Kela's Guardian (8 page)

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Authors: B.J. McCall

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Kela's Guardian
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“I don’t know the full effect my blood will have on you. You’re not a guardian, you haven’t been blessed by the ritual of the Sacred Fire, but you are not what you were.”

“I’m not human?”

“You’re human, like I was once human.”

“Are you from Earth?”

“My home planet, Agetus, no longer exists.”

“What happened?”

“The demons won the battle and the warrior angels destroyed it to stop the evil from spreading.”

Kela took his hand. “I’m sorry.”

“We can’t let the demons have Earth. Come sundown we have work to do.”

“I’m ready.”

He lifted her hand and kissed her inner wrist. “My brave warrior. You have the power of the cross and something I didn’t expect, the ability to concentrate energy.”

She pointed her fingers and jabbed. Sparks flew. “Wow. I really have fire power.”

“I can train you to master the fire.”

“Can I blow up gargoyles?”

Ansara grabbed her hand. “If you’re not careful, you’ll burn down your apartment. We need to buy a larger place where we can store weapons and work on your fighting skills.”

Kela still had funds in the bank, but not enough to buy a place. “I have enough money to rent a bigger place. Maybe down in the old industrial district.”

Ansara set his empty cup aside and rose from the bed. He picked up his bag and removed a metal box. He sat down beside Kela and opened the lid. The box was filled with coins. “My archangel provided these for our mission. Can you exchange these for currency?”

Kela picked up a coin and examined it. “Real gold?”

“Yes. These coins came from Earth.”

Her father had loved ancient coins and Kela had spent hours with him in museums. “It’s looks Greek and if it’s as old as it looks, it’s valuable. An old friend of my father’s deals in antiquities, I’m sure he can help us.”

Ansara kissed her on the forehead. “I have a present for you.” He scooped up his pants and dug into a pocket. “Hold out your hand and close your eyes.”

Kela followed his instructions.

He moved her arm off to one side and placed something in her palm. “My gift to you.”

She opened her eyes. Point directed away from her body, a tiny sword rested on her palm. “Is it real?”

The words had barely left her mouth when the sword expanded. She instinctively grasped the hilt. “How did it do that?”

“The blade was forged in the Sacred Fire. It senses your commands.”

Kela swung the sword around, testing its weight and feel. The sword was light and the blade about eighteen inches long.

“Be careful. It’s very sharp.”

“You gave me a holy sword?”

“I was awarded a medal, but I asked my archangel for the sword.”

“For me?”

“You earned it.”

Kela jumped up and ran across the room. She turned on the tap and ran the blade beneath the water. Tiny lights appeared along the blade and a sparkling mist began to spread. “It works.”

Ansara joined her in the kitchen and turned off the tap. “The mist will protect you from vampires and lesser demons. The sword is a tool and a weapon.”

“I can lop off the heads of vampires?”

He grinned. “With ease. You’ll need to master the power. Now make it shrink.”

The thought popped into her brain and the sword shrank to palm size again. “It’s amazing. Magic.”

“Respect its power and you’ll be a force against evil. Together we can wipe out the demons Vakkar brought onto this planet.”

“We’re partners?”

He slipped his arms around her waist, drawing her close. “We are. I told the angels all about you. Only one with the true heart of a warrior receives a gift of a sword blessed by the warrior angels.”

“I won’t disappoint them.”

He lowered his head and kissed her. By the time the kiss ended, Kela’s blood was on fire and Ansara’s physical reaction was apparent.

“Together we are a formidable force and come sundown we have work to do.”

Kela grinned. “What should we do until sundown?”

“Hot sex and pizza.”

“Pizza and sex. Just like a man.”

Chapter Six


“Hot sex first.” He picked her up and carried her back to bed. “Secure your sword, soldier.”

Kela placed the sword on the end table. “Sword secured.”

“We’re going to work well together,” he said, pulling her onto his lap.

She sank down on his cock and sighed. “Really well.”

Ansara had experienced the flames of the Sacred Fire and the soul-deep glory of his transformation into a guardian. Heavenly love had been bestowed upon him and he carried it in his heart, but this love for Kela was different and the bond he felt unexpected.

His archangel had smiled in a knowing way as Ansara had explained the feelings Kela evoked and his desire to be assigned to Earth.

He was right where he wanted to be, entwined with Kela, hips rocking and hearts pounding. He’d never been happier than he was at this moment.

She lifted her hips and squeezed him tight as she sank down on him, again and again, making slow love.

She was so beautiful when she made love. Lips slightly parted. Face soft with ecstasy. And when she came she made the cutest face, lips pursed and eyes squeezed tight.

His heart swelled with love and his body responded.

Sensing his heightened desire, Kela rocked her hips faster. She held him so tight, Ansara wanted to explode.

