King of Campus (37 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Sucevic

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Sports

BOOK: King of Campus
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“The canoe,” she gasps because it’s now turned over and bobbing upside down in the water next to us.

Guess a pertinent question to ask at this point would be- “Are you okay?  Do you know how to swim?”

A small gurgle of laughter escapes from her lips.  “You probably should have asked that before we went out in a boat!”

I can’t resist grinning because she doesn’t seem angry about our current predicament.  Some girls would be seriously pissed off to find themselves floating in the middle of a lake.  “Yeah, you’re right, I should have.”  Since she’s treading water next to me like a champ, I’m pretty sure she at least knows how to doggie paddle.  “I better get this canoe turned over so we can head back to shore.”

That turns out to be a ten minute fiasco.  It probably would have gone a lot faster if we weren’t both laughing and splashing each other like a couple of kids.  But damn, we’re just having too much fun to get the job done.  When we finally get the canoe righted, climbing back inside is an entirely new, not to mention, difficult challenge.  I hold the red boat steady while Ivy hoists herself over the edge before finally tumbling inside with a loud

My shoulders shake with silent laughter as I hear her swear like a sailor under her breath.

“You better not be laughing!”  She yells from the bottom of the canoe right before her head pops up.  She glares down at me looking very much like a drowned kitten.

Instantly I school my features.  “I was doing no such thing.”

Her eyes narrow further until they’re nothing more than slits.  “Yeah, you were.  You were definitely laughing at me.”

Her hand shoots out right before skimming across the rippling surface of the water.  She’s got good aim, I’ll give her that.  It gets me square in the face.  Shaking it off, I launch myself towards the canoe before grabbing the metal rimmed edge.  Then I give it a good shake.  “You looking to join me in here again?”

She squeals before crashing back onto the floor.  “God damn it, Roan!”

Still laughing, I steady the boat.  Slowly she crawls over to the middle bench before picking up the oars we found floating in the water.  With one hand on the canoe, I slowly begin towing her towards the dock.  Thank god it’s bright and sunny out or we’d both be freezing our asses off.  Although she does have a pretty cute ass, so maybe I wouldn’t mind seeing that.

Once we reach the shoreline, I pull the boat up onto the sandy beach before helping her out.  Once I have her fingers firmly ensconced in mine, I don’t let them go.  My eyes run the length of her.  Her clothes are still dripping wet.  Her hair is slicked back and little rivulets of water continue to slowly trek their way down the side of her face.  I can’t resist reaching over and giving her a soft kiss.

As I do, her hand fists the top of my shirt as if to keep me anchored in place.  After a few heated moments, I finally pull back.  We’re both soaking wet.  Hell, water is puddling in my Timberlands since I just stepped out of the lake and I’m still fully dressed in cargo shorts and a t-shirt.

“I guess we’ll have to borrow some of my dad’s clothes and throw these in the dryer.”

Her eyes hold mine for just a moment before she says with just enough heat to have my cock twitching in my shorts. “Or maybe we just throw them in the dryer.”

Before I’m even able to process the words, she grabs the hem of her shirt before slowly dragging the drenched material over her head.  Feeling suddenly paralyzed, all I can do is stand there with my breath caught in my throat as she begins unbuttoning the red little shorts that are currently plastered against her tight tummy and hip bones.

Have I mentioned just how amazingly long those sexy little shorts make her legs look?

Like they go on for miles and miles.

Still holding my eyes, she steps out of the shorts until she’s standing in nothing more than a lacy pale pink bra and a tiny frothy scrap of material I’m going to guess are panties.

Holy shit this girl is hot.  All the saliva in my mouth instantly dries as my eyes eat her alive.  Even though my cargo shorts are freezing cold, I’m now sporting a massive hard on.

She glances down at the boots still adorning her feet.  “I guess it’s not so sexy with these on, huh?”

