Kingdom Woman: Embracing Your Purpose, Power, and Possibilities

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Authors: Tony Evans,Chrystal Evans Hurst

Tags: #RELIGION / Christian Life / Love & Marriage, #RELIGION / Christian Life / Women's Issues

BOOK: Kingdom Woman: Embracing Your Purpose, Power, and Possibilities
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Praise for

Kingdom Woman

Hold onto something because
Kingdom Woman
will rock your world. If you’re looking for a practical read that can help you leverage your purpose and power as a woman in the kingdom of God, look no further. This is the book for you! This book is for every woman who wants to serve God with substance and impact.

Author of
You Matter More Than You Think

Kingdom Woman
is inspiring, motivating, and catalyzing. Reading this book breathed life and refreshed faith into my heart. Women who want to live boldly and intentionally for the kingdom of God will find this book foundationally encouraging.

Author, popular conference speaker, and host of

Never have women been bombarded with so many competing demands, choices, and expectations. In
Kingdom Woman
Dr. Tony Evans and Chrystal Evans Hurst inspire, equip, and empower us to believe God and with great faith to step up and into the purpose and plan He has for each one of our lives. Your kingdom contribution is important in every season. This book will help you to keep running your race beautifully.

Best-selling author of
and founder of The A21 Campaign

As I read
Kingdom Woman,
I recalled the beauty of a father waltzing with his daughter, admiring their graceful movements, and sensing their love and affection for each other. Their writing is poised with precision, capturing us with their compassion for God, family, each other and challenging each of us to learn to waltz with our heavenly Father as He leads and empowers us to live for Him.

Sheila B. Ministries

Kingdom Woman

Copyright © 2013 Tony Evans and Chrystal Evans Hurst

A Focus on the Family book published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

Focus on the Family and the accompanying logo and design are federally registered trademarks of Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995.

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) are from
The Holy Bible, English Standard Version
®, (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Scripture quotations marked (
) are taken from the
King James Version

Scripture quotations marked (
) are taken from
The Message
[paraphrase]. Copyright © by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

All Scripture quotations marked (
) are taken from the
New American Standard Bible
®. Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (

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ISBN: 978-1-58997-743-3

ISBN 978-1-62405-194-4 (ePub); ISBN 978-1-62405-195-1 (Kindle); ISBN 978-1-62405-193-7 (Apple)

Build: 2013-08-29 17:04:41

There are four living generations of women in our family.

This book is dedicated to the three youngest:




—kingdom women in the making


art I:
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art II:
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art III:
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I never imagined this life, one bursting at the seams with more goodness than any man could manage alone. Yet it has somehow been balanced with grace because of you, Lois. The greatest story in all the books of the world could never describe the affection and appreciation I have for you. Anything good I have ever accomplished has been because of you. What can I say, except thank you.

Chrystal, I was a twenty-two-year-old young man, steeped in inexperience, the very first time I laid eyes on you. The doctor came through the double doors into the waiting room where I’d been frantically pacing, and he told me you were here. And when I saw you, I knew I would never be the same again.

I could never have imagined that forty years later, you and I would sit down together, pens in hand, to write a book that would impact women everywhere. What a gift you have been to this project. What a gift you have been to me.

Tyndale and Focus on the Family: Finding publishers who carefully walk the fine line of ministry and business with grace and integrity can be a challenge. I’ve found that in you. Partnering with you on this book has been a joy. I can’t wait to do it again soon.

Daddy, thanks for the loving nudge in the direction of God’s call on my life. You always see more in me than I do.

Mommy, I have had no better example than the one you have lived before my eyes, day in and day out, through the best and worst of times. So much of what I have learned about living as a kingdom woman, I have learned from watching you.

Kariss and Jessica, if you hadn’t been willing to help me make dinner, clean up the kitchen, and watch your brothers, I wouldn’t have had time to write. You are not just my daughters; you are my friends.

Silla, not a day goes by that I’m not grateful that you are my one and only
sissy. I know I don’t always act like it, but I’m glad when you walk over to my house and come in the back door without knocking. You are wonderful with words both spoken and written. Thanks for letting me learn from you.

Many thanks to Kanika, Michelle, and Wynter, who let me borrow their brains on a regular basis and granted me access to their insights and creativity. I appreciate every reply to my incessant e-mails, texts, and calls.

Sally Clarkson and Zan Tyler, your words of encouragement echo in my mind on a regular basis. Your words of affirmation watered dormant seeds and reminded me of who I am.

Andrea, you understand my life—homeschooling, housework, and hungry boys—so your reflections have meant so much. We will eventually make more time to hang out with our crew!

Focus on the Family and Tyndale House Publishers, thanks for the opportunity to work on a project with my dad.

And last but certainly not least, to my husband, Jessie, my kingdom man— you are the reason I have the freedom to find my path and try new things. Your deep and consistent love for this crazy wife God gave you makes my heart melt—over and over.


