Kellen's Tempting Mate (16 page)

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Authors: Elle Boon

Tags: #alphas shifter, #Werewolves, #BBW romance, #anthology, #romance, #horror comedy romantic comedy werewolves shifters witches wizards fatasy vampires demons angels psyc

BOOK: Kellen's Tempting Mate
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“Jared, let them see. What can it hurt?” Irene lifted the blanket, showing Laikyn and Kellen.

Her training kept the gasp from escaping. “
Why or who would have silver traps laid out along hiking trails?”

“Fuck if I know. Hell, I don’t think any shifter goes on hikes where humans are.”
Kellen bent closer.

“When did this happen?” Kellen asked Jared.

“Two days ago.” His arm dropped from around Irene.

The angry red and swollen leg had blood red veins sticking out. A clear sign of infection and blood poisoning.

“Jared, were you a born shifter, or turned?” Kellen asked.

Laikyn watched, trepidation had her nerves on edge. If a wolf was out turning others, and not taking care of them, the shifter community in itself could be in trouble.

“I was born this way I believe. Now, if you want to know who my birth parents are or were, you’re shit out of luck. I grew up with wonderful parents, but they adopted a little boy they thought was human. It wasn’t until I shifted that they realized their little guy was a freak of nature. By then they loved me in spite of my issues, so I suppressed the urge, and went on with my life.” His speaking clearly wore him out. With his breathing becoming more labored, Laikyn feared they might be too late.


he door opened on a silent swoosh. Kellen turned, his eyes taking in the tiny blonde woman wearing a lab coat. She smelled like honey and mint. Not human.

Moving quickly, he placed himself in front of Laikyn. “Who are you?” Authority rang in his voice.

With a wave of her hand, the small woman walked forward. “And a hello to you too, Kellen Styles of the Iron Wolves. I’ve come to save the day, and not a moment too soon, I see.” She tsked a few times, setting Kellen on edge.

“Hi, my name is Laikyn. Can I help you?” She tried to look around Kellen.

“Oh, down little wolfey. I don’t want your mate. Or yours, young lady. He reeks of infection.”

Kellen growled, his wolf wanting to shake her. “Woman, who the fuck are you?”

She held her hand up. “Boy, I do believe you need your mouth washed out. There is a child in this room.” She smiled pleasantly and gave a tiny finger wave at Dakota. “Well aren’t you just the cutest little thing. Yes you are. Oh yes you are.”

“Enough. Who are you?” Kellen allowed his alpha powers to flare.

Sighing, she tilted her head. “I am Jennaveve Grey from Mystic. Your aura led me to you. You really need to learn to hide yourself a little better, Alpha. Now, down boy. This one needs my attention, and then we will go see about your other problem.”

Kellen couldn’t believe the little Fey woman was completely unfazed by his anger. Her body and scent didn’t show one iota of sense, or fear.

“I really like her,” Laikyn whispered.

He grunted. “You would.”

They stared in awe while Jennaveve ran her hand over the elevated leg, a slight glow from her hands went into the wound, then flowed up through the veins. Within minutes Jared’s fevered eyes opened, no longer glassy.

“Son of a bitch. I feel like I just got tackled,” he groaned.

Irene let out a hiccupping cry. “How do you feel?”

The angry redness was almost completely gone.

“Other than weak, I no longer fear I’m leaving my two best girls.” Jared met Kellen’s eyes, then looked away. “You’re like me.” It was a statement.

Nodding, Kellen waited for the Fey to finish before he moved. Whatever she was doing to heal Jared was working.

“Alright, that’ll do it. I left the outer injury for looks. You know, humans get all weirded out when something mysterious happens. Request to be let out and sign one of those against doc orders thingies. You’ll be just fine in a day or so. Rest and relaxation is just what the Fey orders. I’m the Fey by the way.” She clapped her hands, then dusted them on her black leggings.

“Mommy, where are her wings?” Irene put her hand over Dakota’s mouth.

Jennaveve raised her hands. “That is what I asked. I mean, seriously. I should have sparkly wings and fairy dust. But nope. Didn’t get them.” She shrugged her shoulders, turning back to Kellen and Laikyn. “You ready to blow this popcorn stand or what?”

“I need to speak with Jared. If you and Laikyn would like to wait by the door.” He pointed toward the entrance, knowing his mate would understand his need to get pertinent info from the family.

