck, Kate. That’s good.” He pulled her close and kissed
her, drinking in her scent as well as Logan’s. She felt so slick and greedy
around him, drawing him tighter, making him want to give her everything.

“Yes,” she breathed and kissed her way to his ear. “I want
everything, Jesse. Everything due your mate. Your cum, your control.” She
nipped his ear. “Your love.”

Logan joined them. “Lean over him, baby. And feel me inside
you again. It’s going to be tight.”

Logan brushed against his legs and positioned himself over
Kate, who lay very still. Jesse could feel Logan’s entry, the thin barrier of
Kate’s flesh between them not much to prevent the fullness from impacting him
as well. As a Ravager, she could take pain and adjusted to anything sexual with
ease, but Logan wasn’t small. And the thought of them both taking her made
everything finally right.

“Oh yeah. This is perfect,” he rasped and kissed Kate with
everything he had inside him.

Then Logan started to move, and he lost it completely.

Kate’s full tits scraped against his chest like twin streaks
of pleasure. Logan drove them, shoving into Kate with less than gentle rocking,
but with a powerful jolt that had to burn. And Jesse knew she loved the small

“Yes, yes,” she cried, filling him with feminine need. She
was finally full, stuffed with her mates, and she fought the ending, not
wanting to come yet.

He held their weight with ease, attuned to his lovers and
wanting the ultimate thrill of coming together in Kate.

“Give it to me,” he and Logan said as one, feeling the same,
knowing the same. A moment of clarity and joy, when Kate finally clenched tight
around them and blew apart, moaning their names.

She squeezed the orgasm out of him, and Jesse swore as he
jetted into her, his balls drawn tight, the ache of pleasured pain oh so good.

“That’s it. Yes.” Logan thrust again and stilled, his head
thrown back, his eyes closed, as he spilled inside her. “Fuck, yes.”

The awkward positioning soon had Logan withdrawing to lie
beside them. Kate draped over Jesse, and Logan rolled closer to them, hugging
them into his warmth.

“No more shielding yourself,” Kate slurred. “You hear me,

“Whatever you want, mate.” He sighed, truly content for the
first time in his life. With Kate and Logan by his side, he had nothing else he
needed in life.

“I want to know how you feel.”

He blinked up into her dark brown eyes, bewitched and
bewildered by her sudden anger. A glance next to him showed Logan fighting a

“Just tell her what she wants to hear so I can get that
blowjob I’m still aching for,” Logan prodded.

“What, Kate?”

“I love you and Logan. Logan loves me and you. But you
apparently only want us for sex.”

“You’re kidding, right?” he growled. “If all I wanted was
sex, I could have Logan, Terry or half the males in the compound.”

“Hey.” Logan’s smile faded.

“You’re both major pains in my ass. Logan doesn’t like me
protecting him. You want me to spill over into tears, an emotional wreck. Have
you seen what an idiot Eric’s become since loving Vicki? The damn woman has him
getting her weird food at all hours of the night at the snap of her finger.”

Logan’s chuckle turned into a cough when Kate glared at him.
“Sorry. She’s breeding, Jesse. He’s just showing her he cares. You’re telling
me you won’t give Kate whatever she wants when she’s carrying?”

“Hell, I’ll give her whatever she wants now. No need for
kids for that.”

Kate seemed mollified by the comment, but not completely
satisfied. “Then why not just tell me you love me?”

“They’re just words.”

“So lie and make me happy.”

He ground his teeth. “But I don’t want to lie to you.”

Her lips quivered. “You don’t love me?”

“No. I don’t believe in love, period. It’s a human emotion.
It’s enough I want to be pack with you, considering the hell I came from.
Family is new to me, this belonging.”

“But we were pack before.” Kate didn’t understand, but he
thought Logan did.

“We were in Eric’s pack, but we weren’t his. Eric never
claimed me, or you or Logan. It was a safe place to grow up, but not to
actually belong. Trust me, I know what a pack is. A place where my fathers were
always trying to kill one another when not fucking my mother. You think I want

Logan huffed. “Come on, Jesse. How much of that have you
seen here?”

