Knight Awakened (Circle of Seven #1) (38 page)

BOOK: Knight Awakened (Circle of Seven #1)
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Eyes narrowed, he glanced toward the doorway. Jesu. It couldn’t be. He’d made certain she didn’t know where—

“Xavian?” Afina’s voice drifted through the open doorway.

The husky timbre washed over him like summer rain: warm and gentle and tempting. His body responded, the traitor behind his laces hardening so fast he grabbed the edge of the tabletop to keep from doubling over. A death grip on the knife hilt, Xavian closed his eyes.

He was in trouble. Serious—the-kind-a-man-didn’t-get-out-of—trouble.

Panic picked up his heart and slammed it against his rib cage. He dropped the knife. As it clattered on the table, he pivoted toward the back of his shop. He needed to reach his bedchamber and the sliding panel behind his wardrobe before she touched him. Or he got a look at her.

Escape was the only option.

And the secret passageway concealed by the large cabinet was his best bet. It would take him into the labyrinth beneath Drachaven. Carved out of solid rock, the maze was a useful tool, one he often used to move from place to place around the castle, but never more than in the last sennight. Without it, he would never have been able to watch Afina without her knowing he was there.

Halfway to the chamber door, Xavian heard a mad scramble behind him. He picked up his pace.

“Xavian!” Her voice was sharp with warning. He kept going, teeth clenched, hands fisted with determination. Something crashed behind him, sounded like a wooden chair hitting the floor. “Oh, no. Don’t you dare!”

He did and, lengthening his stride, came even with the door-jamb. The air crackled, became hot and thick, but Xavian didn’t look back. She was too close, and he was too needy. If he laid eyes on her at this range, he’d have her beneath—

His head snapped back as he hit some sort of barrier. With a “Christ,” he stumbled back a step, searching for whatever he’d smashed into. Warped, the air in front of him waved, a shimmering undulation in midair.

, magic. What the hell did Afina think she was doing?

With a snarl, he swung around to face her. A sensible person would have run in the other direction when they saw his expression. Afina kept coming, hazel eyes aglow with green. He shifted left, preparing to counter her. But she was already on him, slapping her hand in the center of his bare chest, pushing him backward until his arse hit the edge of the sideboard.

Wooden figures rattled as his shoulder blades bumped the shelves and the cupboard rocked against the wall behind it. He grabbed her wrist, desperate to get her hands off him. She resisted and, shoving him off balance, bumped his knee out to step between the spread of his thighs. Jesu, she was stronger than she looked. And now her hips were precisely where he didn’t need them—and exactly where he wanted them.

“Afina, back away.” His voice was more plea than command. God, he didn’t want to hurt her. Was trying to be gentle. But with her scent and softness all around him, he couldn’t take much more. “You don’t want—”

“Be quiet.” She applied pressure, keeping her palm pressed to his skin and him perched on the lip of the sideboard. “I know exactly what I want.”

Balanced against his chest with her fingers spread wide, she aligned their bodies and scrambled his wits. The warmth of her breath touched him first, fanning over his collarbone an instant before she flicked him with the tip of her tongue. He shuddered as she drew away then came back to flick him again. Once, twice...Christ, he lost count as she licked her way to the base of his throat. She hummed against his skin and kissed his pulse point. With a groan, Xavian tipped his chin up to give her more access. He should stop her...should use his strength against her and fight his way free.

“ taste so good, Xavian.”

The muscle roping his stomach tightened as she leaned in hard, pressing her breasts to his chest. He sucked in a breath and cupped the nape of her neck, intending to pull her away—to set himself to rights and find the will to deny her.

Afina beat him to it, drawing away a little at a time. His gaze glued to her face, Xavian frowned, wondering at her game. She’d cornered him, had the upper hand, why was she retreating?

A wicked gleam in her eyes, she sank down between the splay of his knees. There was a quick tug. He stiffened as understanding lit him up like a lightning strike. Jesu, she’d tricked him; distracted him with her mouth while she unlaced his trews. And now...

,” he gasped as she pulled hard on his waistband. The sideboard biting into his arse, he grabbed for her hand. She was too quick. Unwrapping him like a birthday gift, she palmed his shaft, sliding her small hand deep inside his trews.

