Kim Philby (18 page)

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Authors: Tim Milne

BOOK: Kim Philby
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Sicily had fallen to the Allies in July–August 1943, and Mussolini had been deposed by his compatriots and incarcerated in a mountain fastness. At the beginning of September our troops had begun landing in southern Italy. In Ryder Street a new subsection, Vt, was set up to handle Italy, and a brilliant recruit, Colin Roberts of St John’s College, Oxford,
was brought in to
deal with ISOS in the Vt area; he and I looked after it jointly until he was ready to take over.
It was during this time that one of the might-have-beens of the war occurred. The cypher used between SD headquarters in Berlin and their station in Rome had just been broken by GC&CS, but for the first week or two, as so often with newly broken cyphers, the decoded messages reached us in random order and with many gaps. Evidently something big was being planned, involving a specialist commando under Otto Skorzeny.
But one or two vital earlier messages were missing, and it was not until after Skorzeny and his men had landed on the Gran Sasso and ‘rescued’ Mussolini that Bletchley manage to unbutton them. Had they broken the SD cypher a few days earlier, or had Skorzeny attempted his snatch a few days later, means might conceivably have been found to forestall the operation. Mussolini would not have ended the war hanging upside down with Clara Petacci in a Milan square, and might have stood trial as a war criminal instead.
Now, of course, I was seeing much less of Kim. He was working in a different room, and concerned with several areas besides my own. After office hours there was not much time or energy for social life. But the lunch hour usually found Kim, me and a few companions in one or other of the many pubs within three minutes’ walk of 14 Ryder Street. Our favourite was the Unicorn, at the corner of Jermyn Street and Bury Street. Here on one occasion Kim and I were sitting at the bar when a man walked in whom I recognised as a former contemporary of ours at Westminster, from another house. He caught sight of Kim, and without noticing me went up to him and said, ‘Good Lord, aren’t you Milne?’ ‘No,’ said Kim, ‘he is.’ I can think of no
obvious reason why somebody whom each of us had known only slightly at school and whom neither had seen or heard of since should have mentally associated us to the point of confusion. The newcomer seemed as mystified as we were.
Some accounts suggest that Kim travelled a good deal at this period, visiting our stations in Spain and Portugal several times and even the Middle East. I recall only one visit by Kim to the peninsula and none elsewhere, as long as he was in Section V. But there was plenty for him to do in Ryder Street, especially in supervising the new Italian subsection and in planning the Section V contribution to the forthcoming Overlord operation. It was also in these first few months in Ryder Street that a most interesting case arose which Kim made very much his own and which he describes in detail in his book. A German Foreign Office official, code-named wood,
was supplying Allen Dulles, head of OSS in Switzerland, with
en clair
texts of telegrams between German embassies and Berlin, most of which were not available through Bletchley. Each time he came to Berne he deposited a batch of telegrams on Dulles’s office. For complicated reasons it fell to Kim to handle the processing and distribution for British customers of this voluminous and extremely valuable material. It was through
that we first learnt about
, the valet to the British ambassador in Turkey, who for a few months supplied so much information to the Germans in Ankara. C
was run by the SD, whose cyphers between Ankara and Berlin were not being read by Bletchley. But the German ambassador in Ankara, Franz von Papen, also sent a few telegrams about him to the German Foreign Office, and it was these that wood produced. While they did not name or directly pinpoint the SD agent, there was enough information for the British investigators to get
uncomfortably close to him and frighten him off for the rest of the war, though it was not until the Americans captured
’s case officer, Moyzisch, after VE Day that we learnt the full truth. Seldom has a case had such an all-star cast:
, probably the best German agent of the war;
, one of the most remarkable Allied agents; Dulles, perhaps the most celebrated of OSS officers; and Kim, described (by Dulles) as ‘the best spy the Russians ever had’.
