Kiss a Frog (The Book Club Series 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Kiss a Frog (The Book Club Series 1)
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Rodd lowered himself into the chair by the bed. “That’s right, dear.”

Lily closed her eyes and let out a fake snore, hoping her parents would get the hint.
Leave me alone!


Chapter Seventeen


Loose Ends




Luca was exhausted. He’d spent hours driving from DC to Boston, and then back with no sleep. He ran purely on adrenaline. Lily was safe, and he had to be at the bureau first thing Monday morning, so he could finalize leaving. The agents left in Boston were tying up any loose ends to make sure that Lily’s name wouldn’t be in the papers and few would know what really happened out on the pier.

It was better that way. If her name and picture were splashed through the papers and the TV stations, her life could be at risk. There were still a few rats they didn’t capture when they flushed the nest. They were small time, petty criminals, but if one would take out Lily Halloway, then he could rise quickly through the mob ranks and become a big deal. The FBI wouldn’t allow that to happen. He wouldn’t allow that to happen.

He fought the urge to call his boss and find out how she was.
It’s a superficial gunshot wound, and she’ll be fine.
She’s mad at me for leaving her there alone, and I’ve gone and done it again. But I have to tie things up here, then I’ll be back. She was surrounded by her parents and I didn’t feel comfortable saying that I was coming to finish what we started. I figured she’d know. Why do men assume women know things? Her eyes gave her away, just like they always do. She was hurt, and I was stupid and left anyway.

Rolling over in bed, he wrapped his arms around his pillow.
I need sleep. But she’s haunting me.
Sleep claimed him as the sun rose over the horizon.
I’ll just rest for a little while.

Ringing woke him from his slumber, and he rolled over in bed to locate the source. His phone jangled on the nightstand. “Hello?”

“Kellam here. Where are you?”

“I’m in bed trying to get some sleep. I feel like death.” Luca flipped to his back and rubbed his eyes. “What time is it?”

“Ten. Get here to the office so we can finish things up. I also need to debrief you on the situation.”

Luca yawned and stretched slightly. “I’ll be there in an hour.” He hung up and forced himself out of the bed.

Stumbling to the shower, he turned the water to cold and bathed quickly, the icy stream jolting him from his slumber. Shivering, he shut off the water and toweled himself dry before meandering into the bedroom and finding clothes to wear. Pulling jeans, a black T-shirt, and a gray hoodie on his muscular frame, he hurried downstairs to find something with caffeine. Locating a soda in the fridge, he popped the tab and drained it in three gulps.
Okay, I’m awake enough to drive.
Sliding his feet into a pair of sneakers by the door, he grasped his wallet and keys and left the apartment.

A brisk breeze welcomed him as he stepped outside, and he squinted against the bright sunshine. Ambling to his car, he opened the door and slid behind the wheel. The engine of the Buick purred to life, and he pulled out into traffic. DC traffic was always brutal, and today was no exception. Finding a parking spot near the bureau, he pulled in and cut the engine. Checking his watch, he grimaced at the time. Being in the military meant you hated to be late, and he was currently fifteen minutes past the time he’d promised.

Striding briskly along the sidewalk, he hurried into the bureau. With no ID, he was stopped at the front desk. “Call Kellam, tell him to meet me here.” The balding man behind the desk obliged him and within minutes Kellam came down the hall.

“Let’s go, De Soros.”

Luca jammed his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and followed Kellam down the hall. Traversing the familiar turns of the building, they ended up in his office a few moments later. “Sorry I’m late,” Luca mumbled.

“No problem. You don’t work for me anymore anyway, right?”

Luca grinned and shrugged as he sat in the chair in front of Kellam’s glossy black desk. “I guess not, but old habits die hard.”

“It’s really a shame you’re walking away. I haven’t put any paperwork through, and I have your badge right here. I’m giving you a chance to take back those words said in the van. Things were tense, you were worried about the girl, and everyone says things they don’t mean in the heat of the moment.”

