KeytoExcess (3 page)

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Authors: Christie Butler

BOOK: KeytoExcess
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“Mmm.” Annie rotated her hips on
his hand, delighted by Matt’s reaction. He couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“Here’s how it’s gonna go, Annie,”
Peter said. “I want you on all fours with your ass high up in the air. I’m
gonna eat your pussy while you suck Mattie’s cock, okay?”

The very idea had her breathless.
She couldn’t speak.

“Annie.” Peter pinched her breast
again. “Tell me what’s gonna happen.”

“I’m on all fours.” She dropped
down and looked back over her shoulder at him. “Ass high in the air. You’re gonna
eat my pussy while I suck Mattie’s cock.” Satisfied by the look of lust in
Peter’s eyes, she turned around to grin at Matt.

“Good girl.” Peter swatted her on
the ass.

Chapter Three


Annie saw Matt shoot a look at
Peter. She was on all fours, her back arched, beyond ready for some hard male

“Annie,” Peter said. “Matt’s
worried that I’m hurting you. Are you okay with how I’m touching you?”

She nodded, earned another light
swat on the ass. “Ye-es,” she said. “I’m okay with it.” She licked her lips as
Matt removed his shorts. Bending over his pulsing cock, she made certain to
keep her ass up high.

“Suck me, Annie.” Matt held his
cock for her. “Take my cock in that beautiful mouth.”

After their shower he tasted soapy
clean. She ran her tongue along the length of his cock, swirling it around the
tip before swallowing him deep.

“Fuck, yeah. That’s great.” Matt
kept his eyes glued to her mouth, her lips.

Behind her, Peter kneed her legs
farther apart and then sat between them. “Damn, look at that pussy—all red and
juicy, begging to be licked.” His palms were hot on her butt cheeks as he
spread them wide, leaving her incredibly exposed.

Annie could feel his breath hot on
her pussy lips.
Come on. Eat me.
She pushed her hips back slightly,
giving him a not-so-subtle hint.
Bad move.
Peter bit into the flesh of
her ass. She moaned around Matt’s cock.

“God, Annie,” Matt said, “do that

Eager to please, she hummed and
moaned for Matt just as Peter put his mouth on her. It was amazing. She was
overwhelmed by sensation, by hard male flesh. Peter ate her almost with
aggression, his tongue and lips loud as he kissed and licked and sucked on her
pussy and clit.

Matt gently grasped the back of her
head, directing her to the tempo he needed. Intoxicated by him, his taste, his
scent, she eagerly complied. Waves of pleasure swirled in her cunt as Peter
urged her higher with every flick of his tongue.

“Damn, Annie.” Matt’s voice was
hoarse. “I’m gonna come.”

Tearing his lips from her body,
Peter said, “Swallow his come. Every drop.”

She had no intention of doing
anything else. Matt exploded in her mouth, coming in spurt after spurt. She
swallowed it all, sucked him until he couldn’t take any more. Now she just
needed some relief. She pushed up to straight arms, keeping her back arched as
deeply as she could. Peter fucked her with his fingers, two, then three.

Needing his mouth, she whimpered.
“Eat me, Peter.”

“What’s that, baby?” His thumb
rubbed at her clit.

“Eat me,” she said louder, pushing
her hips back at him again. His fingers felt great but she wanted his mouth on

Peter laughed. “Okay, okay.” He
spread her ass cheeks wide and licked through her pussy, starting at her clit
and up to her ass. With his tongue, he circled her the ultrasensitive tissues of
her rear entrance before dipping just slightly into her ass.

The sensation was amazing. No man
had ever done that to her before. She liked it. He repeated the same motion
several more times until Annie was nearly out of her mind with the need to

“You’ve got a beautiful ass, Annie.
A guy could get ideas.”

Unable to process what he was
saying, Annie gave herself over to the feeling of his mouth on her. She was on
fire, ready to burst. He focused his attention on her clit, pushing her higher,
up and over. She came with a groan and her orgasm went on and on until she
couldn’t take one more second.


Matt watched Annie with wonder and
amazement. She was so beautiful, so sexy, so responsive. Who would’ve thought
that little Annie Sloan was such a hot-blooded woman?

