Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2] (11 page)

BOOK: Knocked Up by His Werewolf Dom [Lone Wolf Pack 2]
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Argent just nodded silently. They left the apartment through the fire escape, while Finn and some others stayed behind. The quiet werewolf gestured Jessie into a jeep and Jessie obediently slid into the car. Distantly, he wondered if he could really trust these people, but he didn't have much of a choice.

It helped that Argent gently slid Andreas into the back with Jessie and joined them. Another werewolf took the wheel. When had they gotten dressed? Jessie didn't know. The light-headedness was getting stronger, so he buried his hand in Andreas's fur and closed his eyes, hoping he wouldn't throw up all over the fancy upholstery.

As the car started, Andreas placed his head on Jessie's leg. He still smelled like blood, but Jessie told himself that it didn't matter, that he'd managed to fix most of it. He focused on Andreas, petting his mate, monitoring his breathing. At one point, he almost seemed to drift into a state of near-unconsciousness, because if the werewolves in the car were speaking, he couldn't hear it.

However, he did snap out of his trance when the car finally stopped. Blinking, he finally registered that they'd stopped in front of a huge mansion. A tall dark-haired man stood in the doorway, his spine ramrod straight, a stony expression on his face.

When Jessie practically stumbled out of the car, the man's eyes widened and his facade cracked. "Will?" he asked.

That was the last thing that registered in Jessie's mind before he swayed and everything went black.








Chapter Six


"It's quite remarkable," the pack doctor said as he analyzed Andreas's body for what seemed like the nth time. "If what you say is true, the injuries should have been enough to at least have you in a coma for weeks, if you even survived."

Andreas released a sigh of frustration. He'd heard that more than once since the man had started looking him over, and he was tired of it. "How's my mate?" he inquired without bothering to acknowledge the comment.

"Sleeping," the pack doctor replied. "He was exhausted, but otherwise, unscathed."

Andreas didn't know if he could believe that. He fidgeted, then closed his eyes, reaching out to his mate through their bond. Jessie's emotions were muted, but not like they'd been before. The pack doctor was probably honest, and Jessie must be resting.

He still couldn't believe Jessie had claimed him as his mate. In a way, it seemed too good to be true, but at the same time, Andreas hated that Jessie had been put in the position of having to choose between his freedom and Andreas's life. Not to mention that Andreas still didn't have any idea how Jessie had healed him in the first place.

All of these questions and doubts had him restless. He pushed the doctor away and said, "Look, I'm fine. I want to see him."

The doctor hesitated, and Andreas's hackles rose. He bared his teeth at the other werewolf, more than ready to take the guy out just like he'd done with that asshole who'd hurt Jessie so much.

His wolf stirred restlessly inside him, stronger than ever. In fact, Andreas himself felt stronger. He'd already recovered from his injuries, and the last traces of pain had disappeared. The few hours he'd spent in the care of the doctor had compensated for the blood loss that, under different circumstances, could have knocked him out for a good couple of days. In his current condition, he was more than capable to handle whatever this pack threw at him.

As it turned out, the doctor knew better than to stand in Andreas's way, or perhaps he'd been warned beforehand about what Andreas was likely to do. He stepped aside and discreetly gestured Andreas to an already prepared outfit—jeans, a shirt, and a pair of shoes. Andreas hated the delay, but he got dressed anyway. As soon as he was ready, he rushed out of the room in search of his mate.

Of course, an Alpha's mansion wasn't a place where he could just roam without an explanation or a companion. Fortunately—and probably not coincidentally—he ran into Finn outside.

"Come on," Finn said without preamble. "I'll take you to your mate."

Andreas followed the other werewolf, still anxious, but knowing that he needed to say something in thanks for the assistance the Simmons pack had provided. "You saved our lives," he told Finn. "I don't think I ever mentioned how much it means to me. Thank you."

Finn shrugged. "You have nothing to thank me for. We are, after all, family."

That was a strange comment to make, but Andreas didn't have the time to inquire into what it meant. Finn stopped in front of a wooden door and opened it, gesturing for Andreas to enter.

Andreas did, and froze at the sight that greeted his eyes. Just like the pack doctor had said, Jessie lay slumbering on a big, comfortable-looking bed, his dark brown hair spread on the pillows. However, that wasn't what shocked Andreas.

