Authors: Michelle Bennett

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After confirming their wedding plans, Marco immediately grabs his cell phone to call his mother in Brazil. With much excitement, he tells her that he has finally found the girl he plans to marry, and that their wedding ceremonies will take place in his home town, probably in the next few days.


In the meantime, the engaged couple plan to visit Jasmine’s family in the highlands of North Carolina. While Marco and Jasmine are excited to visit her parents in their countryside home, Jasmine’s parents, both looking frail in their old age, are in their living room and appear to be deeply troubled. The old couple are positioned by the front window looking eager to share important news to Jasmine. As soon as they see Jasmine approaching, her mother  hurries to embrace her daughter in delight and relief  to see her. The tight embrace coupled with tears is followed by silence, alarming Jasmine.


Soon all four are seated in the living room, seriously discussing a recent incident that  puzzled both the old couple and the soon to be couple. "A robber just broke into our home!" sobs Jasmine’s elderly mother, who is still trembling. "What's so strange is that he only ransacked your room, and when he left, he ran away carrying your briefcase. We knew that was important to you, which is why we are so worried," Jasmine’s father blurts out in a hoarse voice.


Upon hearing this, Jasmine hurries to her room and is shocked to discover that important government documents, thesis, and school records have been stolen. She cannot help but feel weak and dismayed, leaning on Marco who is standing supportive by her side.


Daniel and Monica have just arrived in Jasmine’s house, eager to announce their good news. First, Monica shares that Jasmine’s name is included in the list of accepted scholars for the next school year. All she has to do is to submit the necessary documents. Daniel’s hands the couple two plane tickets for them to fly to São Paulo in a week’s time.


Marco welcomes the news with a smile, but when he looks at Jasmine, her face looks more sad than happy. When asked why, Jasmine tearfully responds, "My love, my school documents and passport were among the stolen items…"


Marco helps Jasmine apply for a new passport, and they learn that it will be ready by the time he flies back to Brazil. All the while that Marco and Jasmine think Venus has finally stopped interfering in their lives, in reality she has left the country and appears to be gone for a long time.



São Paulo, Brazil


Checking in at Casa Martin in São Paulo, Brazil, Venus is busy editing a school thesis she plans to claim as her own. She is cautious that no part of the thesis should reveal its real author, Jasmine. After submitting the documents to the prestigious university, she is again set on reclaiming Marco for her own.


The large Baroque gate is opened first by a security guard, then the house door is opened by a uniformed housemaid who welcomes a sophisticatedly dressed  Venus. Chaperoned by the Casa Martin hotel staff, the guest attracts the attention of Marco’s mother, Señora Patricia Rubio, who wants to know who the visitor is and for what her purpose she is there. Upon seeing Marco’s mother, Venus  signals something to the hotel staff who immediately come towards her carrying boxes of delightful items such as imported food and toiletries.


Venus, acting tamely this time, offers these presents to Señora Rubio while introducing herself as Marco’s fiancée. Although surprised, Señora Rubio welcomes Venus and  even allows her to stay in their home for a few days to help plan her upcoming wedding with Marco. In  the following days, Señora Rubio is preoccupied with Venus who pays for her appointments at a local spa and beauty parlour The two women develop a deep rapport that is enough for Marco’s mother to call her "favourite daughter."


Back in North Carolina, Marco has been finding ways on how to help Jasmine travel to Brazil on his flight. He is also helping her draft another thesis that will support her scholarship dreams when suddenly he received a video call from the university which employs him. The message from the university dean requires his return for a big university event taking place in the next few days.


Although saddened that he has to end his vacation with Jasmine so soon and return home to Brazil alone, Marco has no choice but trust that Jasmine will follow as soon as her passport is ready. With a heavy heart, Marco says goodbye to Jasmine, who is in tears watching him board the airplane which takes him far away.


