Kitchen Affairs (21 page)

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Authors: Brooke Cumberland

Tags: #Romance, #Adult

BOOK: Kitchen Affairs
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Travis stared at me as if he wanted to run up to me and plant one on me.
I faked a smile, thanked Mr. Cooper, and walked over to Travis and his group. I could feel Travis looking at me but I still couldn’t look up at him. The others in his group welcomed me and we stood listening for further direction.

“Okay class, let’s welcome our contestants.” Students from three other local restaurants walked and each group went to a different counter not catching our eyes.
Damn, they look tense.

“You’re first item is…” Mr. Cooper hesitated a split second letting us suffer. “Linguine El Pesto with Mushroom Sauce. You have exactly one hour to perfect your meal.” He held up his hand and made sure all of our eyes were on him. “Go!” He lowered his hand down gesturing for us to start.

“Okay, I’ll start making the noodles. Travis, you get the mushrooms and prepare them for the sauce. Molly, you prepare the base and Taylor, you grab all the ingredients she’ll need,” Brad ordered.
Who made him boss?

Travis tried whispering to me several times, but I managed to walk away without looking rude. Now was not the time to discuss what had happened between us. I was confused, pissed off at myself, and feeling guilty all at once. I didn’t know what to say to Travis or even how to act around him.

“Fifteen minutes left!” Mr. Cooper shouted letting us know we needed to finish soon.

“Damn, okay, how are we doing guys?” Brad peaked his nose in as I was still letting the sauce simmer. The noodles were ready and the base was just about ready.

“Almost done.” I smiled looking up at Brad. He was good at managing people.
Almost too good.
Normally, I was the bossy one that took over in-group situations, but today I was not feeling myself in so many ways.

Within the last few minutes left, we managed to display our dish and present it just in time. I was a perfectionist at making sure my dishes not only tasted wonderful, but were also presented perfectly. After all, I had learned at a young age that most people eat with their eyes.

To my surprise, Drake walked in and I gasped realizing he was one of the judges. Oh great,
this won’t be awkward at all.
Two other women walked in behind him and shook hands with Mr. Cooper. I assumed they were also judging.

“Excellent!” one of the women beamed taking a second bite of our pasta. “This sauce is incredible!” She smiled eyeing me. “Are you the master behind all this?”

I nodded and smiled unsure of how to react. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Seriously, this sauce is insane. I don’t know what you did, but I want more!” she laughed. I couldn’t believe this strange woman whom I’ve never met before was gloating over me. It felt wonderful to have my work noticed, but she was overwhelming me.

“Thank you very much. I’m so happy you like it.” I smiled again hoping she could see my coyness.

“Ahh… I see you have met the wonderful Ms. Woods.” Mr. Cooper approached us smiling at me. “She is one of my best students.”
Holy shit, what?
I was shocked to hear my teacher praise me like this. It wasn’t like I didn’t think I was good at what I loved, but to have him say it out loud to everyone had me speechless.

The judges continued around the room tasting samples of the linguine as I spotted Drake staring at me. He was biting his lower lip getting lost in his thoughts.
I can only imagine what he was thinking.

Still feeling horrible about what happened the night before with Travis, I did everything I could to avoid him. In fact, I wanted to completely forget about it and be back in Drake’s arms again.

We prepared two more items for the judges, an appetizer, and a dessert. I avoided Travis at all costs and was getting rather good at it. I made sure to keep myself looking busy and always within Drake’s eyesight. I knew Travis wouldn’t try and make a scene with him in the same room.

Just as class we were getting dismissed for the day, I could feel my cell vibrate in my pocket. Eager to talk to Drake, I was hoping it was a message from him.

I need to talk to you after class, Molly. Please! –Travis

I quickly searched his face and he looked desperate. I glanced back at my phone and deleted the message. When Mr. Cooper was done announcing that our group had won the cook-off, I jumped up and walked out the door before Travis could catch up to me.

Drake came over that night and an instant smile plastered my face. It has felt like days since we’ve been together. Drake has been so busy with work and I have been so focused on studying that we haven’t spent as much time together as we wanted.

“Hey Stella-bug!” Drake greeted Stella as she opened the door for him. He sprung his arms from around his back and presented a dozen white roses. They were absolutely stunning and my heart about melted as I saw him get down on one knee eye level
 to Stella. “These are for you sweetheart.” He kissed her sweetly on her cheek as she grabbed the flowers.

“I love them!” she squealed. “Mommy, look!” I ran to her side squeezing her tight. I couldn’t believe this man. He had just made my daughter feel extra special.

Stella ran and took her flowers with her to show them off to Michael. She came back with something in her fist, eager to show Drake.

“Drake! Guess what?” I loved watching those two interact. It was seriously the cutest thing ever.

“What? Tell me!” he begged pretending to be desperately interested.

“My first tooth fell out!” She held it up high for him to see.

“Wow, that is awesome, Stella!” He gave her a high-five. “Are you going to put it under your pillow?”

Stella gave him a weird look. “Under my pillow?” I never raised Stella to believe in anything like that. Not Santa, not the Easter Bunny, and not the Tooth Fairy. I couldn’t lie to my baby girl knowing some day I’d have to break the news to her and break her heart. She already was going to have enough heartbreak in her life without a daddy and I didn’t want to add to it.

I quickly cut in so Drake didn’t ask her any more questions. “Drake, honey, can I speak with you for a minute?” I motioned with my eyes to step away.

“What’s up babe? Everything okay?” he questioned with a puzzling look.

“Stella doesn’t believe,” I simply stated.

“Believe what?”

