Kylee's Story

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Authors: A. Malone

BOOK: Kylee's Story
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I guess my story starts on my sev
enteenth birthday. I woke up to my parents singing me Happy Birthday completely out of pitch bright and early at 6:02 am the time I was born. Yeah I know lucky me it was a family tradition that just once I wished they could forget. But all I could do was be happy that they were getting along and yes it was a little funny seeing my mom dance around my room singing with a cupcake. Well as soon as she was done singing my dad tossed a box on the bed looked at my mom Lucy, I have to work and left. My mom just put on her fake smile and sat down on my bed and waited for me to open my dad’s present. He bought me a new pair of sunglasses that I was asking for a few weeks back I was really surprised he remembered. My mom handed me a box from under the bed. I had a feeling it was the boots I’ve been eyeing for months as I tore open paper realizing it was them I jumped up and hugged my mom told her thank you like twenty times before I tried them on. I know most people would get so excited over a pair of boots but I know my mom had to have saved for months to be able to afford them. Times were tuff and money for anything besides food and bills was hard to come by. Mom just smiled, Kylee sit down there’s something we need to talk about. The look in her eyes told me that what she was about to say wasn’t good. Kylee, I know things have been tuff lately. As she was talking her voice was cracking like she was trying to fight back tears. You’re father and I have decided that it would be better for you if you went to live with your aunt Chloe. Mom I don’t understand why do you want me to move in with Chloe is it money I can get a job to help out. No honey we want better for you than what we can give you. Your aunt Chloe has remarried she has so much more to offer you. But mom I don’t want to go, summer just started I can get a job to help out really mommy it’s no trouble just please let me help, don’t send me away. Kylee please stop it’s all been arranged you fly out this afternoon so you need to pack and tell your friend’s goodbye before you fly to Texas. I decided why argue anymore my parents have made up their minds I get to move all the way across the country to live with my mom’s best friend who has always been known as my aunt and whatever taste of the week husband she has now. I love my aunt she is great and always treated me like family but she goes thru men like most people do shoes. My mom left so I decided to start packing I had two old suitcases and a small duffle bag. An hour later I packed what little clothes I had a few pictures of me and my best friend Jazzy (which I can’t tell bye because she went on a summer cruise with her family), and gathered all my toiletries. I was hoping my dad would come home before I left but I guess he isn’t interested in telling me goodbye or maybe this is all my mother’s idea and he wanted no part in his only child moving away. Either way it hurts and this is certainly a birthday I’ll never forget.




Well the flight wasn’t so bad seats in first class were quite comfy. I guess aunt Chloe did good this marriage because she is the only one who could afford these pricey tickets. I slept all the way but the last thirty minutes which I guess is good since it kept me from thinking about how different my life is going to be from this day forward. As I’m looking for my bags I hear and excited voice calling my name I turn to see Chloe running my way. She scoops me up in a huge hug. Oh my goodness Kylee you have grown up into such a beautiful young lady. I can’t believe you’re already seventeen it seems like just yesterday I was changing your diapers. I think I just turned three shades of red but this is Chloe the one person I know that has no filter on that mouth of hers. I looked at her, thanks Aunt Chloe. Oh Kylee are you looking for your bags let me help. We found them and we walked out of the airport Chloe is asking me about the flight. I told her it was great and thanked her for springing for the first class ticket. Looking at me she smiles, nothing but the best for my ladybug (ladybug is the nickname she gave me when I was little) I’m as close to a daughter as she has. I’m guessing since Maddox her son just started his first year of college she jumped at the idea of having me move in with her. We walk up to a new car and there is a man waiting to put my bags in. Kylee this is our driver Max. We get in the car and I ask Chloe about her new husband she just smiles, oh you’re going to love Jacob I think I’ve finally found my soul mate. He owns a vineyard and ranch here in Austin and