Kuma (6 page)

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Authors: Kassanna

BOOK: Kuma
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She didn’t see the final piece of her costume and started digging through her things to find it. Her fingers slid across the straight razor she concealed in the lining, she palmed it and quickly slid it in one of the belt’s pockets. Gripping the sides of her case, she bit the inside of her cheek trying to remember where she’d last seen the item.

“Somebody’s got an exciting night planned.” Fre strolled into her room and dropped on the down on the bed.

“Not really just a little payback for a dumb-ass, cheating bear.” Nix walked to the closet and pulled out her smaller luggage bag.

“You sound way too excited to be planning some sort of retribution. Usually when it comes to getting even you’re coldly calculating.” Fre blinked innocently up at Nix.

Nix stopped and met her friend’s gaze before shaking her head. “I’m enjoying all the different scenarios of how I will make him pay. What are you doing here anyway? I thought Rhys took you for a little vacay?” Nix dropped the case to the floor and fell to her knees to unzip it.

“He heard about your little altercation with the knife. I told him as long as you didn’t kill anyone it wasn’t that serious, but he didn’t believe me.” Fre sighed. “So here we are.”

Nix nodded in agreement. “Maybe one day men will learn to listen to us.”

“Perhaps. So what’s your plan?”

Nix found what she was looking for and rose. With a flick of her wrist she cracked her whip. She looped it in her hand and attached it to her belt, then raised her head to look at her friend. “I intend to do a little bear training.”

She left Fre smiling from her seat on the mattress, murmuring, “If you say so.”

She disregarded the comment with a flip of her hand and sauntered down the hall, the coat whipping around her legs and the hard soles of her shoes clicking against the tile as she moved through the manor. Nix passed a small group of guards coming in from outside. Strolling along, she glanced at them and offered a hint of a smile. The guard closest to her placed a hand over his heart. Nix winked in return and kept walking. She dipped her head and snickered as she made her way to the wing that encompassed the game room.

The French doors were open and beyond them she could see the huge flat-screen TV that hung on the opposite wall. Brown leather couches were scattered through the room and between a pool and air-hockey table. A bar was situated along one wall with a mirror backsplash. Nix scratched her cheek and stepped into the dark, deep pile carpet. She peered around the door and saw that Boris was leaned over the far end of the pool table playing, alone.

Her steps were soundless as she moved, she hovered as he made the shot and the
of the balls hitting each other filled the room. Boris lifted his face and pinned her with his stare. She felt goose bumps raise on her skin everywhere his gaze touched. She swallowed and raised her chin in challenge. Nix simply wasn’t sure exactly what she was daring him to do. He straightened and rested the stick against the table.

“That’s an interesting outfit you wearing.” He moved away from the table and closer to her.

Nix walked farther into the room while keeping the heavy furniture between them. “You cheated. I thought you should see what you’re missing.”

“I didn’t cheat. You didn’t say how we could return.
I can’t miss something I never had a chance to sample.” Boris shut the doors and turned to face her. “Either way I won. Tell me, beautiful, what’s your real name?”

“Play a game with me…Can you win two-for-two?”

Boris crossed his arms. “Name your bet.”

“If you actually win this time
without cheating,
then not only will I tell you my real name, but I will be at your beck and call for twenty-four hours.” She trailed her fingers along the supple leather on the back of a sofa.

“I want more time.” He twisted his torso and she heard the deadbolt locks engage.

“Time is negotiable if I get to choose the sport.” She spied the different areas of the room and saw the dartboard hanging on the wall.

“I was willing to give you a week. I want at least four days. I don’t care what game you pick.”

“Seventy-two hours. That’s all you can have and you must use them within the next thirty days.”

“Why?” He walked to the bar and eased behind the counter.

“Why what?” She huffed.

“What are you drinking?” He held up a bottle of Vodka.

“Stop playing games,” Nix grumbled. This wasn’t turning out the way she’d hoped. One look at her and he should have been more accommodating. Instead she felt like she was negotiating a hostile takeover and it was her that was threatened. “Look, you win and not only will you learn my actual name, but you will get three days of my time to use as you please as long as you do it within the next thirty days.” She placed her fists on her hips.

