Kendra Kandlestar and the Shard From Greeve (24 page)

Read Kendra Kandlestar and the Shard From Greeve Online

Authors: Lee Edward Födi

Tags: #Magic, #Monster, #Science Fiction, #Middle-grade, #Juvenile Fiction, #Wizard, #Elf, #Fantasy & Magic, #General, #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Battle, #Fiction, #Gladiator

BOOK: Kendra Kandlestar and the Shard From Greeve
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Big Bang
and stared down at the wispy clouds stretching before her. Two days had passed since her escape from the Rumble Pit, but this was her first time out on the deck of the cloud ship. After their flight, the peryton had delivered Kendra to her friends, where she had immediately collapsed in exhaustion. They whisked her away to her own private bunk below deck, and there she had slept without interruption, straight through two sunrises.

Now she stood at the railing of the vessel, marveling. The
Big Bang
was like a regular ship in many ways, but instead of plowing through water, it soared through the skies.

“For once our clever Ringtail invented something that actually works.”

It was Uncle Griffinskitch. He hobbled up next to Kendra, little Oki by his side.

Kendra smiled and turned to gaze back at the sky. For a while all three stood there silently. They could hear Ratchet from below deck, enthusiastically explaining to Jinx and Professor Bumblebean how to pilot the ship.

“I still don’t understand,” Kendra said to her uncle momentarily. “How did you escape Burdock’s dungeons? How did you know where we were? How did you know what to do?”

“All good questions,” Uncle Griffinskitch said. “But it’s not my story to tell.”

“Whose is it then?” she asked.

Uncle Griffinskitch chuckled. “You wouldn’t believe me, even if I tried to explain. Don’t worry, you will know the answers soon enough. In this you must trust.”

Kendra furled her brow in confusion and tugged on a braid.


“Well,” Oki said, “do you think somewhere beneath all that cloud lies the land of Een?”

“Unlikely,” Uncle Griffinskitch said. “For that is not where we are headed.”

“We’re not?” Kendra cried.

“Nay,” Uncle Griffinskitch murmured. “Een is hardly safe these days, not with Burdock still in power.”

“Winter Woodsong stayed there,” Oki pointed out.

“Humph!” Uncle Griffinskitch snorted. “That was no choice of mine! You know Elder Woodsong! She’s as stubborn as frost on a cold morning. She would not abandon Een.”

Kendra thought about the last time she had seen Winter Woodsong, and remembered the harsh words she had hurled at the old woman. How she wished she could speak to her again, to apologize.

“Do not fret,” Uncle Griffinskitch told Kendra, reading her mind. “You shall see her again.”

Kendra nodded, hopeful. “Where do we go now?”

“We shall seek this City on the Storm,” the old wizard declared. “If Kiro is headed there with the shard, then we must follow him.”

“But how do we know it’s safe there?” Oki asked. “It could be filled with Ungers.”

“Or Eens,” Kendra piped up. “My parents could be there.”

“It is my deepest hope,” Uncle Griffinskitch said, stroking his long white beard.

“Do you know where it is?” Kendra asked the old wizard. “Have you heard of this City on the Storm?”

“Nay,” Uncle Griffinskitch replied solemnly. “But if it exists, we will surely find it. With this strange ship, we can fly to the ends of the skies, if need be. We shall discover it, one way or the other.”

“I hope so,” Kendra murmured. “What if Kiro rebuilds Greeve’s cauldron before we track him down?”

“Is that what you think he will do?” her uncle asked.

“No,” Kendra said, giving her braids another tug. “I don’t know. Effryn said he thinks Trooogul’s back on the Unger side—but if that’s the case, why would he tell me where he was headed?”

“It could be a trap,” Oki suggested.

“Maybe,” Kendra said. “I know he’s an Unger now, but he’s still my brother. I just don’t think he’s against us. Yet I can’t understand why he wanted the shard so badly. It doesn’t add up, Uncle Griffinskitch.”

“Humph,” the old wizard murmured, and it was the type of humph that suggested he was in deep thought. “Well,” he said after a moment, “perhaps the answers await us at the City on the Storm. We must have patience until then.”

He turned and wandered across the deck, and Kendra sighed. There was that word again: patience.

It made her think of her wand, and she touched it now—and instantly felt a spark of energy. It was a quiet energy, but still it was there. She was thankful for it.

