Killer Thrillers Box Set: 3 Techno-Thriller, Action/Adventure Science Fiction Thrillers (28 page)

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“Did you see that?”

“What?” Vilocek asked, looking around him.

“I — I could have sworn they — changed, or something,” Bryce said.

“I think I saw it too,” Cole said, taking a few steps closer to the Moai. As he approached, a luminous sheen appeared on the surface of the sculptures, beginning with the ones closest to him. He stepped closer to the first in line and slowly reached out to touch it.

In a flash, the statue lit up with a flaring blue light, forcing all of them to look away from the surprising brightness, even against the morning sun — which was now beginning to bear down on them.

“Geez — that’s bright,” Jeff said, shading his eyes with a hand to look toward the Moai.

The rest did the same in time to see Cole’s arm and body turn blue, matching the shade of the now-glowing Moai. Cole gazed down in wonder, no longer surprised at the effect, but still in awe. Then he began to tremble.

Slowly at first, then more quickly, Cole’s body convulsed in a series of spasms of increasing intensity. Corinne wrapped her arms around him, holding him up as he shook. He withdrew his hand from the statue, and the shaking stopped, but his skin retained its blue shade.

“That was weird,” he said. He seemed unfazed, to the astonishment of the others. Vilocek muttered something and turned away.

“What the hell was that?” Bryce asked, directing the question more toward Vilocek than Cole.

“Don’t worry about it,” Vilocek said. “It’s just a reaction to his — uh, injections.”

“What injections?” Bryce asked. “You mean like the experiments you did in New Mexico, on that little boy?”

Vilocek whirled around. “Oh, you saw that, did you?” He seemed suddenly giddy, like a child bragging about a newfound skill. “What did you think? We’ve almost perfected the algorithm to minimize reactions, but the power — the absolute power! You saw that, right?”

“I saw a young boy brutally murdered,” Bryce said through clenched teeth. “By you.”

“No advances in science or intellectual thought come without a price, Captain Reynolds,” Vilocek said.

“Obviously Cole’s reaction has something to do with this crystal, or whatever it is, right? What are you trying to accomplish by injecting it into people like that?” Bryce asked.

“Don’t you see?” Vilocek said, spreading his arms in frustration. “It’s not just the
sheer power
of it that intrigues me — haven’t you wondered yet why Mr. Reed can actually make some
of those symbols we found?”

“Wait — he can read those?” Wayne interrupted.

“How did you know about that?” Cole asked.

All eyes turned to Vilocek. He sighed heavily. “Yes, to an extent, yes. Cole has the crystal’s properties — basically the main elemental ‘ingredients,’ bonded with another isotope — coursing through his veins. It’s not perfect yet, though it’s
more stable than what we tried in the video of Mika, which you saw.

“This crystal — we don’t know what it is, and we may never know. You see, in classifying elements, minerals, pretty much everything — we use specific and comparison-based taxonomies, using what we already know about common materials to determine what an unknown substance is made of. Unfortunately, we’re not sure where this ‘element’ is from — it’s unlike any other known element on the planet.

“My scientists and I have been applying all the knowledge we have toward figuring out what the crystal substance is capable of, but it’s been slow going, and only in the past five years have we made any type of real advancement. It turns out that there are
specific elements — for lack of a better word — that make up the substance, working in some sort of mutually beneficial relationship.”

Bryce cut in. “And these two elements break down, and then bad things happen?”

“Well, sort of,” Vilocek said. “One of the materials, at a microscopic level, of course, is decaying much faster than its counterpart. We haven’t been able to accurately measure the decay in what we’re calling Material B, but Material A seems to be breaking down at an exponential rate of about 0.00414% each year.”

Jeff said sarcastically, clearly having no idea what that meant. Bryce shot him a look.

“Judging by what we’d seen in the lab,” Vilocek continued, “we haven’t been able to correctly replicate the relationships between these two elements. First of all, they’re not exactly ‘extractable,’ so we can’t isolate them under a microscope. Second, because of the principles of quantum physics — the idea that the
act of measuring somethings actually alters its state so a measurement cannot be acceptably accurate —
we could never grasp at what rate Material B was breaking down.”

They had started walking again as Vilocek spoke, searching for a cave that would be lit by the strange symbols. They fanned out, Cole and Corinne on the ridge above the platform with Vilocek and Karn, while Beka and Bryce’s team walked down behind the Ahu Akivi Moai figures. They were still well within earshot, and Vilocek continued his monologue.

“We needed to find out when
this substance would reach its tipping point
and complete its breakdown cycle. We searched high and low for an explanation — anything under the sun that might be even remotely plausible.

“It turns out, Ms. Banks, that your uncle helped us find the answer.”

Corinne glared at Vilocek, but didn’t speak. Cole felt her thin, ice-cold fingers wrap around his hand and squeeze. He spoke for her.

“How? You mean with the pyramid stuff?” Corinne had told Cole how they’d been abducted; how her uncle had been shot and brought to the laboratory in New Mexico, and about their first conversation with Vilocek and the guards. Cole had also had flashbacks and brief recollections of Vilocek and some of the scientists mentioning ‘pyramids,’ ‘ratios,’ and other strange things that hadn’t made sense to him at the time.

“Actually, it was the paper he published awhile back. It not only led us to what our Founding Fathers were trying to hide within the layout of Washington, D.C., but also what was being hidden in our little crystal substance here,” he said.

Bryce connected the dots. “The Golden Ratio — the same thing that you guys used to figure out that we needed to go to Giza, and something about the passageways beneath the pyramid and at Petra,” he said.

