Katie and the Snow Babies (7 page)

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Authors: Gillian Shields

BOOK: Katie and the Snow Babies
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The Mermaid S.O.S. series

Misty to the Rescue

Ellie and the Secret Potion

Sophie Makes a Splash

Holly Takes a Risk

Scarlett's New Friend

Lucy and the Magic Crystal

Amber's First Clue

Katie and the Snow Babies

Text copyright © 2007 by Gillian Shields
Illustrations copyright © 2007 by Helen Turner

All rights reserved. You may not copy, distribute, transmit, reproduce or otherwise make available this publication (or any part of it) in any form, or by any means (including without limitation electronic, digital, optical, mechanical, photocopying, printing, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

First published in Great Britain in 2007 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Published in the United States in 2009 by Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children's Books
   Electronic edition published in September 2012

For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to Permissions, Bloomsbury BFYR, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Shields, Gillian.
Katie and the snow babies / by Gillian Shields ; illustrated by Helen Turner.
—1st U.S. ed.
p. cm. — (Mermaid S.O.S.)
As they continue their quest to find the snow diamonds, Katie and her mermaid
friends seek help from the Chief Walrus, but first they must save his young
grandson, who sneaked away to play with his best friend, a polar bear.
[1. Mermaids—Fiction. 2. Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. 3. Polar bear—
Fiction. 4. Walrus—Fiction. 5. Friendship—Fiction. 6. Ecology—Fiction.]
I. Turner, Helen, ill. II. Title.
PZ7.S55478Kat 2009    [Fic]—dc22    2008032799

First U.S. Edition 2009

ISBN 978-1-61963-008-6 (e-book)

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