KING (Mistress & Master of Restraint) (37 page)

BOOK: KING (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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No fear, Regina’s
trajectory is placing her directly in my path. In the beginning she thought safety lay at the entrance. With my roars, she discovered she was trapped with no way out. Now Regina battles to gain the upper-hand and flank us. Her cackles fill the air every time she deals Ezra punishing blows. Queen is no longer trying to flee, she’s trying to conquer.

The hunted has become the hunter.

Anticipation rushes in a hot torrent through my veins, delivering adrenaline-laced blood throughout my system. My body becomes one with the hunt- every muscle in my body operates in perfect conjunction- pulling, drawing, driving me towards capturing my target.

Ragged breath alerts my ears an instant before my arms intuitively encircle Queen. She is hot to the touch, sweltering,
and completely devoid of clothing. All of those battles were fought to keep the flimsy protection of fabric. Ezra and I had wanted to become one with the hunt. We stripped bare before we began.

“Yield,” I breathe in
to her ear as one of my arms tightly vises around her breasts, rendering Queen immobile. She freezes, shocked from our first encounter. Knowing Queen was running this maze with Ezra at her heels was exciting, witnessing the hunt with my own eyes is exhilarating. No doubt, Queen is experiencing similar emotions. Knowing I was stalking her is different than being captured by me.

“King captures Queen,” breathlessly flutters against her throat. My palm lands on her belly and abruptly lifts
. With the shift of my hips, my cock easily slips inside of Regina’s drenched pussy. A moan bubbles up her throat and I echo the euphoric hum. I close my eyes and pump, luxuriating in the feel of her hot flesh welcoming me, pulsating around me, dousing me with her wetness. I lower her to the ground and take her from behind. Regina animalistically rears back against me, counterthrusting while on all fours. The moonlight casts an ethereal glow to her arched spine and the curve of her ass. I’m mesmerized by the sight of my cock, effortlessly sliding, surging and retreating inside her saturated tight pussy.

I bury
thoughts of last times and closure, and exist in the here and now. I experience Regina in the purest form- on a primordial animalistic level- the female freely submits to the male that captured her during the hunt.

My hands hungrily seek the tender warmth of her br
easts. They overflow my palms, jiggling as we rut like animals in the wild. Our grunts and moans fill the air with our song of pleasure.

“Those battles were won, alright,” I groan. “Either you’re hotter tha
n hell or Ezra has cum inside you already. My God, Regina, your pussy is scorching me.” Shudders roll down my spine, bowing my head backwards. My eyes light on the moon. I mate my wife under the full moon on All Hallows Eve.

Aahhh…” Regina moans low and long as moisture runs in rivulets down our bodies. She climaxes, pussy spasming around my cock. My training has paid off. No longer am I a victim of my body’s urges. I can hold out all night. Regina doesn’t speak as she orgasms, but I can feel her surprise over my stamina.

“I love you,” I softly murmur into her ear, rubbing my cheek along her neck
like a well-contented cat. “Ugh!” I grunt, doubling over in pain, the need to vomit dominating me. “What the fuck?” I hiss between clenched teeth. I drop to the ground and curl up into a ball, whimpering into my drawn-up knees.

“Checkmate, s
unshine,” Regina victoriously sings. “Queen nut shots King.” Her menacing cackle fades in the distance as she stalks her next victim.

“Not fucking cool, bitch!” I shriek
, air painfully expelling from my lungs, vein throbbing in my forehead. “Cum and run!” I cough up a lung, or maybe a testicle. No need to worry about those fictitious kids anymore, I guess.

“It fades,” hoarsely comes from the shadows.
My fellow predator sounds as if he’s been torturously screaming for days. “Give it two minutes. Regina’s perfected just the right amount of pressure to drop you to your knees but not do lasting damage.” The sympathy in Ezra’s voice is definitely wrought through experience.

“Why aren’t you going after her?” I grunt and sputter a cough. My head hangs low as I rest on all fours.
I look up and search out Ezra, but he’s blending into the shadows.

