Kings and Crowns: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 2) (20 page)

Read Kings and Crowns: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 2) Online

Authors: Chris Yee

Tags: #supernatural, #fantasy, #action, #Science Fiction, #Dystopian, #Suspense, #adventure

BOOK: Kings and Crowns: A Dystopian Thriller (Age of End Book 2)
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Saul stood next to Vince. “Sorry, our friends come first.”

Simon shook his head. “Fine. Do whatever you want. Just don’t get in my way.” He turned around and jogged along with the swarm of people. Vince and Saul followed and Jonah took the rear.

As they ran, a small chant began to build. “Live free forever. Live free forever.” Simon joined in with them. Vince and Saul just glanced at each other and kept up with the crowd. They entered the building to see the trashed lobby. The front desk was abandoned, and the whole floor was packed with Crowns. A group was gathered around the elevators, waiting to get to the top floor.

The elevator beeped and the doors opened. They pushed their way closer until the lift was full. The doors closed and the number on the display climbed. Simon turned around. “We’ll get on the next one.”

“Why don’t you order them out of the way?” Saul asked. “They’ll let you through. You’re their leader.”

“I don’t want to be their leader. I want Greene to fall so they can lead themselves. Once that happens, I’m just one of them. Nothing more.”

“You’ll be the man who brought down Greene,” Vince said. “For that reason alone, people will follow you whether you want them to or not.”

“That may be true, but that’s their choice. It’s the choice I’m fighting for them to have.”

“What about the people you’ve killed to get here?” Saul said. “They didn’t have a choice.”

“Those were necessary sacrifices. You need to break a few eggs.”

“Eggs? They were children. No older than ten. You killed dozens of them. Just threw them at the wall like they were nothing. They had their whole lives ahead of them, but your precious wall was more important.”

“Damn right it was more important,” Simon said. “Look where we are now. It worked. The Spire’s in shambles, The Crowns are in control, and Greene’s life is within our reach.”

“Do you hear what you’re saying? You may think of yourself as a hero, but you’re a monster.”

The people around them turned at the word

Simon grabbed Saul’s shirt and pulled him in. “Don’t undermine me. Not now. Not in front of all these people.”

The elevator beeped and the doors opened. They pushed forward, this time making it through the doors. The
button was immediately pushed. Vince pushed

Simon looked over with mild amusement. “You and your goddamn friends. I guess it’s up to you.”

The elevator rose as they watched the display count up. The unpleasant scent of fresh sweat filled the air. As they neared the upper floors, the people readied their weapons. Cocked their guns, drew their knives, rubbed their fists.

“Remember,” Simon said to the Crowns. “No bombs inside. It’s too close quarters.”

The door opened to level
. Vince and Saul stepped out. Nobody else moved. They were all waiting for level
. They all wanted Greene.

Simon grinned. “Good luck. You two are on your own.” He shot a grin as the door shut. The display above changed from
in an instant.

Vince turned around and grabbed Saul. “Come on. Let’s go.”

They wandered through the empty halls. No one was around. Not a single person. They passed by the testing labs, the medical sector, the briefing room, and the monitor room until they finally reached the bedroom. It was empty. Rupert, Alan, and Ella’s bags sat open on their beds. Their belongings were strewn about.

Saul spun around, searching the corners of the room. “Where did they go?”

Vince shrugged. “Maybe they’re hiding. Charlotte said there are safe rooms. Maybe they went there.”

“They would have taken their bags, right?” Saul gestured to the scattered mess. “They wouldn’t have left it like this.”

“You’re right. It looks like they were taken against their will.”

“Of course they were taken.” He said it as if it was obvious. “But where did Greene bring them? That’s the question.”

“To the cell room, right? That’s where the labbie said they keep people. Their test subjects
their prisoners.”

“Okay, so how do we get in there? Rupert said it’s locked. We need someone with clearance.”

“I assume Charlotte isn’t an option after that stunt she pulled with the broadcast. She’s probably down there with them.”

Saul rubbed his stubble as he considered their options. “We could check the safe rooms? That’s where the workers go. If Charlotte’s not there, maybe someone else can help us.”

“But will they? We’re traitors, remember?”