also has a place in Dallas. You’re going to love it here Jacob is so excited to finally meet you. He insisted on having a nice family dinner at the house and Maddox is coming over too. We are going to be one big happy family I smiled I hope so Chloe, since now they are the only family I have around me I thought to myself. The whole way to her house I kept thinking this is my new life who would have thought that turning seventeen would mean my parents would send me away to a place I’ve never been with a family I haven’t seen in over a year. Well ladybug we are here this is the largest house I’ve ever seen, oh my, she really did well this time Jacob must really be loaded. This house was Jacobs’s grandparents they left it to him when he took over the family business. All I know is I hope this place comes with a map. Chloe started laughing oh ladybug don’t worry you will have this place figured out in no time. I sure hope so. Jacob and Maddox met us outside Max carried in my bags. Hello Kylee it’s so nice to meet you I’m Jacob, it’s nice to meet you Jacob thank you for letting me stay with you. Jacob looks at me and smiles it’s no problem Kylee we are happy to have you. Maddox looks over at me, well are y’all ready to it I’m starved. Laughing at him of course you are all you ever think about is food. He sticks his tongue out, well Kylee bear I’m a growing boy. I roll my eyes at Maddox before I can say anything to Maddox, Jacob interrupts Kylee before we go inside to eat Chloe and I want to give you your birthday present. Oh you guys didn’t have to get me anything you’re already letting me stay in your home. Chloe replies, of course we did ladybug you only turn seventeen once. Jacob led us into the garage turns on the lights; right in the front is a brand new black BMW with a huge red bow. Chloe yells HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLEE. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. Laughter rolls out of Maddox I think she likes it this is the first time I’ve seen Kylee speechless. I stammered out, this car is for me… really I wasn’t expecting a present and you got me a car. Running up and hugging Chloe I keep repeating thank you they probably think I’ve completely lost my mind. My aunt and new uncle just smile and tell me your welcome like it’s no big deal that just bought me a very expensive car. Maddox interrupts well you can drive it later I’m starved and I know Rosa cooked something good. Chloe looks at him I know you are in college now but remember your manners please; this day is about ladybug not your stomach. Smiling at Chloe this is the best birthday ever. We had a wonderful meal Rosa the housekeeper made; I’ve never seen so much food for just four people but from what I’ve gathered Jacob likes to overdo everything. After dinner Chloe ask Maddox to show me my room and help me get settled. Maddox groans and stretches, I laugh, what way do I need to roll you. Maddox tried to keep a straight face but just looked at me with a smile grabs my hand alright lets go smart ass. Your room is on the west side of the house next to mine but I only use it when I’m tired of staying at the dorms which has been a lot lately. Everyone has been partying more than I can handle. Maddox opens the door to a huge room with a queen size bed, all I can do is stare this room is almost the same size as my whole house back in Washington. Maddox flops down on my bed while I take everything in. Hmmm I think you might need some time to get used to it. I sat down beside him he takes my hand again looking up at me, so how are you taking everything? Taking a deep breath, I look at him, ok I guess it’s just happened so fast I’m not really sure why they sent me away. Looking really Nervous he cleared his throat, Kylee I’m not supposed to tell you my mom told me not to but I’ve never been able to keep anything from you. Your mom is sick with stage four cancer and your dad is leaving her. WHAT Maddox that is a sick joke why would you say something like that. Kylee bear calm down I just thought you should know. Now he’s holding me while the tears pour out, it’s ok Kylee bear, I’m here everything will be alright. After what seems like forever I finally calm down enough to form words. Maddox wipes my tears with his shirt. I’m so sorry Kylee bear but you needed to know. Maddox did you just call me Kylee bear really, what I’ve always called you Kylee bear. I know but Madds we aren’t five anymore. Pulling me in closer I know we not kids, but it got you to smile and you will always be my Kylee bear. Thanks Madds for staying with me while I soaked your shirt with tears and for telling me the truth. Kylee I will always tell you the truth you know that. I know but thanks anyway, so do you know if my mom is going to