Air left his lungs in a rush. All thought disappeared. His body ceased to cooperate as, slack-jawed, he watched her lean in. Like liquid fire, her mouth closed around the head of his shaft. He shouted—half curse, half plea—and arched as her hot, wet tongue swirled, sending him past right and straight into wrong.


He tasted glorious. Pure sin with a hint of sweetness.

On her knees, Afina stroked Xavian with her tongue, listening to him groan and curse. His scent all around her, she watched him through the veil of her lashes. The ecstasy on his face said it all. He loved this. Loved having her mouth on him. Each swirling lick and gentle suck dragged him deeper, unraveling the threads of his control.

He whispered her name, so close to release now. The truth was in the flex of his muscles, in the rapture riding the planes of his face. His will was cracking...and she was winning. Another lick, a swirling suck, and she would have everything she craved. Total surrender. Him inside her.

Afina wanted to shout her victory. She stroked harder instead, relishing the reversal of power.

She rarely got to lead. Xavian was too strong to play the subordinate for long. He liked command too much, especially when it came to her. It was the reason he loved hearing her beg. Lord knew she enjoyed it too. But now she held the upper hand. He was enthralled, a prisoner to her pleasure.

Part of her wanted to keep him there.

The insight surprised her. Holding another captive had never held much appeal. But with Xavian? Afina couldn’t get enough. She wanted to dominate, just for a while. The risks were
enormous. He could push her away, deny her a home...break her heart. None of that was enough to stop her. The reward was too great to ignore: a happy home and long future together.

Afina yearned for both. Wanted to share her secrets and worries, her small successes and bigger victories. Wanted to be in his arms every night and wake up that way each morning. But first, Xavian needed to bend. Not a lot, just enough for her to slip through his defenses.

Afina tongued him again, wielding desire like a weapon. She wanted him tangled up, tied down, a slave to her and his need. He gripped the lip of the sideboard, his knuckles white as he arched, begging for more. She gave it to him, exploring him from root to tip. He grew longer, harder, so thick she couldn’t contain him. Bringing her hands into play, she stroked him while her tongue circled.

Hmm, he was glorious...glorious with a dash of incredible.

“Jesu...” Xavian rolled his hips against her. She opened wide, taking him so deep he touched the back of her throat. Lips parted, spine arched, he groaned. Afina took him deeper.

He pulsed against her tongue. With a hum, she eased the rhythm, soothing him with gentle licks, pressing her thumb to the base of his shaft to settle him. She didn’t want him to finish yet. Some other time she’d have the taste of him in her mouth, but not now. When he came, she wanted him buried to the hilt inside her. Nothing less would do. She’d waited so long to have him this way. Had fought to find and subdue him. No chance in Hades she would allow her opportunity to slip away.

Xavian twisted against her, so close to coming he throbbed inside her mouth.

“Easy, my love.” Kissing along his length, she caressed the outside of his thigh. “Not yet.”

...please.” He buried a hand in her hair.


His grip moved to the nape of her neck, but he didn’t answer. He was too busy waging an internal war...stay or go. Afina could see the indecision as regret collided with want. The battle played in his expression, and Afina’s heart ached. She understood that kind of agony, the fear he would never be good enough. But Xavian was wrong. He was more than enough—all she needed and better than she deserved.

She flicked him again, swallowed the white pearl sitting like a crown on the tip of his shaft. Goddess, he was delicious...and so sensitive. Each lick sent him closer to the edge—beyond reason...precisely where she wanted him.

“God!” With rough hands, he jerked her to her feet. Hauling her against him, he lowered his head and invaded her mouth.

Afina hummed, opened wide, and wrapped her tongue around his. She had him now. No holds barred. No chance of retreat. His intensity told her that and something more. He was past civilized—beyond gentle and headed into greedy.

Hands buried in his hair, breasts pressed to his chest, she held on as he pushed away from the sideboard. His tongue still deep in her mouth, he grabbed fistfuls of her skirt and, raising the wool, walked her backward. Cool air washed over her calves and up the backs of her thighs. The chill lasted mere moments before his hands found her. Calloused and warm, his palms slid against her skin, arousing her, making her want more.