When she’d sucked his cock, his
head had nearly come off. Her response to Peter’s expert pussy-eating abilities
was nothing short of mind-blowing—so gorgeous in her ecstasy. Just thinking
about it had his cock getting harder. It had been a long time since he’d had
such an intense response to a woman. Maybe he never had.

“You’re amazing, Annie.” Matt
leaned forward and kissed her.

“This is really sweet,” Peter said.
“But I could pound nails with my dick right now and I could use some relief.”

Matt broke off the kiss, seeing
amusement in Annie’s eyes. Amusement and desire. “Come here.” He sat back
against the couch and pulled Annie into his arms, her back to his chest. She
looked back at him, her lips tantalizingly close. He couldn’t resist, kissed her
again, lazily exploring her mouth. Her breasts swelled in his palms, her
nipples tight and responsive. Matt stroked the creamy flesh of her belly and
clasped her thighs, spreading them wide.

Annie groaned into his mouth and he
felt her need course through his body. His cock stiffened against her back.
Matt could hear Peter moving closer. “Ready, Annie?”

Her eyes shone with desire.

Peter knelt between her thighs, his
latex-covered cock jutting forward. Matt loved that Annie held his gaze even as
Peter inched inside her. She fought to keep her lids from dropping closed as
Peter’s dick nestled deep. “Kiss me again,” she demanded.

“Happily.” Cradling her head in the
crook of his shoulder, Matt covered her mouth with his, holding her steady as
Peter fucked her. His thrusts were uncharacteristically gentle, and somewhere
in the back of his mind Matt wondered if maybe Peter
have a little
sense of romance.

“Fuck.” Peter grabbed Annie’s hips
and pulled her forward, holding her butt in his hands as he fucked her harder,

So much for romance. “Take it easy,
man,” Matt said.

Peter snorted out a laugh, thrust
even harder. “That what you want, Annie?” His voice was hoarse. “For me to take
it easy?”

Annie glanced at Matt, shook her
head. “No, it’s good. Fuck me hard.” Her words came out on staccato breaths.
She kept her gaze zeroed in on Matt.

The feel of her in his arms, the
flush of her skin, the gleam in her eyes—heady stuff. She was driving him
crazy. And had little Annie Sloan just uttered the words “fuck me hard”?
Christ, his dick was now in full salute.

For fear that he’d break a tooth,
Matt kept his lips off hers, but their faces were so close they were exchanging
breaths. “You are fucking incredible, Annie,” he whispered.

She tried to speak, but the only
sounds she made were groans and gasps. Her body was like a furnace, her limbs

Matt could feel the exact second
she started to come, absolutely fell apart in his arms. It was something he
wanted to experience over and again. He held her as her orgasm went on and on,
until at last she gentled in his embrace. Matt stroked her cheek as Peter came
violently with grunts and shouts.

“Damn, you’ve got a sweet pussy.”
Peter pulled out and patted her mound before strolling to the bathroom, whistling
on his way.

Annie giggled, wrapping her arms
around Matt’s neck. He scooped his arm under her legs and pulled her into his
lap, pressing his forehead against hers. “You okay, Annie?”

“Mmm. Like I’ve been riding a

“I’m sorry. Peter’s
not exactly gentle. He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Matt tucked her hair behind
her ears.

“He didn’t hurt me.” She smiled
lazily. “I liked it. Obviously.”

Matt grinned back. “You’re so hot
when you come.” He took her at her word, happy that Annie was enjoying their
ménage. Peter’s aggressive approach to sex didn’t jibe with his own. Matt
wasn’t averse to a little rough sex on occasion, but it wasn’t his preference.

For some reason, Matt was more
bothered by Peter’s fervor today.
He and Annie were friends first,
and now he knew they could burn up the sheets together. It was the perfect

“What are you thinking?” Annie’s
voice was soft.

“Are you kidding me? I’m incapable
of thought right now.” He kissed her gently, licking her lips, delighted when
she eagerly kissed him back. He wanted to stay like this forever, holding her,
tasting her, fucking her. His cock was rock hard and he was desperate to have
her again.

