Kennedy: The Classic Biography (140 page)

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Authors: Ted Sorensen

Tags: #Biography, #General, #United States - Politics and government - 1961-1963, #Law, #Presidents, #Presidents & Heads of State, #John F, #History, #Presidents - United States, #20th Century, #Biography & Autobiography, #Kennedy, #Lawyers & Judges, #Legal Profession, #United States

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AID, 288, 350, 452, 530–531, 532, 534, 539
Air Force, 612
Air Force Academy, 605
Air Force Association, 739 “Air Force One,” 367, 520, 601, 731
air strike (Cuba), 684, 685, 686, 687, 691, 692, 693–694, 696, 713, 714, 715, 716
Alabama, 478, 479, 488–493
Alabama National Guard, 493, 502
Alabama, University of, 488–493
Albert, Carl, 355, 356
Algeria, 65, 228, 547, 571, 638
Allen, George, 204
Alliance for Progress, 533–540
Alphand, Hervé, 559, 561
Alsop, Joseph, 66, 165, 272, 315, 379
Alsop, Stewart, 315
American Bar Association Journal
, 67
American Medical Association, 343–344, 439
American Nazi Party, 504
American Presidency, The
, 392
Anderson, George, 608, 698
Anderson, Marian, 240
Anderson, Rudolf, Jr., 713
Angola, 533, 538
Annapolis, 55, 370
anti-missile missile, 621
Arab League, 540
Area Redevelopment Act, 404
Aristotle, 367
Armco, 456
armed forces Reserves, 480
“Armenian Radio,” 556n, 613n.
arms inspection, 518, 519, 728, 730, 733
Article VI, no-m Arvey, Jake, 53, 115
As We Remember Joe
, 375
Asia Magazine
, 581
ASNE, 144, 189
Atlanta (Ga.), 479
(ship), 299
Attwood, 279
Australia, 647, 741
Austria, 548, 600
(East Germany), 584, 587, 594, 598, 600, 745
(Franklin), 100
(Poling), 192
automation, 402, 441, 488
Ayub Khan, 664