In Brazil, the female bonding between Señora Rubio and her self proclaimed "daughter in law to be" Venus has been a great venue for Venus to present her plans about  her upcoming wedding. Ironing out every detail, there has been few opportunities for Señora Rubio to propose any amendments to the wedding plans. All the preparations have been organized and finalized by Venus alone without the knowledge of her groom, including the redesigned wedding invitations and announcements that have been published in the local newspapers.


Upon learning from his mother when Marco is arriving in Brazil, Venus sets the wedding day for that same date so that Marco will only have a few hours to prepare and possibly refuse. Venus expects Marco to go from the airport straight to the church where she, his mother, and all their guests will be waiting.


Upon reaching the São Paulo airport, Marco is clearly in a hurry to return to his workplace where he feels he should visit first before travelling home.


When Marco reaches the faculty room, he is surprised to hear from his colleagues that he is getting married soon. He confirms the news that he is getting married, but is was surprised to know that the wedding is set to take place in two hours. Marco’s cell phone rings with his mother on the other line. "É, onde você está?" she asks, wondering where he is and demanding that he get to Jardin Dela Rosa, a garden hall nearest to the Casa Martin Hotel in São Paulo.


Marco knows how fond his mother is about gardening, and that it would be typical of her to ask that they go to the gardens together. So he says he will be there in an hour’s time. Marco does not expect that his visit to the university will take long, but it takes him more than an hour.


Meanwhile in Northern Carolina, a courier company just stopped in front of Jasmine’s house to deliver a sealed package. At once, Jasmine opens the package which contains her new passport.


As quickly as possible, she informs her parents that she's leaving for Brazil and packs whatever she can find, heading immediately to the airport. Carrying only a few things, her new passport, plane ticket, and Marco’s address in São Paulo, Jasmine is able to travel from North Carolina to Brazil wearing a decent but outdated outfit.




Being a first-time visitor to Brazil, Jasmine gets off the plane studying her surroundings. Feeling excited yet confused, Jasmine holds Marco’s address and cell number tightly in her hand, trying to find a way to get in touch with him. Her mobile phone does not seem to work in this foreign land; neither do any of her other web-based gadgets. Her only option is to look for Marco via his land phone line. Despite her limited budget, Jasmine tries to call Marco’s home using a pay phone which seems to consume much of her few Brazilian reals. Jasmine even rehearses what she will say, expecting that Marco’s mother will answer the phone.  After several attempts and  countless prayers, somebody finally answers.


"Alô?" A lady with an authoritative but young adult voice answers the phone, making Jasmine momentarily smile and sigh though she continues to tremble. "H..hello.. Good afternoon, Ma’am. May I please speak to Marco?"


Now in her wedding gown, Venus' eyebrows rise when she hears a beautiful lady’s voice looking for Marco. "Who’s this?" she asks in English. Jasmine, with all her humility, is taken aback for a moment as she is intimated by the authoritative voice that greets her on the phone. "This is Jasmine Shepherd, Marco’s  fiancée from North Carolina." answers Jasmine with a trembling voice. Venus is surprised and starts to get angry, moving to a private spot away from the rest of the wedding ceremony staff preparing for the wedding errands. "There’s nobody named Marco in this house, and don’t you ever call back again!" Venus furiously shrieks, making Jasmine’s knees weak and eyes fill with tears.


Venus' veins in her hand protruded even more as her hand tightly grips the phone in response to how angry she is now that Jasmine is also in Brazil.


Marco’s mother is surveying the preparations, and she notices Venus' angry, troubled expression. She asks Venus, "Você está bem?", and Venus immediately hangs up the phone and pretends that she’s fine.


"Nothing, Mama. That’s our housemaid trying to catch up with me here after being irresponsible and disobedient with my parents." She approaches Señora Rubio, pretending to look pitiful as she requests, "Mama, should that housemaid learn Marco’s and my whereabouts, please don't let her in, as she only means to cause  trouble for us. Please…" Marco’s mother sympathizes with Venus, and she nods her head in assurance that their security guards will take care of the situation should it arise.