“I’m hiding, jackass,” he snidely grunts.
“I’ve been through this two times already. My balls are screaming for an ice pack. I also have a black eye and a bruised rib. Regina wasn’t easy prey. I knew she’d fight, but damn… She’s magnificent,” he croons in awe. “My father is a lucky man. At least I came both times. That was fucking cruel.”

“You’re the jackass that taught me to last all night, remember?
Regina didn’t even fight me,” I whimper in amazement. “She just yielded until after she got off. That is… not fair,” I whine.

“I came to find you. No more divide and conquer
shit. Time to hunt our huntress… and make our nuts feel better.” Ezra growls low in his throat. “I’m coming all over her tits. Hell, I’m giving her a facial. I’ve still got Marc’s phone. Can you say moneyshot?”

“I’m down with that.
Let’s vid the fucker. I’ll project it on the Dungeon’s walls myself. Question my technique… douchebags,” I mutter to myself.

must be hunting for me. We can sit here like easy prey or we can flank her. Let’s cull the herd, Pretty Boy. Walk it off… c’mon, upsies.” Ezra grabs my elbow and drags me to my feet. “Steady… we have some running to do. I’m not going down again. She goes near my nuts, I’m fisting her cunt,” he viciously threatens. “It’ll fit, Neil’s huge head popped out of there.”

“We hold her down and do whatever the fuck we please. On the count of three,” I declare. I draw in a lungful of air and expel it in a gust.
“Three… two… one.”

Ezra runs left and I run right. We seek Regina. I pause to listen,
attuning my ears to the unnerving silence in order to sense subtle changes in the air. My eyesight sharpens, shapes taking form instead of looming sinisterly. My skin enlivens, the air rushing over my flesh crackles with anticipation.

A whoop fills the air as I track Regina’s retreating figure. I call Ezra to our location. Feet pounding, breath sawing, heart racing, I pursue my Queen through the winding, curving, twisting labyrinth of the Maze.

Not once, but four times, my fingers seek purchase and slide off her sweat slickened skin. The three hunters are all the same height- our stride the same distance. Regina’s will pushes her to impossible speeds. Her brain computes her next move long before I’ve even registered the need to think.

“Nice try, sunshi
ne,” Regina taunts as my fingertips skim the nape of her neck again. I growl as she finds a burst of speed and outpaces me. “FUCK!” She cries and I smack right into the back of her.

“Checkmate?” Ezra darkly laughs as he stands in our path. A wall of greenery to our right and our left, Ezra in front
with more greenery behind him, and me in the back- Regina is officially trapped.

A stunned Regina stares at Ezra like he’s a pair of
hypnotic headlights on an eighteen-wheeler and she’s the deer. Ezra is magnificent. He enthralls us with his stance. Gloriously naked, jutting arousal, hands fisted on his hips, his gray stare pins us into immobility.

“What do you call it when the Queen is captured? Checkmate is for the king… We shall call it
… up shit creek without a paddle… fucked… yeah,” Ezra sinisterly twists a smirk, “We’ll go with fucked. Regina. You.  Are. Fucked.”

She lunges forward before I can react. H
er battle cry fills the air. Regina draws her arm back, and within the blink of an eye, her fist connects with Ezra’s solar plexus and he goes down like a bag of shit. Regina hurdles his slumped form and full-out runs.

We simultaneously act: I
dive forward as Ezra’s hand strikes out and snares her ankle. I ride her back to the ground as Ezra crawls up her body. We bury her under our combined weight as she punches, claws, screams, and kicks. Ezra takes another elbow jab to the eye. She never tries to hurt me. Even her accidental hits are pulled at the last instant. Regina isn’t fighting within panic mode- every action is well thought out before enacted.

“Screw you, Ez,” she seethes. “Didn’t you get enough the last two times?”

“Sweetling,” Ezra breathlessly teases her from atop her ass. “You came six times for me. I’m scratched, bruised, and bleeding. I deserve more than two quick spurts. Didn’t you learn anything from the last two times or eons ago when we used to play this game… often. Those were the days,” Ezra dreamily muses with a creepy smile on his face. “This is the best night I’ve had in ages,” he grandly sings.

“Jesus, Dr. Lunatic is back in action. Is this some kind of
depraved catch and release program? Only you’re not releasing animals into the wild. You’re releasing inside your catch?” Regina draws in a breath and sighs it out. “Alright, I’ll play nicely. You win.”

