Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2 (28 page)

Read Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2 Online

Authors: Marie James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Kid: Cerberus MC Book 2
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She looks disappointed, but I ease the denial by nuzzling my cheek along her breast. She arches her back, forcing them harder against my face.

Looking down at me with hooded eyes. “Please, Kid.”

I wrap my lips around one puckered bud, moaning at the phenomenal way her pebbled flesh feels against my tongue. I move the hand on her thigh further up, allowing it to breach the hemline of her shorts. She moans her approval when my fingers caress her over her clit. She’s soaked.

I suck her nipple harder, deeper into my mouth. I slide my fingers along the edge of her panties until they move out of the way. For the rest of my life, I’ll remember this moment. I know no matter how many times I get hit in the head I will never forget the way I felt touching her delicate flesh for the first time. Even a lobotomy couldn’t steal this moment from me.

Her panting breaths hit my cheek as she looks down and watches as I manipulate her body.

“May I?” I ask looking up at her and circling her opening with my fingers.

“Please,” she says, and it comes out more of a moan that an actual word.

I wrap my lips around her other breast and pull on it hard when my finger breaches her. Her head tosses back, and her back arches once again as her core grips me tightly, already rippling around my finger preparing for an orgasm.

Her fingernails dig into my shoulders when I slide in deeper. Of their own volition, her hips begin to buck against my hand. I pull my mouth from her breast and grip the back of her head. Watching her face as she fucks my hand is by far the sexiest thing I’ve seen in my life.

I pull her mouth back down on mine a mere second before she climaxes, still cognizant enough to not allow whatever neighbors may be peeking out their windows an audio to the already erotic show happening on the dock. I swallow her cries as her body convulses and grips my hand in wrenching pulses.

We kiss until her body settles. I pull my finger from her and immediately run it over my tongue. The memory of her taste did not do the real thing justice in the least.

“I want you,” she says against my body, licking and biting the skin where my shoulder and neck meet.

“Such a greedy girl,” I say with a chuckle against her flesh. There’s no stopping this train now, but fucking her on a dock out in the open is not something I’m even willing to share with the ducks in the water. “Not tonight,” I tell her as she reaches for the button on my jeans.

She raises her head and pouts prettily.

“I want to take my time with you,” I tell her and peck her lips. “You wouldn’t be able to ride back home if I made love to you tonight.”

I grab her shirt from the dock and help her in it, not even bothering with the bra. “Let’s go up to the house.”

I laugh at the look of victory in her eyes.

Chapter 41

His hands on me, in me, is something I know I’ll beg for every chance I get. My knees are still weak as we walk back to the house. I get lost in him every time I look into his eyes. I can’t decide if forgiving him is immature or the grown up thing to do. However the act is designated doesn’t matter because it’s done. He’s forgiven, if only because I don’t think I can live without him.

He opens the door and escorts me into the house. The coolness from the air conditioner causes a chill to cover my body as it meets my sweat-misted skin.

I turn to him and press my body fully against his, angling my head up to kiss him. Even on my tiptoes, I can only reach his jawline, but he shows me mercy and leans his mouth down to mine.

He hitches my leg high on his hip, but I take it a step further and climb his body, forcing him to hold me by the thighs with my arms around his neck. I nip and playfully bite his lips, hating that we are wearing clothes. I’m ready to take this next step with him. I’ve been ready for a while; it’s always been him that has put the brakes on. I’m eighteen now, and there’s no other reason for him to keep denying me. He says he loves me, and now I need him to
love to me.

“Khloe,” he whispers against my mouth as I release his lower lip from my teeth.

He’s hard, thick against my center. I rotate my hips as best I can in this position and smile when he moans loudly and plants his lips back on mine.

“Bedroom,” I beg.

“Khloe,” he says again. I can hear the frustration in his tone.

“Couch? I’m not picky.” He huffs a quick laugh.

“Let’s order something to eat,” he suggests as if his cock isn’t practically throbbing against my body.

Food? Who can eat at a time like this?

“Not hungry for food,” I pant in his ear and bite the lobe. It’s his turn to circle his hips against me, and he does so deliciously.

“Khloe, I meant what I said down at the dock.”

“I want you,” I say repeating my words from the dock. “I
you inside of me.”

I feel his fingers grip and dig deeper into the flesh of my legs. His restraint is wavering; I can feel it in the tension of his body.

He kisses me again, long, hard, full of frustration and need.

“Not tonight, Khloe,” he says placing one last chaste kiss to my lips and lowering my feet to the floor.
Well, I thought his restraint was wavering.

“Let’s call for some food and watch a movie,” he suggests again.

I nod in agreement. The other will come in due time, of that I’m certain.

An hour later we’re lounged on the couch in the den eating pizza while watching
Mr. and Mrs. Smith
. It was our compromise between chick flick and action movie.

“She’s bad ass,” I say around a bite of pizza.

“Yeah, in the movies I guess. In real life she’s bat-shit crazy,” he responds.

I frown because in real life Brad Pitt was cheating on Jennifer Aniston with Angelina when this movie was being made. That realization makes my mood turn sour quickly.

We continue to watch the movie in silence. After finishing the pizza we situate ourselves on the couch where my back is against his front, and I’m reclined between his legs. Occasionally he tightens his arms around me and kisses my shoulder. I can’t help the bitterness I feel; the anger deep inside from what he did. I want to let it go and just be done with it. If I say I forgive him, I have to commit to it and move past it, but the pain is still so new and raw I know it will take a while.

