Kinky Neighbors Two (3 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

BOOK: Kinky Neighbors Two
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He closed his eyes against the
image in the bathroom mirror. He didn’t like what he saw.

He’d been thinking with his dick
for over a year now. He’d made a huge mistake. It was time to think with the
other head.

He stalked back into the bedroom,
throwing the kit in the suitcase with the rest of his stuff, then he zipped the

She sighed. “Okay, just tell me how
long it’s going to take for you to forgive me. And I promise I won’t surprise
you with anything ever again.” A hint of sarcasm laced her words.

“I’m leaving.” He turned to the
suit carrier, zipped it, folded it in half, and fastened it closed.

“You’re kidding, right?” She
actually gaped.

Cat was a gorgeous woman. She knew
how to drive a man crazy. And yes, that orgasm had been one of the most supreme
in his experience. But she simply didn’t get it. He could never again let her
tie him up, blindfold him, or surprise him. He might even have to sleep with
one eye open. Maybe he was a homophobe. It didn’t matter. She’d made him
fearful that he had hidden things within him, things he didn’t want to explore,
not ever. She’d violated his trust.

Just the way he’d violated Alexis’s

Hefting both bags off the bed, he
walked out on Cat without looking back.



Chapter Five



Alexis tasted so damn sweet. Drew
never took off her dress. He simply dumped her on the bed, pushed everything to
her waist, pulled aside her thong, and put his tongue to her.

“Oh God.” Alexis moaned, then she
writhed on the bed. Her blond hair fanned artfully across the dark spread
beneath her.

She’d thought he was joking about
taking her in the restaurant, the casino, the elevator, or the hallway. But he
would have. He could have. If she’d said yes.

He suckled and licked, thrust his
tongue inside her, then went back to circle her clitoris as he entered her with
two fingers. He loved making her wild. He couldn’t get enough of her.

In a matter of seconds, maybe
thirty, maybe sixty, her body clenched hard around his fingers, and she shook
in climax. “Drew, Drew, Drew,” she cried out, fisting her hands in his hair to
hold him close as she rode the tide.

When she calmed, he crawled up her
body, and pinned her to the bed with his weight. She opened her eyes. “Oh my

“That was your first married
orgasm, Mrs. Mitchell.” He loved calling her that. It was new and special. Not
like anyone who’d come before.

“And now I want my first married
fuck, Mr. Mitchell.” She pulled his head down for a long kiss, and he knew she
could taste herself on his lips.

Alexis hadn’t been a prude, but
she’d been far more delicate than Cat. Sure they’d done some really nasty stuff
during their foursome debacle, but with him alone, she’d rarely used the word
or shared a kiss that tasted of come, his or hers, or both combined. But in the
months they’d been together, she’d learned to love the dirty talk.

“How do you want it, Mrs.

“Hmm.” She traced his lips with her
finger, considering. “In the bathroom in front of the mirror with the lights

She’d been hesitant about her body
at first. Somewhere through the years, she’d grown to believe she wasn’t good
enough. But he’d taken her in front of a mirror and shown her how beautiful she
was, how amazing they were together.

“Perfect,” he agreed. “For that you
need to be naked.”

He rolled to his feet, pulling her
with him. Removing his jacket, he tossed it over the back of a chair, then toed
off his dress shoes.

For their honeymoon, he’d gotten a
more luxurious room, which had the usual entertainment center, flat screen TV,
desk, but also a table for two plus a sofa by the sliding glass door. On an
upper floor, it afforded a view of the lake sparkling in the early evening sun.

But the bathroom was the jewel in
the crown, with a large jet tub on one end and a fully mirrored wall behind it.

He’d been ravenous before, now he
needed to savor her. He turned her to the mirror at the back of the tub so she
could see him as he undressed her. Sliding the zipper of her dress, he bared
her shoulders.

He kissed the crook of her neck.
“You looked gorgeous in that dress this afternoon, when I put my ring on your
finger.” The dress fit snugly across her ample breasts, with a high waist and a
flare over her hips. Simple yet elegant.