be alright. His smile fades Kylee I heard my mom and Jacob talking a few nights ago and they said they found out to late and there’s nothing that the doctors can do, that she is already on borrowed time. Why didn’t they just tell me, they just sent me away without a reason? Is my mom dying a good enough reason for me to leave? Kylee calm down… in their own crazy way they think this is best for you. Your mom doesn’t want you to be there and see her like this. But Maddox she is my mom I want to be there for her. Shh I know Kylee bear he just sat there and rubbed my head until I calmed back down. Finally I looked up at Maddox the look on his face was so conflicted. A few seconds pass and her loosens his grip on me, are you going to be ok Kylee bear? Yeah I’ll be fine. Getting up off the bed Maddox turns to me if you need anything I will be right next door. Madds wait, turning to face me; do you think you can stay in here with me tonight? Giving me a puzzled look he pauses, yeah sure just let me go change. Thanks I tell him as he walks off to his room. I get up off the bed and walk over to my bag to get a pair of shorts and the t-shirt Maddox bought me last year when he was accepted in college. Walking into my bathroom I washed my face and changed. When I walk back in my room Maddox is at the door with his hand on the handle. Maddox are you leaving? Turning to face me no I just left my phone it’s alright I will just get it tomorrow and he walks over to the bed. He pulls the blankets back so I can climb into the huge bed. Maddox climbs in next to me. Thank you for being here for me I don’t think I could sleep without you here. No problem Kylee bear you know I would do anything for you. I know Madds that’s why I lov
e you; you always protect me and make me feel safe. That’s what I’m here for Kylee bear now let’s get some rest you’ve had a long day. He pulls me close and kisses my head. I feel so relaxed with Maddox here it’s the same feeling I had when we were kids and he stayed at our house, with him here all my troubles disappear.



Chapter 3

I wake up the next morning to my aunt’s voice what’s going on here. Maddox jumps out of bed, nothing mom. Oh really I walk into my lil ladybugs room to find my eighteen year old son in bed with his arms wrapped around my seventeen year old goddaughter what do you expect me to think Maddox. Aunt Chloe really nothing happened Madds stayed with me because I asked him to. What wait you asked him to Chloe stammered. Mom stop and just listen to me. Maddox was getting mad I could tell by his tone. Kylee was upset and asked me to stay with her until she fell asleep it got late and I must have fallen asleep too. Nothing happened its Kylee for Christ sake. I’m not sure why but the way Maddox just said that kind of hurt. Oh well that explains it I wasn’t accusing you Maddox don’t get all defensive I was just surprised to see you in here that’s all. Sure mom, well this was a nice way to wake up but I’ve got things to do today, talk to you later Kylee, Maddox storms out. I’m sorry about that ladybug. Its fine aunt Chloe did you need something? Oh yes I’m guessing that Maddox told you about your mom if you were that upset. Umm yes he did why didn’t you tell me? Well I was waiting for you to get settled ladybug. I wish you would have just told me. Chloe walks over and wraps me in a hug I just didn’t want to ruin your birthday. Well thanks aunt Chloe for everything I’ll be fine. I know it can’t be easy for you but, your mother had her reasons for not telling you and sending you here. Well if you need to talk I’m always here for you. The reason I came in here was to give you this she hands me a credit card. Umm Chloe I can’t take this and start to hand it back to her. Stopping me, of course you can don’t be silly I want you to go buy you a new wardrobe don’t worry about the price get whatever you want and need that card doesn’t have a limit so just go crazy. I had Jacob program the GPS in your car with the directions to the mall so go have fun. Thank you aunt Chloe, I said that she walks out of my room with a big smile on her face. Well that was weird no one had ever given me a credit card before and who gives a seventeen year old a card with no limit. I feel funny taking it plus the new car they gave me last night, man this was going to take some getting used to but I guess I should enjoy it while it last. With that I walked into the huge bathroom and decide to relax in a hot bath for awhile before I go shopping. This tub is huge I’ve never seen a bath this big plus I have a shower and double sink in here. After relaxing in the tub for over an hour I figured I better get ready to go shopping. I pull on my black jeans that I love and a comfy pink top and the new boots that my