The pack Alpha sat at Jessie's bedside, caressing Jessie's locks, staring at his face as if entranced. Jealousy reared up inside Andreas, his wolf snarling angrily. Andreas growled, and the other werewolf turned toward him, arching a brow. "Mr. Brandt. I see you're feeling better."

Andreas gritted his teeth, barely managing to keep himself from pouncing the Alpha. Dean Simmons might be the leader of this pack, but he had another thing coming if he thought he was going to claim Jessie for his own.

"Alpha Simmons," he said, "I'd appreciate it if you stepped back from my mate."

"Ah, yes." Dean Simmons stood up, not looking in the least bit offended. "I imagine that must have looked bad. Don't worry, Mr. Brandt. I have no intention to challenge your claim to him. I am merely making sure my oldest son is all right."

Andreas just stared at the Alpha, wondering if he'd heard that right. "Your... son? That can't be right." Sure, he'd guessed Jessie had werewolf blood. There was no question of it now. But from that to him being Dean Simmons's son... "There must be some mistake."

"No mistake," Finn said from behind him. "I felt something from the moment we first met. I just... knew him." He looked down at Jessie with a fond expression. "I wanted to protect him, like he was pack—even if I'd never seen him before in my life."

"Jessie is the son of my true mate, whom you've undoubtedly heard rumors of. I never knew of his existence until now. Moon be blessed, I had no idea it was possible." Alpha Simmons sighed heavily, regret thick in his tone. "But it's a long story, Mr. Brandt, one you probably don't want to hear right now. We'll leave the two of you alone for now."

Together, the two men exited the room and closed the door behind them. Andreas was a little confused, since he'd thought the Alpha's true mate had been male. He had to remember to ask, because the details of Jessie's family tree were giving him a headache.

Andreas replaced Dean Simmons at Jessie's side, sitting on the very edge of the mattress. As if sensing him, Jessie finally stirred. "Andreas," he mumbled under his breath. Curling under the covers, he twitched restlessly. His voice grew more alarmed, and he thrashed, trying to shove the blankets off. "Andreas!"

Andreas slowly caressed his lover's hair, shaking Jessie out of his nightmare. Jessie's eyes shot open and he blinked several times, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. "Andreas?" he croaked out.

"It's okay, baby," Andreas replied. "I'm here."

Seconds later, he found himself with a lapful of Jessie. Staggering back on the bed, he wrapped his arms around his beloved mate while Jessie buried his face in Andreas's neck. "I'm sorry," Jessie murmured. "I should have trusted you."

Andreas squeezed Jessie tighter. "You did, baby. And you saved my life. Although I have to spank your ass for not obeying me when I told you to run, I can't say I don't appreciate the results."

He couldn't help but note that, in spite of the circumstances, Jessie's cock twitched when Andreas mentioned the spanking. His own dick hardened at Jessie's response and he took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his lover's lust.

"Andreas," Jessie whispered, "I want you."

It was probably the worst possible moment for them to think with their cocks. Andreas still needed to talk to his mate about what he'd just learned of Jessie's past. But Andreas's wolf wasn't interested in conversation right now. He just knew he needed to claim Jessie again, to truly make sure that they were here together, that it wasn't some peculiar, cruelly vivid dream that would end up shattering into a nightmarish reality.

Craving Jessie more than ever before, Andreas crushed their mouths together. Jessie didn't delay in parting his lips for him, and in turn, Andreas thrust his tongue into his mate's wet cavern. Moon be blessed, he could never get enough of Jessie, of his unique taste, of sampling his surrender and feeling him melt in Andreas's embrace. Even now, Jessie did exactly that, his body going pliant in Andreas's arms, every inch of him practically screaming in need for Andreas.

In spite of knowing how many concerns they still needed to tackle, Andreas had to heed that call. He frantically worked his mate's clothes off, revealing the silken skin hiding underneath the material. When the shirt refused to cooperate, he just ripped it apart and discarded the remnants on the floor. Had it only been yesterday when they'd met and first made love? It seemed impossible, but it was true. Of course, it didn't matter for Andreas, because his body welcomed Jessie like they'd been lovers forever and his heart beat in tandem with that of the other man, their mate bond pulsing hot and bright between them. His cock throbbed, demanding to be buried in the sanctuary of Jessie's body.