“You looked magnificent in your
black suit and red tie,” she told his reflection in the mirror. Then she
fingered her wedding ring. “Let’s buy you a ring this weekend, here in Tahoe.”

“It’s a deal.” He slid the dress
down, then helped her step out of it. She stood in white lace bra, panties, and
thigh-highs. Her butt cheeks framed the thong, and he bent for a nip of her
flesh. “Very sexy underwear for a married woman.”

“I bought them just for you.” She

He carefully hung the dress on the
hanger she’d left on the back of the door.

Then he stood behind her once more.
A head taller, he watched her in the mirror as he undid his tie and tossed it
onto the counter. “Do you realize I licked you to orgasm on the bed without
even removing my jacket and tie?” Talk about hot.

She shot him a naughty smile. “Very
sexy. Like you couldn’t wait to have me.”

“I couldn’t.” He undid his shirt
and cuffs and tossed that, too. Then he pulled his T-shirt over his head.

She leaned back to rub her shoulder
blades against his bare chest.

“Touch yourself for me,” he said as
he unbuckled and unzipped.

Alexis cupped her breasts, plumped
them above the lace bra. His mouth watered for a taste of her tight nipples.

“Put your hand in your panties.” He
shoved his pants over his hips as she slid her hand slowly down her abdomen to
her thong. Rather than delve inside, she flirted on the outside of the
material, tracing the lips of her sex.

His breath hitched in his chest. “I
love watching you make yourself come.” Sometimes he made her do that, lay
spread out on the bed before him with her fingers in her pussy. He liked to
stroke himself to release and come on her. Then he’d lick her clean. It was
enough to make him hard again, then he’d have to fuck her.

“I’ve married a very dirty man,”
she said saucily.

He got rid of his socks, then the
pants, not bothering to hang them the way he had her dress. “I’m going to strip
off your panties, but I want the shoes and stockings.”

“What about my bra?”

He reached around to tweak her
nipple through the lace. She sucked in a breath. “Keep that on, too,” he told

Then he pulled the thong over her
hips, let it fall to the floor. She was the one who kicked it aside.

“Deliciously wanton,” he whispered
against her hair as he gazed at their reflection. She was blond against his
dark, petite against his male frame. She’d trimmed her pussy, leaving a sexy

Drew slipped a finger between her
lips, stroked her clit. She widened her stance for him. “Pretty,” he said,
watching the slide of his fingers, the shape of his hand against her abdomen,
feeling the soft, wet skin, breathing in her arousal.

“I want you.” She reached between
them to palm his cock.

“I need you.” He held her against
him, rocking slightly, pressing harder into her hand.

“I love you.” Her lips, plump and
reddened from his kisses, formed the words in the mirror.

“I love you.” It was like saying
their vows all over again.

Then he pushed her forward until
she balanced with both hands on the high edge of the tub.

“Do it now,” the woman in the
mirror demanded, her gaze setting him on fire.

Drew held her hip in one hand,
spreading her with the other. His cock nudged her folds, then he slid deep.

She threw her head back as he
thrust home. “Drew, oh God.”

He held her, took her. Her breasts
overflowed the cups of her bra as he went deep, withdrew, took her again. And

Leaning over her, blanketing her
with his body, he anchored her to him with a hand between her legs. He caressed
her clit on the outside, angled his body to stroke her G-spot on the inside.

She cried out his name. In the
reflection, her eyes were tightly shut. She was only sensation now, climbing
toward climax. He knew her sounds, the feel of her around him. He knew what she
wanted, needed, and he gave it to her until her body contracted around him in
that moment before orgasm. Then he let himself go, hit the pinnacle with her,
rode the bliss.

And he shouted for all the world to
hear. “Love you. Christ, I love you.”



Chapter Six



One or other of them was usually
working late, and their honeymoon—if that’s what you could call their memorable
quickie trip to Tahoe—had only lasted through the weekend. So Alexis put it on
her agenda to leave work a bit early on Monday to make Drew something special
for dinner. Shrimp and pasta, he’d like that.

Her small condo was fine for now,
but they really had to decide where they were going to live. Pooling their
money and buying a house would be the most logical thing to do. She missed a
garden. Yet they hadn’t really talked about all that yet, not even on the drive
home yesterday.

