Knight in Shining Suit

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Authors: Jerilee Kaye

Tags: #marriage, #amnesia, #fairy tales, #teen, #date, #weddings, #breakup, #car accident, #getting even, #prince charming, #wattpad, #knight in shining armor, #gossip girl, #getting over, #modern day fairy tale, #swoon, #nonteen, #date book, #dream guy, #jerilee kaye, #knight in shining armani, #knight in shining tuxedo, #ryder van woodsen

BOOK: Knight in Shining Suit
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Knight in Shining Suit


Copyright 2013 Jerilee Kaye

Published by Jerilee Kaye at Smashwords




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Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Chapter Thirty-Eight


About Jerilee Kaye

Preview of Taming a Princess (a Knight in Shining Suit




To my parents, Angel and Norma,
who always believed in me.


To my aunts and uncles, who always
believed I would be a writer since I was three years


To my sisters and brother: Kathie,
Roland, KC and Kaz, who made me as crazy as I am now.


To Joe, Debbie, Ralph, and Mai,
friends who have always supported my writing and took time to walk
inside my head.


To my own Knight in Shining
Armani, Sam, who made my own “ever after” come true.


To my little angels, MarQ and
KeOn, who will always make me feel young at heart.


Finally, to all Wattpad fans of
Knight in Shining Armani, who made this book an even more amazing




Big thanks to:



My parents, for pushing me to
pursue my love for writing;


My sisters and friends who
listened to my crazy ideas;


Joe, for the artistic inspiration
and for professional photos for my future book covers;


Debbie, for sparking the idea for
this book;


MarQuise, for always making me


Sam, for inspiring my Ever


Lauren Boyles and Trisha L. for
your initial edit and comments.


Kathleen Consuelo Antic, for the
literary advice.


Kim Burger, my editor, for the
wonderful job you did for this book.


To all Wattpad fans of Knight in
Shining Armani, for your love and support. I would not be able to
do this without you.




MOTIF: a dominant color.

In choosing a color motif
for a wedding, keep in mind the colors that mean something in your
relationship, and what you want to attract in your


e’d like the colors moss green and brown,” Estelle, the happy
bride-to-be was saying to me and my best friend Nicole. I watched
her dreamy eyes and her happy smile and I couldn’t help wondering
if I looked as ridiculous as that when I was planning my own

Nicole smiled back at her
enthusiastically. “That’s a good combination. So…”

Jungle-like,” I
suggested, cutting Nicole off mid-sentence.

Estelle stared at me for a
moment and her dreamy smile threatened to fade from her beautiful
face. “Excuse me?”

Nicole glared at me with a
hidden message that said:
Please, just
shut the hell up if you can’t say something nice!

What she meant was…
earthy,” Nicole said smiling back at Estelle and from the somewhat
constipated look on her face, I could tell that she was trying her
best to pass on some of her enthusiasm back into the

No. I meant jungle-like.
If I meant earthy, that’s what I would have said,” I said bluntly,
which gained me another glare from Nicole. This time her hidden
message was:
You’re so dead!
I raised a brow at her and flashed her a crooked
smile that was meant to say:
I already
know that!

Excuse me? Do you… have a
problem with me?” Estelle asked reluctantly.

I sighed. “No. I’m sorry,
sweetie. I don’t have a problem with you. I have a problem with
green. Moss green to be exact. And since you’re in Malibu and are
planning for a beach wedding, maybe you should take a look at gold,
yellow or orange and red, with maybe a bit of indigo?”

I thought Estelle would
tell me to get lost right then and there. It didn’t really matter.
I didn’t care anymore. Weddings used to be my thing. However,
because of the recent events in my crappy life, it now gave me pain
to see a happy, blushing bride-to-be. It’s easier for me to imagine
that maybe on the night of their fiancé’s bachelor party, he might
actually be humping the stripper inside the big cake!

I’m… sorry, Estelle. I
know you like green…” Nicole started apologizing on my behalf. She
didn’t even bother to glare at me anymore. She knew that I couldn’t
care less and we’d only look unprofessional if we spent half the
time glaring at each other.