Though I did not know it, my time in the Iberian subsection was coming to an end. In February 1944, I went down with severe sinus trouble and a high temperature, and as recovery was slow I was packed off to Dorset to convalesce. Arriving back in Ryder Street on 1 March, I found I had made a sideways move and was now in charge of a new subsection, Vf, dealing with Germany. Felix Cowgill was belatedly making good his original omission to do anything about Germany, and handsomely. Within a few months Vf numbered twenty or more officers. They included three or four first-class people, a larger number who were competent without being outstanding, and one or two elderly has-beens who were so abysmally useless that all one could do was to put them onto relatively unimportant matters where they could do no serious harm. This was not too difficult to arrange because Vf had no stations to deal with and no current casework to handle. One of our main tasks was to assemble in easily available form all information about German intelligence services and their members that might be useful to the Allied forces when the time came for them to enter and govern a large part of Germany; it was anticipated that by then
and SD officials who had not yet been captured either would be found corralled within Germany or could be repatriated there by arrangement
with neutral countries. Our field included the Gestapo (who had not hitherto come much within our purview) and several other departments concerned with aspects of intelligence and security. Of course, the work was nothing like so exciting as it had been in Vd. We had no telegrams to send, no spies to catch or turn, no démarches to make.
But in truth the counter-espionage war against the Germans was already near to being won. The
was in disarray. On top of the humiliations it had suffered at our hands in Spain – to the personal disadvantage of Admiral Canaris, the head of the
, some of whose earlier prestige had arisen from his close friendship with Franco and other Spanish leaders – three
officials in Turkey defected to the Allies early in 1944. Soon after this, slight changes began to be noticeable in the designation of certain addressees and signatories of
messages. The phrase ‘Mil.Amt’ appeared – i.e.
, or Military Office. It eventually emerged that the politically unreliable
had been put under the command of the SD and was now designated as the SD’s ‘Mil.Amt’. First to appreciate what was happening were Trevor-Roper’s section, from their central vantage point. If Vf had been properly established by then I hope we would have been equally quick. But to anyone concentrating on Spain, Portugal and north Africa the change was distinctly unexpected. There the SD had been ineffective. Only their man in Tangier remains in memory, not for any achievements but for his big mouth. After the Allies landed in north Africa, he was forever promising Berlin that he had a team ready to assassinate Eisenhower in Algiers or an agent who could penetrate this or that headquarters. At first he had a slight nuisance value, but was soon discounted. Elsewhere the SD were
of greater consequence: I have already mentioned the Skorzeny and
operations. The political significance of this takeover of the German General Staff’s secret intelligence service by the rival Party organisation, at a time when German forces were in retreat, was unmistakable.
Although I had left the Vd subsection (now headed by Desmond Pakenham), Kim as Vk was still my immediate boss. A subject which was increasingly occupying our attention was that of anti-Hitler plots within Germany and attempts by the plotters to gain the interest and support of the Allies. I put one of my officers, Noel Sharp, on to the subject full time. As early as the summer of 1942 Otto John,
on one of his visits to Madrid as Lufthansa’s legal adviser, had begun to give information to an SIS agent (on the Broadway side, not Section V) about a group, including Ludwig Beck, Carl Friedrich Goerdeler and others, which was said to be planning to overthrow the Hitler régime. In the two years that followed, other emissaries such as Adam von Trott and Hans Bernd Gisevius amplified the information in other neutral countries – as did John himself on further visits to the peninsula. The broad political aim of the group was to set up a government which would be friendly to Britain and America and ready to make peace.
