Kidnapped By Her Husbands (Wings of Artemis Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Kidnapped By Her Husbands (Wings of Artemis Book 1)
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“I’m calling from Hall.” Peter continued to speak into the phone. “I’m Peter Presley. My family are Noble loyalists. We’ve been under attack and, while the rebels have taken my son, David, I’ve captured one of their women. She claims to know the prince. Her name is Melissa and she says she’s pregnant with a little girl.” He paused. “Yes, I’ll wait.”

I tried one more time with Natalie. “What did the rebels want here? I never did find out. What does Hall do?”

Her gaze finally met mine. “We make sugar.”

“Sugar.” Huh. I’d not thought about things like that. I supposed someone had to. “The whole planet makes sugar? Seems like an awful lot of space that could be doing something else…”

Natalie covered her son’s ears. “Bite your tongue. That’s the kind of talk that will get us all killed.”

I was trapped in an office with two crazy people and their son because I’d decided to play savior. I patted my stomach, trying to feel the baby.

A loud ring sounded in the room, and Cooper’s face appeared on a screen on the wall across from me. He scanned the scene in front of him as though it were a perfectly normal thing for him to simply pop up on random viewing screens.

“Your Highness.” Peter backed away suddenly, tripping over a chair and nearly taking a header in the process. If my cheek wasn’t throbbing from where he’d struck me, I would have laughed.

“Melissa,” Cooper spoke to me instead of Peter. “I didn’t expect to see you so soon, and not on the floor in a building in Hall. What are you doing there?”

“I…” Tears threatened, and I pushed them away. I didn’t know Cooper. He was being kind to a woman he’d met once in a rehab center. I couldn’t lose it because I saw a friendly face. “Long story.”

He shifted in his seat, leaning more toward whatever camera he looked into. “Are you okay?”

“He hit me.” It was petty but I wanted him to know. “But I’ll live.”

“I see.” Cooper rubbed his chin and finally spoke to Peter. “Thank you for alerting me to her whereabouts. Rebels stole her from Master’s Rehab Center. She’s very important, as are all women. I’m going to come collect her. Wait there. We’ll be there soon and, I’ll say this—if you put your hands on her again, not only will you not get any reward for her recovery, but I’ll take away your wife. Am I clear?”


“She isn’t going anywhere with you, Coop. Not in this lifetime.” Geoff’s voice sounded in the air and, as I was looking at Cooper when it did, I got to see the slight wince on his face when the other man spoke. Scooting forward from my place at the wall, I gaped at Geoff. He had his gun raised and pointed at Peter’s head. “Did I hear her say you hit her?”

I struggled to my feet. “I’m okay.”

“Maybe you don’t deserve to have her if you can’t keep her safer than this, Geoffrey,” Cooper shouted at the screen. “I would have thought you’d have her nicely tucked away in The Bridge by now. Something wrong with your ship? The piece of crap clunker can still make air, can’t she? You stole my shuttle, surely you can pilfer some parts. Or is Wesley losing his touch? Things are complicated. You shouldn’t be where you are.”

“Fuck you, asshole.” Like saying his name summoned him, Wes walked into the room carrying David in his arms. The little boy clung to him, his thin arms around his neck. The child was now dressed only in a green blanket, with his legs and arms uncovered. “What is this I hear about Melissa getting hit? And after Dane broke every rule imaginable to save your son?”

Peter shook, his arms out in front of him. “I thought, I mean…I never imagined.”

“Yeah.” Geoff took my arm. “I can imagine I wouldn’t like any way you finished those statements, so keep them to yourself. Give him the kid, Wes.”

After rubbing the child’s back one time with an affectionate swipe, he passed him to Peter. Immediately, Natalie started to wail. I wanted out of that room. Badly.

“You two might want to make air soon.” Cooper shook his head. “You’re going to have more trouble in the area very soon. Shouldn’t you be figuring out what exactly is going on?”

Geoff raised his eyebrows. “Why do you care?”

“I think Melissa’s had a hard day. Getting punched in the face hurts. Do better to protect her, or I’m going to take her from you.” He disconnected the feed as I gasped.

Geoff took my fingers in his and squeezed. “Come on, sweetheart. We have to get you on board. Nolan is raving and C.J. can only keep him from committing mass murder for so long.” Geoff turned around. “Goodbye, David. I’ll never forget the elephant joke.”

