KnightForce Deuces (15 page)

Read KnightForce Deuces Online

Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #IR - Paranormal

BOOK: KnightForce Deuces
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“Hawke? How do you feel
?” She bathed him
with love.

“Better but you need to rest now. I’ll shift
to rid myself of anything lingering and then merge with La Patron
to completely destroy any remnants. He says you’ve kept them
informed of everything and now we have a better idea of how this
poison works. There are very few organisms that can withstand our
combined energy blasts like you used earlier. Now we can target our
search and find an antidote to combat it

She shook her head. The man comes out of a
death-like sleep talking chemicals, solutions and laboratory
gibberish. “
Glad I could be of some help.”

“You saved my life, again
.” His voice
dropped an octave and slid down her skin.

“As you have saved mine on many
” Hearing his voice created an ache low in her belly.
She needed to touch him, to assure herself all was well.

“We cannot, not yet but soon
.” He spoke
before she could voice her request.

“How soon?”
Asia rubbed her thighs
together and fought to keep her beast leashed. Their mate almost
left them and her animal needed to scent and taste him.

“Soon, my beast demands it as well
Hawke said in a ragged voice. “
I will speak with La Patron but
once we… come in contact you cannot offer his den protection. One
of Tyrone’s pups is weak and must be kept separated for now. An
incubator was sent a few hours past I’m told

Her wolf howled and swatted against her belly.
Asia bent forward, curling against the pain. “
I need you,”
she said panting.

“I can tell
,” Hawke said.

“Asia, what’s wrong
?” Jasmine asked.

Is it Hawke? Is he worse?”

“No, Mistress. Now that he is well…my wolf
demands to see him
.” She rolled to the side with her arms
wrapped tightly around her waist, growls slipping through her

“Oh…oh… let me see what um, can be done
about that
,” Jasmine said.

Asia’s stomach clenched, pinpricks rolled
across her skin as her wolf fought to go to Hawke. Sweat beaded and
ran down her forehead as she wrestled her beast to prevent shifting
in the bunker.

“Hold on, Asia. I will meet you halfway. Can
you make it to the elevator
?” Hawke asked. His voice cool on
her heated skin.

Attempting to stand, she fell to the floor.
Pain radiated through her body. She had used most of her energy to
heal Hawke. Weak, she crawled to the door. Before she reached it,
it opened and David stared at her.

“You are going to be all right but you have to
stand up. Grandfather will help you so you can meet Hawke and do
what you need to do.” Before Asia could move or speak, he touched
her forehead with his finger.

A stream of fire shot through her system
causing her beast to retreat. Gasping for air, she stared wide-eyed
at David as he closed the door and left. Did he say Grandfather?
Whose grandfather? Silas’ or Jasmine’s? Maybe hers? She thought of
her mother’s father and dismissed the idea.

Asia always suspected David was special and
after that display, which still rattled her bones, she knew with
certainty that he would be a force to deal with as he matured. She
grabbed the door handle, pulled up and still shaky from that last
jolt to her system, left the room.

Three pairs of eyes watched her from the middle
of the hall. Glad her wolf calmed a bit and her incisors had
receded, she smiled at her daughter. “Mommy has to go meet Daddy.”
Sarita stood between David and Renee. Silent, they watched Asia

“I know.” Sarita ran and grabbed Asia around
the waist, hugging her tight. “Be careful. And come back home soon,

Asia’s chest tightened. This little bundle of
energy totally captured her heart and made each day better. “I
will, I promise.”

Sarita didn’t look convinced and Asia wondered
what David shared with the little girl. A vicious stomach cramp
almost brought her to her knees. Her wolf reminded her to get
moving. She dropped a kiss on Sarita’s forehead and hugged David
and Renee.

Jasmine entered as she left the foyer. “Oh, I
see you got the message to meet Hawke in the employee elevator.”
She looked at the children and frowned. “Is everything alright? Why
are they looking at you like that?”

“I will tell you what happened after I get to
my mate, it’s hard for me to focus on anything else,” Asia said
moving steadily to the exit.

“Right,” Jasmine said. “I’ll see you when this
is all over I suppose. Silas explained everything. I’m going to
miss you.”

Asia stopped and looked at Jasmine. “I need to
be with Hawke but that won’t take long. Am I missing something? Has
something happened while I was away?”

Jasmine’s cheeks pinkened. “Yes, but Silas made
me promise to allow him to share it with you.”

Asia nodded and continued out the room to the

Jasmine spoke. “What happened you three? What
did you do? Or say?”

Asia nodded to Davian, who was seated in the
hall, and wondered if anyone else would be brought in for security.
Not that Jasmine needed help, if one of hers was threatened; she
morphed into a mini-Silas Knight without hesitation, wreaking havoc
on whoever transgressed.

Hawke stood in the elevator watching her
approach. Her wolf howled and she ran the distance, leaping into
his arms. He caught her and held her tight, placing kisses all over
her face. Somehow he managed to push the button, the doors closed
and they descended. When the doors opened, he lifted her and took
her to a room at the end of the long corridor. Inside, as soon as
he put her down, she shifted. Her wolf rubbed against his leg,
sniffing and licking. Hawke rubbed her belly and then shifted. He
cleaned and groomed her while sniffing. She bumped into him and ran
to the corner of the room. His much larger beast followed, content
to play for now.

But that didn’t last long, his beast became
more and more aggressive, demanding she yield. Asia morphed to
human and crawled on the bed watching him. Hawke remained wolf a
few more moments before shifting and then leapt on top, pinning her
to the bed. Their gazes met and then he claimed her lips but that
was just the beginning. Their wolves needed to reconnect, reaffirm
that their bond remained intact.