Luca stared at the badge Kellam slid across the desk.
Is this what I want? Do I really want to give up my career? I’m good at what I do.

“I’m not interested in being a special agent. I can’t put my family at risk anymore. Do you know how many times I got to see my family in the last three years? Then come to find out the CIA and FBI are working behind my back and keeping stuff from me? You bastards pulled her in, and she could’ve been killed. All of this made the allure of the job tarnished. I used to live for the thrill, but now I realize I’m thirty-four and I don’t even have a family. I want that. I can’t be married to the job, Kellam. I’m not you. I thought I was, for a long time.” Luca sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

“You fucked up a Federal investigation, De Soros, and if I wanted to be a real bastard, I could bring you up on charges. You know what your duty was, and the expectations. Then a girl comes along and you mess it all up.”

“I know I messed up, and I can’t go back and change things. When I saw Caprice in the restaurant I panicked, then I saw guys following us into the movie theater. We at least took them down, right? We got the job done.”

Kellam leaned back in his chair and tapped a pencil on the desk. “We did. We got lucky, De Soros. Really damn lucky. All it would’ve taken was one misstep and an agent would’ve been killed.”

“But we all know he was after me. In a way I was your bait, just like Lily became mine. I’m not comfortable going into anymore missions without knowing everything. Hell, I thought I did. But then all this other shit comes out, and I realize I knew nothing at all. It’s unnerving to realize that the people you thought had your back were using you.”

“Don’t get your emotions in this. We have been trying to take down Caprice for years. You were just an agent that was handy. We would’ve done the same to anyone else, and we have in the past. You, as well as anyone should know there are levels in government. The right hand doesn’t always know what the left is doing. We knew you weren’t the agent to put into the mob, you would’ve blown it. So yes, we used you to keep him focused on while we worked on the inside. Call it bait, call it doing your job, whatever makes you sleep at night.”

Luca nodded and clenched his jaw. “Is Lily safe?”

“She’s safe. There’s really no one left that knows of her existence. We’ve told her to go about her life. The papers worked with us and nothing was mentioned of a gun fight at the pier. It’s as though it never happened. We wiped the place of evidence and the civilians have nothing to worry about. They think maybe some gang activity happened out at the pier. That’s the lines we fed some people who asked questions. It’s over and done with. If you want to walk, De Soros, I’m not gonna stop you. You’re just being a dumb ass. You have potential with the bureau if you can keep your emotions out of it. That’s why you were picked, you were a hard ass coming out of the military. Now you’re getting soft. Toughen up. Walk away from this girl, and we’ll make it worth your time.”

Luca sneered at Kellam. “I can’t do that.”

“So you’re going to throw away ten years in the bureau. For what? A piece of pussy? Come on, De Soros, be reasonable.” Kellam laughed.

“I am being reasonable. I’m done. I’m not going to be dangled in front of some criminal as bait. What’s next, my baby sister being used? My mom? No thanks.”

Kellam picked up the badge on the desk and tossed it into the trashcan beside him. “If that’s what you want, then I’ll draw up the paperwork and you’ll be done.”

“Do it.”

He walked out of the bureau half an hour later with a sheaf of papers in his hand, detailing his career with the bureau. The weight that had burdened his shoulders for so long was simply gone, and he couldn’t wait to tell his mom the good news. Claudia Laurence had long hated his dangerous work, and now she didn’t have to worry anymore.

Pulling out his phone, he called his mother as he unlocked his car door. “Mom?”

“Luca, what’s up? Is everything okay,
?” He couldn’t help but smile at the endearment.

“Yeah, Mom, I’m fine. I need to talk to you.” Sliding behind the wheel, he started the car. “I’ll be at the hotel in half an hour. I love you.”

When he’d told them to leave Boston, there’d been no plan in place, so he was paying for a hotel until they could go home. Olivia hated him for making her leave her job and school, but he’d had no choice, it had been to keep her safe.
I should’ve made Lily come too. I could’ve convinced her.
He smirked, thinking of tossing her over his shoulder and making her come with him.
She wouldn’t have gone for it.