All the while Jasmine is trying to call back Marco’s residence, but the only response she gets is a dial tone, thanks to Venus discretely disconnecting the telephone. With little money in hand, Jasmine decides to go to the address Marco left her for his residential address.


In the meantime, Marco has finished his courtesy call with the university dean, and is now on his way to the garden hall where his mother asked him to join her. Marco heeds to his mom’s urgent request, but is caught in traffic. Almost everybody on the road is trapped in heavy traffic, except for Jasmine, who is walking most of the way to Marco’s residence because she doesn't have enough money for a taxi.


With sore feet and several failed attempts, Jasmine finally reaches Marco’s residence where she is confronted by security guards. As requested by Venus, Señora Rubio orders that Jasmine be denied any information about Marco and Venus. This causes Jasmine to turn her back against the well-guarded home, this time bursting with tears. Nevertheless, Jasmine stays outside the house to watch for Marco secretly.


With the festive ambiance and preoccupied servants filling the Rubio residence, no one notices a wedding invitation card fall outside the gate. It was, however, something which Jasmine immediately picks up discretely.


Upon reading the invitation, Jasmine can't believe what is written on it: Marco’s name for the groom and Venus in the spot for his bride. Such bold  proof only makes Jasmine hopelessly shake her head and  lean against the mansion’s wall as she painfully loses whatever remaining strength she has. Slowly sliding down the wall in weakness, her strength seems to return as her attention was awakened by a massive white car decorated in ribbons and white daisies which is just about to leave the mansion. Through tear-filled eyes she is certain that the last person to ride in the white vehicle is Venus dressed in her own version of a wedding gown.


Jasmine is surprised to see Venus in Brazil, but she is more disgusted to see her in Marco’s mansion. In spite of her weakening body and confusion, she immediately stands up and without any delay tries to catch up with the white Toyota Grandia that veers away from the Rubio mansion.


Jasmine wastes no time catching her breath as she tries catch the bridal car. Despite pouring out all her might, she is left behind by the bridal car and finds herself lying on the side of the driveway with the wedding invitation card in her hand. She is so overwhelmed with emotion, stress, and the long trip that Jasmine falls asleep.


The hall where Marco’s wedding ceremony is to take place is located between a river and a highway. The vehicles passing on the highway are starting to move slowly, including the one Marco is in. When he finally parks his car and sees his mother, she  welcomes him with a big hug and then hands him his wedding suit with its masquerade  mask. "What’s the mask for, Mãe?" Marco asks as he examines a sophisticated mask, confused. Laughing mischievously, she whispers, "I forgot to tell you, son, but your wedding theme is a masquerade party. It is a surprise I and your fiancée have been organizing since you were busy vacationing in North Carolina and then in the university. So here - wear your mask now and your bride will wear hers as well. Quick, the wedding minister is about to arrive."


Marco is looking for the men’s restroom when he suddenly notices the beautiful sunset. Instantly his attention and focus are diverted to it, and looking at the sunset he starts wondering why his heart is not beating as forcefully as it does every time he is around Jasmine. He is anticipating his heart to feel that way since she is expected to arrive any day now. But instead, his heart feels flat. Feeling troubled, Marco doesn't change into his wedding suit immediately, but tries to ponder this question more deeply until he notices the bridal car arriving to drop off the bride. True to form, the bride looks glamorous in her one-of-a-kind wedding gown, but still Marco doesn't feel his heart flip. He closely watches his bride, already wearing her mask, as she makes her way out of the car.


Coming back to his senses, Marco remembers that he is supposed to be changing his clothes and putting on his mask. Surprisingly, his heart starts to beat faster, but he pauses to collect his senses, almost to settle the uneasy feeling he cannot shake. Following the dictates of his heart, Marco turns to face the sunset by the river, focusing on his throbbing heart as he memorizes the beauty of the sun dipping into the river.


Following the instructions given to her by every Brazilian she asks for directions, Jasmine finally finds herself gazing upon the garden hall that is listed in the invitation. The garden hall seemed to be only a few blocks away from her, were it not for the river that separates them.

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