Read Kristen Blooming Online

Authors: Jenny Penn

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Bdsm, #Romantic, #Romance, #Western, #Romantic Erotica, #Westerns, #Siren-BookStrand, #Inc.

Kristen Blooming (24 page)

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A second later the release sizzling through her caught fire once again as Dylan slammed the thick length of his dick deep into her pussy. Kristen gasped, her breath catching as he set up a fast pace, even as he apologized for using her so roughly.

“Sorry, princess, I can’t…stop.”

She didn’t want him to. Despite the slight tinge of pain marring each of his thrusts, the pleasure far outweighed the pain, and she found herself responding once again as the delight bloomed within her. Over and over he drove himself deep into her body, making her toes curl and her drool pool into her mouth, but it was the feel of Brandon’s palm coming to brush the hair back from her face that had her eyes fluttering open to meet his loving gaze.

There was something so erotic, so wanton about watching one man as another laid claim to her body. It combined with the wicked sensation of Dylan’s clothes rasping against her ultra-sensitive skin as he loved her with hard, pounding thrusts, but Kristen only came apart when he dipped his fingers deep into her ass and began fucking her in two indescribably delicious ways.

Kristen came with a scream, her whole body bucking beneath the avalanche of ecstasy that tore through her, leaving her a sweaty mess, strewn across the bed. Dylan followed her over the edge, slamming into her one last time as his dick pulsed and unleashed another hot wave of cream deep within her body. Then he was collapsing beside her, his hands still holding her hips, assuring that her ass stayed buried in his lap, his dick tucked deep inside her still spasming sheath.

It was all so perfect, so splendidly perfect, and the bubbles of joy percolating through her popped out as giggles as Kristen gave in to the soothing rush of bliss that filled her.

Chapter 18


The sound of Kristen’s laughter sent a bolt of pure sun-lit joy through Dylan, making him smile and his heart swell. Nothing had ever felt that good before. Nothing compared to the overwhelming sense of satisfaction that filled him as he lay there by her side, held warm and tight within her body.

He’d found his home.

With that thought, Dylan’s arms tightened around Kristen’s slender form, pulling her in close so he could lay kisses across her shoulder and whisper to her the truth filling him in that moment.

“I love you, princess. Now and forever.”

Kristen tensed, her laugher falling silent as her head whipped to the side, her eyes widening in shock. “What did you say?”

“I’m yours,” he vowed. “Body, heart, and soul.”

Tears filled her eyes, and her little mouth worked to speak, but nothing came out, and he knew what she couldn’t say. She loved him, too. She just wasn’t ready to admit it, but there was no denying the evidence. Kristen wouldn’t have given her body to them if she hadn’t already given her heart.

Now it was time to take care of her.

Dropping a quick kiss on her swollen lips, he braced himself, pulled free of the clinging clench of her cunt, and rolled off the bed. With quick motions, he shed his clothes and reached for her as Brandon finally roused himself and headed for the bathroom that connected his room with Dylan’s.

He already had the water going by the time Dylan carried Kristen into the shower. She whimpered slightly as he finally set her back onto her feet, and Dylan couldn’t help but smile, guessing she was a little sore.

“You okay, princess?” he asked, lifting a hand up to her warming cheek as the spray of hot water enveloped them.

She smiled shyly and nodded, assuring him that she was growing embarrassed by the memories of the passion they’d just shared, but Kristen had nothing to be ashamed of. She was a sensual, beautiful creature that had branded him with her innocently uninhibited responses.

“I’m sorry I was so rough.” Dylan wasn’t really. He was feeling way too good for guilt to intrude on his mood, but he knew he’d feel bad later when he wasn’t still glowing with the aftereffects of loving Kristen.

“I liked it,” Kristen finally whispered back, her gaze dropping. A small smile still lingered on her lips. “It was perfect.”

“That it was,” Brandon agreed as he stepped into the shower stall behind Kristen.