“Oh dear!” Oki cried suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Kendra asked.

“Nothing,” the little mouse replied. “I meant
oh deer
in a peryton sort of way.”

He pointed across the sky, and Kendra followed his paw to see the mighty prince winging towards them. The great stag swooped down and fluttered alongside the ship, next to where Kendra was standing.

“Ah, Arinotta,” Prince declared. “I see you are feeling better. Rest has served you well.”

“And you?” she asked. “Have you rested?”

“The skies are my bed, the clouds my pillow,” the peryton replied. “Just soaring across this cerulean plain restores me. But I have come to bid you farewell, Arinotta. It is time for me to return to the Mountains Zephyr, to be with my own kind again.”

“I will miss you,” Kendra told him, reaching out to touch his thick coat.

“And I you, Arinotta,” he returned. And then the magnificent beast stretched forward and whispered a strange word in her pointed ear.

“What does that mean?” Kendra asked.

“Why, it is my name,” the mighty peryton said. “My secret name, Arinotta. If ever you need help, seek me on the Mountains Zephyr. If the perytons try to block your way, simply utter my name, and it will be your key to find me. And I promise you, Arinotta, all my vigor and might will be at your service.”

She smiled and, leaning over the railing, hugged him around the neck. He chuckled in delight and, breaking free of her grasp, circled gracefully around the ship, once, twice—and then soared off into the horizon, his great wings glinting in the sun.

As Kendra watched him glide away, her mind meandered. Would they find this mysterious City on the Storm? Why was her brother headed there? And what did he plan to do with the shard from Greeve?

“Kendra, are you okay?” Oki asked, tugging her sleeve to interrupt her musings.

She looked down at her friend and smiled. “Yes,” she assured him. “Better than I’ve been in a long, long time.”

Then she took the mouse’s paw, and turning to look back upon the cloudscape, she stared towards the distant horizon, towards adventure.

Readers Respond

to Kendra Kandlestar

Lee Edward Födi shares some of his favorite letters


Kendra Kandlestar
is a wonderful read that weaves fantasy, adventure, and suspense. It’s so cleverly written that the characters seem to come to life!

~ Sarang, age 11

I really enjoyed your book
Kendra Kandlestar and the Box of Whispers
. My favorite characters are: Kendra, Jinx, and Professor Bumblebean. I Like Kendra because she overcomes her fears of the outside world. I like Jinx because she tells you that small can mean also fierce. I like Professor Bumblebean because of his knowledge of the outside world. I also like the book tree in his library. This is a really good book. I can’t stop reading it and I can’t put it down. Thanks for writing an awesome book.

~ Joelle, age 10

I love Kendra Kandlestar! The books are so great! I can’t wait till the next one comes out!

~ Marion, age 9

Hi Mr. Födi, I read your book
Kendra Kandlestar and the Box of Whispers
and it was amazing. I liked your book so much I made a rap about it.

~ Miguel, age 12

I completely LOVE the
Kendra Kandlestar
series! I didn’t know about it at first, but Mr. Lee Edward Födi came to our school, said his wonderful and funny life story, and inspired me to read his books!

~ Sarah, age 10

A few days ago I finished
The Box of Whispers
and today, I finished The Door to Unger. They were awesome! I was wondering: in the third book, will Kendra learn her magic from “The Humph Master” (Uncle Griffinskitch) and when she does, does she unlock the location of her family by using magic?

~ Shiraz, age 8

Harry Potter
before I read your books. They were like the best to me. I never found a book funnier than that until . . . I read your book! It is SO fun! I am dying for your third book. And please write a fourth book. And a fifth book. And a sixth book. And a seventh book . . . all the way to one hundred.

Dear Kendra,

I am Esther. Tell Mr. Wiz that he should write lots of books about you. If he says no, eat him.

~ Esther, age 9

Dear Wizard of Words, Why do you like making books? I read
Kendra Kandlestar and the Door to Unger
and it’s one of my favorite book EVER! It’s so creative and has a lot of detail in it.

~ Riley, age 10

I love your books and your ideas so I hope you can keep writing and I can keep reading. Once again, I love your books!

~ Simran, age 11

Kendra Kandlestar books are amazing to me because they are adventurous and mysterious and very exciting because you will never know what’s going to happen next.

