King Tomb (Forever Evermore) (15 page)

BOOK: King Tomb (Forever Evermore)
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This past year had given me enough experience to know what could be used as a weapon. And sex was one such weapon, I knew, having sent plenty of Mysticals — beautiful individuals — on missions where sexual relations were used to gain information. And I wanted information: King Zeller’s knowledge and his agreement to help me gain the choice of remembering my past.

And…he was my husband.

Plan firmly in place, I gently — and probably a bit too cautiously — leaned forward, placing my mouth a scant inch from his, whispering, “Do you like what you see?”

Lazily, his eyes lifted to mine, and he spoke softly, “That would most definitely be a yes.” His lips curled, our breaths intermingling. “I did the first night we met. You were unconscious for a half-hour, so I was able to look my fill then.”


His smile lifted further, sinfully, as his gaze ran over whatever I was expressing on my features, which was probably a bit of shock, since I was stunned, not getting that vibe from him at all the night he had me strung up. His head cocked, lifting with the motion and bringing our lips closer together, almost brushing for the barest moment. “And Queen Ruckler, when you’re trying to seduce a man for information, it’s best to know fully whom you’re seducing.” He lifted one hand and hooked a finger in the neck of my shirt, pulling so it gaped further, but he didn’t peer down to see what he had revealed. “If you really want to put in the effort to attempt this, I would suggest you try lace or silk or even a corset instead of the kiddy undergarments.”

His words were meant to be cruel…but I could still scent that he was turned on, a dead giveaway he didn’t mind the lingerie so much. The heady aroma enveloped me, and sadly, it actually turned me on the barest bit, heat radiating from him, so I attempted to keep my focus steady. “I do want that information.” I lifted my hands slowly, giving him plenty of time to see them in his peripheral vision, and placed them on his knees, brushing aside his robe to gently and slowly knead his thighs, his muscles rock solid and heated under my ministrations, so much so, I almost stopped…but I didn’t since I couldn’t back down now. “I know I can convince you just how much.”

His chuckle was deep and soft. “You have no idea whom you’re playing with, Queen Ruckler.” He spread his legs wider, blatantly showing me he wasn’t one to back down either, and my hands slid further up his hard thighs, the soft material of his jeans no real barrier to knowing his body intimately. “You also need to work on your timing for attempting such carnal intrigues.”

My eyebrows puckered, and I couldn’t help but ask, “My timing?”

His tongue peeked out to slowly wet his bottom lip, and I know I stared, but since he was also staring at my mouth, I didn’t stop myself. Another sensuous smile etched his features, and if I wasn’t mistaken, it wasn’t as cold as before, a bit of real feeling in the curve of his lips. His thick lashes hid his gaze, and he stated softly, “Yes, your timing.” He lifted his head, so again our lips were a mere breath apart. The green of his eyes peeked at me from under his lashes. “Our daughter’s been awake for the past minute.” He paused as I stilled, dumbfounded I had missed that. Slowly, he slanted his head the barest bit, causing our noses to literally brush and sending a jolt of electricity through me, causing the flame that was already lit to flare brighter, my grip on his thighs tightening. “I think she’s hungry, since she’s sucking on her fist.”

His lids lifted, and unflinching green eyes stared me straight on as he closed the distance between us, pressing our mouths together. Not kissing me, only keeping our lips in contact. But that didn’t really matter because it still sent my hormones into overdrive. My breaths came in hard pants and my heartbeat galloped in a frantic rhythm inside my chest.

My saving grace was that he reacted the same way, even if his voice was steady as his wide, soft warm lips brushed back and forth against mine while he whispered, “You also need to work on not being distracted by your target.”

I couldn’t move away, and honestly, I wasn’t sure I wanted to. I sucked in a deep breath and stated the obvious, “I’m betting we never had a problem with attraction.” Fuck, staying abstinent as I had, his lips felt like a sensual balm I had forgotten I needed.

His nostrils flared, and his warm breath puffed on and inside my mouth, damn near making me tremble. “I believe that’s a safe assumption.” As his head tilted, his lips glided more firmly against mine. “It would undoubtedly be prudent for neither of us to attempt a sexual coup on one another again from the evidence of our reactions. Most definitely any outcome of an intended purpose would bound to be foiled from lack of focus.”