Wes snickered. “Get some good sleep, buddy. I told you mommy and daddy were waiting.”

David turned in his father’s arms and waved at them before we ran from the room. I had a hard time keeping pace. Pregnant bellies were not made for sprints, but I didn’t say anything. They wanted to get off the planet fast and, damn it, so did I. When I’d been plotting my escape in the medical bay, which I had remarkably not thought about when I’d been threatening to throw myself against the force field—
what’s the matter with me?
—it never dawned on me the general populace wouldn’t be helpful. The Presleys were loyal Nobles, and they would have killed me.

We made it to the ship and the second the doors closed, Artemis rose from the ground with a violent shake. My stomach lurched and I covered my mouth, afraid I might puke all over myself again.

“Easy.” Geoff pulled me into his chest. “Breathe through your nose. Looks like take offs are havoc on you.”

I tugged away to look at him. “You’re okay.”

“Yeah, a firefight isn’t going to end me. I’ll be a drunk old man falling off a stool, just you wait and see.”

Laughter surprised me at the image he suggested. The quick moment of happiness pushed my motion sickness away. “The last time I saw you, you were passing out in Nolan’s arms.”

“Dane and that damn powder. If I hadn’t been so exhausted, I would have seen it coming.” He pushed my hair off my forehead. “I’m fine. Slept great, actually. Had some very exciting dreams. You starred in some of them.” His wink made my cheeks heat. I had to be bright red as a tomato.

“Hey.” Wes shoved Geoff, causing him to let go of my arms. “You can’t talk to her like that. Remember the rules.”

“I’ve already kissed her, so me and protocol are pretty fucked.” Geoff shook his head. “Come on, let’s go see Dane.”

Wes’ mouth fell open. “You kissed her?”

I really didn’t want any more discussion of this. I might die and melt into a puddle of embarrassment on the floor. “Thank you for coming to get me, Wes and Geoff. And for bringing David to them.”

Wes’ angry gaze turned on me. Only this time he looked less…pissed off. Instead, he seemed more reserved, thoughtful…considering. His shirt was still stained. He really needed someone to take care of him.

“You’re welcome, of course.” Wes shifted in his stand. “Did Geoff force you to kiss him? Because if he did, I’ll kick his ass.”

Geoff snorted. “You could try.”

The door to the docking bay banged open, and Nolan stormed into the room. If his stride wasn’t enough to tell me his level of anger, his hands fisted at his side would do the trick.

He pointed right at me. “I should wring your fucking neck.”

“Hey,” Geoff yelled at him. “Cool it, Nolan.”

Wes placed himself in front of me and walked us both backwards until I stood between him and the wall. “You need to go cool down before you talk to Melissa.”

“I’ll talk to her when I want to and how I want to, and neither of you gets to tell me anything about it. That’s not how this works, remember? Equal footing, remember? She could have gotten us all killed. If she’s going to stay on this ship with us, messed-with brain or not, she’s going to damn well learn the rules. Dane would never have pulled this shit without her interference.”

“Hey.” Dane appeared at the doorway, followed by C.J. “I’m a grown man. I make my own decisions. And she didn’t say anything to me I haven’t said to myself a million times. David was going to die. I’m a doctor. It’s my duty to save him. Every time I let someone die so we can do our jobs, it kills my soul. Melissa reminded me of that. That’s all.”

“Everyone,” C.J. interrupted. “Let’s tone this down a notch, shall we?”

“No. I’m not being pacified. It’s bad enough she’s walking around as a shell of herself. I’ll be damned if I let this get any more out of control,” Nolan thundered.

It dawned on me the others would never be able to manage his temper, and I wasn’t getting out of this without facing him. I’d already been punched in the face once today, how much worse could it get?

“That’s a terrible thing to say.” I scooted out from around Wes even as he grabbed at me. “I’m not even sure what it means, but I know you want to insult me, so congratulations. You just did.”

Nolan’s eyes were steel, unyielding, unrelenting and they poured through my reserves. If I let him, he’d break what few walls I’d managed to build around my terror. I couldn’t let that happen.

“You put us all at risk. You don’t have that right. You’re nothing.” He said the words still at top volume.