The credits begin to roll on the screen, but neither of us make a move to get up. Spending time like this is so familiar, exactly how we were before he left for Vegas. I have no desire to go back to the clubhouse and risk the chance of seeing Snapper. That would surely dampen my mood.

“We need to get going,” Kid mumbles against the hair on my neck.

I turn slightly in his arms so I can look in his eyes. “Can we stay here tonight?”

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and kisses the tip of my nose. “If that’s what you want to do, Sweet Girl.”

I smile at him, finally getting my way with something. He shifts his weight so he can pull his phone from his back pocket.

“Who are you calling?” I ask as I turn so I can place my feet on the floor and stand.

“I just need to let the guys know where we’ll be tonight.” He fires off a quick text and stands beside me.

I grab the near empty pizza box, and he gathers up the drinks. We make our way to the kitchen to dispose of our trash. I walk around with him as he locks all the doors and sets the security alarm.

“The guy who owns this house doesn’t mind people just coming and going, staying the night here while he’s gone?”

He squeezes my hand tighter. “We’re family,” he says with a shrug. “Family is always welcome. Besides, we don’t snoop through his stuff. We don’t go into his room or personal space. He’s cool with it.”

“I love it here,” I say as we make our way down the hall.

Kid opens one of the doors in the hallway and stands back so I can enter first. The room is what I would consider typical, simple furniture, and limited decorations. The bed stands on a high frame and looks more inviting than any bed should. Piles of fluffy pillows at the top overflow onto the dark blue duvet. I cannot wait to snuggle up to Kid in this bed and spend the night in his arms.

I take a few steps closer to the bed and pull my shirt off. Let’s see how good he is at resisting me in this room.

I turn to him just as I pop the snap on my shorts. He watches my hand as it slowly lowers the zipper. With a small wiggle of my hips, my shorts slide down my legs and puddle at my feet.

I watch his own hands as they clench, opening and closing repeatedly. I smile innocently when I hook my thumbs into my panties and push them down as well. It’s not the first time he’s seen me naked, but the fire in his eyes is burning so much stronger now than they were a few weeks ago.

“Come here,” I say on a whisper.

Surprisingly he obliges, reaching first with his hands to my hips, then his mouth slanted over mine. He lifts me up and gently places me on the bed, sliding between my open thighs. His hands roam up my heated skin, taking a breast in each palm. I whimper into his mouth as his tongue strokes along mine.

I grip the bottom hem of his shirt and only break our kiss long enough to pull it over his head. My hands slide over the muscled planes of his chest and stomach, tracing each dip and indention of his abdomen. I score his skin lightly with my fingernails, causing his hips to buck against mine.

He pulls his mouth from mine and places his forehead against mine. His breaths are harsh and erratic against my face. His hands reach up and cup both sides of my face. I reach for the button and then the zipper of his jeans, undoing both. Next, my hands slide down his back and into the gap under the fabric which has now been loosened on his waist.

I attempt to push both his boxers and his jeans off his ass, but he takes a step back.

“My boots,” he mutters bending over and making fast work of his laces.

He shoves down his jeans and steps out of them, once again closing the distance between our bodies. With an arm wrapped around my waist, he hitches me up and places me gently in the center of the bed. He settles his body over mine. I want to cry at the amazing feeling of his body touching mine this way for the first time. He still has his boxers on, but this is the most incredible moment of my life.

I wrap my legs around him just like I did when we first came in the house from the dock and rotate my hips. The outline of his erection is much more prominent now without the layers of clothing between us.

He pulls his mouth from mine and kisses down my jawline, my neck, and the dip in my shoulder.

“I love you, Khloe,” he says pulling his head back to look into my eyes. “I’ve never said those words to a woman before.” I smile up at him, but unable to say them back just yet. “You don’t have to say them back, but I’ll prove them to you every single day that you allow me in your life.”

I stroke my hand over his cheek and he turns into my touch. No one looking at this man right now would for a second identify him as a biker. The way he looks right now, levered over my body, the only thing that would accurately describe him is a man in love. He’s passionate, seductive, and insanely masculine.

His thumb strokes over my bottom lip slowly. “Can I touch you?” he asks quietly.

I nod my head because I want nothing more in the world this second than his hands on me. He kisses my lips one last time before he’s sliding down my body and lavishing both my breasts with hot, talented licks of his tongue. Sliding further, he nips at my stomach and circles his tongue in my navel, his warm breath flowing over my skin.

His body stills when I feel his chin rest just above the juncture of my thighs. I look down and meet his warm, chocolate eyes.

“Can I taste you?” he asks.

My eyes nearly flutter closed, but I manage to nod my head. He keeps his eyes trained on mine as his tongue darts out and licks me from bottom to top, giving my clit an extra twirl at the end. My back bows off the bed, and I’m unable to keep my eyes open as the sensation takes over my body.

He grips under my thighs and over my hips to keep me in place as his mouth manipulates my sensitive flesh.

“Jesus,” I pant, having never felt something so mind-altering in my life.

“Sweet Girl,” he moans against me before dipping his tongue deep inside. I’m fighting to get away from him and move closer to his mouth all at the same time.

The same sensation I felt out on the dock creeps into my body. I fight it, not wanting this to end so quickly.

“Let go,” Kid commands sucking my tender bundle into his mouth.

I gasp and shatter as he continues to nip and suck on my body.

Euphoria. It’s the only word that even comes close to how I feel right now.

I can feel him lap at me a few more times; then he crawls up my body and wraps his arms around me as sleep pulls me under.

Chapter 42

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