A few women sighed in hesitation when we told them about this book. The thought of another manual to tell them what they aren’t doing well and to give them instructions on how to change didn’t sound appealing. The mere mention of a
kingdom woman
conjured up an idealistic image, one that instantly became a burden. Maybe, honestly, you feel the same way—a bit weary of having a finger waving in your face demanding that you do better—especially when you are already doing your absolute best.

We understand. Trust us, we understand—which is why we’re glad you’ve opened this book.

This book, much like its companion
Kingdom Man
, will be unlike others you’ve read. It won’t inform you and then leave you hanging to deal with a sense of condemnation and guilt. Every chapter will encourage and applaud you and then show you theologically and practically how to have the kind of faith that will usher in the miracle you’ve been looking for—the one you’ve been longing to see unfold in your family, church, or community. It will hand you a sword and then inspire you to draw it in the face of adversity instead of shrinking back into complacency or even into despair. After you take in these pages, you will be encouraged and you will also be empowered for the journey ahead.

Merging two unique messages into a succinct and singular package requires a pair of people who have walked through the annals of experience together. Our husband/father and daughter/sister are just the duo to make it happen. With Chrystal’s frank, authentic, real-life perspective punctuating Tony’s biblically inspired teaching, you will find this read an eye-opening and enlightening adventure through Scripture and then into your own heart.

Chrystal’s a bit new on the publishing scene, but she shines in the women’s ministry at our church and in our lives personally. For many years now, she has led the ladies of our local congregation, training them to be women of purpose who are equipped to reach their full potential. In a Christian world filled with folks striving for the limelight and a microphone, she has earned an esteemed place within the local church. That’s something worth talking about. Her ability
to engage and inspire an audience is compelling, but her faithfulness to disciple women one-on-one is admirable and has inspired others to do the same.

Even more impactful than that, Chrystal has managed to keep her priorities in place, structuring her time and efforts to focus primarily on her family. Honestly, we don’t know how she does it, and we stand in awe of her every day. As a homeschool mother of five children, she knows the juggling act performed by millions of women the world over and has demonstrated what it means to honor God as a wife and mother. To top it off, she makes a loaf of homemade pumpkin bread that will make your mouth water.

In between washing dinner dishes, creating lesson plans, and taking the occasional field trip, Chrystal has managed to find time to blog her thoughts and life happenings in a way that has captured the attention of women. The treasure you will uncover in this manuscript will come not only from Tony’s teaching but also from the story of Chrystal’s life. Her deep, thriving relationship with Jesus is seen in every word, and her vulnerability and quick wit will draw you in and then cause you to see yourself in her life. You’ll laugh at her stories and see the biblical truth she intended to share. Chrystal is refreshingly unassuming. Not perfect but purposeful. You won’t feel pressured to emulate her, but you will want to walk alongside her.

Tony probably doesn’t need any introduction. He has written more than sixty books, so the one you are holding in your hands is a continuation of a long line of fantastic titles. His contribution in publishing has blessed millions of people the world over and made an indelible mark on the health of the global church. His desire to uncover and then relay theological truths in a practical, relevant way has been the mark of his ministry—a ministry in which he has served his entire adult life. He is a faithful man who has dedicated himself to the Lord, his family, and the local church.

For more than three decades, he has pastored the same flock.

For more than four decades, he has loved the same wife.

For nearly five decades, he has taught the same unadulterated gospel of Jesus Christ. The depth of his integrity and character match the widespread reach of his ministry.

We wish we could have pulled you around our kitchen table to experience the after-dinner devotions that happened most nights in our home. Or invited
you along for our yearly month-long road trip through the States that he courageously took us on each August. Or had you join us for Sunday-morning service where we’ve sat under his inspired teaching for thirty-seven years. Then you’d see the real man behind the larger-than-life persona—the introspective and loving pastor, father, and friend who has a heart that will resonate with yours through every portion of this book.

So, here’s the deal: This book is like a train track headed to a destination that is worth every ounce of energy spent making the trip. And, like any track, this one has two rails bound together by the rungs of wisdom and experience. At different points in your journey, you’ll need to be willing to hop on each one of these rails in order to get the most out of your reading. Each will allow you a different vantage point that will enhance the other. One side is Tony’s—biblical, thought-provoking, and appropriately intense. It will require you to look into your Bible and then into your own soul as you learn lessons from ancient women that you may never have gathered before. Then Chrystal will beckon you over to her side of the track. You’ll grab her hand, steady yourself on her rail, and begin a personal journey that will allow you to apply the truths you’ve been reading about.

We’ll be honest and tell you that the ride won’t always be easy and seamless. There might be some turns on a few steep spiritual cliffs that might make you feel like you won’t make it to the other side intact—but you will.

You will.

Tony and Chrystal.

Father and daughter.

The perfect combination to bring you this incredible manuscript that will mark you forever. You’ll emerge richer, wiser, and more motivated to become the kingdom woman you were created to be.

Be blessed as you read.

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