Kiss me for lost love

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Authors: Samantha Rull

BOOK: Kiss me for lost love
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Kiss me for lost love
Samantha Rull

Can a person ever change? This is the question asked by so many heartbroken
lovers over the ages. You meet someone when you're young, fall in love, and
think you know all there is to know in the world. Suddenly life starts getting
in the way, you have to go to school, get a job, make a living. Where did your
love go? Did you ever really know this person? They come back into your life
years later, bringing with them all the old emotions from your previous life
together. Chances are, fate intervened to separate you for a reason, you may
never truly know the person you claimed as your love.

Kiss me for lost love




Samantha Rull


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Samantha Rull

Kiss me for lost love

Copyright © 2012 by Samantha Rull



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Kiss me for lost love


We were high school sweethearts, God I loved him. I’m not sure why looking back on it. I guess a lot of it had to do with the fact my parents hated him and who could blame them? He was an F student with his ears pierced and torn jeans serving as both his top and bottom. His Mohawk went perfectly with his dark tan camero. He would pick me up and take me to school as well as bring me home every day. He would usually ditch and go get high or drunk. For me, those were such blissful innocent years looking back on it now. But I was so self-centered, that little girl never saw for one minute that this “Bad boy” I had taken up with that everyone thought was so cool was going through his own personal hell at home.

My life was wonderful with two loving parents who gave a girl everything she could possibly want. My boyfriend’s name was Vic, he wasn’t lucky enough to have the same background. He never did graduate. I graduated from high school and went on to get my bachelors and masters’ degrees in economics, becoming an investment broker after finishing school. Vic disappeared midway through our senior year, actually his third try at senior year.

We met in the gym he had a huge bruise under his right eye. He told me his dad had been really drunk last night and they had a huge fight. For the first time Vic had fought back and knocked his father down. His father banned him from the house; he said he was leaving to join the military. He was going to stay with his cousin a few hours away until it was time for him to leave for boot camp. He had to leave now; he said he just couldn’t do it anymore living at home; he assured me it was only a couple of hours away and that we would be in constant contact through the phone and on weekends in person. He was right we were, for a few months anyway but then like everyone else life got in the way and very slowly almost in an unnoticeable way we began seeing less and less of each other. Began talking less and less on the phone and then we didn’t talk at all quietly disappearing from each other’s lives.

He was my first love, crazy Vic with his Mohawk I will never forget him… and his tongue. I always wonder what became of that sweet trouble soul. That was seventeen years ago now, I haven’t heard from him since. A couple of things have happened since then; I’ve been married twice and divorced twice. After school I just threw myself headlong into my career. It’s always been very important to me to be respected and successful in my career not simply as a woman but as a business head. I handle millions of dollars for various businesses everyday now. I’m the first to admit I may work too much and neglect my social life; I rarely date since my second marriage ended. Besides, I’m working on a huge new portfolio at work right now, potentially worth two or the billion if done correctly. I don’t have time for a man right now; I’m desperately busy trying to show these other men I am the woman for the job managing their finances completely. They specialize in gold for microchips and other components for various technology platforms. I’ve been working eighty hour weeks since I received their information preparing for the upcoming presentation that will be the deciding factor in whether they invest their finances with me or not. I have had much success in the past but I still find myself having to prove to the good old boys I’m more than a pretty face. I have my presentations prepared and a plan ready to go to increase their finances up to 40% in the next ten years. They are scheduled to come in two days to my offices for me to show them my presentation and convince them to work with me. This deal could make or break my company.


Presentation Day


I skipped the coffee; I was already a nervous wreck and was setting up the conference room at 6am even before my secretary Gina arrived to setup like she normally does. When she came in she found the room half prepared and me buzzing around like a chicken with its head cut off. She spoke,

Lauren, why are you doing my job? Don’t you have a presentation to prepare?” Saying as I pointed to the laptop already hooked up to the projector.

I did that first thing this morning,” I said as she began helping me finish arranging everything.

I kept myself occupied with fidgeting until they arrived at precisely eight o’clock. There were four men in three piece suits. Two dumpy old ones, one middle aged guy with a very bad comb over and one very handsome and tall man in a very expensive Ralph Lauren suit. I didn’t spend much time checking any of them out as I was a nervous wreck to get the presentation started. I greeted them all and darkened the conference room. As they sat there silently I spent the next half hour going over figures and investments showing them how I planned to grow their capital. It was dark in the room and I couldn’t see their reactions, I finished after what felt like forever and concluded with my final slide thinking it had gone relatively well. One of the old dumpy men in a suit spoke first and fast,

I just don’t see it, you showed us a lot of conjecture and possibility, I am not at all confident that would grow our capital only make it more susceptible to unnecessary risk.”