Saul shrugged. “It’s worth a shot. What else are we going to do?”

“Okay, let’s do it.” They left the bedroom and headed towards the safe room, near the testing labs. “So how do we convince them?” Vince asked.

“I don’t know. Say Charlotte was lying?”

“They won’t believe that. Simon announced it to the entire City, and Greene confirmed it as well. There’s no way they’ll believe both of them are lying.”

“But they are,” Saul said as they turned the corner. “We’re not working for Simon. We’re not working for anyone.”

“But they don’t know that.”

“Then let’s convince them. We’ll tell them the truth.”

“Tell them that we want to kill Simon
Greene? I don’t think that would go over well.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

They arrived at the door of the safe room. “Just knock and see what happens, I guess.”

Saul banged on the door. “Hey! Let us in!”

A camera was mounted just above the door. They jumped and waved in front of it, hoping someone would see them.

“We need your help!” Saul yelled. “Our friends are in danger! We need to find them, but we can’t do it ourselves! We need someone who can get us into the cell room!”

After a long moment of silence, the door slid open, and a man in a white lab coat stepped out. On his chest, a name was printed.
Humphrey Jacks
. “I can help you.” Others in the room peeked out from behind, confused as to why Humphrey would help these traitors. He stepped into the hallway and the door slammed shut behind him. “Follow me.”

“Is Charlotte Marble in there?” Vince asked.

Humphrey shook his head. “There was a rumor going around that your friends were locked up, but no one knew for sure. They think Charlotte’s down there as well. Probably because she was lying?”

“Lying about what?” Vince asked.

“About the two of you being traitors and all.”

didn’t believe that story?”

“Not for a second,” he said as they passed the glass rooms and entered the restricted area. “You wouldn’t work against Mr. Greene. You’re the Heroes of the Spire. I saw you talk at the conference. You inspired all of us with your words. Especially you, Saul. There’s no way two traitors could give such a genuine speech. Besides, why would you want to kill him? It just doesn’t make sense. You have every reason to thank him. He gave you immortality.”

Saul opened his mouth to speak, but Humphrey cut him off. “Everyone else in the safe room thought I was crazy; like I was committing treason. They don’t understand that you’re the good guys. But I know. And that’s why I have to help you.”

Vince watched Humphrey’s gleeful face as they walked. “I’m glad you understand. We’re not the bad guys.”

“Of course not. And your friends were so nice when I met them, I knew they weren’t traitors. This is all just a big misunderstanding, but I want to help make it right. If we hurry, we can stop Simon.” A big goofy smile stretched across his face. “I can’t believe I’m speaking face to face with Vincent Vigo and Saul Shepherd. Pinch me.”

Vince and Saul exchanged looks and shrugged.

They reached the large metal door. Humphrey approached the kiosk to the side. “Okay, I just have to do a retinal scan, and then we’re in.” He pressed his face against the receptacle and held still for a few seconds. There was a soft buzz, and the door slid open. “Voila! And in we go.”

Vince and Saul followed him in and marveled at the vastness of the room. Saul walked up to the railing and leaned over to look down. “When Rupert told us about this room, I didn’t imagine anything like this. It’s so big. How do we find them?”

Humphrey pointed to the sign listing the floors. “These upper levels are for test subjects. Your friends are probably being held as prisoners. Prisoners are down lower.” He walked towards the stairs. “Follow me.”

They did as he said, and walked down, step by step, floor by floor. They passed the testing floors and reached those with animals. Vince glanced at them behind the bars. “Is this where Fred is?”

“Rupert must have thought the same thing,” Saul said.

Humphrey turned his head. “No, your friend wouldn’t be here. This is strictly for animals.”

Saul shook his head. “Fred is a falcon. We’ve been looking for her for quite a while.”

“Oh yes! I remember your friend mentioned an avian companion. Fred is a very peculiar name for a female falcon.”

“After we find them, let’s come back here,” Vince said. “We can look for her.”

Saul nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”

They reached the end of the animals and entered the section for prisoners. Humphrey pulled out his light to illuminate the darkness of the lower levels. “Your friends will be somewhere down here. The last I heard, these prisoner cells were pretty full. They’ll be near the bottom of this section.” He continued down the stairs and finally stopped. “Not down there. That’s for Crown prisoners.”