My gaze falls to the tan leather Timberlands strapped to her feet before slowly traveling up her toned athletic body.  “Actually,” I swallow thickly, “its
sexier than you can even imagine.”  I’m not lying either.  I don’t think I’ve ever been more turned on in my life.

One side of her mouth tilts up at my horse sounding words.  Her eyes take on this sexy light as if she knows her own sex appeal and enjoys flaunting it.  And yeah… that’s freaking hot as well.

“So… would it be even sexier if I took off the bra and underwear?”

Damn, I can’t tell if she’s fucking with me or not.

I’m barely able to choke out the words as I imagine what that would look like.  “God, yes.”

The smile slowly falls from her lips as she reaches around her narrow body and unclasps the back of her lacy little bra.  As it snaps apart, the thin straps torment me by sliding oh-so-leisurely down her arms until her breasts are finally bared.

I’m not going to lie- I’ve been fantasizing about what Ivy looked like since she slammed into me on campus.  What I find is even better than my imagination could possibly conjure, because standing before me is absolute fucking perfection.  I didn’t think I could get any harder.  I was wrong.  I’m so stiff it’s actually painful.  And the last thing I need is to freaking come in my shorts like some goddamn prepubescent teenager.

How fucking humiliating would

Yeah, we’re not even going to go there.

Her breasts are small, tight, and slightly rounded. They’re topped with gorgeous little blush colored nipples that are already thrusting out at me as if begging for attention.  I just want to wrap my lips around one of them and suckle it into my mouth.  Then I want to lick and suck the other rosy bud until she’s moaning to feel my hot mouth everywhere else on her tight willowy body.  I must groan or something because fire suddenly leaps into her eyes as if she’s just as turned on and impatient as I am.

Which, let me tell you, isn’t possible.

Before I can babble out some kind of ridiculous nonsense about thanking god or her or
for the amazing moment I’m having here, she wiggles her way out of that little pink scrap of fabric covering up the only part of her my eyes haven’t touched.  As she kicks them off, I realize it’s a teeny tiny thong.

Once again my gaze slides greedily down her gorgeous body.  Long and lean.  A flat belly that dips in at her hip bones and…

I swallow thickly as my eyes slide down to her gorgeous pussy.

Two words for you-
completely bare.

Which is sexy as fuck.

I want to plow my hand through my hair, but I don’t.  Instead I whip off my shirt before tossing it somewhere over my shoulder.  Then my trembling fingers… yeah, for fuck’s sake, my fingers are actually shaking, I fumble around with the belt before unbuttoning and unzipping my shorts.  They crash to the ground at my feet before I hastily kick them away.  When I’m in nothing more than my boxer briefs, I quickly unlace my boots. 

When both my boots and socks have been tossed aside, I look up at her standing before me in nothing more than her Timberlands.

Goddamn, that’s one sexy mental snapshot.

“Come here, beautiful.”  My voice is all low and gravelly.  I hope I don’t scare her with just how growly it sounds.  She steps forward until I can start working on her knotted laces.  In record time, I have her out of those sexy-as-fuck boots.

Yeah… I know, who would have thought?

Certainly not me…

Once she’s totally bare, I allow my hands to leisurely slide their way over the smooth pale skin of her calves to the delicate undersides of her knees before moving past the lean muscles of her thighs to her gently flaring hips.

When my hands finally slide around to her ass, I pull her forward until I can press a soft kiss to the vee of her heated flesh.  Her breath catches in her throat as I do.  It’s music to my ears.  And it only stokes the flames that are leaping and twisting within me.  God, but I just want to spread her wide and lick every single gorgeous inch of this girl.

Ivy is, without a doubt, the sexiest woman I’ve ever been with.

Up until now, all I’ve done is screw around with scores of faceless, nameless women.  Tons of them.  So many, I’ve actually lost count.  I stopped keeping track a long time ago.  None of them were anything more than a quick fuck.  At first it was a way to prove to myself and others that I was nothing like my father.  Then it was a way to release pressure.  To turn off my mind and forget about the constant stress of performing with a few moments of mindless pleasure.  And I enjoyed it.  I mean, come on… of course I enjoyed it.

