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Authors: Antonia Fraser

King Charles II (116 page)

BOOK: King Charles II
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Williamson, Sir Joseph,

Willis, Dr Thomas,

Willoughby de Broke, Lady,

Willoughby of Parham, Francis, 5th Baron,

Willys, Sir Richard, betrayal of Sealed Knot,

Wilmot, Lord,
Rochester, Henry Wilmot, 1st Earl of

Winchester, new palace at,

Windsor Castle,
; Charles I at,
; as royal fortress,
; Garter ceremony (1661),
; tennis court,
; renovation of,
; C’s illness at (1679),

‘Windsor Castle’ (Otway),

Windsor Forest,

Winram, George,

Wiseman, Sir Jonathan,

‘Wits, the’,

Wolbarsht, M. L.,

Wolfe, Mr and Mrs (of Madeley),



Woodville, Elizabeth,

Worcester, battle of (1651),
; C’s valour at,
; his escape from,
; his wanderings after,

Worcester, siege of (1646),

Wren, Sir Christopher,
; Royal Observatory at Greenwich,
; replanning of London,
; new palace at Newmarket,
; new palace at Winchester,

Wright, Michael,

Wycherley, William,

Wyndham, Anne,

Wyndham, Mrs Christabella,
; as C’s foster-mother,
; her later seduction of him,

Wyndham, Colonel Francis: and Western Association,
; and C’s journey to coast after Worcester,

York, James, Duke of,

York, Anne Hyde, Duchess of,
; marriage,
; Catholicism,
; death,

York, Mary of Modena, Duchess of,
Mary Beatrice of Modena


First published in Great Britain in 1979 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
First published in ebook in 2011 by Wiedenfeld & Nicolson
Copyright © Antonia Fraser 1979
The right of Antonia Fraser to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the copyright, designs and patents act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published without a similar condition, including this condition, being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
ISBN: 978 1 7802 2068 0
Orion Books
The Orion Publishing Group Ltd
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BOOK: King Charles II
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