The stall wasn’t small, but it was tight with three people, and there was no way to avoid rubbing up against Kristen. Not that Dylan tried. He was still hard, still hungry, but this time he savored the moment, taking the washcloth from Brandon and cleaning Kristen with a slow thoroughness that had her panting and twisting in Brandon’s arms as he held her up, his big hands covering her breasts.

Kristen’s head arched back into Brandon’s chest as her whole body lifted in an invitation Dylan didn’t have the will to resist. Dropping the washcloth he sank to his knees and into the warm, humid scent of Kristen’s blossoming arousal. Her cunt lips were swollen and dripping with something more than water, beckoning Dylan to lean forward and lick his tongue over their pouty edges, inflaming his own sense with the intoxicating taste of her heated cream.

He wanted more. Needed it and didn’t know he wasn’t alone as Kristen’s hands twined into his hair and guided his head back to her cunt. It was the sexiest thing he’d ever experienced, made even more so as her legs shifted, opening her pussy up to him as she whimpered out a soft plea.

“Please. Kiss me.”

Dylan was lost. He gave in to her demand, sinking his tongue into her velvety heat and losing himself in her taste.


* * * *


Kristen was lost in the splendid wonder of being held by one man while the other man kissed her in the most intimate of fashions. They both loved her. It was her fantasy come true. They were better than she’d ever imagined.

She was strung out on the pleasure, twisting between her two lovers and panting as her tired muscles tensed once again with a sweet tension that exploded into another firestorm of delight. Kristen was left weakened and feeling as if she was floating, anchored only to the world by Dylan and Brandon, who tempted her with even more wicked suggestions.

“Dylan and I, we want you bare,” Brandon whispered in her ear. If Kristen had any doubt over his meaning, Dylan made it clear as he cupped her pussy in his broad palm and trapped the heat of her recent release against her still weeping flesh.

“Let me shave you,” Dylan murmured as he ground his palm against her mound. “Let us have you this way.”

How could she deny them? She’d almost done it to herself, but waxing sounded too painful. This moment was far from that.

“Yes.” Kristen closed her eyes as that word slipped out of her lips, embarrassed even by the sound of it.

She shouldn’t have been. This was Brandon and Dylan, and they loved her. Kristen reminded herself of that fact as Dylan sank back to his knees, this time with a can of shaving cream in one hand and a razor in the other. He took his time, going slowly, methodically until she felt every drop of water falling from the showerhead against her newly naked skin.

It felt sensual and naughty, just like the hot wash of Dylan’s breath as he covered her cunt in a series of kisses that had her mewing with renewed want. It never seemed to go away or die down. This need that was redefining her entire world held her captive, a demand she could not help but yield to, and one that she knew how to make her men cave in to.

“Fuck me.” Kristen needed to feel that full pressure again, and she reached down to cup Dylan’s cheek and tilt his gaze up until it connected with hers. “Please, fuck me.”

She didn’t have to ask twice. Dylan was on his feet in an instant, his hands gripping her hips. Then she was being lifted up, her legs twisted around his hips as Brandon held her secure. Then the thick head of Dylan’s cock was pressing against her opening. He paused for a moment to meet her gaze once again and offer her a smile before he slid in, making the world spin once again.

The hard length of his cock stretched the sensitive walls of her sheath, setting off tendrils of pure ecstatic delight. Her body demanded more, her hips lifting and pumping in time with Dylan as he began to move. He set a fast pace that had Kristen crying out within minutes.

Then it was Brandon’s turn as he shifted her weight to Dylan’s arms. Kristen was still moaning over her release when she felt him thrust deep into her, taking up a pounding rhythm that had her clawing at Brandon’s back and bucking as wave of rapture too intense to be endured crashed through her, blackening out the world and sweeping her away on a tide of pure, molten ecstasy.


* * * *


Brandon felt Kristen come apart as her tight cunt rippled around him. Her sheath clenched and milked him, making Brandon’s eyes all but roll back in his head as his balls almost exploded with the pleasure. It was too much, and he slammed into Kristen, holding on to her tightly as his dick pulsed and unloaded.

