KILTED DESIRE 3 - New Blood (15 page)

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   “There is one more thing though, Scott.”

   “Och, what’s that?”

   “You have to fight properly. We both treat it like a real fight. Knock-out or submission wins. We’ll do three rounds, three minutes each round. And, if I do okay against you, then you tell Mom and Dad that I’m quite good and don’t need them to worry so much. You know what I mean, get them to back off a little.”

laughed.  He admired Kyle’s confidence and perseverance.

   “And what constitutes
yer doing ‘okay’?” Scott asked.

   “Come on Scott, you know what I mean? I don’
t really expect to knock you out but if I put up a good fight and surprise you a little by what I can do, will you talk to them?”

   “Is this yer idea, or did it come fae Jake?”

   “I thought of it, and mentioned it to him. He said he thought it was a good idea and you did say the only way to get better was to fight someone with more experience.”

   “Aye, I suppose yer’ve got me there!”

   “So you’ll do it?”

   “Give me a few minutes, I’ll call yer back,” Scott said as he finished the call.

Scott smiled at Tiffany who had looked up from her book when he put the phone down.

   “What’s Kyle up to now?” She asked.

   “He wants me tae fight him, in the octagon. And if he does well against me, he wants me tae talk tae yer parents and tell them I think he’s guid enough tae get some real fights.”

   “Oh Scott, I’m sorry. Do you want me to talk to him?” Tiffany said apologetically.

   “Nae it’s fine. It may actually be guid fer him.”

   “And how do you come to that conclusion?”

   “I can beat him, and do it quite quickly. And, I can do it withoot hurting him. It may convince him that he needs more time and it’s better that it comes fae me rather than in a real fight where he could get badly hurt!”

   “I don’t know Scott. I don’t really want you fighting either.
You’ve only just gotten rid of a brain tumor. Plus it was only 18 months ago that you had a fractured skull. Not to mention we have a baby on the way!”

   “Och I’m fine Tiff, it’s just sparring. I just dinnae want tae see yer brother get hurt!”

   “I just think it’s about time he grew up, and stopped endangering other people with his whims!” she said getting upset.

   “So yer dinnae want me tae do it then!” Scott remarked.

   “I don’t know, Scott. If you’re convinced it’s safe and you think it will help him, then it’s okay. I don’t really know what to say. Maybe call Dad and see what he thinks.”


   A few minutes later, after making a quick call to Jim, Scott called Kyle back and set up the fight. Jim was actually happy about it, and was hopeful that facing off against Scott would give his son the shock that he needed. And as Scott had said, it was better for it to come from him, than someone he didn’t know in a real fight. Tiffany came around to the idea too, the only stipulation she had was that Scott wore a head-guard. He didn’t really want to, but had made Kyle agree to wear one too, telling him the only way he’d do it, was if they both wore them. It made Tiffany happy, and that was the most important thing to Scott. It had been a while since Scott had been in the ring at all, so even though it was going to be a friendly sparring match, he was excited.


   It was Saturday evening. The week had gone by quickly. Scott and Tiffany were out taking a walk on the beach. They were making the most of it while it was still within walking-distance. Scott had received many texts from Kyle over the previous few days, teasing and taunting him about how he was going to beat him. He liked the young man’s confidence but hadn’t gotten involved in the texting ‘smack-talk’. He’d been busy at work and that kind of thing wasn’t really his thing anyway, even though he knew Kyle was just having some fun. Scott was going to save his talking for the ring. As Scott and Tiffany strolled, hand-in-hand through the soft sand, it began to rain. It had clouded over very quickly and was now quite dark, even though it wasn’t late. The rain was coming down harder and they were still about a mile from home, so they started to run. It didn’t take long for them both to get soaked through. Scott stopped running and took her in his arms, spinning around in the sand.

   “There’s nae point running anymore, we’re already soaked. Do yer want tae go fer a swim in the ocean?” he asked smiling, as he twirled her around.

