Keeping Karly (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Keeping Karly (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Grant swallowed the apprehension that had somehow risen to almost choke him. Despite his confident words to Bryce before they’d come into the room it seemed a small part of him had worried that he’d misread the situation. It was more than a little humbling to realize that having a future with this woman was something that he’d been willing to walk to the ends of the Earth to secure.

The fact that she seemed perfectly suited to their domination was a gift he could barely believe. She hadn’t even recoiled when Bryce had demanded she marry them. He watched as his brother kissed her savagely, his desperation to be inside their soon-to-be wife obvious in his urgent movements.

But she didn’t hesitate, didn’t show signs of fear. Somehow Karly had found the strength to set aside the horror that she’d lived through, leaving it out of what was happening now.

She gasped softly as Bryce pulled her over the top of him, urging her to sit up as he dragged a condom on. Bryce groaned as she reached to help him, the strangled sound one of near pain. Considering that neither of them had taken a sub in the past year, and Bryce for probably months longer than that, it was probably imperative that their sub keep her naughty hands to herself at the moment.

Grant reached over, snagging her wrists and pulling them behind her back, watching her closely, monitoring her reactions as he held her in his loose grip. Bryce gave him a grateful look as he quickly finished getting the condom into place.

“I’m going to clip these together, little sub,” Grant said in a deep voice that he hoped was reassuring. “Do you remember your safe words, Karly?”

She seemed breathless as she nodded, her chest rising as she gulped for air.

“Talk to us, Karly,” Bryce demanded, nearly freezing in place despite what was most likely a desperate need to claim their sub. “What are you feeling right now?”

She opened her mouth, dragging in another deep breath. Grant started to loosen his grip, worried that the suggestion of being trapped was bringing up terrifying memories.

“No,” she sobbed softly as he let go.

Chapter Fifteen


I’m ready to cry. Despite the amazing feelings of only moments ago I can feel their disappointment in me. Bryce reaches up and touches my face softly.

“It’s okay, baby. We’re not going to run away, but we do need to know what you’re feeling.”

“You promised to be honest in this room,” Grant reminds me. He lets go of my hands completely, but I shake my head and leave my hands where he left them. Yes, I’m scared, but it’s not for the reason they think. It’s my own reactions that are leaving me distraught.

“I didn’t think…” I shake my head. No, that’s not really accurate. “I…I like being here with you both. I didn’t…” I hesitate again.

“Give me a safe word, Karly,” Bryce says as his own voice thickens with what I suspect to be grief.

“Green,” I say, obviously surprising them both.

“Karly,” Grant says, his eyes very sad as he looks at me, “you promised to always be honest in this room.”

“I am. I am being honest,” I say as fear fills me once more. “I want this.” Neither man looks convinced, and the dread that I’m losing them makes me shake all over. I shake my head, no doubt confusing them even more. “I can’t…I don’t know what to say. I feel…I feel good, happy.” Desperate to explain, I probably say too much when I add, “I didn’t expect to.”


* * * *


Bryce glanced at his brother, seeing the same mix of emotions on Grant’s face. They’d both practiced BDSM actively since their early twenties. They’d grown adept at reading a sub’s responses and reacting accordingly, but with Karly, they both seemed to be misinterpreting everything.

With any other sub he would have seen her breathless anticipation and smiled. The same reaction from Karly and he and Grant had interpreted it as terror. It was rather ironic that Karly was the one who’d been able to leave her past outside the bedroom door and it was him and Grant who hadn’t been able to set it aside.

He reached up to touch Karly’s face and moaned softly as she turned and pressed a kiss to his palm.

“Please,” she asked quietly as tears filled her eyes, “I want to try this. I want to be the woman I know I can be.”

Bryce smiled at her phrasing. The woman
can be. Not the woman
they want
her to be. They were willing to keep her in their lives even if she couldn’t fully submit to them in the bedroom, but he and Grant had both suspected that underneath the damaged confidence of a beaten woman had lived the heart of a naturally caring, loving submissive. She needed to please them as much as they needed to please her. If her marriage and the harm it had inflicted had never been part of her past, it was quite likely that the three of them would have moved very naturally to the type of relationship they all wanted.

It was memories of John McCoy’s cruelty that were interfering now, and it was about time they threw that bastard’s influence out of their lives for good.

Bryce nodded to his brother. “Please secure our sub’s arms behind her.”

Grant gave him a worried look, his normal leap-before-he-looks confidence conspicuously absent.

“It’s what we all need to feel normal,” Bryce assured him, swallowing back the worry that he might still be misinterpreting the situation. Karly’s soft “please, Grant” helped disperse his fear completely.

Grant smiled, his movements not quite as confident as usual as he moved to clip together the cuffs around her wrists.

“I love you,” she said to them both, her breath catching as Bryce lifted her onto his cock, his erection only slightly reduced from their discussion. His body knew exactly what they all wanted. It had just taken a little while for his brain to catch up.

Grant helped to steady her as she sank onto Bryce’s hard cock, the soft warmth of her pussy nearly unraveling his control, her quiet moan echoing through his body.

“What are your safe words, Karly?” Bryce asked, nearly growling as her pussy clenched down on his cock.

“Red to stop. Yel–yellow to slow down. Green to go.” She gave him a smile, her warm thighs caressing his hips as she whispered, “Please go.”

He laughed softly. In the past he would have punished any other submissive for trying to tell him what to do, but this was Karly, the woman he loved and wanted a future with.

There would be plenty of chances to punish her with pleasure next time.

His body tightened, his movements growing harder, faster, his thrusting going deeper as he imagined all of the delicious punishments that they would enjoy together for the rest of their lives. Her orgasm was spectacular, her body shaking uncontrollably in his arms as he pounded up into her even harder.