He’d never before taken a woman without wearing a condom. Never before felt the slick flesh of a pussy spasm around him or known the feel of the heated wash of his lover’s release cocooning him in a warmth so deliciously hot that he felt as if his dick was on fire. Then again he’d never loved a woman, not like he did Kristen.

Brandon might have been Kristen’s first lover, but she was his first everything else. The first woman he’d ever carried back to bed and snuggled down with. The first woman he held, unable to go to sleep because he didn’t want to miss a second of this night. This was the first night with the love of his life.

As Brandon lay there, visions of their future started to dance through his head. He’d always thought he’d just want a kid or two when the day came, but that night he found himself envisioning a whole messy brood. He could even imagine himself adopting. Why not? They were going to build a life worth being shared.

“I think I should be the one to marry Kristen.” Dylan’s soft whisper broke into Brandon’s fantasy like a sour note, and he frowned.

“I loved her first.” That should mean he got to marry her. Kristen was going to be a Hammel. Not a Singer.

“And I let you have her first,” Dylan countered.

“So you should get to marry her?” Brandon lifted up onto his arm to glare over Kristen, careful not to disturb her while she slept. “Was that your plan? You gave me first dibs because you thought you could guilt me into letting you have her for the rest of her life?”

“We’re both going to have her,” Dylan shot back in a furious whisper as he lifted up slightly to meet Brandon’s glare. “That’s not even up for debate.”

“Kristen is going to be a Hammel.”

“What if she wants to be a Singer?”

Brandon didn’t doubt that she would agree to be a Singer, but he wanted her to be Hammel. He knew she wouldn’t agree to be either, though, unless both of them were all right with the final decision. That could be tricky.

“Maybe we should make her a Hammel-Singer,” Brandon suggested, thinking that split the baby nicely, but Dylan didn’t seem to agree.

“She can be a Singer-Hammel, but she can still only legally marry one of us.”

He had a point, though, Brandon hated to admit it. This was going to take some thinking. He settled back against the mattress to do just that. There had to be some way out of this mess.


* * * *


Kristen held herself still, waiting to see if the men continued to argue. She couldn’t even believe they were arguing in the first place. Arguing over who was going to get to marry her. That notion both paralyzed her with fear and filled her with such a joy that she thought she might float away.

They really did love her…and she really wasn’t ready to get married.

Kristen had just started to live. She wanted to enjoy this time, with just them and the freedom to discover all the beauty their relationship had to offer. Then there were her dreams of going to school. Kristen might not know what she wanted to be, but she knew she wanted to be something.

Perhaps they could have a long engagement, though she suspected Brandon and Dylan were already several steps ahead of her and thinking about children already. Well, Brandon probably was. He was such a worrier, but Dylan was a little more laid back. He was probably still planning his pool.

Kristen cringed away from that thought, still unnerved by her one dip into one. It had not been pleasant, but what came after certainly had. That was until she’d brained Brandon. She wondered if he still had the stitches in his head. If he did, they certainly didn’t seem to bother Brandon, which was unusual.

Not much seemed to bother Dylan, though, which was one of the reasons he was so special. Special to her. Brandon was just as special, though he clearly tended to overthink things and become obsessed about them. Sort of like his garden.

Kristen smiled at that thought, imagining just how he’d be with kids. They were going to be smothered, and if they had girls, he’d probably end up being just like her dad

interrogating them in the living room. Except Kristen suspected Brandon would be better at it.

He was so big and strong and hers. Unable to resist a peek, Kristen lifted her lashes so she could gaze down the hard planes of Brandon’s chest. He’d tucked her into his side with Dylan pressing in behind her so that she could feel him but only marvel at Brandon’s cut form.

Even lying down in bed, totally relaxed, he still looked tense and ready for battle. Each line ripped across his stomach held a sense of power that Kristen knew well. It all uncoiled and unleashed when he…fucked her.

BOOK: Kristen Blooming
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