I start to let her up, but Ezra’s words stop me. “Don’t,” he shakes his head. “Did you forget that nut shot?
Regina struck while you were professing your love, for heaven’s sake. I learned this ‘I promise to be good’ lesson earlier. Wait until she twists your sack in her man-hands. Death would be welcome. I received that the second time around. I’m paying this bitch back! She knows better than to fuck with me.”

Ezra’s hand grip the back of Regina’s shorn blonde hair and roughly yanks. He lifts her head until her face is in view. Regina is silently laughing at us. “Pretty Boy, avoid her mouth and hands. Pussy and ass are the only parts of her that can’t fight back,” Ezra hisses from experience. 

“I could’ve hurt Whitt time and time again. But he wasn’t about to hurt me, so I played nice,” Regina sweetly says, batting her reddish-blonde eyelashes at me. After all the shit I’ve been through with this woman, she still manages to make me blush.


“What the fuck do you call my aching balls?”
I shout in outrage to cover my embarrassment. “That

“I call it payback for luring me down here under the guise of Marcus. I could have hurt you dozens of times in the past few minutes, yet you are unscathed, so don’t bitch.”

“Hold her still,” Ezra growls a command, losing all patience. “I’m fucking her like a wild animal.”

I stare in a
we at the pair of them. Regina hysterically laughs as Ezra’s lust-filled eyes devour her. The violent power radiating off of Ezra could sustain our city.

Regina flips over onto her back an
d grins. “Violate me, Master Ez,” she throatily purrs.

Ezra tilts his head back and laughs to the mo
on. “Pretty Boy, Regina will behave,” he gleefully announces. “She’s going nowhere.”

He roughly
yanks Regina’s head back by the hair and fiercely kisses her, eating at her lips and sucking her tongue. Watching her tongue get sucked into Ezra’s mouth almost negates months’ worth of stamina building. My cock pulses, pleading for the orgasm I refused it earlier. My aching testicles scream in protest as pressure builds for release.

“You’ve been begging for this for… months,” Ezra hisses. His fingers capture Regina’s nipple and
painfully twists. She arches and releases a deep moan. “Cockteasing me, driving me mad. It has been torture watching you screw with Pretty Boy’s mind and heart. Admit it,” Ezra demands, “you’ve waited every night for this to happen?”

“I want you and Whitt t
o fuck me at the same time,” Regina moans, begs. I never thought Ezra could be rendered speechless, but he joins me in astonishment. Mouth gaping, eyes bulging, cock twitching.

Quickly, he pulls Regina to her knees. Ezra presses her back to his chest. He gazes at me, no doubt reading the emotions written across my face. Once- only once have I seen Ezra with Regina. It was before she was mine. It was my punishment for being bullheaded, blind to anything other than the outcome I was manipulating. Ezra and Cortez took Regina before my eyes, before I was allowed to have a taste.

Two hours later Regina was my wife.

There is a perver
se symmetry with Ezra taking Regina hours before she’s no longer my wife. A perfect reversal- the ultimate closure.

I watch in awed silence as Ezra’s
hand guides the head of his cock inside my wife. I view the exact moment of penetration. Regina’s subtle gasp sings in my ears as Ezra’s thick cock is engulfed by her eager pussy. Two pairs of eyes stare at my face as I gaze at their connection.

Regina says in question.

My mouth descends, first on Ezra’s, and then Regina’s parted lips. My arms wrap around both of them, pressing soft breasts to my chest. The rock of their joined hips sways me, comforts and arouses me with its slow rhythm.

For the first time ever, my cock is in Ezra’s large hand. “I thought that was against the rules. No hands, mouths, or penetration,” I slur, my tongue feeling too large for my mouth.

“This never leaves this Maze, Daniel. This is private between you and your wife. There is no Marcus or Dalton,
and no Katya or Cortez right now. It will be the three of us, and then just the two of you. I promised you this, and I’m going to give it to you. My hand is just a guide,” Ezra softly murmurs as his firm hand gently strokes along my shaft.

BOOK: KING (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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