He parked in the hotel parking lot and hurried up to his parents’ room. Knocking on the door, he grinned at the middle-aged woman who opened the door. Claudia was a beautiful woman, even at nearly sixty she still looked girlishly fresh. Her silver shot dark hair hung in waves around her shoulders and her dark eyes twinkled.

. Come in.”

Luca stepped into the hotel room and tipped his head in respect to his stepfather, Mark, who had raised him since he was three. “Dad.”

“Hey, son.” Mark stood from the tufted blue chair he sat reading in. “Is everything okay?”

“It’s good. I officially quit the bureau today. My boss gave me some time to kinda think and make sure that’s what I wanted. It is.” Luca hugged the older man and stepped back. “Let’s sit down. Where’s Olivia? I want to talk to her too.”

A loud sigh pierced the air, and Olivia opened the adjoining door. “No one can eavesdrop around here.” She flounced into the room like she was sixteen instead of nearly twenty-two and flopped on the bed.

Claudia sat down next to her. “Tell us what’s on your mind,

“It’s over. The FBI fed the media lies and no one really knows what happened out there in the harbor. I’m sure plenty of money passed hands, but all people think is that a gang took out the mob. We can go back home.” Luca shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his feet slightly.

“It’s about damn time,” Olivia griped. “I hope I haven’t lost my job.”

“I bet Lily can get it back for you. You’ll make up some things you missed in school, and all will be well. I know this hasn’t been easy on you, kid, but it’s over.”

“I’m glad. So, if anyone asks what do I tell them?”

“You went on vacation. Spur of the moment family trip.” Luca suggested.

“Fine. When I graduate I want a real vacation. I’m thinking Bora Bora.”

“I’ll make it happen. Graduate first.”

“I’m glad it’s over. What are you going to do now?” Claudia asked.

“I don’t know, Mom. I’m going to get rid of my apartment here and maybe move back to Boston. I have some loose ends there I want to tie up.”

“Hmm, would it have anything to do with a girl?” Claudia grinned widely.

“Maybe.” Luca blushed. “We’ll see.”

“He’s in love with Lily, my boss, and she’s in love with him, they’re just stubborn and won’t admit it.” Olivia smiled like the cat who’d been in the cream.

“Shut up.” Luca ordered.

“Nope. The sooner you deal with the fact that you two should be together, the better you’ll be.” Olivia hopped off the bed and bent to kiss her mother’s cheek. “I’m going to pack. I have a life to get back to now that I’m not being held hostage here anymore.”

Claudia laughed and waved her into the other room. “Go on.” She turned her attention back to Luca. “So when do I meet this girl?”

“I’m not sure, Mom. Let me patch things up with her, okay? She’s going to be pretty mad eventually when she realizes I left her behind and that she could’ve died. But I thought I was doing the right thing. I have a lot of making up to do.”

“Flowers help.” Mark suggested as he read his newspaper. “Lots of flowers.”

“I’ll remember that.” Luca pulled his phone from his pocket as it buzzed. “Um, let me get this.” He didn’t recognize the number but answered it anyway. “Hello?”

“Luca De Soros?” a gruff voice asked.

“Yeah, speaking.”

“I’m James Travis. I’d like to offer you a job.”

Luca’s brow furrowed, and he laughed nervously. “What?”

“Word’s already out through the grapevine you quit the bureau. I figured I’d get a jump on offering you a job. I hope it’s not a bad time.”

“Seriously? It’s been less than an hour since I left the building.”

“Good news travels fast. Don’t you know everyone knows everything? No one talks, of course, but everyone hears things. Let me explain my offer. I own a security company in Seattle. I’m looking for someone like you.”

Luca stopped the man. “Give me a second.”

“Sure, take whatever time you need, I’ll hold.”

Luca strode to the adjoining door and knocked firmly. “Get out,” he barked as Olivia opened the door.

“Rude!” she screeched as he yanked her out by her T-shirt.

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