Kit And Kisses (12 page)

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Authors: Karen Rose Smith

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Kit And Kisses
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Kit didn't attempt to make conversation as Grey drove to Gettysburg. She could imagine what was running through his mind. What kind of situation had Deedee gotten herself into? Was someone with her when the accident happened? If so, how did it happen?

Kit examined her advice to Grey, to let Deedee try her wings. Should she have kept her opinion to herself? Even though Deedee had asked for her to come along, should she butt out altogether where Deedee was concerned? She wasn't sure she could do that.

The hospital's emergency room was relatively quiet for a summer Sunday afternoon. Jenny had been watching for them. She backed up a step when Grey approached her. His expression was forbidding and demanded answers.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Corey," the freckled, red-head stammered. "It wasn't anybody's fault. We were hiking down a hill and Deedee slipped."

"Where is she?" he asked in a clipped tone.

"I'll take you back. They were waiting until you came and signed all the papers before they gave her anything."

His mouth drew tighter.

A nurse met them at the door to the examining area. After Grey introduced himself, she guided him toward a curtained cubicle.

Deedee lay on a gurney propped on two pillows. She looked worried. Evading Grey, her gaze locked to Kit's. "You came!"

"Sure, I did. Grey said you asked for me. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine." Finally, she looked at her brother under lowered lashes. "Are you mad?"

He went straight to Deedee and gave her a hug. "I'm not mad at you, honey. Do you hurt much?"

She shrugged, pushing down the sheet and showing him her arm which was tied in a sling. Making a face, she said, "I don't want any medicine."

Grey patted her hand. "I'm going to find the doctor."

"I've got to get going," Jenny mumbled.

"I'll keep Deedee company while you're talking to her doctor," Kit offered.

With a look that said, Don't get into any trouble, Grey ushered Jenny out.

Deedee looked at Kit and sighed. "I didn't mean to fall."

Kit sat in the vinyl chair next to the bed. "What happened?"

Deedee's eyes lit up. "We climbed up this big hill all the way to the top! I did it just like everyone else. But then we had to go down the other side. I stepped on some rocks and they moved... Is Grey mad at you? Because you said it was okay for me to go?"

Kit knew Deedee would know the truth from a lie. "I don't know. He's worried about you."

"He always worries about me."

"He loves you," Kit said softly.

Deedee wrinkled her nose. "I know."

Grey pushed open the curtain, a prescription in his hand.
"We can go. The doctor said to keep your arm in a sling two days, then try it without. He says you wrenched your elbow." He lifted the prescription. "I'll get this filled at the pharmacy. If your arm hurts too much, he wants you to take one."

Deedee frowned. "It doesn't hurt that much. I guess we have to tell Tanya what happened."

Grey nodded. "I'll explain."

"I can tell her myself," Deedee protested.

Grey gave his sister a long look. "Do you need help getting dressed?"

"Maybe to get my shirt on. But Kit can help me."

Grey's brows arched. "I'll go to the pharmacy then sit in the waiting room."

Kit glanced at Grey, but he was already gone. Deedee was asserting her independence more and more. It would take Grey some time for him to get used to it. Apparently Deedee had changed her attitude toward Kit, feeling she was on her side. They might even become friends. If Grey let them. If Grey didn't blame her for this accident. Life was never simple.

Deedee chattered during the ride to Meadeville, talking about her experiences cooking over the campfire, attending a square dance at the campground's pavilion, sleeping in a tent. She'd obviously enjoyed herself. Despite her accident, the trip had been good for her.

Before Deedee opened the car door, she asked Kit, "Can you come in and see Star?"

Kit glanced at Grey, then back at his sister. "Are you sure it's okay?"

"Yeah," Deedee answered. "Sunday's real loose. Everybody's probably playing ball or something."

Kit went with Deedee to find her kitten as Grey spoke with Tanya, and she wished she knew what he was thinking. Or better yet, what he was feeling.

In a family-room type atmosphere, Kit and Deedee threw a ball fashioned of tinfoil for Star to play with until Grey came into the room and said, "Deedee, we're going to leave now. How are you feeling?"

"It hurts when I move."

