Keysha's Drama (14 page)

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Authors: Earl Sewell

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #General, #People & Places, #United States, #African American

BOOK: Keysha's Drama
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“Are you still reading?” he asked.

“Yup, I love reading. I've never read
Moby Dick
and so far it's really interesting.”

“So, what do you think of Captain Ahab?” he asked me. I hadn't actually read the book so I didn't know who the hell Captain Ahab was, but the name sounded crazy as hell, so I took a huge gamble.

“That fool is crazy,” I said, smiling at him. I must not have been too far off because he smiled back at me.

“He had an obsession with that whale.” He was about to go into details but I stopped him.

“Don't tell me the story, Daddy. Let me read it first,” I said, smiling at him really hard. He once again fell for my con, hook, line and sinker.

“You got it,” he said. He walked over to me and kissed me on top of my head. “Goodnight,” he said and went back upstairs and into his bedroom. I looked at a clock situated on the bookshelf and noticed that it was eight-thirty.

“Damn,” I said. “I hope she hasn't left yet.” It was hard for me to tell if Liz had given up because Jordan had taken my cellular phone. I had to give it to him when he said that my privileges were going to be taken away for a week, and he meant a full damn week.

Once I was confident that he and Barbara had gone to bed, I skillfully moved toward the inside greenhouse door. Once I opened it and was inside of the greenhouse, I moved through it quickly and exited out the outer door. I rushed across the driveway to the detached garage. I opened the door, grabbed my duffel bag and rushed off toward Liz's house. Once I was a good distance away from the house, a car pulled up beside me.

“Are you looking for a ride, girl?” I looked to my right and saw Liz driving a black PT Cruiser.

“Girl, where did you get this car?” I asked, walking around to the passenger side. She unlocked the door and let me in.

“Don't worry about it,” she answered.

“Do you even have a driver's license?” I asked.

“No, but I drive very well,” she said, laughing as we sped off into the night.

“Seriously, Liz. This car isn't stolen, is it?” I asked nervously.

“Now do you honestly think that if I was going to steal a car my first choice would be a goddamn PT Cruiser?”

“Hell, I don't know,” I said.

“Well, for the record, if I were going to steal a car, it'd be a Jaguar or something like that,” Liz said as she merged over to make a right-hand turn.

“Okay, once again. Where did your crazy ass get this car from?”

“You're such a nervous broad.” She chuckled.

“I'm waiting for an answer. I'm not trying to go to jail with you.”

“Girl, relax.” She placed her hand on my thigh. I looked at her hand and then she removed it.

“It's my car—well, it's really my dad's, but my mother said that I could have it. When I get my license this will be my car. Do you feel better now?” Liz asked.

“Yes, much better,” I answered.

“We can go back to my house so you can change clothes.”

“What about your mom? Isn't she going to freak out about you driving this car without a license?”

“She's working the night shift and doesn't get home until about one o'clock in the morning. By the time we get back she'll never know that it was even out of the garage.”

“What about her boyfriend?”

“What about him? When she works the night shift he hangs out.”

About an hour later, Liz and I arrived at the nightclub, which was packed with partygoers. We paid our admittance fee and walked down a long, dimly lit corridor. The walls were painted black and had various concert posters of popular recording artists matted to the walls. Once we arrived at the end of the corridor, we made a sharp left and entered a room as large as our school's gymnasium. Rapper Kanye West's voice was blasting through speakers.

“Come on, let's walk around the club to check out the action.” I could barely hear Liz over the noise but I understood her enough to follow her through the dense crowd of people. It was exciting being around all the dancing and music. I felt like I'd been missing out on so much, but I was definitely about to make up for lost time. Club Tricked Out had some seriously fine-looking boys. I felt a lot of eyes on me as I moved around the club, and a few times the boys would get close and whisper things like, “Let me get your number” or “Can we hook up?”

“Look, there is an empty table that we can grab,” Liz said as she pulled my hand and led me to the table. Now that I was seated, I looked around and took in the decor in more detail. The bar was on my left. Suspended above the bar was an iron cage with a girl dancing inside of it. She wasn't moving all that well, and I began to think to myself that if I were in there I'd put on a pretty good show. The DJ booth was to my right. Next to the DJ booth was the mechanical bull thrill ride. I watched as some guy tried to hold on for as long as he could until he was tossed safely off onto a heavily padded mat below the machine. Directly in front of me was a large dance floor filled with bodies dancing in wild abandon and brushing against each other sensually. The place was a beautiful spectacle of youth, beauty and untamed energy. You could feel a sense of magic in the air. I was ready to dance and was eager for someone to ask me. Then within a matter of moments a cute boy walked over to where we were sitting.

“I know I'm the one you're looking for,” he said as he undressed me with his eyes. I felt a bolt of sensual energy tickle my nerves in the sweetest way.

“What are you? A mind reader or something?” I smiled at him.

“Come on, Keysha, let's dance,” Liz said, pulling me away before the guy could even respond back to me.

“Damn, Liz, slow the hell down. That boy was fine,” I shouted, but she couldn't really hear me because we were now directly under the speakers. Once I was out on the dance floor, I looked into her eyes and waited for an explanation of her behavior. She drew herself closer to me and spoke purposefully in my ear.

“His girl just walked in with her crew,” she said. I looked back in the direction of the cute guy and sure enough he had his arm looped around another girl.

“She and her girls would've been all over you for talking to him. I've seen them in action before,” Liz said. “He loves it when his girls fight over him. I almost got into a fight with the girl with the short hair. I could have easily kicked her butt but she backed away.”

“Damn, good looking out, girl,” I said. “The last thing I need to be involved in tonight is a fight.”

“Come on, let's find another seat.” Liz and I looped around the club several times before we finally found a seat near the mechanical bull.

