Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (60 page)

BOOK: Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods
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Alan used his ability to go back into Albedo’s mind. This time it was much harder to enter. As he was inside of his mind, he searched for memories of Sonia. Memories of Sonia flashed through Albedo’s mind, seeing memories of
her had somehow enabled him to be in control while in the Reawakening stage. Slowly he started to control the transformation.

“That’s it, young
lad; don’t let it control you, only you have the power to do it.”

His mind and body could no longer take this much power, he fainted.

“Alan, Calvin, that’s enough for now.” said King Victor. The King slowly released Albedo.

The barrier was now gone and Albedo’s transformation was also. Jarvis hurried to tend to
him. He was happy; Albedo was making such progress in a short time. This was the kind of warrior he was; unwilling to give up, no matter how difficult a test might be. “I knew the boy had it in him, if we can keep on with this training, he will be able to control it.”
Just like Aleister can. 

“My lord, are you all right?” asked Calvin.

              The King looked exhausted; fighting a Pureblood like Albedo was daunting. “It’s been a long time since I had used this much force,” replied the King. The man was not even a thousand years old, sitting in a throne had made him lose his edge a bit. Fighting Albedo had brought back memories of his old days, he missed it; it wasn’t as enjoyable as fighting.





had taken Axil to train with her; she wanted to keep her mind busy. Constantly worrying about Albedo was taking a toll on her. “It’s nice to see Angelione training you well; you’re stronger than I remember.”

              Keeping the chaos from Axil’s ears was impossible, throughout the castle men have been whispering all day. They were wondering if they had to go to war with King Henry, and to seize Conalian before he has the chance to. Victor had made it clear they will do no such thing. Axil wanted to go back to his country, to make sure his family was all right. Angelione had left a note that ensured him they were heavily protected, so he felt a relief. Angelione knew Axil would find out eventually so he left him that note. King Victor had made sure the news of the queen’s demise had not reached the humans. But of course news of this magnitude was too much to be controlled by the King. The last thing the humans wanted to hear was that the five Kings of Awakening have returned to this world.

“I see the two of you are getting stronger.”

They looked over to see the King approaching. Sonia and Axil bowed their heads. Axil left to let her and the king talk in private; he had to go see Natalia. “She’s going to need some help with her father; I’ll try and come back later on.” He promised her. Sonia thanked him for the keeping her mind occupied away from Albedo.

“How fast that boy has grown, he will be a fine Black Reaper one day.” said King Victor.

Sonia wanted to ask about Albedo’s progress, but tried to avoid worrying about him. “Who could imagine Aleister can do all this. Is this a small taste of their powers?”

wondered Sonia.

King Victor’s great ancestors had fought against the Kings of Awakening. It was told from stories, generation to generation, that one of his ancestors led an army to war against Aleister and his army. They had lost the fight, and suffered the consequences that all men do when they go against him.  “I fear it’s only the beginning. He will come for Albedo once more; we have to stop him by teaching Albedo fast.”

The King saw that she looked apprehensive when he
was talking; so he stopped and said, “Do not worry. He’s doing much better now, his progress is moving fast.”

She smiled, this was good news, and in her heart she wanted him to master this power. Even if it was used for evil in his past, she saw it as a new tool in the fight against evil.





continued his training with Jarvis, King Victor, Alvin, and Calvin. Each passing day he was learning to control his emotion, not to blame himself for what happened. He had not seen Sonia since then, and understood why she did not want to see him. He had come to the conclusion that she couldn’t bear seeing him like this. He was ready for his next day of training; gaining control of his transformation. Alvin created his barrier as he normally does, with King Victor inside with Albedo. Helping his physical ability grow, Calvin helping his mental ability and Jarvis was controlling the training on what to do, what to show him. This training was not like they would expect, but little did they know, training him for so many days increased his power dramatically.

If he can master this power, he might be as powerful as his father and the king, even stronger!
“Remember to focus your mind young lad; don’t give in to your emotions. Take control instead, breath and relax, and you’ll get there.” 

“Calvin, Alan, are you two ready?”
Asked the king.

They nodded their heads.

The training started again, Calvin continued to show Albedo memories to help him control his emotions, and eventually enabling him to control the killer-lust, and his transformation. Albedo’s eyes started to glow, his fangs and hair grew longer. Seeing memories of Sonia somehow kept his transformation under control.

“That’s it young lad, learn to see this power as your second nature,” said Jarvis. 

As the king got closer to Albedo, he felt a powerful wind starting to blow. The wind surrounded Albedo’s body in a form of a circle-barrier. This is the same wind, like the one Albedo was producing when he saw Ethan’s mother die.

A small crack appeared on Calvin’s barrier, Alan noticed it.

“It’s nothing to worry about, continue with the training,” said Jarvis.

Another small crack appeared, and then another. They made squeaky sounds as they started to connect to each other. Alvin was beginning to sweat. Albedo was still in his transformation mode, if the barrier broke down, then there would be nothing to stop him if his killer-lust takes over. He had not fully controlled the transformation, and his training needed more time. Victor noticed the stiff change in Albedo’s power. How it had dramatically increased, he was not as worried as Alvin was. Although the power of the Elder could not sense someone like Albedo’s power, he knew his power had increased.


Being inside of Albedo’s mind was not easy for Calvin. His mind was so perplexed, like something he had never seen before. The memories, so much of them flashed before his eyes. Now that Albedo was deep in his transformation, a new set of memory-glasses appeared before him, these were black. The red ones played pictures but the black ones were empty.
Hmm… why weren’t the black ones playing
? He wondered if those ones were locked. A black memory glass appeared before him, he needed to open it.
The red ones play, so why can’t the black ones play?
As he was about to access a black memory-glass, a boy appeared before him.