Boris put the bottle down and reached under the bar. He lifted two bottles of beer and sat them on the counter top, staring at her as he twisted the cap off one Magnum. She watched as he wrapped his lips around the mouth of the amber glass and tipped it up. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he took a healthy swig of the alcohol. Her pussy clenched in response to the visual he presented.

“You want to have another competition with me, it will cost you four days, Nix.” He shrugged. “If not, then come over here and whisper your name to me…I’ve been waiting

Nix slid onto a stool at the counter and leaned over. Her mounds bulged against the neckline of her costume. She dropped her voice to a husky monotone. “Play fair, Boris. Let’s up the ante. I’ll give you a five-point lead and winner takes all.”

He smiled around the bottle top. “That sure you’ll win?”

“You have your skills and I have mine.”

“Fine, I’ll go along. However, I want to add one item to our agreement.”

“Okay. What’s the addition?”

“I get to taste those pretty lips anywhere and at any time of my choosing.”

“Is that all? A kiss? Done. And if you lose?” She scooted back in her seat.

“I don’t plan on losing, beautiful. My options remain the same, you get me for a week any way you want me.” He set the beer down. “What game shall we play?”

“Darts!” She angled her head toward the board on the wall.

He looked over at the board, then back at her, and his lips kicked up on the side. “Show me what you got Nix.” He walked to that area of the room and picked up the darts, holding a hand out to her.

She hopped out of her seat and sauntered to him. A tingle slithered up her arm when she touched his hand, gathering the game pieces he offered. They moved to stand at the line marked on the adjacent wall. Boris raised his hand as an offering for her to go first.

She raised her arm and took aim, smug in the knowledge this was a game she could win.

Nix lost.

Her mouth hung open and she abruptly closed it. How the hell did he do that? She stared at the board where three darts pierced the bull’s-eye. There was a fourth, but it fell out of the board from the last throw and that was her shot. Her other darts were circled around the bulls eye. She swiveled her head to look at him. “How did you do that?”

He shrugged. “I was motivated.”

“Three not one or two but three bull’s-eyes.” She narrowed her eyes. “I’m good, a bar champ for more years than I can count, and I’ve never got them all in a row.”

“You just need the right incentive. So tell me your name.”

Nix licked her lips and dropped her head. She whispered, “My name is Mildred.”

He burst out laughing and she snapped her head up to glower at him. Boris ambled up to her and cupped her chin. “I can see why you go by Nix. Don’t worry your secret is safe with me. Now about those lips?”

She puckered her mouth and closed her eyes. Nix felt the calloused pad of his thumb trace her bottom lip and felt his breath brush her cheek. Her body tensed in anticipation.

“I wasn’t talking about these lips,” he spoke.

She opened her eyes. “Huh?”

“I want to taste your lips, the ones much lower on your body.”

Her mouth went dry. “That wasn’t part of the deal.”

“I never specified. You assumed. Are you reneging on our bet again?” He pressed his mouth to her temple.

“Nooo, um…”

“Good. Then I’m calling in my marker. Get your pretty ass up on that bar top. I want to taste your honey.”

Nix sputtered. “You conned me!” She stared at him and the way he schooled his features into a look of total innocence.

Her body betrayed her. She could feel her nipples tightening against the lining of her jacket. The folds of her pussy slickened, and she resisted the urge to press her thighs together. Nix watched as his nose flared and she started back tracking her steps to put some space between them.

“You want me as bad as I desire you. Why do you continue to fight me?” Boris moved in the other direction cutting off her access to the door.

There was no use in denying it but damn if she wouldn’t make him work for it. “Exactly how bad is
, Boris?”

“Come closer.” He licked his lips. “I have something special to show you and it’s an experience you’ll never forget.”

Nix scoffed as her gaze darted around the room. “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve heard that line.” This room was the last one in the wing. There had to be an alternate exit. Damn, if he didn’t muddle her. In the past, she’d have had the room broken down by entrances and exits, just in case.