“This placed is packed tonight,” Liz said, smiling at me. I smiled back, and for the first time took a good look at what she was wearing. Of course she was wearing all black. She had on a short black skirt with a cute matching black V-neck shirt that hugged her body. Her legs were long and muscular and were in need of a pair of stockings, but Liz still looked attractive.

“Girl, I'm so glad that you told me about this place. I'm going to be here every weekend,” I proclaimed as I got caught up in the energy of the atmosphere. I focused my attention back on the dance floor and watched as some girl worked her behind in front of the guy she was with. I could tell he was impressed by the way she moved. I thought I could move better than she could and was looking forward to teasing the imagination of the first cutie who asked me to dance.

“She isn't all that.” Liz was apparently looking at the same girl. “She isn't even doing the booty bounce right. It's supposed to go like this.” To my surprise, Liz had a whole lot of rhythm for a white girl.

“Girl, where did you learn how to move like that?” I asked with a teasing smile.

“What, you think white girls can't get down? Please, I can do my thing with the best of them.” She chuckled. “Hold still for a minute,” Liz said as she fixed a strand of my hair that was out of place. “I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?”

“A soda is fine,” I said. I was about to give her some money but she quickly told me that she'd pay for it. When Liz stepped away, I turned my attention to the mechanical bull. I watched as a guy and girl rode it together. The girl was holding on to the guy and the guy was holding on to the bull. The machine jerked and twisted them around until they both fell off of it, laughing.

“Do you want to try it?” asked Liz, who had just returned with my drink. I took a few gulps of it before I answered.

“I'd love to try it,” I said. “Let me see how much it costs?”

“Don't worry. There is no charge. It's free to ride. Come on, we'll go stand in line.” We watched as two other people enjoyed the thrill of the ride.

“Either I'm thirsty as hell or this drink is just damn good,” I shouted so that Liz could hear me. I drank the rest of my soda then began to groove to the rhythm of the group Black Eyed Peas.

“Okay, it's your turn. Have fun,” said Liz. I took off my shoes and walked out to the bull. I had a hard time mounting the apparatus, but when I finally did I felt a sense of freedom and independence I'd never felt before. Just as I was positioning myself for the ride of a lifetime, Liz hopped on behind me and locked her hands around my waist.

“Liz, what are you doing?” I shouted out but she couldn't hear me. The ride started and I had to hold on. We were spun around in circles and then the bull began shaking violently and I could feel my behind giggling violently. It was an embarrassing, yet wonderful feeling. As we spun around in a different direction I noticed that a bunch of guys were cheering us on.

“Wooooo!” they howled out at the sight of Liz and me riding the bull together. I couldn't help but laugh and smile as Liz clutched my waist harder. I thought for sure I was going to fall off but Liz somehow kept me balanced and on the damn thing. Around and around we went until we were flung off and thrown into the pit. I landed on my back and Liz landed on top of me. We were both laughing hard as the guys continued to shout and howl.

“We gave those guys one heck of a show, now didn't we?” Liz said as she maneuvered herself to her feet, pulled her skirt down and then helped me up.

“No wonder they were howling out. Your underwear was showing,” I said.

“And,” Liz said as if it were no big deal.

“Never mind,” I said, not really caring. I was too busy enjoying the buzzing that was rushing through me. I suddenly felt very alive and as if every nerve in my body was being strummed gently like a harp. It was such a sweet feeling I'd never felt before.

“Girl, that bull ride did something to me,” I said as we left the bull pit.

“Yes, it does awaken the senses,” Liz admitted. At that moment the song “Bootylicious” by Destiny's Child came blaring through the speakers, and Liz went wild.

“I love this song.” She began dancing around slowly and sensually. She moved her body up and made her behind bounce.

“You are so crazy,” I said. I looked up at the dancing cage, which was empty, and suddenly I wanted to get inside it and act wild. I wanted to see and tease every guy in the place. I wanted them to see me and want me but not be able to reach or touch me. Without even thinking twice about it, I moved over to the bar and asked to get inside. One of the very muscular and very strong bouncers lifted me up and helped me get inside the cage. He was about to close the door, but then Liz joined me.

“Come on, we're a tag team,” she said, and I laughed. I was pleased that she followed my lead and wanted to continue to act crazy and wild.

“You are so insane but I like that about you,” I shouted over the noise of the music. We were both lifted up and suspended in the air. I clutched my fists around the bars of the cage and popped and jerked my body and moved like I'd never moved before. I was completely lost in the music, when suddenly I began to feel incredibly aroused. I don't know if it was the exhibition I was putting on or the cheers from all of the guys below glaring up at me. I'd never been so turned on in my life. Then the room seemed to be moving in slow motion. I wanted to be touched so I began to touch my stomach and tug on my clothes as if I were going to take them off in front of everyone. I don't know why, but I felt like a seasoned exhibitionist. The next thing I knew, Liz had placed her hands on my shoulders and I felt as if I was melting. I couldn't believe that I was aroused by a girl's touch. I suddenly felt very confused. I removed her hands from my shoulders and kept dancing. A moment later, Liz placed her hands on my hips and pressed her body against my back. An exquisite sensation washed over me that was both titillating and perplexing. A wisp of her breath blew on my neck, and goose bumps leaped up on my skin. Guys continued to howl out, and I knew that they were enjoying the impromptu show. I glanced down at all the boys and froze up when I saw my brother, Mike. He was glaring at me with eyes that were asking a thousand questions. I gathered myself as best as I could and pushed Liz off me. I felt very strange. I felt as if something wasn't exactly right with the way I was feeling. The way my body was responding to Liz's touch frightened me. I turned around to face Liz. My vision started getting blurry on me. I thought I was about to faint again. Liz was moving very seductively and for some reason her movements started making me feel dizzy.

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