B-26, 299
B-70, 390
Bacon, Robert, 2
Badeau, John, 54, 279
Baer, Howard, 101
Bailey, John, 82–83, 84, 87, 89, 117, 120, 171, 211
Bailey, Peter James, 190
“Bailey Memorandum,” 82–83, 127, 146, 217
Baker, Robert, 165
balance of payments, 405–412, 563, 570
Baldwin, James, 503
Ball, George, 236, 260, 280, 282, 287, 288, 289, 323, 395, 411, 566, 674, 679, 682, 691, 692, 734
, 316
Baring, Walter S., 260–261
Barkley, Alben W., 118
Barnes, Donald, 581
Barnett, Ross, 483–484, 486, 487–488, 707
Barry, John, 375
Bartlett, Charles, 36, 37, 315, 447, 457
Bartlett, Mrs. Charles, 37
Bartlett’s Quotations
, 62
Batista, Fulgencio, 546
Battle, Virginia, 471
Bay of Pigs, 259, 268, 288, 294 ff., 399, 534, 542, 546, 605, 607, 613, 629–630, 631, 635, 644, 645, 652, 661, 669, 677, 681, 688, 708, 722
see also
Bean, Louis, 138, 146
Beck, David S., 53
Belgium, 635, 639
Belgrade Summit Conference, 538, 551, 620
Bell, David, 260, 263, 272, 288, 395, 407, 531
Benítez, José, 115
Benson, Ezra Taft, 171, 220, 276
Berger, Samuel D., 279
Berle, Adolf, 237, 287, 307, 534
East Berlin
West Berlin
Berlin crisis, 514, 548, 556, 562, 563, 564, 581, 626, 726, 742, 748, 756
Acheson and, 583–584, 589, 598
Adenauer and, 559, 596–597, 598
Adzhubei and, 598
, 584, 587, 594, 598, 600, 745
and Berlin Wall, 593–594, 595596, 600, 743
and children, 2
Clay and, 594–595
and Cuban crisis, 667, 668–669, 672, 677, 680, 681, 683, 686, 687, 689,690, 694, 699, 724, 725
deadlock over, 554
De Gaulle and, 561, 593, 597, 599
East-West split, 583
Eisenhower and, 585 “false climax” of, 589
and “floating depots,” 627
Freedman and, 591
and German peace treaty, 583, 585, 586
Gromyko and, 598, 599
Johnson and, 594
and Joint Chiefs of Staff, 587
and Khrushchev, 583
Lemnitzer and, 589
Macmillan and, 563, 599
McNamara and, 590
military build-up in, 409, 588–589, 595, 627–629
Murrow and, 591
and NATO, 587, 588, 591, 628
news conferences during, 325
Norstad and, 595, 596
and nuclear war, 548, 549, 550, 588
Ormsby-Gore and, 559
and Paris Summit Conference, 583
Rostow and, 595
Rusk and, 590, 598, 599
and surtax, 399
Taylor and, 591
Thompson and, 598
Ulbricht and, 586, 598, 599
and visit to Soviet Union, 552
and “Western Peace Plan,” 596
World War II and, 553, 583, 584
see also
East Berlin
West Berlin
Berlin Wall, 593–594, 595–596, 600, 743, 749
Betancourt, Ernesto, 533
Bethlehem Steel, 453, 458, 462, 467
Big Steel, 319, 329, 390, 421, 435, 460, 757
Billings, K. Lemoyne, 23, 36
Birmingham (Ala.), 329, 489, 490, 491, 493, 502–503, 505
birth control, III
Bissell, Richard, 630
Black Muslims, 504
Blaik, Earl, 503
Blair, William McCormick, Jr., 85, 279
Blanshard, Paul, 364
Block, Joseph, 456
blockade of Cuba, 682, 683, 687–689, 691- 692, 694, 697, 698, 704, 711, 721
Blough, Roger, 445, 446, 447–448, 452, 453, 455, 457, 458, 459, 460, 462
Boggs, Hale, 356, 702
Bohlen, Charles, 46, 231, 256, 279, 542, 553, 674, 677
Bokaro steel mill, 537
Bolivar, Simon, 205
Bolivia, 689
Bolshakov, 554, 558, 668
Bolton, Frances, 742n.
bomb shelters,
shelters, bomb and fallout “bomber gap,” 624
Bond, James, 388
Bosch, Juan, 536
Boston, 20–21
, 87, 316
, 75, 77, 316
Boston National Historic Sites Commission, 44
, 25, 46, 59, 78
Boutin, Bernard L., 277
Bowie, James, 190
Bowie, Robert, 288
Bowles, Chester, 98, 149–150, 151, 157, 170, 176, 205, 240, 252, 255, 256, 260, 271, 287, 288–290, 334
Boyd, Albert, 277
Boyle, Bernard J., 121
Bradlee, Ben, 36
Brandt, Willy, 576, 600, 697, 705
Brawley, Bill, 275
Brazil, 293, 708
Brewer, Basil, 74
Brewster, Owen, 46
Bricker Amendment, 62
Bridges, Harry, 170
Bridges, Styles, 66, 74
Brinkley, David, 212
Brogan, Denis, 63
Brookings Institution, 229, 230
Brown, Edmund G., 96, 124, 130, 148, 151, 155
Broyhill, Joel T., 260n. Bruce, David, 279, 565, 571
Bruno, Jerry, 172
Bryan, William Jennings, 252
Buchan, John, 14, 16
Buckley, Charles, 115, 124, 353
Buddhists, 657
Budget Bureau, 614
Bulganin, Nikolai A., 555
Bunche, Ralph, 260, 271
Bundy, McGeorge, 253, 256, 261, 262–263, 264, 270, 271, 282, 284, 287, 288, 294, 323, 324, 330, 372, 374, 386, 448, 542, 591, 604, 607, 622, 630,674, 679, 716, 717, 730, 731, 740, 756
Bunker, Ellsworth, 279, 580
Burden and the Glory, The
, 375 Burke, Arleigh, 286, 296, 739
Burke, Edmund, 718
Burke, William H., 78, 79
Burma, 535, 631, 646, 661
Burns, James MacGregor, 4, 13, 27
Business Council, 502
Butler, Paul, 124 “By George McBundy,” 316
Byrd, Harry, 188, 219, 220, 222–223, 253, 345, 418, 420, 424, 425
Byrd, Robert, 141, 146


Calhoun, John C, 74
Cambodia, 640, 646, 652–653
, 387
Camp David, 377, 378
Canada, 575–576, 705, 741
Cannon, Clarence, 345, 431
Cape Cod, see Hyannis Port Capehart, Homer, 2, 66, 669, 674, 687
Capital Times
, 136
Caplin, Mortimer, 237, 277
Caracas, 749
Carey, William R., 190
Caribbean Security Conference, 700
(ship), 299
(plane), 100, 101, 117, 135, 172, 202, 243, 249, 533
Carter, Marshall, 674, 675
Cary, William L., 277
, 387
Casals, Pablo, 385
Cassini brothers, 388
Castro, Fidel, 183, 210, 533, 536, 686, 707, 711, 713, 716
and Bay of Pigs, 294, 302, 677, 681, 692
Khrushchev and, 546–547, 555, 720
and Latin America, 228, 297, 669, 671, 692
removal of, plans for, 306–308, 630, 670, 682, 683, 684, 693–694, 706, 723
retaliation of, 681, 683, 687, 721
see also
Cuban crisis
Castro, Raul, 677
Catholic Review
, 109
Catlin, George, 387
Celebrezze, Anthony, 265, 274
Celeste, Vincent, 77
Celler, Emanuel, 236, 500
censorship, III, 286, 364
Central Committee (Soviet), 730
Central Intelligence Agency,
CIA Chandler, Albert B., 96
, 146
Chayes, Abram, 118 “Checkers” speech, 196
“Chet Set,” 289
Chiang Kai-shek, 204, 541, 547, 661, 662
, 85, 316
, 316, 458
Nationalist China
Red China
Christian Science Monitor
, 52, 146
Christmas Island, 623
Church, Frank, 180
Churchill, Winston, 6, 169, 333, 512n., 560, 563, 596, 734
CIA, 205–206, 294 ff., 371, 372, 376, 532, 612, 630–631, 651, 659–660, 669, 670, 673, 674, 678, 706
Cincinnati, 180

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