Kiss of the Betrayer (A Bringer and the Bane Novel) (41 page)

BOOK: Kiss of the Betrayer (A Bringer and the Bane Novel)
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Her heart thundered in her chest and her mouth went dry. Luc gripped her wrists and trapped them against the door on either side of her head. There was no resistance in her. Good intentions had finally lost the fight to selfish desires. Whatever came from their encounter, she would accept it. If it was only one night he wanted, then she would give it to him and carry the sweet memory with her always.

He bent slightly, coming level with her face. “Tonight, I nearly lost you.”

Jade swallowed, but the action was useless since there was no saliva in her mouth. “I survived.”

He nestled his face against her neck and sniffed. “I thought I’d go mad when I saw the demon chasing you.”

“I was—” Her voice cracked. “Fine.”

“Barely.” Luc pulled back to look at her. “Know this, I—” He captured her lips in a brutal kiss. His teeth nipped her upper lip as he pulled away. “Will never—”

He attacked her mouth again, stealing Jade’s breath and all her willpower. She fought against his hold, needing to touch him, but he didn’t release her. After a torturously wonderful minute he pulled away. Both gasped from the power of the kiss.

“Lose you,” he panted.

She stilled her attempts to get free and stared at him, almost too afraid to believe he wanted to be with her. “What are you saying?”

His grip loosened around her wrists and he pulled her to him. Without thought, she wound her arms around his neck, never losing eye contact.

“I don’t care if it’s proper or not. You’re mine.” He kissed her again, as if afraid she would argue. With no ability to speak, Jade poured all she would have said into their kiss. He broke their connection to rest his forehead against hers. His voice came out in a rough whisper. “You’re mine.”

A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “Are you sure you know what you’re getting yourself into?”

Her comment broke the tension he’d been holding within him. “Well aware.” He pulled back and cocked a brow. “So you’ll consider staying with me?”

Her face grew serious. He’d chanced so much by telling her he wouldn’t let her go, and in her mind there was no question of his sincerity. This wasn’t a one-night tryst. His words had been clear. This was for as long as she would have him.

She cupped his face in her hands and shook her head. “I want nothing more than to be with you—forever.”

He stared at her and for a second she thought she might have said the wrong thing. Then he moved, swooping her into his arms and crushing the breath from her body. Laughter erupted from Jade as he whooped and spun her around.

“Luc, I’m going to throw up.”

He slowed his twirl and lowered her feet to the ground. The room continued to spin but there was no chance that she would fall, locked tightly in his embrace. The joyous mood shifted, as did the look in Luc’s eyes. His passionate gaze nearly sizzled her. Her mouth went dry again and she licked her lips. Luc’s eyes followed the course of her tongue.

The intensity of his stare and the palpable heat radiating off him sent thrills of anticipation through Jade. She took a step backward. Luc followed. She stepped again, as did he.

“I’ve waited a long time to touch you,” he said.

The bedpost stopped her retreat. She clutched the pole, steadying herself against the onslaught of arousal. Her words came in short gasps. “I seem to recall you touching me quite often. When you saved me from Icarus. When you carried me through the woods.” She lifted her brows. “In the hot pool.”

“The hot pools.” He growled more than spoke the sentence. Inches separated them. He reached and rubbed his thumb across her nipple. “I’ve been dreaming of these lovelies since that night.”

Her breath hitched and her nipples hardened under his touch. She pressed into his hands. A tight tingle sparked from both breasts, joining below her rib cage to spear its way to her core. He tugged on the tie at the neck of her gown, opening it wide and pushing it over her shoulder to pool on the floor. A thin shift was the only covering between her naked body and his voracious touch. Her eyes closed and she let her head fall back to rest against the post.

His warm palm slid across her back and the other hand covered her breast. Moist heat replaced his fingers. Jade’s lids popped open to see Luc’s mouth pressed against the thin material, drawing her in. Her pebbled tip ached with each tug.

“Luc.” She combed her fingers through his hair, not sure what she wanted to say. “Yes.”

He burned a trail of kisses up her neck as he grabbed her shift and lifted the fabric. Without hesitation, Jade raised her arms and let Luc divest her of the barrier. Then it was his turn.