On the edge of release, he shuddered and held back. He wanted this to last and he needed to give her pleasure before he succumbed to the final ecstasy.

He gripped her ass, holding her firmly against him and pushed up with his hips. The deeper he went the more she moaned.

Her nails dug into his shoulders and her pussy clamped down on him. He nearly came and would have if she hadn’t given him the climax face.

He pushed deep and was rewarded with a flood of hot cream, making her slicker and hotter.

She moaned softly.

He cupped her breasts and thumbed her taut nipples. “Come for me again.”

“I love the way you touch me.”

“I love the way you feel. Soft, hot, wet.” He exhaled. “So wet.”

She smiled and clamped down on him. “Long, thick, hard. Perfect fit.”

He leaned down and captured a nipple, suckling gently. Ansara reveled in the sensation of Kela, her taut nipple sliding against his tongue and her lush pussy surrounding his cock.

He suckled deep and strong until her breath came in rapid puffs. He released her breast and sucked in a deep breath. The need to come threatened to overwhelm him, but bringing her to pleasure again would intensify the finale. “Come for me.”

She rode him. Hard. Fast. Wild. Wanton. Pounding him with her pussy. Thousands of tiny lights swirled around them. Demanding his climax, she gushed with heat.

Every muscle tensed. Every nerve fired. The pleasure was so intense and the tension so erotic, Ansara threw back his head and cried out. The lights twinkled out, randomly vanishing as his climax subsided.

His strength momentarily sucked out of him, Ansara collapsed against her.

They held one another, allowing their heart rates to slow and their heated bodies to cool. This aspect of lovemaking was new to Ansara. Fighting evil consumed his life, leaving little time for relationships.

He loved sex, but now the sweet aftermath held special meaning. Being in love was a whole new experience. It felt good. It felt right. Like an emptiness he hadn’t known existed was filled. “I love you, Kela.”

She lifted her head from his shoulder, looked him in the eye and smiled. “I love you, Ansara. Thanks for coming back to me.”

He pushed a damp strand of hair off her forehead. “No place in the universe I’d rather be.”

“The universe is a big place.”

“You have no idea.”

* * * * *


Kela swung her sword, lopping off the head of the last vampire. Fighting side by side, she and Ansara had destroyed another band of bloodsuckers. Vakkar was dead, but his minions, vampire and demon, still haunted the city.

Ansara sheathed his sword, then shrank the weapon. To the unknowing, his belt was decorated with silver swords, crosses and stars, but Kela knew each object was a weapon. Needing to fit in and not draw attention, he’d cut his hair, wore jeans and left his medals at home.

Kela shrank her sword. Eventually, she’d be trained in shooting stars and demon-vanquishing crosses.

“Good night’s work. Your sword skills are improving. I’m proud of you.”

Kela cupped his neck and rose on her tiptoes to kiss him. “I have a great teacher.”

“It’s almost dawn. Let’s call it a night.”

They left the warehouse where they’d trapped the vampires and stepped into the street.

The hair on the back of Kela’s neck stood up. The shadow swooped down out of the fading darkness. She pushed Ansara aside and raised her arm, fingers extended. Spears of blue light shot out of her fingertips, exploding the gargoyle above the street.

Fearing another attack, Kela looked around.

“The demon was alone. Good shot.”

Kela relaxed and looked at Ansara.

“You knew the gargoyle was waiting for us?”

“He watched us go into the warehouse.”

“I didn’t sense him until we came out.”

“You were focused on the vampires. Practicing is good, but there’s nothing like the real thing. With time, your awareness and senses will improve. You’re an excellent warrior.”

“But you had my back?”

He slid his arm around her waist, holding her close as they walked to her SUV. “Always.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t enjoy the work, but I like lopping off the heads of vampires and exploding gargoyles is more fun than shooting skeet.”

“What’s skeet?”

They climbed inside the vehicle and Kela fired the engine. “I’ll explain while we eat.”

“All the pizza shops are closed.”

“I was thinking we’d go to the all-night diner and have bacon, eggs and pancakes.”

“What are pancakes?”

Kela smiled. “I think you’re going to love pancakes.”

“Okay, pancakes, then sex. Watching you wield a sword and blow up demons really turns me on.”

“I think I’m going to like this partnership.”

He reached over and squeezed her thigh. “You’re going to love it. I know I do.”

About B.J. McCall


Born a coal miner’s daughter, B.J. McCall lives on the beautiful California coast. A perfect day includes writing the final chapter of a book and spotting dolphins or whales playing offshore.

Multi-published in ebook and print, B.J. writes sensual romance in contemporary, futuristic, paranormal and fantasy genres. The phrase “do what you love” applies to B.J. She loves to write and every story is special. She hopes her readers will enjoy each and every one of them.


B.J. welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email addresses on her
author bio page




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