“Water?” Peter stood over them with
two bottles of water.

“Thanks.” Matt took one and guzzled
down half before handing it to Annie. He was unable to take his eyes off her,
even as she did something as simple as drinking water. She pushed up to sit and
Matt said, “Easy.” He protected his cock and balls from her pointy elbows and

Watching them, Peter stroked his
cock. “Sweet. Looks like Mattie’s ready for round two. I’d better catch up.”

“Oh Lord.” Annie eyed them both
with trepidation. “I’m not sure I can take any more.”

“Sure you can.” Peter waggled his
brows at her, jacking off all the while.

“It’s okay, Annie,” Matt said. “You
don’t have to if you don’t—”

“No, it’s fine,” she said. “I mean,
I’m sure I’ll be all right.”

Matt exchanged a look with Peter
and they both burst out laughing. He looked at Annie. “We want you more than
all right, baby.”

Exasperated, Annie glanced back and
forth between them. “I didn’t mean…I mean…” Smiling, she stood and reached over
her head to stretch, arching her back.

His dick growing impossibly harder,
Matt groaned at the beautiful sight of the long-limbed redhead in all her naked
glory on display just for him. Well, them.

At last she held out her hands to
both men in invitation. “Why don’t we go get more comfortable?” She pivoted on
the ball of her foot and slowly walked down the hall to Matt’s bedroom.

Matt ogled her sweet round ass as
she walked away. She was ready for more?
He was up for it.
Literally. Apparently, so was Peter.

For the first time since the two
men had started sharing women Matt was thinking that maybe he wanted her only
for himself.


Annie was positively buzzing, every
nerve ending firing. She felt as if she were a queen being serviced by two of
her particularly sexy royal subjects. Now that this was really happening she
was aching for more. Whereas Matt had been sweet and caring, Peter was a
bulldozer—an unaffected fucking machine. So different, they both thrilled her,
made her come.

But it was Matt she yearned for.
He’d seemed concerned about her, worried that Peter had hurt her. When she’d
come while Peter was fucking her it had just as much to do with Matt if not
more. He’d held her tenderly, kissed her. She’d barely even looked at Peter all
the time his cock was inside her.

Oh well.
If this was what
Matt wanted she’d go along. Anything to be with him again.

She was sitting on the end of the
bed when the men joined her. Peter came in first, followed by Matt. Her breath
caught at the sight of two very erect cocks.

Peter held out a hand to her. He
pulled her up and immediately bent to put his mouth on her breast, his tongue
swirling, teeth scraping her sensitive nipple. Annie clasped his head, seeking
a kiss.

“No.” Peter turned her around to
face Matt, briefly nipping at the soft flesh of her neck.

Hmm. So Peter doesn’t do kisses.
Annie was happy to “settle” for Matt’s luscious lips. She kissed him, licking
his mouth open. He let her explore, settling his hands on her hips. Behind her
Peter was biting his way down her spine.

Matt yanked her against him,
crushing her breasts on his finely muscled chest. She wrapped her arms around
his neck as he took control of the kiss. Surrounded by hard male flesh, she was
lost. Her heart pounded and the room felt as if the air had been sucked out.

Peter spread her ass cheeks wide
and ran his tongue down the seam, circling the sensitive nerve endings of her
back entrance. He thrust two fingers inside her wet pussy, quickly pulling them
out and using them to invade her ass.

She gasped, nearly sucking Matt’s
air from his lungs. Did Peter plan to fuck her in the ass? Why did that thought
make her pussy drip with cream?

“You like that, Annie?” Peter’s
voice was strained but steely. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

Annie could only groan in response.
But it does feel good.
She squirmed against Matt while Peter continued
his assault on her backside.

“Okay, okay,” Matt said.

Peter slowly withdrew his fingers
and stood behind her. “Matt, why don’t you lie on the bed so Annie can ride

Matt shot Peter a look but
complied, pulling Annie with him as he sat. He dropped to his back, his legs
dangling over the end of the bed.

Peter handed Annie a condom. “Cover
him,” he ordered while he opened a condom for himself.