I hummed softly, barely hearing him. “Sure.” My hands were starting to travel up his thighs again, and a soft sigh escaped me from his heat and steel-like muscles flexing under my fingers. Not to mention his scent. Christ, his unique spiced scent was steadily intensifying the more turned on he became. “I think you should kiss me now.”

He hummed quietly, more of a deep rumble, and his hips lifted the barest bit into my touch as my hands journeyed higher, almost to his crotch. “I don’t take orders well, Queen Ruckler.” His voice was becoming deeper, sounding just as breathless as mine had. “And besides, you’re forgetting about our daughter’s wakefulness again.”

Fuck it. “She won’t tell.” Unable to stop myself, drowning in yearning, I tilted my head and closed my eyes, kissing him, caressing his supple lips with mine. A soft moan, utterly indulgent and womanly, escaped past my lips at the feel of his lips against mine.

,” he groaned deeply, then he had a hand on the back of my head, crushing my mouth against his as he kissed me back, his sinuous lips stroking hungrily against mine, easily overtaking my lead.

Oh, God…

He tasted and felt like every carnal sin I had ever fantasized about. Scorching and commanding and delectable. Hearing his groan as I nibbled on his bottom lip damn near had my knees buckling, and his scent had my libido pulsing in need. In no way did I care that I normally disliked this man; all I knew right now was that our mouths meshed together…

As if our lips were meant to be connected, forged from birth to be united.

I scarcely noticed him curl my ponytail around his hand, fisting my hair as he tilted my head the other way, his Vampire taking voice in a deep growl as we ate at one another’s mouths. He nipped at my bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth, and his tongue swiped against it, gliding sensually in a heated caress. I shuddered, pressing more firmly against his mouth, wanting more, and when I felt his fangs descend I carefully slipped my tongue inside his mouth to stroke one of them. His breath caught before he moaned quietly, holding my face close, understandably enjoying the sensual stroke since a Vampire’s fangs were sensitive.

“Lil, I’ve been waiting—” Antonio’s annoyed voice sounded loudly.

Completely startled, I shrieked, cutting him off and jumping away from King Zeller…and by jump, I mean I shoved off the ground with my Shifter strength, flying backward. I ended up hitting the top of the bar clear across the room with the back of my legs, and flat out toppled over it, landing on my side behind it and taking a few bottles down with me, their thick glass not breaking when they hit the rug. I lay there, breathing heavily, my senses on full alert as adrenaline pumped through my system. Isa had made a startled noise at my shriek, but I was positive King Zeller had calmed her since I had felt a pulse of Vampire power, and she had quieted, so now I listened to make sure no one else was in the room besides those I knew were here.

“Lil,” Antonio sounded like he was trying not to laugh, “quit hiding behind the damn bar.”

Maybe I was hiding behind the bar with a whole helping of embarrassment and smidge of fear.

Sighing heavily, I slowly stood, keeping my attention firmly off the other occupants in the room and focusing on picking up the bottles of alcohol from the ground and setting them on the bar. The task done way too quickly, I ran a hand over my flushed face, only just catching my breath. My gaze flittered to Antonio and back to the bar, really not glancing in King Zeller’s direction, and I asked, “How long were you standing there for?”

The damn man actually chuckled. “Long enough to see that you two should be using your bedroom I spelled for complete privacy.”

My face flushed further at his pronouncement. “It wasn’t quite like that.” I cleared my throat, picking up a washcloth to scrub the already clean bar. “I was trying to,” another clearing of my throat, “well, it got a bit out of hand.”

Antonio laughed outright. “You’re barely even trying, Lil.” Another deep laugh. “I know you can lie better than this.”

King Zeller interrupted us, asking, “Exactly how private is her bedroom?”

My eyes were wide as I peered up at him in shocked surprise, unbelieving he had just asked that question so…brazenly.

He met my gaze steadily, even if his cheeks were still slightly flushed on his mocha complexion and his lips incriminatingly kiss swollen from our embrace. He shrugged a shoulder and readjusted Isa, who was gnawing away at her fist, which reminded me she was hungry. “Elder Farrar mentioned it.” His used the burping rag to wipe off her hand, wrist, and chin. “So, I’m curious.”

Antonio was the one to answer him, which was a good thing because I wasn’t positive I could. “I spelled it to only allow those in she verbally names, plus all the normal sound spells.”