“No, stop!” The boy was gone as fast as he came.

Calvin could hear a loud noise in his head. Albedo’s mind was now too powerful for Calvin’s mind; he let out a loud scream. Albedo’s mind was too strong for him; he could no longer control it. He started to shake in terror, somehow Albedo or that boy he saw had brought fear to his mind.

Alan heard his brother screaming and for a second he lost concentration of the barrier.

“Brother, are you all right!?” A bigger crack appeared on the barrier, the wind was becoming stronger. He looked at Jarvis and said, “Master Jarvis, his power has increase too fast, my barrier won’t be able to control him for long!”  The man had never met someone who could actually break his barrier. The King had once done it, and so did Dragan, but that’s it.

Jarvis no longer had a choice; he had to stop the training. The barrier was cracking and Albedo was out of control. 

“Calvin, can you go back inside his mind and stop the transformation?”

Calvin was still shaking, “I don’t know if I can, his mind has become too strong and unstable for me.”
A boy came unexpectedly and startled me, but that’s not why I’m scared. It’s like there was someone else in his head watching me, a monster with wings.
Someone else was inside of his mind also, he did something to me, and he went inside my own mind and ingrained fear in the, someone with blue and red eyes.
Calvin looked pale; blood had stopped circulating in his face.

More cracks appeared on the barrier now; it was beginning to get unstable. Jarvis was now beginning to witness the Reawakening’s true power. Calvin tried once more going back into Albedo mind, and once again it was too strong for him; so strong his body was thrown back, flew ten feet away, as if a powerful force pushed him back.

“Brother!” yelled Alan.

Jarvis had no time to worry about Calvin lying there unconscious. “Focus Calvin, we can’t allow him to break the barrier. His power is too unstable

King Victor now had no choice but to fight with his full strength, he had to use his Elder. He can no longer hold back his power; lives were now depending on it.

Jarvis saw the King was getting ready to use his Elder. “Victor, wait! I have something else in mind! Alan, open the barrier for me!”

Victor was worried what would happen to Jarvis. His days of fighting were behind him, he was now an old man. “Master Jarvis, you’ll die if you come in here!” 

“I know,” said Jarvis with a smile, “if I don’t do something we will all end up dead.”  Alan opened a small hole on the barrier for Jarvis, just enough to let Jarvis get inside.  


The king’s physical ability matched Albedo’s own power. The thought came back to him. If Albedo ever loses control of himself, if his transformation was too dangerous, he would have no choice but to kill him. Now that day was here. The King grabbed Albedo with his mighty strength and slammed him on the ground. “Master Jarvis, we have to do it, it was ludicrous of us to think a power like his could be controlled. The boy is no longer himself. We might not have any choice but …to kill him.” This was the last thing Victor wanted. Albedo was his closest friend’s son.  

“Nonsense young man, the boy is still in there and we have to bring him out!” said Jarvis.
I must hurry before it’s too late.

The King continued to pin Albedo to the ground, but he was defying trying to get up, the wind emitting from his body did not help either.
I can’t hold him much longer, I must use that ability
. As Albedo continued on trying to get up, the King knew he had no choice but to use his ability. With his left hand pinning Albedo, a black of light started circling around his right hand. The light was deep black.
Forgive me Albedo, forgive me Dragan
. With that he hit Albedo with it, the gravity shook the ground and it looked as if it was pushing Albedo in it. It looked as if it was some sort of gravity.

Albedo screamed.

All that wind is anger and energy his body is releasing from him not being able to control it properly.
The King debated if he should kill Albedo or not. If he does it would surely give them a better chance in fighting Aleister and the others. Then he started to think, Jarvis, Dante, Axil, Sonia, Dragan, Cecelia, and even Angelione would never forgive him, and he would never forgive himself. Albedo was special. He remembered the first day he met the kid; he had looked at him with those eyes. Why did Albedo have to be one of them? Why couldn’t he be like Dante and Axil? This was Albedo’s curse, being one of the most feared, ruthless and powerful Purebloods this world had ever seen. He can’t kill Albedo, it was absurd.

“Sorry to have to do this to you, young lad, but I no longer have a choice!”

The King looked over to see Jarvis with his eyes closed, and his right hands in front of him, his five fingers spread open. A circle appeared on Jarvis’s palm. He rushed over and the King turned Albedo around, he was much calmer now after the hit he took from Victor. His wind had decreased.

Jarvis banged his hand on Albedo’s chest, and the circle now appeared on Albedo’s chest. “This is one of my abilities I had not shown you Albedo, the ability to seal away

Pureblood’s power and abilities.”

Alan’s barrier was no longer strong enough to withstand Albedo’s power. The barrier shattered as it broke into pieces. Alvin quickly tended to his brother.

Jarvis was once a student of King Victor’s father, the former King. And he became King Victor’s teacher, Dragan, Cecelia, Angelione, and Sonia too. Over the years he had learnt new abilities; his body had also become old. Using this strong ability had taken a lot out of him. Albedo continued to fight, and Jarvis was beginning to worry. He was worried that he was too powerful for one seal; he placed another in Albedo’s left hand, and then three more. Jarvis could no longer use anymore, his energy was getting weak; using the seal required concentration and a significant amount of energy. The wind slowly decreased, the seal was working. Albedo fainted once again, his transformation was now gone.

“That was a close one, I never thought in my lifetime I would be using so many seals on one Pureblood. The power of the Kings of Awakenings is stronger than I ever imagined,” said Jarvis.

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