A soft wet pussy and big bouncy titties…

What’s not to enjoy?

Although in the back of my mind, I always knew why they were with me.  I knew they didn’t give a shit about me anymore than I cared about them.  But this… what’s unfolding at this very moment, couldn’t be more different than every single sexual experience I’ve ever had.

I care about Ivy.  And I think… I think maybe I mean something to her as well.  She wouldn’t be doing this if she didn’t have feelings for me.  And that, I realize, makes this so much more special than almost any other moment of my entire life.

Suddenly I’m glad it’s Ivy I’m experiencing this with.  This isn’t going to be some fast fuck or a faceless screw.  No.  I’m going to take my sweet damn time.  And I’m going to make love to this beautiful woman who is giving herself to me.

Coming to my feet, I press my lips gently against her mouth, allowing my tongue to sweep inside, mingling with hers for just a heated moment or two.  Damn, but it would be all too easy to let the attraction between us burn hot and consume us.  But that’s not what I want.  Nope.  I need to slow this down and just enjoy what’s unfolding between us.  I feel her fingers slip inside my boxers before running rather tortuously up and down the iron hard length of me.

I can’t help the low growl of need that falls from my lips.  I’m seriously holding on by a frayed thread.  My balls are so tightly drawn up against my body they’re literally aching for release.

“You gonna lose the boxers?”  She murmurs the words huskily and damn if that doesn’t send me rocketing right over the fucking edge.

“Consider them lost,” I whisper fiercely against her mouth.  In three seconds flat, I make good on that promise.  The boxers have disappeared and we’re both naked, embracing one another as the sun strokes our chilled flesh.  My skin may still be cold from the impromptu swim we just took, but I’m freaking burning up inside.

Without another word, I wrap one arm under the back of her thighs as I hoist her up into my arms.  She can’t weigh more than a buck twenty or so.  She’s so light. About half my weight.

She nestles close to my bare chest as I carry her towards the house and through the front door to my bedroom.  Gently I place her in the middle of the king sized bed.  Her gorgeous body sinks into the feather comforter.  Her eyes burn into mine and for just a moment it feels as if my heart actually skitters to a halt before pounding right out of my chest.

I’m struck by the thought that this girl matters.

She matters more than anyone else ever has.

How’s that for a kick in the balls?

Lost in my thoughts, I must stand there staring down at her for just a moment too long because suddenly she’s stretching her hand out to me.  Placing my fingers in hers, she tugs me until I’m collapsing onto the bed, semi sprawled over her, with our eyes still clinging.  Leaning down, I take her lips with mine before our tongues slowly tangle together.

Even though I’m dying to bury myself deep inside her, I don’t.  I want this moment to last.  I want to draw out every ounce of pleasure that I can.  I want this to be something neither one of us ever forgets.  This needs to be the sexual experience that all others get measured against.

And then are found lacking.

It’s a tall fucking order but I think I’m up to it.

Hell, I know I am.

I spend a good ten minutes licking at her mouth, sucking on her tongue, just generally tormenting her until she’s as mindless and frenzied as I am.  If the small whimpering moans that are falling from her gently parted lips are any indication, then I think she’s loving it.  As much as I could spend the rest of the day just adoring that gorgeous mouth of hers, I want to explore the rest of her long slender body now that I finally have it exactly where I want it. 

With teasing strokes, my tongue and lips slip from her chin to the hollow of her neck.  With care, I bath the pulse that beats a steady thumping rhythm under her delicate flesh before sliding my way over her narrow shoulders and breast bone.  I want to learn every single curve and dip until I know her as well as I know myself.

When I finally reach the gentle swell of her breast, I take my time slowly nuzzling her with my lips and teeth.  Ivy arches her body as I circle my way closer and closer to her tightened nipple.  Unable to resist, I swipe over the hardened bud with my tongue.

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