Feeling far bolder than she ever had, she unlaced one side of his jerkin and then the other, spreading the material to pull it over his head. Each clasp unhooked and each lace untied, slowly stripped Luc of his clothes and bared the sculpted muscle to Jade’s touch.

She glided her hands across the smooth expanse of his skin. A small patch of golden hair grew in the dip between his chest muscles, descending in a tempting path that disappeared into the waistband of his pants. Her fingers itched to follow that trail.

Twice in her life she’d been with a man—well, boys really. Neither had had any more experience than she. The encounters were awkward and, in the end, hadn’t filled the empty void in her life. She’d stopped looking to men for comfort, seeing what happened to women who continued on that path.

Now she knew why those encounters had fallen flat. Love. Everything was different now. She wanted to give Luc everything. No more hiding. No more doubts. No more denial. With him a lifetime of happiness was hers for the taking.

Jade stepped away to stare at him. Chiseled planes and carved muscle flexed with his every movement. There was no doubt about his arousal. His erection pushed against the front of his pants. She wanted to see him—all of him. Girlish modesty had no place tonight. She wanted to touch him. Know the scent and taste of his skin. Feel his weight as he covered her, driving into her, filling her.

Jade knelt. She gingerly pinched one of the laces holding his pants closed, and pulled. His fingers threaded through her hair, brushing it away from her face. She glanced up. His stare burned and the heaviness of each breath he took sent a rush of power through her. He wanted this. During her years living among men, she’d often seen women use their mouths to bring men pleasure. Until now she’d never understood why they did it when the act wasn’t done for money. Heat pooled between her legs at the thought of giving Luc pleasure. Hopefully, this was something no other woman but her would ever give him again.

She pushed his britches down, freeing his erection. Like the rest of his body, it was perfection. The smooth, glistening head beckoned to her. She exhaled, bringing her lips as close to his cock as she could without actually touching him. His penis flinched and his hands tightened in her hair.

“Jade.” Luc said her name like a plea.

She melted at the sound, her body needing to please him and her mouth needing to taste him. The very thought of Luc above her sent snaps of heat racing along her skin. She shifted, moving against the desire building between her legs. Her lips parted and without urging, he arched into her.

Moist heat surrounded his cock. Luc watched Jade’s mouth slowly take him in and then pull away. The rhythmic movements of her head made him harden even more. Sweet Sainted Ones, but the girl had a mouth made for love. The impulse to thrust nearly overwhelmed him, but he restrained himself. She may not be ignorant in the ways of a man and woman, but she was still rather innocent, of that he was certain. Becoming too demanding might scare her. Besides, they had all night and he had every intention of keeping her awake until the wee hours of the morning.

With one hand she held him in place, working the length of his shaft with her tongue. The other hand circled around his leg and scraped upward, lightly dragging her nails along the backs of his thighs. A shiver spiked up his spine and he gripped her head, giving a subtle push into her mouth.

A low moan of pleasure escaped Jade. She released his shaft and reached around his body to knead his cheeks. The pace of her mouth quickened, her hands controlling his movements as she pushed and pulled him in and out of her mouth. Sparks tickled the base of his cock and spiraled up his shaft.

Too soon.

With gentle pressure, Luc eased his hips back, detaching Jade’s mouth. She looked up at him. He could see by her expression that she thought she’d done something wrong. A wicked smile crept across his lips.

“You’re too good.” He helped her to stand and drew her to him. His erection pressed against her stomach. “And I’m about to shame myself by finishing too early.”

She slid her arms around his neck, her breasts flattening against his chest. “And that’s bad?”

“Ask me that…” He brushed the white, blond swath of hair from her neck and bent to place a kiss below her ear. “After I’m finished pleasuring you.”

Her body quivered under his touch. “Finally, a reasonable plan.”

Luc scooped Jade up and laid her on the bed. Smooth, tan skin glistened in the pale golden candlelight. She arched toward him, sliding her hands over her head to stretch like a cat. She was desirable without trying, even when she had been dressed like a boy.

He reached for the foot she glided along her leg and crawled onto the bed. She watched him draw her foot to his lips. A coy smile played at the corners of her mouth and she gasped when he first kissed, and then licked her big toe. She yanked, but he didn’t release her.