Vince peered down at the pitch black lower levels. “That’s where
be locked up if Greene had any say.”

A distant voice echoed through the empty space. “Vince? Is that you?”

Saul tilted his head to hear the voice more clearly. “It’s Alan’s voice. Alan! Rupert! Ella! Are you guys down here?”

“Yeah!” Alan called. “Over this way!”

They trotted towards the sound of his voice and found their cells. “I can’t believe we found you,” Saul said. “It’s crazy out there right now.”

Rupert walked to the front of his cell and grasped Vince’s hand through the bars. He shook it vigorously, with a nice big smile hidden under his beard. “We didn’t know if we’d ever see you again.”

Ella jumped up from the ground and hopped over to greet them as well. “Last thing we heard before Greene stuck us in here, was that you two were scheduled for a public execution.”

“Yes,” Vince said. “But we made it through. We have Charlotte to thank for that.”

“Hey,” Charlotte said from the last cell over.

They walked over to her cell and leaned in. “Thank you,” Saul said. “It must have been hard to defy Greene like that. To give up your retirement.” He passed her journal through the bars. “This is yours.”

She took it in her hands. “I couldn’t have lived with myself otherwise. The way Greene set you up on that mission, it wasn’t right.”

“Humphrey!” Alan cheered. “My man. I knew you would come through.”

Humphrey blushed. “I know you’re not the bad guys. You can’t be.”

Alan shrugged. “I guess that’s not how Greene sees it. Anyway, let’s quit wasting time. Can you open these cells?”

Humphrey nodded. “Yes. I just have to go to the control room. I’ll be right back.” He walked off at a brisk pace.

“What’s going on out there?” Ella asked. “We heard the alarms go off.”

Vince leaned back against the rail of the catwalk. “It’s Simon. They’re in the Spire right now.”

“They got through the third wall?” Alan asked. “How in the world did they do that?”

“We helped him,” Saul said

“What?” all four of them said in unison.

“We told him about the sensors. About the alarm system they have set up here. We searched for them to use against Greene.”

“But why?” Alan asked. “Why would you want to help Simon?”

“To rescue you guys, of course. After the way our mission went, we knew you would be in trouble. Same with Charlotte after the stunt she pulled. We’re just glad he didn’t kill any of you.”

“Why didn’t he?” Ella asked. “He has no reason to keep us alive.”

“He was most likely planning an execution,” Charlotte said. “He must have been waiting for something.”

“At any rate,” Vince said, “none of that matters right now. He hasn’t killed you. We’re getting you out of here.”

The cell doors swung open right on cue. Alan leaped out of his cell. “I knew we could count on Humphrey!”

Rupert stepped out and looked at the floors above. “Now let’s go find Fred. She’s around here somewhere.”

“Yes,” Vince said. “We saw the animals on our way down. Had the same thought.”

Humphrey came trotting back. “Sorry for the delay.”

“Good work,” Vince said. “Can you help us find our falcon?”

“Ah yes, your falcon. I suppose we can check those levels we passed on the way down.” He walked to the stairs. “I’ll lead the way.”

They followed him up until they reached the floor they were looking for. Rupert ran ahead to look in each cell. “I’ll check this side,” he said and ran off.

The others stayed together. They didn’t want to separate after just having reunited. They moved as a group and checked the cells in the other direction. There were dogs, lions, bears, and even other birds, who all looked miserable, stuffed behind bars with barely any room to move around. Each one was grimmer than the last, and they were all silent. They just stared with curiosity as the group passed by. Vince could tell from their faces, that any hope of living a free life had been beaten out of them. Life in a cage was all they knew. He could feel an energy seeping from the cells, but it was weak. A faint glow of life that could be crushed at any moment. These animals were dying.

“I really hope she’s down here,” Alan said. “She’s been alone for so long.”

Ella turned her head as they walked. “I’m getting worried about Rupert.”

“If she is still in the Spire,” Vince said, “this is where she’ll be. Right, Humphrey?”

“Well, she wasn’t in the medical sector. At least that’s what your friends say. If she’s not up there, she must be down here for testing.”

“What kind of tests do you do on animals?” Ella asked.

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