“Man, if you are going to threaten me and mine, I’ll tell you right now you are barking up the wrong tree,” Jared growled, his eyes trying to stay focused.

Kellen instantly liked the younger man. “No, I’m not. However, I would like to extend a bit of help and knowledge to you.”

Jared shook his head. “I don’t need it. I haven’t shifted since I was a kid, and I don’t plan to anytime soon.” Finality rang out.

Although Kellen couldn’t fathom not shifting, the amount of willpower it took to suppress your wolf had to be great. “If you change your mind and want to meet others of your kind, we are more than a pack. We are family. You, my friend, are family. Even if you don’t acknowledge it.” Kellen nodded at Dakota.

“Thank you for the offer.” Jared held his hand out to Irene.

Grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket, Kellen pulled out his card with the Iron Wolves logo on it. He looked around for a pen, then smiled as Laikyn placed one from her bag in his hand. “Thank you,” he said, giving her a quick kiss. Quickly, he added his cell to the card.

“This is the number to the shop and my cell. If you need anything, or want to find out more, give me a call. If I’m not available ask for Xan. He’s my second.”

Jared took the card, looking at the four claws raking down the front and the stylized wording, then back at Kellen. “Thank you for coming and being cool to my family. Jennaveve, thank you for saving my life.”

The little Fey came back to the bed. “Aw, wolfman, you should stop suppressing your beast. He’s not happy, and neither is the one inside your little one, or the little one inside your mate.”

Irene gasped, her hand going to her tummy. “How did you know?”

Jennaveve smiled. “I know because I’m smart like that.” Her laugh was infectious, but not to the trio that had stunned looks. Kellen understood.

“Like I said. If you change your mind, give me a holler. Dakota, it was nice meeting you and your mama. Take care of her and your daddy.” He ruffled the blonde hair on top the little girl’s head.

“You’re a good man. Just like my daddy” She made a little woof sound that had the adults smiling.

Spinning, he grabbed Laikyn around the waist. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” His blue eyes sparkled.

“Really, Kellen, what is going on?” Laikyn asked as he pulled the door open, steering them out of the room.

“We need to leave.” He wasn’t ready to have kids saying he was a good man. Hell, he was so far from good.

Jennaveve followed behind them. “I call shotgun.”

Kellen pinched the bridge of his nose. “How exactly did you get here?”

“Ancient secret. If I tell you. I’d have to...” She made a slicing motion across her throat, then giggled like a loon.

“You can ride with us, but you’re in the backseat. No arguments.”

The crazy thing saluted him, clicking her heels together like she was a soldier. “Yes,

Sir, Alpha Sir.”

“I’m being punished, aren’t I?” He looked into the green eyes of his mate, and wished they were alone.

“Just remember what happens to good boys.” She pressed up against him.

“I’m right here, folks. No sex talk. It makes me all freaked out. You do not want a freaked out Fey on your hands.” She shuddered.

Kellen looked up.

“Whatcha looking for?” Jennaveve asked.

“Men in white coats to swoop in and take you away.” He looked around as they waited for the elevator to arrive.

“Never fear. I am not crazy. Well, crazy is as crazy does. Isn’t that how the saying goes?”

His mate burst out laughing. The tiny blonde who couldn’t be more than five two or five feet three inches tall, looked totally serious.

“I have a saying and it goes something like,” he paused for a second, “don’t feed the crazy.”

Laikyn looking horrified stared at the Fey who began laughing.

“I do believe we are going to get along famously. Yep, just like two pickles in a jar, you and I.” Jennaveve winked.

“I think you mean two peas in a pod,” Laikyn corrected.

Jennaveve shook her head. “Nope. I don’t really like peas. Those little green suckers are nasty. Now, pickles are delicious.” She smacked her lips together.

Kellen decided to keep quiet

They made it back out to his vehicle without incident, with Jennaveve asking Laikyn a shitton of questions he zoned out. He’d been inside Jared’s head and was able to extract his information even though some would say it was wrong. Being the alpha he had to put his pack first. An unknown shifter could be problematic for his kind. He wondered what the medical records said in regards to his blood work.

“Don’t worry about that,” Jennaveve said.

His hackles rose. “Get out of my head,” he growled.