He traced the tip of his finger up the center of her foot. “Ticklish?”

She squealed and nearly levitated off the bed. “Please, stop.” She sat up and tugged against his hold. His finger hovered above her foot again. “Please, Luc.”

“I like the way you say my name.” The way she pleaded stirred his desire. He bent and pressed a kiss on the inside of her foot and then rested her ankle on his shoulder. “I think I’d like to see you beg for more.”

His hand slid up the inside of her thigh, his body following. Jade fell back against the bed as Luc soldiered forward, his finger inching dangerously close to the blond curls between her thighs. Her green eyes widened and her mouth opened as if anticipating what he might do next.

He lowered himself, planting moist kisses along her inner thigh. When he reached her sex he stopped. Stiff limbs quivered under the brush of his warm breath. Unsure whether she would rebound from the bed or coo with pleasure, he lowered his mouth to her wet lips.

A sigh filled with feminine delight drifted from Jade. Luc slid his tongue along her tight slit, which garnered another sigh and an easing of muscles. Her knees fell open, allowing him full access. He flicked the stiff nub that hardened under his ministrations. Jade’s hips lifted toward his exploring mouth, asking for more.

He wound his arms around her thighs and pulled her slick lips to him, holding her in place. With a slow thrust, he dipped his tongue inside her and slowly withdrew, licking and spreading her lips. Before returning for another pass, he lingered at her clit, gently skimming and sucking.

She was sweet and untainted. Pure like a honeysuckle wine. Blush pink nipples teased him, bouncing as she rocked against his mouth. He released one leg and glided his hand up her stomach to cup her breast. Jade gasped when he rolled the stiff peak between his finger and thumb, plucking it with the same rhythm he licked and suckled her. She writhed against him, twining a finger in his hair and pulling his mouth more firmly against her.

The action nearly made him lose control. His cock tightened painfully. He released her breast and reached to stroke himself, cupping his balls and massaging. Sweet mother, he needed to be inside her, but not until she climaxed.

He released his cock and focused his attention on the small section around her clit. He slid a finger into her tight sheath, continuing to stroke her with his tongue. Her hips arched and bucked.

“Yes.” Small pants replaced actual words. “A—ga—in.”

He dipped a second finger inside her and licked. In and out. With each thrust Jade replied in kind, riding his hand and mouth, guiding him with a firm grip in his hair. Her sheath tightened around his fingers and her body arched. A muffled scream ripped from her throat, but she grabbed a pillow and hugged it to her face.

She was so beautiful. The way her body glistened with a fine sheen and ripples of pleasure danced across her skin. Her firm hold turned into a steady push against his forehead. He held onto her thighs, but Jade threw the pillow aside and pushed up on one elbow. With surprising strength, she propped one foot against his shoulder and pushed.

He let her go but gave her a devilish grin. “Sensitive?”

She fell into the pile of pillows at the top of the bed where she lay trying to catch her breath. “Yes, and you continue to torture me.”

“Torture?” He crawled to her across the bed. “I’ve never heard bringing a woman to climax referred to as torture before.”

“You’re rather ruthless.” She drew her knees together. “And unforgiving.”

He crept up her body, hovering above her. In an attempt to get away, she pressed further into the mound of pillows, but he had no intention of ending this glorious torment. “Should I tickle you some more?”

Jade tightened into a ball, her eyes rounding with comical fear. “No!”

Trapped beneath him, she was at his mercy. He lightly circled her nipple with his fingertip. “Perhaps I should kiss you again.”

Her shoulders relaxed and her back arched toward his tracing finger. He strummed this thumb across her nipple. She bit her lower lip and inhaled sharply. With swooping circles, he spiraled his finger down her stomach. He noticed the way her muscles tensed. Instead of prying her legs apart, which he’d never had to do with another woman and he’d be damned if he’d start now, he glided his hand along the top of her thigh and up his cock.

She watched his movements, her tongue absently sliding along her lower lip. He held the head of his penis and stroked himself.

“Or perhaps I should give you more pleasure.” His gaze captured hers. “With this.”

BOOK: Kiss of the Betrayer (A Bringer and the Bane Novel)
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