He came over to the sofa and sat beside her. "Then sit still tonight and watch TV. And take a pill if it hurts too badly."

"Maybe I will and maybe I won't," she said, lifting her chin stubbornly.

Kit suppressed a smile. Deedee was asserting her independence big-time.

As Grey gave his sister a good-bye hug, Deedee said to him, "Accidents happen to everyone, Grey."

He leaned back then kissed her forehead. "I guess they do. I'll call you tomorrow."

Kit gave Star a final pat on the head and rose from the floor. When she did, Deedee gave her a hug. Tears welled up in Kit's eyes as she squeezed back. "Take care of yourself."

Deedee smiled. "I will."

Kit followed Grey to the front door. Once outside, he took her elbow and asked, "Would you like to take a walk?"

Kit looked up and down the tree-lined residential street, felt the warm breeze lift her hair and fan it against her cheek. "A walk would be nice."

They strolled down the path to the sidewalk and Grey motioned to the right. Kit walked beside him, wishing he'd touch her again, wishing for some connection between them. There was only one way to get it back and that was to clear the air. "You're blaming me for Deedee's accident, aren't you?"

"I did. For a short time. Because you encouraged her. You nudged me. But then I blamed myself for letting her go. I should have made the right decision no matter what anyone else said."

"But you did make the right decision. Can't you see


He chuckled and held her by the shoulders. "I can always count on you to tell me exactly what you're thinking."

"I wish you'd tell me what you're thinking. I thought you were angry. I thought you'd tell me to butt out. I thought


He pulled her into his arms and covered her mouth with his. He took control swiftly, sweeping her mouth, demanding a response, exciting her in the way only he could. Melting in his arms, she ran her fingers through his hair. His hands stroked down her back and cupped her bottom, pressing her even closer. She gasped from the sheer pleasure of his arousal against her. She wanted him desperately, but was still afraid of the consequences of getting even closer.

Grey took her upper lip between his teeth, gently nipping, then slowly set her away. "I was worried, upset, but not with you. And after I talked to Deedee and heard how much fun she had, I realized she is changing. In a good way. And I'll have to learn to accept it."

Kit smiled and took his jaw between her hands. "You're a very insightful man."

He grimaced. "Sometimes it takes a while. But I do know there's one subject I am insightful about. Trent Higgins. Have you decided what you're going to do?"

She dropped her hands from his face.
"I'm going by to go see him."

Grey's expression hardened, his jaw tightened. "All right. But let me go with you."

"No. There's no reason for you to go along. I fight my own battles, Grey. I want to finish this, once and for all."

He took her chin in his hand. "How far do you want our relationship to go?"

She felt panic rising in her chest

trusting, risking, giving part of herself away. How far was she willing to go? Right now, she only had one answer. "I don't know."

He dropped his hand to his side. "You don't trust me yet."

"I'm trying."

"It's not a matter of trying. You either trust or you don't."

"It's not that simple."

"Then take a step. Let me go with you to see Higgins." His voice gentled. "We could drive up on Saturday, go somewhere nice for dinner, stay overnight."

Her legs suddenly felt weak again and her heart raced as she thought about going out of town with Grey, being alone with him. "In a motel," she said almost to herself.

He pushed her hair behind her ear and kept her gaze locked to his. "We'll get two rooms. Then we'll play it by ear. We might decide to just use one of them."

He was serious and she was scared. But it might be time to make a decision about more than a motel room. It might be time to take the risk to love again.



The following Saturday evening after dinner, Grey walked Kit down the hall to her motel room. She'd been quiet on the drive to New York, but at least she'd agreed to let him come along. That was progress. She was so damned self-sufficient, independent, and because of Trent Higgins, wary. Grey found he wanted more and more of her

her smiles, her kisses, her thoughts, her time. And she gave freely, but only so far. There was a wall there he wanted to penetrate. Maybe this trip would do it. Maybe tonight would do it.

They stopped outside her door. "Are you going to invite me in?" he asked. I thought we could watch a movie." Actually, he had a lot more than a movie in mind. Dim lights, a turned down bed...