A myth has grown up that Kim, in the Soviet interest, managed to stifle reports of this kind or at least to get them regarded as unreliable. I have no doubt that if he had seen in this situation an opportunity of helping the Russians without danger to himself he would have taken it. But he was not really in a strong position to influence events. For one thing, the plotters were in touch with the Americans as well as the British. Within SIS, it was for Section I, not Section V, to decide what political information
should be circulated to the Foreign Office and other Whitehall departments. To the best of my memory John’s reports were indeed so circulated by Section I, with the reasonable comment that as the source was not a regular SIS agent the reports could not be vouched for. I assume that something similar happened to the reports from the other emissaries. Section V’s primary role was to examine whether there was any evidence that the whole thing was a plant by a German intelligence service, or alternatively that the German security service had penetrated the group and were aware of what was going on. It soon became apparent that there was no evidence for the first possibility. Although, as we could see from ISOS, some of the emissaries were technically
agents, this meant nothing. Almost all Germans who visited neutral countries frequently were likely to be given some sort of brief by the
to report any useful information that came their way. We found it harder to judge the second hypothesis. It seemed impossible that the Gestapo and SD, with all their resources and ruthlessness, had never, in the course of two years and more, had an inkling of what was going on when we were picking it up all over the place. Perhaps the plotters were deliberately being allowed a lot of rope by the Gestapo and SD. The general attitude in London was cautious. One reason was that, in November 1939, SIS had fallen head first into a trap laid by the SD at Venlo, on the Dutch–German frontier. Two SIS officers, lured by a bogus resistance group, had been captured by the Germans. (The leader in that operation had been a young man called Walter Schellenberg, who was now incidentally in charge of the Mil.Amt.)
Nevertheless Noel Sharp and I found ourselves getting increasingly interested in and optimistic about this group of plotters, and
I don’t recall any contrary view from Kim. The real objections to giving encouragement to these and similar feelers came from the Foreign Office. It was fixed Allied policy to reject anything that could be interpreted as an attempt to drive a wedge between the Western Allies and Russia. There may also have been reluctance in the Foreign Office, and indeed elsewhere, to believe that this was more than a small bunch of amateurs unlikely to achieve anything. Not long after the bomb attack of 20 July 1944 several of us, as was our custom, were listening to the news in the hall of 14 Ryder Street. Noel and I looked at one another open mouthed as so many familiar names were reeled off, of plotters now dead or in custody. Perhaps the Gestapo had already had some of them in its sights, but it had not managed to prevent Claus von Stauffenberg’s bomb (provided by accomplices in
II, from captured SOE stock) from going off under Hitler’s conference table.
Noel Sharp, who later became keeper of the Department of Printed Books at the British Museum, has confirmed to me lately that he had no evidence, impression or suspicion either that Kim tried to suppress or get classed as unreliable any of the reports we received on this whole subject, or that he was playing any game of his own, least of all in respect of the 20 July people. It is also relevant that Kim was largely responsible for the dispatch of Klop Ustinov (father of Peter) to Lisbon in, I think, early 1944 with a specific brief to revive friendships with anti-Hitler Germans he had known in the past – a mission which Klop performed with some success. One of his old friends proved to have connections with the 20 July group, and produced useful advance information.
Other allegations have been made that while in Section V
Kim may have suppressed or discounted information in order to suit the Soviet interest. Trevor-Roper says that late in 1942 his section wrote a paper on the growing struggle between the Nazi Party and the German General Staff, as exemplified in the field of secret intelligence, and on attempts by Himmler to oust Admiral Canaris and take over the
. Kim is said to have forbidden circulation of this paper on the grounds that it was merely speculative. I do not recall the incident exactly but feel sure that the interpretation of his attitude is unjustified. There was indeed a long-standing argument between Trevor-Roper’s section and the rest of Section V – particularly Vd – on the importance or otherwise of the SD, but it was a perfectly genuine disagreement. I have already indicated that in the Iberian area it was difficult to think of the SD and the
as two rival intelligence services of comparable weight. In the end Trevor-Roper’s section was vindicated, in that the SD was able to use its political muscle and take over the battered and disaffected
. But at the time Kim’s attitude would have been perfectly reasonable. It is also worth pointing out that he was then head of the Iberian subsection only and had no power to give orders to anyone outside it, although he might have been in a position to veto external circulation of a paper in so far (and only in so far) as it was based on Iberian ISOS.

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