With shaky hands, Annie was able to
sheathe Matt’s beautiful cock in latex, holding his gaze the whole time. Matt
smiled at her as she moved over him. “Take my cock in that tight pussy, Annie.
Ride me.”

Annie grasped his cock, guided it
inside her. Slowly she sat, grinding her hips until he was buried to the hilt.
Matt was bigger than Peter and she could feel him deep in her belly. She didn’t
think anything could ever feel this good.

Chapter Four


Annie could hear Peter moving
around the room, but all she saw was Matt. His blue eyes were dark and focused
right on her as she posed for him, ran her fingers through her hair, arched her
back. She circled her hips, his cock massaging the sensitive walls of her

“So beautiful.” Matt grasped her
hips, thrusting his pelvis gently.

“You are.” She smiled, folding her
body over him, her nipples grazing the smooth flesh of his chest. Their gazes
locked as they moved together in perfect synchronicity—as if they’d been doing
it all their lives. It was…magic.

“Kiss me,” Matt whispered.

Annie happily obeyed, touching her
lips to his.
I could die right now.
The man of her dreams was asking her
to kiss him, was buried deep inside her. All was right in her world.

Interlacing their fingers, she
rocked forward and back on his cock. “You feel so huge inside me,” she
whispered. “I love how your cock fills me up.”

Matt pumped his hips hard and she
gasped. “Like that, Annie? You like how I fill your tight, juicy cunt?”

Her eyes nearly rolled back in her
head. “Yes. I love it.”

Freeing his hands, Matt grabbed her
ass and held her still. He thrust up into her, pumping like mad. Fast. Hard.

Annie steadied herself, groaning in
higher pitch with every drive of his cock. He was driving her crazy,
mercilessly impaling her with his cock, the sound of their flesh slapping
together naughty and erotic. She burned with need, ready to take anything he
had to give to her.

A caress on her back. Peter. “Fuck,
dude. Let me get in there.”

Annie gasped as Peter rubbed a
dollop of lube around her ass. She knew it was coming, but not while Matt’s
huge cock occupied her pussy.
Can I do this?
She was both anxious about it
and desperate for it.

Recognizing her ambivalence, Matt
said, “It’s okay, Annie. You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”

The look on Matt’s face told her
that it was okay to shut this down but that he
wanted it to
happen. She decided then and there. “It’s fine.”

Behind her, Peter pulled her butt
cheeks wide and his stiff cock probed at her back entrance. She braced herself
as he pushed just the tip inside her. It hurt. And it was amazing. Her eyes
watered and she held her breath.

“No, no,” Matt said. “Stop, dude.
You’re hurting her.”

“Ya think?” Peter snorted. “I’m
trying to fuck her ass while your massive tool is buried in her cunt. She’ll
get used to it. Then she won’t be able to get enough.”

Annie found that she was incredibly
turned-on by the men discussing her as if she were a project they were working
on. Peter moved in another inch. “Ah! Oh!”

“Okay, stop,” Matt protested.
Still, he didn’t move, didn’t try to pull her off him.

“That what you want, Annie?”
Peter’s voice was thin, edgy. “You want me to stop?”

She shook her head. “No. Let’s do
this. When am I ever going to have the opportunity to do this again?” Besides,
she was desperate to come, to be filled with two delicious cocks.

Peter laughed out loud. “Darlin’,
we can do this any time you want.”

Laughing with him, Annie relaxed,
allowing Peter to forge ahead until he was nearly buried deep. “Oh God!” She
squeezed her eyes shut, reveling in the feel of Matt filling her pussy while
Peter took her ass. It was amazing.

“Fuck her now.” Peter held her hips
still, his cock to the hilt in her ass. “Fuck her hard, like you were just

“Annie, look at me.”

She opened her eyes to look at
Matt, who seemed to be on the verge of losing control. “It’s okay, Matt. Fuck
me,” she begged. “Fuck me hard.”

With a growl Matt started in on
her, pumping hard and fast. Bells were ringing in her ears, fireworks went off
behind her eyelids, her palms itched, the soles of her feet burned. Her pussy
was dripping wet for Matt.

“That’s right,” Peter said. “Fuck
her good and hard.”