The doorbell rang as she was
peeling the shrimp. Who on earth would be stopping by now? She and Drew did
little entertaining.

Alexis wiped her hands on a cloth.
The gold wedding band gleamed on her finger. Drew had talked about getting her
an engagement ring, but she didn’t really want one. His gold ring was enough.
They’d found a band for him in a Tahoe jewelry store. It was plain, but that’s
all he’d wanted.

She opened the front door and felt
her mouth drop open. “Logan.” Honestly, he was the last person she expected.
Sure she’d given him her phone number and address. In case they had to deal
with the lingering detritus of their marriage, like taxes, or something that
popped up on the credit report without warning.

“Can I come in?” he asked.

He looked the same, though when she
looked hard, she realized there were a few new gray hairs in the light red. It
had always bothered her that he was two years younger than she was. She’d felt
as if she’d aged poorly next to him. But Drew made her feel like fine wine.

She opened the door wide for her
ex-husband. “Sure.” Why was he here? He couldn’t possibly have learned about
her marriage. Unless Drew told Cat.

Somehow, she hated the idea. She
was happy, in love, and secure. But Cat was still a sore spot. She’d never
liked the fact that sometimes Cat called him up. Just to check how he was
doing, she’d say, but Cat always had ulterior motives.

“Have a seat.” She pointed to the
couch. “Would you like something to drink?”

“No. Thanks,” he said as he
adjusted his slacks over his knees when he sat. His skin was tanned. He’d been
enjoying the summer.

Alexis took the armchair. She was
done with pleasantries. “Why did you come?”

He was silent a moment, looking at
her hand. Then he met her gaze. “You’re still wearing your wedding ring?”

Alexis stiffened. He didn’t even
notice it wasn’t
wedding ring. Drew’s was white-gold, with a small
tooled border on each edge. How could he not see the difference? Logan looked
the same, he
the same. Except for those few gray hairs, he hadn’t
changed one iota since the divorce. And he still didn’t see
. He
never had; it was clear he never would. The thought rendered her speechless.

“I’ll get right to the point,” he
said. “I made a mistake. I hurt you. I’m so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?”

She couldn’t believe he was saying
this. Why now? And suddenly she got it. “Cat left you. That’s what this is all

He shook his head. “No. I left

She spread her hands. “You’re not
actually asking to come back, are you?”

He molded his features into a look
of contrition, his green eyes going soft, his brows pulling together, chin
jutting slightly toward her. “I was an idiot. I was blind.”

“You walked out after fifteen years
of marriage. You said you loved her.”

He didn’t bother to explain that
away, pointing to her hand instead. “But you’re still wearing my ring.”

She shook her head, gave him a
look, hoped it showed her utter disgust. “It’s not

He didn’t see that, nor did he
notice the other signs, like the two wineglasses she hadn’t cleared away from
last night, or the political thriller on the coffee table. She’d never read
that genre. He didn’t pick up on the laptop at the end of the sofa. She didn’t
use her computer on the couch because her back would start to hurt. But Logan
didn’t see any of those things.

He leaned forward, his face
serious, earnest. “All right, it’s
ring. But you haven’t taken it
off. That’s got to mean something.”

“I honestly can’t believe this.”
She put a hand to her forehead.

“I know you’ve probably got a lot
of things to get off your chest. Say them all. Tell me what an asshole I am.
Let’s clear the air. Then we can start over.”

“Don’t tell me Cat hasn’t told you

“Cat? About what?” He cocked his
head, as if he was totally surprised.

“I’m with Drew now,” she said

“With Drew?” he echoed.

,” she emphasized.

“You’re kidding.” It was either an
Academy-Award performance. Or he really didn’t know.

“No. I’m not joking. While you were
screwing his wife, I fell in love with Drew.”

His brows went up. “You were

“Oh for God’s sake.” She stood up.
“Drew and I are
.” She pointed to her finger. “It’s
ring. Not yours.” She wouldn’t say
. “He’ll be home any minute. You
should be gone before he gets here.”

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