“I won fair and square, Nix, or should I start calling you Milly?” He chuckled.

She ran situations over in her head and didn’t really see an escape route. The man countered her every move. It felt like they were playing a real life game of chess. “It’s statements like that which make me wonder if Jamison wouldn’t be better suited for me,” she taunted.

The smile fell from Boris’s face.

“What, bear, no snappy come back?” She circled the room.

“Careful, Nix, I’m not above smacking that succulent ass.”

“Promises, promises.” Excitement sizzled through her veins. She unhooked the whip from her belt.

“You think that will stop me if I want to get to you?” He nodded toward the apparatus in her hand.

“I guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” She freed it with a flick of her wrist.

“I promise I will get to you before you even think about snapping it.”

“You want me? Come and get me.” Nix focused on the door.

He jumped over couch between them as she flicked the whip and its tail wrapped around the leg of a stool. Nix yanked it forward and pulled it next to the back of the sofa. Boris fell into it, his leg getting tangled with those of the chair. He dropped forward, and Nix used the chance to run for the door. He snagged her by the ankle, and she twisted her body before tumbling to the floor. Without releasing her leg, he looked up at her then down at his limb and kicked the legs of the stool with his free foot. The wood gave way with a single stomp, splintering into pieces. He released her to get to his knees and she scrambled to get to her feet, half walking, half crawling toward the door.

Her heart pounded and her blood pumped through her veins. Tossing her head back to clear the hair from her face, she laughed. With a quick glance behind her to confirm his position, she grabbed the knob and yanked at the door. It didn’t open. Dammit, how could she forget that he’d locked it?

Boris’s hands lodged on her shoulders, and she was swung around. He held her against the door and dipped his head to stare into her eyes. Desire and something else she wasn’t prepared to name swirled in the depths of his irises.

He leaned in and kissed her nose before straightening. “I think you’re amazing.” He swooped in, pressing a kiss to her lips.

He traced her mouth with his tongue and she opened hers, twisting her tongue around his. Boris moved his lips and they rippled along her own adding another layer of sensation. Nix moaned into his mouth, and she felt him smile. Her hands slid up his arms and rested on his shoulders and she pulled herself up against him. He moved his hands to her waist and slipped them down over her hips. He took a butt cheek in each hand and hefted her up. Backing up, he carried her to the air-hockey table and set her down on the cool, smooth surface. The edge cut into her thighs and a chill ran through her legs. He pecked at her lips, slowly easing back. Nix locked her legs at her ankles, right below his ass to keep him in place. She leaned back on her elbows and peered up at him.

“And where are you going now?” She brushed her fingers over her still tingling lips.

“Now that I have you where I want you…there’s no place I’d rather be.” He released the first buckle on her coat.

“What exactly was that thing you did with your lips?”

“I thought you knew everything about bears?” He worked the second clasp loose.

“Apparently not.”

“Bears have dexterous lips.” He raised his hands and wiggled his thumbs. “Sort of like opposable thumbs. Give it time, mate. We have a lifetime to get to know each other.” He freed the last fastener.

Slowly, he slid off the coat lapels to expose her tits. She watched as he exhaled. He drew a circle around one taut nipple and her aureole pebbled beneath his touch. She dropped her head back and closed her eyes.

“Open your eyes, Nix.” The gravel in his voice drew her attention.

She raised her head and opened her eyes. Time seemed to stand still as he lowered his head and sucked the hard nub between his lips. He shifted his hand to massage her other orb, tweaking the turgid bud between the joints of his index and middle finger, while rolling the tip of his tongue around the other. The nerves in her breasts tingled and sent currents of sensation directly to her pussy. She could feel her cream flowing over the folds of her vagina. He dropped kisses along the valley between her mounds, and trailed his tongue down the center of her body.

He pressed gentle kisses around her belly button, sucking the sensitive skin. Her hands moved up his neck to his head, she took a fistful of his hair and pushed his head farther down her body. He resisted, and lifted his face to look at her as he cocked one brow.

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