King Zeller blinked, green disappearing and reappearing slowly. “That’s unique.”

I snorted. “And you’ve got dimmers on your bedroom lights I would like.”

Another slow blink. “I don’t believe that’s an apt comparison.”

I couldn’t help but stare at him, not really paying too much attention to the conversation at hand as I was still shocked we had kissed like that with no goals in mind but pleasure. Or it was possible the shock was from how absolutely amazing it had been. Because…fuck…it had been extremely enjoyable…and perfect. Air rushed out of me shakily, and I quickly turned my attention to Antonio, somewhat realizing what the me before the mind rape had seen in him. At least sexually. Having kissed him and seen how perfect it was for us together, and how incredibly gorgeous he was…well yeah, I could see the younger, more inexperienced me falling head first over him.

I pointed at the coffee table with one hand while grabbing a baby bottle from under the bar’s shelf, fixing Isa a bottle for bed. “Antonio, I need copies of those first two videos so I can send them to the other King and Queen, but alter that second one.” My hand flittered back and forth between King Zeller and me. “They don’t need to see us dancing and running off together.”

Antonio didn’t move from where he was standing, only a blank expression showing on his features. I blinked slowly, then groaned. Staring down at my task at hand, I muttered a curse, then glanced up at King Zeller. “He obviously can’t do it.” I shook my head. “I don’t have the equipment to make copies of those, nor do I really know how.”

King Zeller stared at Antonio, but he nodded once. “I can take care of it at headquarters when no one’s around.” His head tilted as he bounced Isa, attention still on Antonio. “Elder Farrar, would you mind amusing me for a moment while I test a theory?” When Antonio nodded, King Zeller asked, “Have you ever seen Queen Ruckler and me kissing?”

Antonio’s mouth opened…but no response came except for a gurgle.

My jaw dropped. “Holy shit.”

“Definitely,” King Zeller murmured thoughtfully. “It appears the spell won’t allow him to even speak of us now together.” His eyebrows puckered. “Elder Farrar, what are Queen Ruckler and I doing at this very moment?”

Antonio sighed in relief and stated, “Lil is making a bottle while you’re holding,” he choked and gurgled, then sighed again, stating, “Isa.”

My lips pinched in thought. “That is interesting.”

King Zeller stayed silent while I fixed the bottle, but when I brought it over and watched carefully as he fed her to see that he knew what he was doing, he stated calmly, “That spell,” his head cocked, his eyes roaming over Isa’s sweet face as she sucked at her bottle, “is also a form of protection.” His thumb lightly ran over Isa’s cheek, soothing her in repetitive motions. “Not just for us, but for our daughter.” His jaw worked back and forth, and I knew what he was thinking.

I shook my head. “There may be a way to break it without breaking their silence.”

“Possibly,” he murmured, his eyes going to Antonio. “But I’m still undecided as to whether I want my memories back.” An eyebrow cocked at Antonio’s narrowing eyes, but he glanced at me, his eyes slowly roaming my features. “Even more so than before.”

Instantly, I nodded. “Understood and agreed, but I still want the option to choose.”

Nostrils flared, he also nodded, and he spoke slowly, as if he were telling me some great concession. “And I’ll try to be courteous with you for Isa’s sake, but that’s not entirely me, so if I’m not always polite…well, don’t expect an apology.”

My lips twitched. “I never would have expected one or guessed you to be cunning and heartless.” He began to scowl, and I held up a stopping hand. “And I’ll try not to be a cold-hearted bitch for Isa’s sake,” a pause, and I decided to leave myself wide open, “but that’s not entirely me, so don’t always expect an apology when I am.”

Two black eyebrows rose with a gentle nod. “Never would have expected one or guessed at your true nature.”

My lips curled the slightest bit, enjoying the bit of a truce we had reached as we eyed one another.

After a moment, Antonio cleared his throat, gaining my attention. “Was that all you wanted to speak to me about?”

I licked my lips, and I felt my expression soften further. “No, that wasn’t all.” I moved to where he was standing and went on tiptoe, crushing him in a hug. “Thank you for doing what you could to help me.” I kissed his cheek, feeling the ice melt from my heart for him as he embraced me back, holding me fiercely. “I’m sorry for being so awful to you.” My eyes stung, and I quickly wiped them on his shirt before any tears could fall. “I’m so sorry.”

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