She bumped into something solid. The sharp edge pressed in. Afina barely noticed. The table behind her didn’t matter. Xavian’s hands were busy beneath her skirt. Holding her steady, his fingers stoked across her belly. Afina held her breath, waiting
for him to move lower. He brushed her curls and she spread her thighs, anticipation bubbling inside her.

Nipping her bottom lip, his fingers slid home. “Jesu, you are so slick, love.”

“O-oh...please,” Afina gasped as he caressed her, circling the hard nub at the top of her sex. But it wasn’t enough. She longed to take him deep; to feel him thick and hard, rhythm wild as he loved her.

As though he’d read her mind, he growled, “Hard and fast,

The violence in his tone shivered through her, and she couldn’t wait. She wanted him...right now. Her nipples hard pearls against her chemise, Afina pressed her breasts to his chest, desperate for relief.

Fingers still circling, he wound her tighter, pushing her higher with each mind-numbing caress. She needed more: more pressure, more heat...more everything. How could he tease when—

His teeth grazed her cheekbone. The rasp of his whiskers followed as he worked one finger inside her. She moaned, swirled her hips, begging without words. He held her still and thrust a second finger deep, stretching her, preparing her for deeper penetration. “I won’t be gentle. Can you handle me that way?”

“Yes...anything. Please.”

“Anything?” His growl reverberated, sliding between her ribs to surround her heart. “Foolish, love, to give me such leeway. But I’ll take it.”

His hand slid from between her legs and he stepped back. Afina keened as she lost her grip on him. She reached out, afraid he meant to leave her. But she needn’t have worried. The heat
in his eyes as they met hers told her all she needed to know. He wasn’t leaving and she was in for the ride of her life.

Shoving his trews over his hips, he grabbed her wrist and spun her until her back was to his front. Cupping the nape of her neck, Xavian bent her over the table. The wooden edge bumped her hipbones and cold air touched her bottom as he shoved her skirt up and out of his way.

, you’re beautiful.” His touch was light, almost reverent as it ghosted over her, tracing her curves. His hand slid up, anchored her hips before he pressed his thigh between her own. “Spread your legs.”

With a moan, she walked her feet out to the side.


Goddess, he was demanding. Exquisitely so, making her surrender all. The realization made her pause. Bent over the table, she didn’t have a scrap of leverage. She was helpless to his powerful, weak to his strong. He wouldn’t hurt her, she knew that, but—

“Do it,” he said, his tone steely yet somehow soft. “Now.”

The command was one Afina couldn’t deny. Palms planted against wood, she widened her stance, giving him all the space he needed to move between her thighs. His hips touched her bottom, and the tip of his shaft brushed her core. Afina sucked in a breath and grabbed for the edge of the tabletop. Her hand curled around the wooden lip an instant before he pressed in. He took her hard, stretched her wide, burying himself to the hilt in one thrust.

Pleasure, wild and wonderful, hit her full force. It spiraled out, eclipsed inhibitions, made her toes curl and her fingertips tingle. She pushed back against him, demanding he move.

“Christ, aye.” Big hands bracketing her hips, he withdrew and came back.

True to his word, he set a fast pace, one designed to drive her mad. Each swirl of his hips and hard thrust brought her so close to climax she pulsed around him. She wanted to go over—to leap from the ledge and fly with him—but he pulled her back, left her teetering on the brink, suspended a breath away from bliss.

“Xavian!” Reaching behind her, she wrapped her hand around his wrist. Had she been able to she would have begged. But he’d stolen her air, filled her so full her brain went blank as she cried, “Let me...oh, yes...oh, please...please, please, please...”

The rush picked her up and threw her into a cataclysm of color so bright Afina sank beneath the wave, resplendent in the glory Xavian gave her.

Pressed deep, Xavian throbbed inside her. She could feel him struggling to hold on, to keep his climax at bay. With a shudder, he planted his hand next to her cheek and leaned over her. As his chest settled against her shoulder blades, he kissed her temple and swirled his hips.

.” He rocked against her, pressing her into the table, employing a rhythm meant to revive.

Afina shook her head, weak from the pleasure, a limp mess in his arms.

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