Annie was moaning, tension
spiraling up in her body. “God, that’s good.” She was close. So close.

“Okay, stop,” Peter said.

“What?” Annie cried as Matt drove
deep and stilled.

Peter merely laughed, holding her
down on Matt’s cock. “My turn, Annie.” He slowly pulled out and then plunged in
again. “You’ve got a beautiful ass. And damn if I don’t love to give a good ass

He moved faster, in and out. Annie
gasped, rolling her head back and forth as she felt every square millimeter of
her ass being stimulated by Peter’s cock. Then he spanked her hard, causing her
to shout.

It was a good shout though. She
looked at Matt, let him know she was okay. Peter moved faster, fucked harder,
now and then smacking the flesh of her ass. Pain and pleasure. Pleasure and
pain. She’d never understood it before. Until now.

“Damn, your ass is so tight, Annie.
I’m gonna come.” Peter grunted, groaned. “Here it is. I’m gonna come in your
ass.” He pushed deep, grinding her hips on him as he let loose, his cock
rippling in her ass. “Fuck,” he growled. “Okay, Mattie. Make her come.”

Peter kept his cock buried in her
ass, narrating while Matt started fucking her pussy. “Damn, girl, you like
that?” He spanked one ass cheek, then the other. “Mattie can fuck, can’t he?”

Oh yeah.
Waves of ecstasy
rolled through her as the tension in her belly built and built. She struggled
to breathe.

“Yeah, he can fuck, all right. Got
that big dick that all you women love, right? I bet you like that big dick in
your tight little cunt. Damn, your cunt’s almost as tight as your ass. Maybe
later Mattie should take a turn in your ass. He’d probably tear you open.”

Her juices gushed over
Matt’s cock.
He would tear me open.

“You gonna come, Annie?” Peter
chattering again. “You gonna come on Mattie’s big horse dick?”

She nodded, desperate to do just

Peter spanked her again. “Damn,
your ass is so pretty, bright red. Say it, Annie. Tell Mattie what you want to

“I want…to come…on your cock.” She
whimpered with need, climbing ever higher until she could take no more,
spilling over. She cried out with her response. Beneath her she felt Matt join
her in orgasm.

He grunted, his hips pulsing,
emptying into her pussy. Both men held her, grinding into her, on her, drawing
it out until they were completely spent.

* * * * *

Annie woke to light streaming in
through the window. She was deliciously sore and memories of the previous night
flooded her mind. A giggle erupted in her belly and she successfully squelched
I’m a sex maniac.

Moved by the need to pee, she
carefully sat up, finding that Matt was the only one in bed with her. He looked
peaceful and content, sexy as hell. She watched him for as long as her bladder
would allow, then slid out of bed.

In the bathroom, she quickly relieved
herself. Despite the short night, the woman in the mirror looked well rested
and well satisfied. Her skin seemed to glow, her blue-green eyes sparkling.

Annie hugged herself.
I spent
the night with Matt Howard!
She wanted to jump up and down with glee. She
wanted more. Before leaving the bathroom, she squeezed out a dab of toothpaste
and used her finger to run it over her teeth, then she rinsed out her mouth.

Back in the bedroom, she crept into
bed and slowly slid closer to Matt. In a flash, he rolled over and pulled her
under him. Annie squealed with delight. He studied her for a few moments,
smiled, kissed her.

“You taste like my toothpaste.” He
brushed his thumb over her cheek.

“Sorry. I cheated. Morning breath
and all.” She kissed him back.

“You look fucking fantastic this
morning,” he said. “All cuddly and sexy and thoroughly fucked.”

“Well, I certainly
thoroughly fucked.” She wrapped her arms around him. “So by the way, where is

His eyes narrowed briefly, then he
smiled. “Peter’s not one for the morning after.”

“And you are?”

“I am when it’s a morning with
you.” He held her gaze, looked sincere.

Annie decided to believe him. “Me

Matt smiled. “You know what I
really love on the morning after?”

His utter sexiness curled her toes,
stole her breath. “What’s that?”

“Morning-after sex.” He waggled his
brows and reached for a condom.


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