I took a deep breath. “I owe Dane an apology, which I’ll give to him in private. Let me ask you this: If I’m nothing, why are you yelling at me so loudly? If I’m nothing, then why bother? I figured out some things while I waited there. You’ve all placed me in a very difficult situation. I can’t go to Master’s anymore. Things are too screwed up. If I get my memories back, maybe I can make some decisions. Until then, I have to rely on you. I’m sorry if that makes you angry, Nolan. It doesn’t make me happy, either. The others at least make an effort at kindness. What I did, I did out of ignorance. I didn’t mean to risk you, any of you. Why don’t we just agree to stay away from each other until I can get to where I belong? I won’t break your rules, but I’d rather never have to speak to you again. How’s that, Nolan? You and I, we’ll stay strangers.”

Thick, choking silence fell across the room. Nolan finally pushed through it.

“If that’s what you want, that’s what’ll happen.”

“Nolan…” Geoff grabbed his arm. “She doesn’t know, okay? You can’t take it the way you are, brother. You have to treat her like a stranger. She doesn’t know you.”

“I get what you’re saying.” His voice sounded calm and, in some ways, hearing him speak in a rational way made it worse than when he’d been yelling. I went cold. All I’d said was the truth. Why did it make me want to curl into a ball and disappear? “I hear what you’re all saying. Whatever happened, she’s still Melissa. She talks with her voice, looks through her eyes. And she’s done with me. So be it.”

He walked from the room, spine stiff and head high. No one moved. I wasn’t even sure I breathed. What had I said, exactly, to get that response?

I’d really had enough of this day. I was apparently a rebel princess—whatever that meant—and I couldn’t pull off denial any longer. Nolan’s strong reaction to me, as though he really knew me, and the way everything I said was so completely abhorrent to him, solidified what I should have figured out a lot sooner. Enough was enough. I needed answers.

“Okay. So I’m obviously your wife, right?”

Four sets of gazes plowed into me, but no one spoke.

“I just think it’s stupid not to say it. I’m exhausted. Good night.”

Chapter 8

Have you seen Lilah?

one of them had confirmed or denied what I said. My assertion struck them all dumb. Maybe I’d been wrong, and they didn’t want to hurt my feelings? I needed them to confirm they were my husbands and then they could tell me which one of them had left me pregnant and alone.

Three men waited in the hall ahead of me, and I paused when I saw them. I’d not met them before, which meant they were the three guys we’d come to rescue. All three stared at me and no one moved for a moment.

The ship buzzed beneath my feet. All I wanted to do was turn around and run. No more people, no more strangers. I wanted my bed.

The brunette in the group stepped in my way. “Hi, Melissa.” He knew my name. Why should I be I surprised? My not being familiar with them meant nothing. “Is it true your memory is gone?”

He had a gruff voice to go with his dark beard and a jagged scar running across his eye. I didn’t want to know the story behind how he got it, I wanted him to move out of my way. Since that wasn’t going to happen, I had to figure out what he wanted so we could move along.

“That’s true. If we know each other, I don’t recall. I’m told there’s some kind of protocol to keep me from knowing things about my past before I can get into the machine which might give my memories back to me.”

I needed to find a way to condense my statement, since I would likely need to say it at least a few more times.

Brown-haired guy nodded. “Okay. And you were at Master’s?”

“Yes.” I nodded.

“When you were there, did you happen to see a woman named Lilah? She’s smaller than you, dark hair, beautiful, coffee-colored skin. Eyes that see right through you.” He paused. “The prettiest woman there ever was.” The two blond men stepped on either side of him, their gazes all begging me to answer them.

I finally understood. “You lost your wife.”

“She was taken.” The taller of the two blond men spoke, barely over a whisper. I wondered if his voice had been damaged somehow, or if he always sounded strained. “When we lost our other three. A year ago.”

“Actually…” I retreated a step. The intensity of their expectant gazes made the walls seem closer than they were. Was the air in the room being sucked out? “I did know her. Lilah and Farrah, who was my helper, were friends. Farrah taught me. Lilah left shortly after I got there.”

The brunette with the scar grabbed my arm. “We looked and looked but we were convinced she was dead. Before Geoff, none of us could get into Master’s. Can you tell me where she went?”

“I…” Lilah’s exit had been such a glorious day. We’d all worn white, as we did when one of us wed, and thrown petals at her. She’d gone off with her new husband for a good life, I’d thought. The right existence.

“Melissa? Please?” He shook me slightly.

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