“How many Ravager females are in the clan? Most of the mated
ones live in the city, and the few that are in the compound are kind of wild. I
don’t know. But I still want to spend the rest of my life with you. Both of
you. I’d give my life to make you safe and happy. There’s an instinctive need I
have to keep you, forever. What the fuck more do you want from me?”

Logan shared a glance with Kate and turned back to Jesse
with a smirk. “That’s love, dumb ass. Human emotion or not. We’re Kate’s now.”

“Hmm, he won’t say it, but he feels it.” Kate smiled. “Good
enough for me.”

“But not good enough for me,” Will Lawless interrupted with
a snarl.

They jumped to their feet and shifted into their
but Jesse saw they were clearly outnumbered. “How many did you need to bring
with you to feel safe, you piece of shit?” He counted a dozen outcasts.
Probably all that remained of the once-threatening Lawless Clan.

“Enough to take back my female and get rid of you once and
for all.”

But before Jesse could take on Will and his buddies, a new
threat developed. Masked humans appeared on either side of them in the woods
carrying weapons. At least two dozen of them.

“Will Lawless, just who we were looking for,” a masked male
with a deep voice announced.

To one side Jesse and his mates had the river, to the other
a stretch of large rocks. Yet somehow the humans had advanced on them, and they
didn’t carry a scent or make enough warning noise to alert the Lawlesses of
their presence. Jesse had a bad feeling he’d just verified the existence of
that rumored human group, the Watchers. They hated Voiders, and they seemed
particularly interested in Will.

And then all hell broke loose.

Chapter Eight


“What the fuck is this?” Will shrieked and fisted his clawed
hands. He’d finally rounded up the men he needed to take back his prize. And
what a prize it was. Three horny Ravagers, one fertile female, and they’d been
so consumed with their own orgasms they hadn’t sensed him approach. Then again,
after the threats their Prime had made about trespassers, it took a certain
kind of crazy to violate clan orders.

Will didn’t claim to be that sane at the best of times, but
this band of humans surrounding them had to be out of their fucking minds.

He turned from the Savages, unwillingly impressed by how
quickly the males had shifted to protect their supposed mate, and how fast Kate
had assumed her fighting form, a ferocious female willing to battle.

“You’ve killed one too many of us,” one of the humans
decreed and gripped his automatic weapon tight.

Will glared at it. The thing could kill him if he took too
many rounds. But he’d rip that gun away before the feeble human could do too
much damage. He just had to watch out for the other weapons pointed in his

“You don’t belong here,” Jesse Savage growled at the human.
“This is Savage Clan territory. You’re going to start a war you really don’t
want, trust me.”

The one who’d spoken nodded. “This is regrettable, but Will
Lawless belongs to me.”

“Bullshit,” Logan cursed. “The fucker tried to sell my ass
to the Salinas for a murder I didn’t commit. He’s trying to take my mate. Our
mate,” he corrected, nodding at Jesse. “And Ravager business doesn’t concern

“Get out of here.” Even Kate threw in her two cents.

Will was surprised by the warmth that filled him. No matter
that he and the Savages had never gotten along. For all their differences,
Ravagers stood together against a common threat. It bothered him that he’d
forgotten that important fact.

His brethren growled, their hackles raised, and banded
closer. The Savages took a step closer to joining them.

“We’re here for Will Lawless and any remaining members of
the Lawless Clan. The rest of you need to back away,” the human said softly.
“This is between us and the monsters killing innocent women. My sister.” He
motioned to another man. “His mother. Her cousin. His best friend.” He pointed
out the individuals as he mentioned their losses.

Will couldn’t believe the humans actually thought they could
win this little skirmish. “You want a real fight? Drop your masks and your guns
and engage.” He held up his clawed fingers, the promise of a lingering death
for those who thought to challenge him.

“He killed your sister?” Jesse asked.

The human nodded. “And my brother and his wife as well. Took
a bunch of us out at a family picnic. Hell of a thing to come home to after a
long day’s work and find half your friends and family wiped out because a
Ravager wanted a meal.”

“And a fuck, don’t forget that,” Will added with a sneer.
His men laughed and made several obscene gestures.

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