“Exactly,” Vilocek said. “When Andrews’ paper came across my desk, we applied the idea of the ratio toward the crystal, and it worked — almost too well. You see, our synthetic recreations of the crystal — combining the two materials, A and B, as best we could with each other in different ratios, they would inevitably begin to break down, or decay, eventually to a 1:1 ratio — one part Material A, and one part Material B; perfectly balanced.

“No matter what we tried, it always seemed to cause disastrous side effects,” he said, looking knowingly at Bryce. “We tried to use an isotope of another element as a stabilizer, and it usually worked, to an extent, though with some unforeseen side effects. In some tests, it was like creating a magnet — the reaction was a physical one. In others — “ he went on, looking at Cole, “it was a
change, sometimes accompanied by a heightened state of consciousness and awareness, though only for a fleeting time,” he said.

“Until the materials ‘balanced out’ again?” Wayne asked.

“Right — we needed to find out what ratio to
them at. We naturally tried 2:1, 3:1, etc., never with any luck. It was a futile effort — just plugging numbers into a system, hoping it would stabilize.” He looked down. “But it didn’t. It never worked right. Until your uncle’s paper gave us an idea.

“What if whatever, or whoever, had created the crystal substance originally had used the the Golden Ratio — it had to come from somewhere, right? What if —“

“Hey, check this out!” Cole shouted from a few yards away. He was standing before a small hole in the side of the hill, no more than three feet tall by four wide. From a distance, it looked like nothing more than a small boulder; another drab feature of the landscape.

But there, right above the hole, was a small piece of smoothed stone. The dirt and grass had been cleared away from the stone’s surface, but it seemed otherwise nondescript. On it, however, shone a bright blue symbol:

“This is it — it has to be it!” Cole said, excitedly. Once again, his presence had lit up the strange symbol, which glowed a bright blue hue, visible even in the growing daylight. Vilocek and the others ran over as Cole crawled headfirst into the cave.

“Wait!” Bryce called. Cole stopped, pulling his head back out. Vilocek looked at Bryce, waiting for an explanation.

“Tanning,” Bryce said, “finish what you were saying. What are we up against here? What’s so important about the Golden Ratio?”

Vilocek looked impatient. “We need to get down there,” he argued. “Madu’s probably already inside.” Bryce didn’t move.

“Fine,” Vilocek said through his teeth. “We used the Ratio to balance the two materials in the substance. If we set Material B at ‘x,’ or ‘1,’ we’d set Material A at 1.61803399
that amount, or ‘x times 1.61803399,’ the ‘perfect’ balance of the Golden Ratio.

“We already knew that Material A was breaking down at the exponential rate of 0.00414%. Then, it was only a matter of calculating how long it would take for the ratio
between the two
materials to dwindle back down to 1:1.”

“But wouldn’t you also need to know how fast the crystal was breaking down?” Bryce asked.

“Of course,” Vilocek answered. “We did have to make a few assumptions, especially since we didn’t know anything about the Rapa Nui culture at the time, and that they were the eventual owners of the original crystal, as we know now.”

Jeff asked. “
owned it first?”

“That’s one of the assumptions we had to make. The crystal is made up of elements that are not found anywhere on Earth. More than likely, it was brought here from somewhere else and given to some ancient civilization; one that predated the Rapa Nui by thousands of years.”

“So, like, an ancient, advanced, human race?” Wayne asked, growing more skeptical.

“Well, yes, basically — but we’ll need to find the crystal first, before we can prove that,” Vilocek said.

Cole suddenly spoke up. “You’re talking about Atlantis, right?”

Vilocek looked at the young man, then at Bryce and rest of the group. “Yes,” he said, nodding his head. “You see, there’s a method to all this madness, I assure you. If we can find and secure the crystal, it will solidify this theory, this ancient story — passed down through centuries of tradition and no doubt getting muddled and confused in the process. It would explain everything — the passageways, the significance of the ‘Golden Ratio’ in the world’s great architecture, the pervasiveness of a common legends ideas found in civilizations that never had contact with each other — “

“Like a flood story,” Wayne said.

“ — Like a flood story, to name the most famous example. But what about pyramidal structures like ancient tombs, temples, and worship sites? And what was it exactly that these civilizations worshiped? All of these questions — with their unspecific,
answers, you see — are nothing more than
educated guesses.

“If there’s a way to
the existence of such a supremely intelligent race, something that offers
conclusive evidence —
well, I think you all understand the gravity of something like that.”

He looked around the group, analyzing their reactions. Corinne looked at Cole, searching his expression. Bryce and the brothers exchanged glances.

Bryce knew that it wasn’t just
scientific evidence
of an ancient prehistoric civilization that Vilocek was after. There had to be a source for their power, a
for their superiority. Bryce knew
was all that really interested Vilocek.

“Sounds intriguing,” Bryce said finally, trying to sound less anxious than he felt. “Let’s get on with it then. You can explain the rest of it on the way, Tanning. I’d like to hear more about why the crystal breaks down the way it does, but we need to get moving.”

Vilocek nodded, wondering to himself why he had been so willing to share this hard-won knowledge with these people. Was it just his excitement? Or was it the thought of having a common enemy down there somewhere in this cave? He didn’t have the answer; and as he crouched down to follow the others into the cave, the uncertainty gnawed at him.



They began the descent in silence, all pondering Vilocek’s words. As they followed the cave into the volcano’s side, they were guided by the numerous blue symbols glowing along the walls and ceiling. The symbols, though, were the only resemblance to the other passageways so far. Unlike the symmetrical, mirror-image passageways beneath the Great Pyramid and Petra, this tunnel was nothing more than a smooth walled cave, sloping slightly downward, devoid of any stalagmites or other irregularities. As they went, Corinne thought of everything that had happened in the past few days, and tried to block as much of it out as possible.

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