Hungry for him, Asia pulled him closer,
inhaling his scent, wanting to rub every part of her over him,
marking him as hers. A low growl erupted from his throat sending
tingles across her skin. She pushed against his chest, challenging

Hawke leaned closer, pressing her into the
mattress, devouring her mouth with kisses. She couldn’t breathe;
his heat enveloped her.

“Hawke,” she gasped when his lips traveled down
her throat, lighting fire to her nerve endings.

The rumbling growl from his chest rolled over
her. He shoved her legs apart. Asia arched up to receive

Hawke placed his hand on her cheek and turned
her face so that she met his gaze. Behind his eyes she saw his wolf
and understood his need. There would be nothing pretty or romantic
this time. He was too close and needed her to ground him as much as
she needed him. The scent of his arousal washed over

Staring into her eyes, he lined up his
erection, teasing her and then surged forward. Asia’s mouth opened
without sound as he filled her in one thrust. Hawke grunted, held
both her hands in his above her head and rode her hard.

Her head spun with pent-up desire. “Yessss,”
she cried, sensing her wolf’s pleasure at his taking. Sweat from
his chest hit her face and rolled onto the sheet. The sound of
flesh slapping flesh filled the room. She strained to take more and
more of him. With each thrust, nibble and grunt, their bond

“That’s it,” he growled, his words garbled from
his teeth shifting and crowding his mouth. They were both close.
Her body seized, he caught her scream of pleasure as he sealed his
lips over hers.

He slammed into her harder, holding her leg up
and thrusting deeper. Asia held onto his arms and looked into his
eyes as he spilled his seed. Never had she seen a more glorious
site than the small burst of color in his wolf’s eyes shining
through his. Her wolf growled in pleasure at pleasing her

Hawke lay on top of her for a few seconds and
then rolled to the side. She missed his warmth and turned into him.
He took deep breaths while holding her tight and then settled to a
slower rhythm.

“Hard time keeping him leashed,” he

“I could tell he was close to the surface.” She
rubbed her palm across his chest, needing the contact.

“Mmm, that was good.” He kissed her cheek and
rubbed his chin against her face, his sweat moisturizing her

They lay together, breathing each other’s
scents. She detected no poison which calmed her wolf more. “How
much time did you get to come here?” She asked tired but not ready
to sleep or for him to leave.

“The boss didn’t really say but there are fires
that need to be put out.” He traced her jaw with his fingertip.
“You okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

She smiled. “No, that was what me and my wolf
needed to believe you were okay. She’s content.”

He tapped the tip of her nose. “And you? Are
you content?”

Rolling to the side she threw a leg over him
and leaned in for a kiss. “Yes,” she murmured across his

“Good. Rest now. I’ll watch over you this

Exhausted, she snuggled closer and yawned.
“Remind me to tell you what happened with David, you won’t …” she
yawned again. “Believe it.”

“Yeah? Okay, I’ll remind you. Get some

Chapter 16


Alpha Chase looked at Angus in surprise as he
held the bartender tight in his grasp. As their Alpha, Chase shut
down both Brennan’s and Peaches’ ability to mind-link “
leader, this wolf
I don’t sense anything unique about

Angus nodded and marched Brennan downstairs
into a cell, shoved him forward and signaled for them to lock the

“Security cameras on
?” he asked looking
around the walls and ceiling.

.” Chase paused and glanced over his
shoulder as the lock slid into place. “
We should talk to him
now, he may be suicidal
,” the Alpha said.

Angus couldn’t admit he knew they’d captured a
major player when he rifled through Brennan’s thoughts earlier and
gathered significant information already. “
He won’t talk
Angus said looking through the glass at Brennan sitting on the
floor rather than the chair. “
He’s prepared to die for what he

Chase frowned. “
So why is he

“So he can talk to Silas. If he’s hiding
something, Silas will discover it now rather than later
,” Angus
said. Plus Silas needed to be involved in the takedown of a rebel
leader just as much as Alpha Chase.

“Great idea, let him have a conversation
with La Patron first
,” Chase said rubbing his hands together.

Has La Patron agreed

“Not yet. I’ll contact him in a minute after
I interview Peaches
,” Angus said watching Chase to see how he
responded. When there was no response, he headed to the small room
where she sat alone rubbing her arm. Angus secured the syringes and
pills from Jasper. When he returned to the compound, he would have
Hawke or Passen examine them.

“Has she done anything like this
?” Angus asked.

“Not that I know of. She came from the west
coast, claimed no pack, no ties, nothing. The background check came
back clean. Looks like she lied about a lot of things
.” He met
Angus’ stare. “
No question I’m shocked and disappointed but she
broke the law, betrayed pack, do what you need to do. We need to
find those kidnapped victims

“Is it possible she has anything to
do with the kidnapped half-breeds?”

“Anything’s possible at this

Angus agreed and opened the door. Chase
remained near the door while Angus sat in front of her at the
table. “Who’s Rain?”

Peaches’ eyes flashed but she remained still.
Chase straightened. She glanced at Chase but returned to

“Which territory does Rain run? Is this his
turf? What does he have to do with Brennan?”

She frowned but remained quiet.

“Now that Rain is dead, what will you do?”
Angus said and leaned back in his chair.

“What?” She screamed and leapt up. Chase was in
front of her before she could move.

“Sit your ass back down,” Chase

Peaches snarled and sat. “Neither one of you
know what you’re talking about - life as you knew it has changed.
This is all old school; a new day has come.”

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