He ground her against him, ramming his cock as deep as it would go, his orgasm hard enough to make his eyes cross. She moaned as her pussy throbbed around his cock, Grant helping her to fall forward onto Bryce’s chest without hurting herself.

“I love you,” she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his chest, his muscles quivering under her gentle touch. He felt Grant release her arms from their confinement, smiling as she levered herself up to press a kiss to Grant’s lips. “I love you,” she said again, this time to his brother. “But is it legal to marry both of you?”

Chapter Sixteen


I should have known that they would have a solution to what I saw as an unfixable problem. Barely a month after my divorce became final, and here we are at a hastily arranged engagement party. The registry ceremony is set for the day after tomorrow, so we’ve decided to combine this celebration with the traditional wedding reception so that after we’re married we can start the honeymoon without the interruption of an exhausting party.

I must say, I do very much appreciate the way my soon-to-be husbands think.


* * * *


Grant tried to stifle a groan as his mother launched into yet another round of twenty questions. He loved her dearly—and truly appreciated her attempts to understand and be a part of her sons’ lives—but dinner had seemed to last forever and he was getting more and more restless. He wanted Karly in his arms and the moment the chance presented itself he planned to take it.

He, Bryce, and Karly had agreed to celebrate their engagement slash wedding reception at the restaurant owned by a friend from the club, but even that small formality was a little annoying in light of the private celebration they had planned for tonight. Finally, after answering more questions about his life than he was comfortable explaining to his mother, Grant watched as Karly moved away from the group of women she’d been speaking to and then headed toward him.

He spared a moment to glare at his brother—it had been Bryce’s idea to have an actual party—before excusing himself politely, and then snagging Karly’s hand to pull her onto the dance floor.

“Impatient?” she asked, reaching up to run her fingers along the lines creasing his forehead.

“Very,” he muttered on a low growl as visions of sliding his bare cock into her pussy filled his head. He’d never had sex without a condom, and as strongly as he felt about safe sex, the idea of taking Karly—the woman he loved with all his heart—with nothing between them thrilled him like no other.

The fact that she’d agreed to start a family straight away had his balls tightening even more. In a matter of hours they could literally create their first child.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked quietly. He almost missed the subtext of her suggestion until she winked and gave him a brilliant smile. The temptation to drag her into the nearest coat cupboard was intense. Hell, they were in Sandra’s restaurant. She was a submissive from the club and even had a special area set aside for her kinky friends. On a Monday night, Grant could almost bend Karly over the nearest table and fuck her right here without anyone batting an eyelid.

Of course that wouldn’t go down well with at least some of the current guests. His and Bryce’s parents were accepting of their lifestyle, but that didn’t mean they understood it or wanted to witness it. And he had no idea how his lovely wife would react to being on display. He longed for a time when she might be comfortable enough to visit the club, perhaps even do a scene with them, but he wasn’t going to push. Fucking her in front of the wedding guests probably wasn’t a good place to start her on the road to discovering her exhibitionistic traits anyway.

“Problem?” Bryce asked as he stepped up behind Karly and kissed her neck.

“Grant is impatient,” she answered with a wide smile.

Bryce gave him a smart-ass grin. “Perhaps our lovely wife can help you with that.”

“I already offered,” Karly said sweetly, “but he doesn’t seem inclined.”

“Perhaps my brother needs to remember that he’s the impulsive one.”

Grant was about to show his annoyance at what seemed to be an insult when Bryce gently wrapped his big hand around Karly’s throat and started to whisper instructions into her ear. Her eyes darkened with arousal as she licked her lips and listened quietly.

Fuck, if he wasn’t impatient before, he sure as hell was now.

Chapter Seventeen


I’m shivering all over as Bryce caresses my throat and tells me what he wants. I squeeze my legs closed, hoping to halt the drip of arousal onto my thighs, and whisper, “Yes, Sir,” as he turns me in the direction of the restrooms and pats my ass.

I walk gingerly, my clit already throbbing at the idea of pleasuring one of my husbands in such a naughty way. Maybe I am more of a deviant that even I realized.

My heart rate is rapid and my breathing out of rhythm as I find the door Bryce described and fumble with the handle. Finally, after at least three attempts the door knob turns properly and the door swings open. I feel for the light switch and am almost disappointed when I find it. The room is small and seems to be nothing more than an ordinary supply closet.

But this is role-playing. Bryce described what I’m meant to do, so I quickly try to decide how to look like a distressed woman who needs help from a big, strong man. I giggle nervously as I imagine what type of payment Grant will want for his “help.”

I jump back nervously as he steps into the room.

“I…I…I’m sorry,” I say, swallowing convulsively, not having to make all that much effort to get into “character.” I’m already quite jumpy. “I seem to be lost.”

“Yet, you somehow found your way into my”—Grant glances around the room in amusement for a moment—“private supply closet.” He steps closer, his height and stance more intimidating than I’d ever realized. I’m shaking in earnest now, no longer needing to follow the “script” to show the nervous emotions the scenario would create. “Tell me, little thief, how do you know where my safe is located.”

“Thief?” I ask, trying unsuccessfully to hide a grin. Apparently, Grant and Bryce refined the scenario after sending me on my way. “I had no idea your safe was in here. I’m merely lost.” The words came out haughty and arrogant just as I’d planned. Grant’s smile of appreciation makes my toes curl in my shoes.

“Turn out your pockets,” he orders with a wide grin.

It’s obvious he knows the dress I’m wearing has no pockets. When I shake my head and show him the sleek lines of the silk and lace bodice and then move my hands down my side to the softly flared skirt in a blatantly sexual move, he grins even more widely.

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