She couldn’t stop laughing.

   “Sure, why not!” she replied as she brushed her wind-swept, wet hair out of her face, with her fingers.

Although it was raining it wasn’t cold. Still, they only spent a couple of minutes frolicking in the ocean before heading for home. The beach was deserted as they made their way off it and up the steps that led back to the street. Scott paused at the top of the steps and took her in his arms again. He could see her nipples through her white T-shirt and it turned him on. He kissed her passionately, running his hand over her breasts. She moaned in his mouth as his fingers teased her hard nipples.

   “Let’s hurry up and get back tae the house, I want tae help yer oot of these wet clothes,” he whispered seductively in her ear.

She breathed out heavily, almost saddened that the kissing had to stop. She didn’t say anything but looked deep into his eyes before taking his hand and starting to run towards the house.


   Within a few minutes they were bursting through the front door, eager to get their wet clothes off.  They only made a few steps inside the house when Scott grabbed her from behind and lifted her wet T-shirt over her head. She kicked off her flip-flops while Scott was undoing and removing her denim shorts. The only thing she had on was the skimpy white bikini that she was wearing underneath, and it didn’t take Scott very long to remove that too. He’d taken his wet T-shirt off as soon as he’d come through the door. She looked at him, and particularly at the little droplets of water running down his strong chest, then rolling over his bumpy abs before disappearing into the waist-band of his shorts. She was excited and wanted him badly.


   She moved in close to him and raked her long fingernails down his chest. She didn’t stop, her hands continued going down, over his stomach, snagging his wet shorts and boxer briefs and pulling them down together. As their naked bodies came together, he lifted her up in his arms and kissed her deeply, passionately. He took a few steps looking for somewhere to lay her down. The dining table just happened to be closest to where they were, so he sat her on the edge and swiped it clear with his hand, sending the various letters, papers and place mats onto the floor. He carefully pushed her back, before standing between her legs and caressing her breasts. He moved his hands up her body and ran them through her long dark wet hair, before lightly stroking the side of her neck. She stared into his eyes and watched his delight as she once again raked her nails down his chest and over his abs. Scott was turned on, he couldn’t wait any longer so he gently moved himself inside her. Their glistening bodies moved together rhythmically until Scott noticed she looked uncomfortable on the hard table. He scooped her up in his arms and took her to the couch in the living room, laying her back again. Soon he was on top of her. She gripped his back tightly as his powerful body pinned her down. His hips were grinding erotically as he moved inside her. Again, their shining bodies writhed together in pleasure for what seemed like an hour, before they released in unison.

   “Och, I wish it rained here more often,” he said smiling as he moved to her side.

   “Hmmm, me too. Maybe we should take more showers together,” she quipped.

   “Yer will nae get any complaints fae me.”

   “Well, we better do it soon. I’ll be too big for that in a few months.”

That suits me, the sooner the better.”

   “Scott, a
re you still going to want to make love to me when my body doesn’t look like this anymore?” she said sounding a little concerned.

   “Och, is my body the only thing that yer like aboot me?” Scott responded.

   “Of course not!”

   “So why would yer think yer body was the only thing I liked aboot yer?”

   “I don’t think that, it’s just that I’m going to get fat.”

   “Yer will nae be fat, yer’ll just be keeping our wee lad warm.”

She rolled over on top of him, laying on his chest and looked into his eyes, smiling mischievously.

   “You do realize that it may not be a ‘lad’
, don’t you?”

   “Och it’s
a lad, trust me. I dinnae know how I know, but I do,” Scott said keeping a straight face.

   “What do you mean, you know? Nobody knows yet! It’s not even possible to know until I get the first ultrasound.”

   “I dinnae know how tae explain it, I just know. Yer wait and see. Just remember, I told yer first,” he said smiling and hugging her tightly.