~ Joshua, age 9

I really liked the second part of
Kendra Kandlestar
! I really do recommend this book to my friends and neighbors; that it is a great book if you love fantasy!

~ Catherine, age10

I loved this book! Lee Edward Födi has set up this chronicle like a play set. There’s everything in it that’s in our world! Personally, I like
Door To Unger
because it has more adventure! But
Kendra Kandlestar and the Box of Whispers
is a great beginning book! Kendra Kandlestar is just as awesome as Harry Potter! By the way, Lee Edward Födi visited our school! YAY!

~ Amaneet, age 11

I got sucked into the book. I just couldn’t put the book down!

~ Tom, age 12

I have read the book
Kendra Kandlestar and the Box of Whispers
Kendra Kandlestar the Door to Unger
. It was really good. My favorite character is Oki. I like Oki because he is really funny. On the first book he was thinking about onions but on the second book he started thinking about turnips.

~ Shaira, age 11

This is the most awesome book ever! This book is amazing! I recommended this book to my class. My teacher said it sounds good! I love it!

~ May, age 9

Your books are extremely cool and awesome. My favorite character is Oki because of his “EEKS” and “Don’t think about onions” (Uncle Griffinskitch taught him that). My favorite parts are when Uncle Griffinskitch “humphs”. My favorite book was
Kendra Kandlestar and the Door to Unger

~ Alex, age 7

I stayed up all night reading
Kendra Kandlestar and the Box of Whispers
. I couldn’t stop reading. It was a great book. I love the detail. It definitely brought it to life. I found the idea interesting because everyone kind of has a box of whispers of their own. Some people choose to open it and some choose to keep it locked.

~ Willow, age 11

Kendra Kandlestar and the Door to Unger
is fantastic! It rocks! And the illustrations are really good; they’re fantastic! I want to draw like you!

~ Danny, age 10

I have just finished reading
The Door to Unger
. I have also read
The Box of Whispers
. Every night my mom and I would take turns reading a couple chapters. We both loved your books so much we looked up your web site. Mom and I both love Trooogul and Kendra, the way they teased each other just like brothers and sisters “wouldzum.”

~ Amanda, age 10

I thought
Kendra Kandlestar and the Door to Unger
was the best book ever! Whenever I read your book, I thought it had only been five minutes, but when I looked it had been half an hour! One of my favorite parts was when they met Effryn Hagglehorn, when Skeezle was making its way up the tree and Effryn Hagglehorn did a spell to make the snail become a giant snail! I really, really enjoy reading your books and look forward to the next Kendra Kandlestar book.

~ Alanah, age 12

I like how you wrote
Kendra Kandlestar and the Door to Unger
. My favorite characters are Kendra because she is brave, strong and she has a mind of her own and Oki because you draw Oki so cute. I wish there is the third book of Kendra Kandlestar.

~ Kathlene, age 10

I am eight years old and I met you when you came to my primary school last year. I want to know when you are coming out with the third Kendra book, I enjoyed reading both Kendra books so much. I finished the second one in seven days and didn’t want it to end. Thank you so much for writing and drawing such great books.

~ Logan, age 8

I loved
Kendra Kandlestar and the Door to Unger
it was just awesome…I loved the ending, but to me its not! I hope you write a third book to conclude it or even more! When I was practicing my violin I was still reading your book!

~ Annie, age 10

I just finished reading
Kendra Kandlestar and the Door to Unger!
It was so…exciting and marvellous! I couldn’t stop reading it! I bought the book yesterday and I finished it today. I felt sorry for Trooogul.

~ Minha, age 10

Dear Lee Födi, I had a great time reading
The Door to Unger
The Box of Whispers
. I hope you continue to write books; I love them. How did you get the idea of
The Door to Unger?
I think it was even better then
The Box of Whispers. The Box of Whispers
was the first full chapter book I ever read. Thank you very much for your books, they make me happy. I enjoy reading them with my Mom and Dad. Thank you for entertaining us.

~ Connor, age 7

Jinx is my favorite character; at times I find she “connects to me.” I finished the book in two days.

~ Sophia, age 10

I read
Kendra Kandlestar and the Box of Whispers
, it’s better then good . . . it’s AWESOME!

~ Andrea, age 11

The second book is awesome! Its twice the adventure and twice the action! Sweet!

~ Yura, age 10

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