Yesterday, Andreas had taken his time with his lover, not wanting to rush Jessie, but now, they were definitely free to explore. They didn't have toys at their disposal, not like at the club, but Andreas didn't need them to pleasure his mate.

With a great deal of reluctance, Andreas tore his mouth away from Jessie's. He guided Jessie down, fixing his mate with a steady look when Jessie tried to reach for him. "Lie down, pretty. Now."

The nickname and his tone did the job, just like Andreas had known they would. "Yes, Master," Jessie replied, quickly settling himself on the pillows.

He lay there, completely naked, at Andreas's mercy and so fucking beautiful Andreas hurt. He took refuge in the discipline that made him a good enforcer and left the bed, scanning his mate from head to toe with an assessing hum. "Hmm...I do believe I promised you a spanking. Do you want that, pretty?"

Jessie whimpered and nodded. "Yes, Master," he said, his voice now a husky murmur. "Please."

Andreas chuckled darkly, unsurprised by Jessie's reply. His mate had responded beautifully to Andreas's brief spanking in the hallway of his house, and Andreas couldn't wait to reenact those moments. Retrieving the scraps of material from the floor, he used them to immobilize Jessie's wrists against the headboard. As he met Jessie's gaze, though, Jessie hesitated. "Wait," he said. "I need to tell you something."

The sudden words made Andreas frown. "What? I'm sorry. You're still unwell, aren't you?"

Shit, he should have known better than to push his lover into sex after Jessie had been so exhausted. Much to his surprise, however, Jessie shook his head. "That's not it. I... I wanted to say... I know this is the worst possible moment, but I think I'm pregnant."


As he spoke, Jessie stared up at Andreas, watching the play of emotions on his mate's face. He trusted Andreas not to hurt him—he had from the very beginning, when he'd agreed to have sex with the man in the club. But this was important, and it couldn't wait, no matter how much he desired Andreas.

And okay, it was a little strange to have a conversation about pregnancy when he was bound to the bed and hard as a rock, but it couldn't be helped.

Andreas plopped down next to him, looking a little shell-shocked. "But... How can that be? How... How could it have happened."

Jessie rolled his eyes. "You have one guess," he teased his mate. "I know it's weird, but... Weird seems like the norm for me."

Andreas faced Jessie again, his gaze full of emotion. "I know some species that have this as ability. Are you sure?"

"As sure as I can be after a day," Jessie replied. "I suspected it might be a possibility because it happened to Gav, but I kind of knew when I... Well, when I did that healing thing for you."

It was so hard to explain, since he himself wasn't sure what had happened. He'd never had such power before, and his suspicions with regard to his pregnancy had been based solely on what had happened to his friend. But now, there was so much more to it than that.

For Andreas's part, he seemed quite shell-shocked, still watching Jessie with wide eyes. "Shit, and here I was, wondering what Alpha Simmons was going on about," he muttered.

Jessie wanted to ask what that meant, but Andreas prevented that. He brushed a kiss over Jessie's lips once again, this time gentle when the one before had been devouring, almost savage. "Isn't it strange? We've known each other for so little time, and yet you've given me so much." His hand landed on Jessie's belly and Jessie's breath caught at the tenderness he read in the gesture. "So much," Andreas repeated. "You're going to have to teach me how this works, though. I'm afraid I'm out of my depth."

Jessie smiled up at his mate. "I'm sure we can learn together." He fidgeted again, Andreas's touch making him hyper-aware of his mate's proximity, of how much he still desired the Dom. Hmm... Maybe he should have waited to have this little conversation at a different time, when his libido wasn't screaming, demanding that Andreas claim him right now.

He strained against the bindings, trying to reach for his lover. He could have probably freed himself from them if he'd insisted on it, but he was reluctant to do so, simply because it would have meant disobeying Andreas. Still, Jessie craved his mate so much. He couldn't wait for much longer. Andreas's gentleness just made Jessie ache for the other side of his lover—Master Andreas.

As if guessing Jessie's thoughts, Andreas's smile faded into a fixed, unreadable look. He brushed his thumb over Jessie's lower lip, then over his nose and his forehead. "Close your eyes, pretty," he said.

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