The little sprite shrugged. “Build better walls. I’ll show you how to do that as well. You have a great start. As does your mate. But, against what is to come you will need better. Where is this vehicle of yours?” She yawned.

He ground his teeth. “How exactly are you going to show my entire pack?”

With a wave she gave a smile. “I will tell you once you get me to your home. Now, I am tired. Do you know how much energy it takes to travel the way I did?”

Hell! She hadn’t told him how she’d gotten there in the first place, so he didn’t know shit, which pissed him the fuck off. A bit of knowledge she clearly knew.

“You alphas are all the same. It’s so easy to tease you. Well would you look at that. Can I drive?” The Fey skipped to his XV.

Laikyn placed her palm on his arm. “I think she’s adorable. Besides, we need all the help we can get.”

His mind went back to the night the fog had surrounded them. “I see your point.” And he did.

Like a gentleman, Kellen opened the backdoor for Jennaveve, a clear indication she was not driving his rig, nor was she riding up front. She patted his chest like she knew exactly what he was doing. A tinkling laugh floated out of the vehicle before he shut the door and looked up at the clear blue sky. He opened Laikyn’s door, helping her in before striding around the front to get in himself, praying for patience.

“Such a gentlemen you are, Kellen Styles.”

“Thank you. Would you like me to stop and grab you a bite to eat on the way back?”

“Nope. I’m going to rest my eyes. You may drive.”

Again she waved her hand, but he forced his jaw to relax, figuring he’d need his back teeth to tear into whatever animal he tracked down and killed in his wolf form.

Laikyn reached over the console, her small hand on his thigh had the muscles jumping. “I’ll make sure you get a massage when we are alone.”

“I just threw up in my mouth a little,” Jennaveve muttered.

His battle to keep from grinding his molars was lost. It was going to be the longest couple days he was sure.

Chapter Eleven


aikyn barely controlled her mirth at the Fey’s constant goading of her mate. Kellen wasn’t used to anyone teasing him. Well, she could get away with it, but only if they were naked, but then she would pay for it. Images of what he’d do to her had her squirming in the seat.

That is one way to distract me from throttling the little thing in the back.”

She kept her eyes straight ahead, concentrating on fortifying the walls between her and all except Kellen. “
I hope she can’t see what I was showing you.”

“I thought you liked being a little exhibitionist.”
Kellen’s blue eyes looked her way.

A slight snore interrupted them.

The Fey are a mystery. Do you think she will share with us more about them?”
Laikyn would love to know more, especially since she’d seen the way the other woman was able to heal Jared. Humans would have been able to survive from the injury, unless they were allergic to the silver the way a shifter was. Jared had no knowledge of his allergy and would have died. Stubborn male.

Men don’t like to feel vulnerable. I’m sure Jared will be more aware now.”

She pictured the sweet face of the little girl. “
I hate the thought of them being all alone out there without pack.”

Her mate sent a smile that warmed her heart. “
I have a feeling we will see them again.”

The gates of the club appeared. Rowan’s truck sat next to Syn’s and several others along with a dozen motorcycles. “
Well, I guess we shall see how she reacts to our motley crew.”
Laikyn kept her fingers entwined with Kellen’s as he down shifted the gears.

Jennaveve sat up as if she’d not just been snoring. “Well, isn’t this a nice establishment. You sure do like that symbol.” Her head nodded at the claws on the side of the brick building.

“We are the Iron Wolves.” Kellen backed into his spot.

“Silver is your kryptonite, so makes sense. You think whoever owns that truck will let me drive it?” She pointed at Syn’s black beast.

Kellen smirked. “You’ll have to talk to my sister.”

She made a noncommittal noise, but her large brown eyes stared out the window. “Your vehicles are remarkable.”

Laikyn looked at the details on each one of the member’s cars. The club wasn’t just a MC. They owned and operated one of the most sought after custom detail businesses in the country, turning the ordinary, into extraordinary. They were known for taking a common car, and customizing it with more bells and whistles than the average person needed. She ran her hand over Kellen’s dashboard.

“I see,” Jennaveve said.

“Dang it. I didn’t block that did I?” Laikyn looked over her shoulder.

The Fey shrugged. “I’ll show you how to do it without thinking. If I needed wheels like you, I’d totally hire you to fix me one. I’d want an orange one though.”

Kellen raised his brows. “Why orange?”

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