King of Thorns

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Authors: Mark Lawrence

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King of Thorns

Ace Books by Mark Lawrence



King of Thorns


M A R K   L A W R E N C E



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: August 2012

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Lawrence, Mark, 1966–

King of thorns / Mark Lawrence.—1st ed.

p. cm.—(Broken empire; bk. 2)

ISBN: 978-1-101-58126-1

I. Title.

PS3612.A9484K56 2012




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Dedicated to my son, Rhodri


I need to thank my reader, Helen Mazarakis, for reading
King of Thorns
one chunk at a time as I wrote it, and telling me what she thought.

Many thanks go to Ginjer Buchanan at Ace for taking a chance on me, and to both her and Kat Sherbo for all their labour in making The Broken Empire series a success.

My editor at HarperCollins Voyager, Jane Johnson, deserves huge thanks for all her splendid efforts to date. Thanks also to Amy McCulloch and Laura Mell, who have worked various wonders on my behalf.

And finally, my agent Ian Drury must be thanked for getting me the gig in the first place and for continuing to sell my books across the world. Gaia Banks and Virginia Ascione, working with Ian at Sheil Land Associates Ltd., also need thanking for their efforts in getting Jorg’s story into so many translations.

Table of Contents



 1: Wedding day

 2: Wedding day

 3: Wedding day

 4: Four years earlier

 5: Four years earlier

 6: Four years earlier

 7: Four years earlier

 8: Four years earlier

 9: Four years earlier

10: Four years earlier

11: Wedding day

12: Wedding day

13: Wedding day

14: Four years earlier

15: Four years earlier

16: Four years earlier

17: Four years earlier

18: Four years earlier

19: Four years earlier

20: Four years earlier

21: Four years earlier

22: Wedding day

23: Wedding day

24: Wedding day

25: Wedding day

26: Wedding day

27: Wedding day

28: Four years earlier

29: Four years earlier

30: Four years earlier

31: Four years earlier

32: Four years earlier

33: Four years earlier

34: Four years earlier

35: Wedding day

36: Wedding day

37: Wedding day

38: Wedding day

39: Four years earlier

40: Four years earlier

41: Four years earlier

42: Four years earlier

43: Four years earlier

44: Four years earlier

45: Wedding day

46: Wedding day

47: Wedding day

48: Wedding day

49: Wedding day


I found these pages scattered, teased across the rocks by a fitful wind. Some were too charred to show their words, others fell apart in my hands. I chased them though, as if it were my story they told and not hers.

Katherine’s story, Aunt Katherine, sister to my stepmother, Katherine who I have wanted every moment of the past four years, Katherine who picks strange paths through my dreams. A few dozen ragged pages, weighing nothing in my hand, snowflakes skittering across them, too cold to stick.

I sat upon the smoke-wreathed ruins of my castle, careless of the heaped and stinking dead. The mountains, rising on all sides, made us tiny, made toys of the Haunt and the siege engines strewn about it, their purpose spent. And with eyes stinging from the fires, with the wind’s chill in me deep as bones, I read through her memories.



October 3rd, Year 98 Interregnum

Ancrath. The Tall Castle. Fountain Room.

The fountain room is as ugly as every other room in this ugly castle. There’s no fountain, just a font that dribbles rather than sprays. My sister’s ladies-in-waiting clutter the place, sewing, always sewing, and tutting at me for writing, as if quill ink is a stain that can’t ever be washed off.

My head aches and wormroot won’t calm it. I found a sliver of pottery in the wound even though Friar Glen said he cleaned it. Dreadful little man. Mother gave me that vase when I came away with Sareth. My thoughts jump and my head aches and this quill keeps trembling.

The ladies sew with their quick clever stitches, line stitch, cross-line, layer-cross. Sharp little needles, dull little minds. I hate them with their tutting and their busy fingers and the lazy Ancrath slurring of their words.

I’ve looked back to see what I wrote yesterday. I don’t remember writing it but it tells how Jorg Ancrath tried to kill me after murdering Hanna, throttling her. I suppose that if he really had wanted to kill me he could have done a better job of it having broken Mother’s vase over my skull. He’s good at killing, if nothing else. Sareth told me that what he said in court, about all those people in Gelleth, burned to dust…it’s all true. Merl Gellethar’s castle is gone. I met him when I was a child. Such a sly red-faced man. Looked as if he’d be happy to eat me up. I’m not sorry about him. But all those people. They can’t all have been bad.

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