“In that.” I waved my hand as if they were sitting in front of us. “The Tooth Fairy, Santa, Easter Bunny. I never told her any of that.”

Drake looked confused. He wasn’t a dad but I was sure he was raised that way. Instead of questioning
me, he simply nodded and said okay.

After putting Stella to bed, I felt the need to be close with Drake and give him a special Valentine’s Day gift. I needed to reassure my feelings for him and push Travis out of my head for good. I slipped into a pink see thru nighty and nothing else. I wanted to seduce my man and I wanted to have my way with him.

“Holy shit!” Drake spilled out as he entered my bedroom seeing me lying on the bed waiting for him. “You look amazing, Molly.” He quickly took his shoes and shirt off. He jumped on the bed next to me and pressed his lips hard on mine. I felt the instant connection, an immediate reaction to his touch.
Yes, Drake is the one for me.

He caressed my body with his fingertips teasing me gently making me want him more and more. He placed his body overlaying mine and pressed firmly into me. He gave me access to his pants allowing me to rip his belt off and push his pants down. He lifted me up to straddle him while he stroked my back and teased every inch of me.

“Drake…” I moaned. “I need you,” I begged for him.

“Not yet sweetheart. I want to own all of you. Touch all of you. In every way.” He continued caressing me lightly letting me get aroused and greedy.

He lifted me back up slamming me down on the mattress underneath him. He pressed hard into me kissing down my neck, chest, and down to my thighs. I buried my head into a pillow muffling my screams and moans as he made his way down my body.

He skimmed his hands under my silk nighty and stroked my nipples until they hardened. I couldn’t wait any longer; I needed him. I flipped him back off me and straddled him releasing him of his hard on pressed against his briefs. I quickly slid them off and kissed him hard.

“Molly!” he screeched. I hushed him and lowered my body so my mouth could wrap around him. He moaned as I sucked him and left him completely breathless.

After I was done, he grabbed me up and scooped me to the bed. He lifted my legs up to my shoulders and entered in me deep. I tried to hold back my screams, but I couldn’t. He inserted two fingers and kept going until I completely came undone.

“Oh god, Drake…” I moaned against him as he brushed his lips with mine.

Drake lifted me up once again and wrapped my legs around him. He leaned me up against a wall and dropped my legs down to the floor. He passionately kissed me before turning me around. He bent me over slightly before entering me again.

We made love around my room for hours. I couldn’t get enough of him. He was my soul mate, my best friend, and my lover. I never wanted to be apart from him.










The following day was another classroom day, and I knew I would have to face Travis sometime, I just didn’t know if I was ready yet. I tried to remain calm as I walked into the classroom. I held my breath until I noticed Travis wasn’t there.
This is weird.
Travis was always on time.

I couldn’t help but have Travis on my mind as Mr. Cooper started his presentation and Travis still hadn’t showed up.
Was he skipping because of me? Was he okay?
I started to feel awful that I had ignored him.

Lunch break finally arrived and I desperately checked my phone hoping for a text from Travis.
My phone beeped and I jumped checking it.

Come to my office after your class beautiful. I need to see you. – Drake

My heart instantly fluttered at the thought of Drake. Last night couldn’t have been more perfect. Any feelings I thought I felt for Travis were dismissed as soon as I was in Drake’s arms. I tried to make sense of what I felt when I kissed Travis, but I think I was just in the moment. Travis just needed to be my friend. I still loved him as a friend and I wanted to continue the semester working next to him.

I texted Drake telling him I’d meet him after my class and was looking forward to it.
Really looking forward to it.
I decided to take a long shot and text Travis to make sure he was okay.

Travis, where are you? – Molly

Home. – Travis

Are you okay? Are you sick? – Molly

Yeah, something like that. – Travis

What’s wrong? – Molly

Travis never texted me back after that. I knew in my gut what was wrong. I had broken his heart when after our make out session; I hadn’t even had the decency to talk to him. My stomach turned and I felt sick.

Please, Travis. I’m sorry. Don’t be mad at me. –Molly

I could never be mad at you Molly. –Travis

Then tell me what’s wrong. Please. I’ll listen. –Molly

The thought of seeing you again and not being able to touch you or kiss you or even talk to you is breaking my heart, Molly. I just needed a day to think. –Travis

My heart broke into pieces after I read that. I was the reason he was hurting. I should’ve realized sooner that Travis had feelings for me but I dismissed them as just being a protective and caring friend.
Obviously, I was wrong.
Very wrong.

I’m so sorry Travis. Please believe me when I say I didn’t mean to hurt you. I didn’t realize you had feelings for me until the other day. In fact, I didn’t realize I had feelings for you until that moment. I thought we were just friends. Can we please go back to that? –Molly

I don’t just have feelings for you Molly. I’m in love with you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the day we bumped into each other at the café. You are always on my mind. I’m sorry I crossed a line. If all we can be is friends, then I’ll take it. I’ll take you anyway I can get you. – Travis

My heart sunk.
In love with me? Holy shit.
I couldn’t believe the amazing words that he just sent me. I could already feel the goose bumps rising on my arms and the back of my neck. I was happy he still wanted to be friends with me, but it was going to be awkward knowing how he felt about me.

course, we can still be friends Travis. I just want things to return to normal, ok? I need you to help me kick ass the rest of this semester! Plus, we’re round teammates. We need to practice! –Molly

Don’t worry. I got your back Mols! See you Monday. Have a good weekend! –Travis

I smiled as we finally agreed to be friends and return to normal. I was so relieved that we could still work together and hopefully there wouldn’t be any awkward tension.

class, I walked up to Drake’s office and was stunned when he wasn’t alone.

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