My fiancé likes green. I…
in fact, like… orange.”

Unfortunately, I don’t
see green and orange going together with your theme. I hope you are
paying for the wedding,” I said under my breath.

Actually, I am,” Estelle
said raising her chin proudly.

I smiled at her. “Good for
you! Then you should plan it the way you want it. That way you get
to keep your wedding ideas in case your fiancé decides to marry
someone else at the last minute!”

Might I have a word in
private, Astrid?” Nicole asked me with a grave look on her face
that she was not even disguising in front of Estelle

Sure,” I said, smiling
sarcastically. Then I turned to Estelle. “Please do consider
choosing between orange and green. If I were you, I’d make it worth
my money. Think of things that are green…” I said trailing
thoughtfully. “Hmmm… like vomit.”

Now, Astrid!” Nicole
stood up, pulling me by the arm.

When we were outside the
office, Nicole gave me a good slap on the face. It actually

Are you awake now?” she
asked me angrily.

What’s your problem,
Nic?” I asked, rubbing my cheek with my palm.

Pull yourself together,
Astrid! Or you’re not only going to lose your dream wedding, you
just might lose your job as well!” she said to me. “Now, stay here
and I will talk to Estelle…

Nicole started to go back
to the conference room.

Nic!” I called and she
turned back to me with a raised brow. “If she picks orange, will I
at least get a credit for talking her into it?”

She glared at me one last
time, then she turned on her heel towards the conference room,
hoping to repair whatever damage I might have caused.

I went to the pantry to
get myself a cup of coffee. Nicole’s slap wasn’t powerful enough to
wake me up. But I knew she had a point. If I continued talking to
Estelle the way I did, I would have another complaint lodged
against my name.

Last week, a client
withdrew their account with us because the tulip-loving bride
couldn’t forget the story I told her about a psycho killer,
murdering brides on their wedding nights and laying them on a bed
of tulips afterwards. I made up the story of course, but I didn’t
know she had such a wild imagination! So the groom refused to have
us do their wedding, claiming we had traumatized his blushing
bride-to-be. And now I’m pretty sure that if Estelle still chooses
green, everything about her wedding will remind her of

And speaking of vomit, it
makes me want to do so when I look around the office and see reels
of lace and bows of different colors. A single bow, a single lace,
makes me want to puke!

I picked up a bow that
strayed on my table. There was a phrase inscribed on it:
Yours Forever

I snorted and threw the
string in my garbage bin.
is such a big promise. I don’t believe that any
man can keep a promise as big as that. That’s why divorce happens
left and right. Any girl would be a fool to believe in
I, for one,
will be damned if I ever believe in that word again!

I was so lost in my own
thoughts that I didn’t notice that Nicole was already standing in
front of me with a giant scowl on her face. I stared up at her for
a while and then I sighed.

Okay, okay. I’m sorry, I
messed up,” I said, throwing my hands in the air.

No, you did not mess up,
Ash! You deliberately sabotaged that meeting!”

I did not!”

You did too!” she said
angrily. Then she sighed and sat in the chair in front of me. “What
is happening to you, Ash?”

Nothing,” I replied. That
was a lie. I know exactly what was wrong with me.

You used to believe in
this. This company is twice as big as it was when it started
because of you. You’ve worked on this for five solid years and you
were the best employee this company has ever seen. And now… you’re
throwing it all away. And in the process, you’re also jeopardizing
my future along with yours.”

No, I’m not!” I said

Yes, you are! And not
only are you jeopardizing our futures, you’re also jeopardizing the
futures of the engaged couples who will step into this office!”
Nicole let out a frustrated sigh. She stared at me, shaking her

I could go on and on in
this imminent circle of denial forever. I could argue with her all
I want, but I knew that she was right. I was being a bitch. And I
was being difficult. And I couldn’t stand to see another wedding in
my life again. At least not yet.

What do you want me to
do?” I asked her. “Do you want me to file my

Nicole rolled her eyes.
“No, silly! But I think you should take some time off! I think that
you should refrain from talking to engaged couples… until you get
back on your feet.” She tried to smile encouragingly.

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