He felt freer now. Deedee seemed to be coming around. She'd asked for Kit after her accident for a reason

she felt she had an ally. Kit stoked the relationship with his sister with gentleness and caring, never patronizing, always trying to understand. So Deedee was no longer a roadblock. He wanted to take his relationship with Kit to the next level, a physical Foman to unders level. But trust was still a problem for her. He could see it in her eyes, feel it in the way she responded freely, then suddenly put on the brakes.

"I don't know if your coming in is a good idea," Kit said, her gaze not quite meeting his.

The letter from Higgins had increased Kit's wariness and her hesitation. Grey wasn't sure where her doubts were seated or exactly what she was thinking, but suspected Higgins still had an emotional hold on her. And if she was still susceptible...

This visit was a damn mistake and he was going to make sure it didn't become more of a mistake. "What are the visiting hours tomorrow?"

"Ten to five. I thought I'd go over after breakfast."

"You mean we, don't you?"

"No, I don't. I'm going alone, Grey."

His anger fought with his concern for her. "That's not a good idea. I came along to support you and that's what I'm going to do."

"Support me? I didn't ask you to come along to hold my hand. In fact, I didn't ask you to come along at all. It was your idea. I agreed because the trip gave us time to be together."

"You're not going to that prison alone."

Kit squared her shoulders. "Oh, yes, I am."

"Be reasonable."

"I'm being perfectly reasonable. This is my unfinished business, not yours. I'm a big girl, Grey. I take care of myself."

"Sure. Real well. That's how you got mixed up with Higgins in the first place."

Kit looked stunned for a moment, and he knew immediately he'd said the wrong thing. Hurt flickered in her eyes right before they became glacial blue.

She took her key from her purse and opened her door. Then she turned to him and said, "You can forget the movie, and anything else you had in mind. I don't appreciate you telling me what to do, or insinuating that I'm not intelligent enough or wise enough to make my own decisions."



"I'll see you tomorrow. After I see Trent. Good night."

He wouldn't let her walk away that easily. He wouldn't let her build a wall he couldn't tear down. Before the door could shut in his face, he followed her inside and tugged her into his arms.
Without giving her a chance to resist, he kissed her, hard and fast and demanding more than a good-night kiss at the door.

He wanted to tell her so many things

that he appreciated her beauty, admired her intelligence and courage, and that he wanted more than one night in her bed. But words seemed to have no place as need and hunger took precedence. Lacing his hands in Kit's hair, he drove his tongue into her mouth and caressed her back, drawing her tighter against him. When she moaned, he hoped she was as lost as he was. But he had to make sure.

Tearing away, he held her head between his hands. "I only want this if you do, too. If you want me to walk away, tell me now."

Kit searched his face, then reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I don't want you to walk away. I want you to make love to me."

That was all he needed to hear.

With a shrug, he was out of his suit coat. As he unzipped her dress, she tugged down his tie and unfastened his shirt buttons. Undressing was a means to an end. Necessary foreplay. But Grey knew if he became any more aroused, they'd be finished before they started. At least he would be.

As he skimmed her panties down her long legs, he sucked in a breath. Kit took hold of the waistband of his briefs and gave them a tug. He gripped her hands with his. "I want you, Kit."

She smiled up at him. "Then what are we waiting for?"

Her honest desire made any awkwardness vanish. After he stepped out of his briefs, he scooped her into his arms and held her close to him. His lips sought hers and he carried her to the king-size bed, never breaking the kiss.

When he laid her down, she reached for him.

He held himself above her. "You have to be ready."

"I am," she said softly.

After stroking her thigh, he touched her intimately and found she was ready. Calling on every vestige of restraint, he slowly entered her, watching her face. She sighed, raised her knees, and gripped him tighter.

"Kit, I don't know how long I


She stroked his jaw. "You worry too much. The first time doesn't have to be the only time."

Her words pushed him over the edge of control. He thrust into her and with her moan of pleasure, retreated then thrust again.

Kit moved with him, encouraged him, met every drive with her own need. Until the look in her eyes told him she was on the verge of the same precipice he'd climbed with her and was ready to tumble over the peak.

His last thrust was t
he most powerful, his re
lease intense as Kit cried his name. When he collapsed beside her, he held her tight, never wanting to let her go.

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