I understand your feelings; yes it’s true any investment does pose a risk no matter how small.” I responded which probably was the wrong thing to say; I should have been more defensive.

Here I was thinking I had wowed them and then this! They murmured among themselves for a few seconds before the old grump who didn’t like my plans stood and spoke again,

Thank you for your time Miss, while your ideas are aggressive and interesting I am afraid we must pass at this time.”

I just stood there silently with the hum of the projector the only thing breaking the silence as the suited androids began filing out of the door one by rigid one. When I made sure they were all definitely gone I collapsed in a chair and cried. I don’t know why but at that moment I thought about how I had never had any children and wondered what my life is with no romance and no benefit to others? It was at that low moment I was reminded romance finds you either way, good or bad. The door of the conference room opened and I sniffled, wiping my face.

Who is it?” I called out as the room was still dark and I couldn’t make out any faces.

Hello Lauren,” came a silky yet familiar voice. He flicked the light switch on and I nearly fainted.

The good looking man in the suit who I had been too busy to notice earlier before the presentations was my first love Vic!

Vic is that you? My God!” I exclaimed.

Yeah it’s me, no Mohawk now though,” he chuckled.

I can see that, it’s so good to see you again.” I said beaming.

You too and when I saw it was you giving the presentation and this was your company I had to come back to talk to you then everyone else had gone.”

Well I’m glad you did,” I said standing and walking towards him. I gave him a hug. God he smelled good. “Thanks for the vote of confidence but I don’t think your boss liked my pitch,” I said looking into his deep blue eyes; he was more handsome now than ever.

My boss? Oh, you mean Chuck? No he’s just my accountant he never likes anything. I’m the boss and you’re definitely getting my full portfolio.”

I squealed with delight and embraced him unprofessionally before apologizing. It’s just emotionally taxing going from the bottom to the top again, I couldn’t help myself.

Look,” he said. “I came back in here to say some things to you, I was a messed up kid and I’m sorry I left so quickly but the military literally saved my life. I came back today because I wanted to ask you to dinner, I don’t think it’s a coincidence we’re meeting up here again like this.”

Oh you don’t do you?” I said slyly.

I hope not, what do you say?” He said smiling, flashing perfect pearly whites.

You know, I’m not that same little girl from high school,” I said.

Good, because I’m not that same little boy though I could bring back the Mohawk if you wanted?”

That’s ok; let it stay in the past with the camero. Dinner sounds great.”

Tomorrow at seven pick you up here?” He asked.

That sounds perfect Vic.” I smiled back hoping nothing was in my teeth.

We looked at each other silently for several seconds. I could tell he wanted to say something, I wanted to say something but I couldn’t.

Tomorrow at seven then,” he said and walked out of the door looking back as he was leaving.

I sat back down hardly willing to believe what had just occurred. I almost forgot about the contract when I realized it was Vic! Vic was the president of this company now, interesting. I was so ecstatic to have been given the contract that would set my business on the right course financially as well as a second chance at love, without all the baggage of adolescence in the way. It was hard to believe my luck or fate, whatever it was.

I couldn’t wait for seven o’clock the next day; I was so excited and nervous. It was almost like our first date again, it had been seventeen years. We would have to get to know one another all over, a process I myself was looking forward to. I was so happy to see Vic had overcome the difficulties in his life to succeed and even happier he had come back into my life unexpectedly. We were both high powered executives in our own right now yet it felt fresh, seven couldn’t arrive fast enough.

I have to admit I waited downstairs at 6:45; of course Vic didn’t need to know that. I made him wait a couple extra minutes before coming out. There was no camero now, it was a Lexus. We went to a small bistro where we took a corner booth and began catching up on seventeen years of happenings. He had been married once; she died of cancer a few years back. He never remarried or had any children; he spent fifteen years in the military now he owns his own construction businesses. He didn’t brag about it but I could see he had become very successful. I told him my sob stories too about how I was unlucky in love.

No kids for you either huh?”

Was never married long enough,” I said and finished my martini.

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