   The following evening, Scott and Tiffany were at the gym early. She had decided to come along to watch and was sitting on the first step of the bleachers with Scott, while they waited for Kyle. Scott was looking forward to stepping back into the ring, and while they waited, he occasionally stood up and stretched his arms and legs. He was excited and wanted to make sure he was limbered up for his encounter. Kyle arrived a few minutes later with Jake, and a few of the other fighters from the gym. Scott got up and walked towards them.

   “Hey Kyle, how are yer?”

   “Good Scott, are you ready for this?”

   “Aye, I’m looking forward tae it. So, are we going tae have a referee and an official timekeeper?”

   “Yeah, Dan will act as referee, he can do the time too,” he said confidently.

   “Okay, are yer sure yer want tae do this?”

   “Yeah, I am. I’ve been learning a few new things this week. I think you’re going to be surprised.”

   “Hey, I like yer confidence. Guid luck Kyle,” he said extending his hand.

   “Thanks for doing this Scott, I appreciate it,” Kyle said shaking Scott’s hand.

Nae problem, are yer nearly ready tae start?”

give me five minutes to warm-up.”

   “Okay, let me know when yer ready,” Scott said as he returned to the bleachers and sat back down with Tiffany.

   “Hey babe, so is my little brother still confident?” she asked.

   “Aye, he seems it. I hope I dinnae upset him too much.”

   “I’m sure he’ll get over it, just be careful!”

   “I will babe, dinnae worry. It’s nae guid fer the wee lad in yer tummy when yer worry,” he said smiling at her.


   A few minutes later everyone was ready. Kyle was at one side of the octagon, he was wearing a pair
of flashy red and white shorts. His head-guard and gloves were similar. They were predominantly white but had red flashes on them. He was bouncing lightly on his feet and throwing a few practice punches, as he received final instructions from his coach. It was evident that Kyle had been working out over the last few months. He was definitely starting to show some muscle definition in his arms and shoulders. Scott was pacing slowly on the other side of the octagon, he was very relaxed. He wasn’t into the flashy look and was in plain black shorts, with a matching head-guard and gloves. Dan, the makeshift referee, walked into the ring and called them both to the center. Kyle was there first, still bouncing confidently and tilting his head from side to side. He smiled when Scott joined them, exposing his bright white mouth guard. He held out his hands for Scott to touch as Dan gave them the rules. Scott touched gloves and winked at Kyle before returning to the side where Tiffany was. He winked at her and gave her a little wave.

   “Dinnae blink Tiff,” he said before he put his black mouth-guard in.

She smiled, and got ready to start watching.

   “Are you ready?” Dan asked both men, getting nods from them both.

   “Okay, fight,” he shouted.

Scott didn’t waste any time, he ran across to Kyle who had moved forward slowly.
Scott quickly landed a kick on the side of Kyle’s shin. Then as Kyle’s focus and guard dropped, Scott planted a stinging jab into his face. Before Kyle could react or recover, Scott had dropped down and expertly knocked Kyle off his feet with a sweep kick. He pounced on the young man as he hit the canvas and quickly had his arm put in an excruciatingly painful arm-bar hold. The pressure applied in opposite directions on either side of his elbow joint had Kyle screaming out in pain. The young man banged on the floor three times quickly, indicating he’d had enough. Scott released the grip immediately and stood up, removing his head-guard and mouth-guard. It was all over in less than 10 seconds. Scott bent down and helped Kyle up off the floor, he was fine, but was just a little shaken up. Scott put his arm around him.

   “Are yer okay?”

   “Yeah, I’m good. You’ve got to teach me some of that stuff one day,” he said, as he was slowly coming to terms with what had just happened.

   “I’ll work with yer, nae problem.
Yer just have tae slow doon though like I’ve been telling yer, and wait until yer ready. It will come, but yer nae there yet. I’m sorry, I did nae want tae hurt yer, but I did need tae show yer what could happen tae yer.”

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