mom gave me yesterday as I’m heading out of my room I forgot to grab my purse so I run and get it and sitting beside it is a new cell phone with my keys. Turning on the phone a text pops up which is odd since I don’t even know this number. The text says Kylee bear I wanted to get you something for your birthday and I knew you didn’t have a phone if you need anything just call I put my number in already-Madd. Aww he is always been so thoughtful. I put everything in my bag and head for my new car (eek I can’t believe I have my own car.) Chloe yells out the door for me to wait I turn around she is running for me. Ladybug I just wanted to make sure you know to spend at least a thousand on clothes, I also want you to get your hair and nails done too just remember to not worry about the price Jacob and I just want you to enjoy living here. Oh yeah I can get you a phone if you want. That’s ok Chloe Maddox gave me one for my birthday. My Maddox is so thoughtful well I better get going Jacob is taking me to the club for lunch before we golf. At that she walks back to the house. I get into my car and the GPS tells me where to go. The mall is only thirty minutes away from the house. After almost four hours I’ve bought way more than I thought I should but didn’t want Chloe and Jacob to think I wasn’t appreciative of them and come home with nothing. I really did like the new clothes I bought I’ve never been able to afford anything this expensive before, I just need to let Chloe and Jacob know how grateful I was for everything they are doing. When I drive up I see Maddox getting out of his truck I pull up behind him so I can bring my things in. Hey Kylee bear what are you doing? Oh you know the usual buying out the clothing stores. He smiles of course Jacob must have giving you your own card. No actually aunt Chloe did and forced me to shop for clothes. I bet mom just had to twist your arm Maddox teased. Well she told me I had to spend at least a thousand on clothes and get my hair and nails done, it feels weird to spend money like that but I didn’t want them to think I didn’t appreciate what they are doing for me. Don’t worry Kylee they would never think that about you. Well I guess I can help you carry in all of this. Thanks Madds I would have to make two trips. Just be glad you have a big strong guy here to help you. Oh Madds you’re my hero I joked. He just gave me a nasty face and walked inside. We walked in to my room and he said where do you want these? Umm just sit them by the bed I put my bags down next to the ones he was carrying. Thanks for your help. That’s what I’m here for. I sit on the bed and Maddox sits next to me. Oh thanks for the phone I would have text you back but I’m not sure how to. He starts laughing at me, that’s right my Kylee bear is electronically challenged. I slap him in the arm, shut up jerk I’ve just never had a phone like that before. Well let me show you he pulls out the phone and gives me a quick lesson in texting. Oh that’s easy enough I tell him. Smiling at me, that’s because I’m such a great teacher. I just nod my head at him. You know Ky I really like your hair. Really thanks Madds I’ve always wanted to do something wild with it but never had the chance I tell him excitedly. I dyed my blonde hair black on the bottom and I really loved it. I’m so happy Maddox noticed I’ve had a crush on him since we were kids. He’s changed a lot over the past couple of years he’s always been thin but he’s must be working out because he’s solid muscle. The one thing that hasn’t changed is those beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair that’s the same color as mine. Kylee did you hear me? Oh umm what was that? I said there is a party this weekend did you want to go with me you can meet some people. Oh yeah sure Madds that sounds like fun, what should I wear? Just something cool it will be on the lake. Alright Chloe won’t mind if I go? Yeah about that just don’t tell her they won’t be her anyway they leave tomorrow for a week in Cabo. She didn’t say anything about them leaving. Well that’s mom for ya always waiting till the last minute. Don't worry Kylee I’m staying here all week so you won’t have to be alone. That’s nice of you Madds I hate staying by myself. Well I better go I’m meeting the guys on campus. Ok see you later Madds and thanks for helping me with my bags. He walks over and kisses my head bye Kylee bear if you need me call I will be back late. Ok Madds love you. Me too Ky me too. Well now that I’m by myself I put away all my new things, I can’t stand for things to be out of place my mom always joked about me having OCD. I put the last outfit in the closet and walk downstairs to see if I can find a snack. Rosa was in the kitchen and made me a sandwich. Here you go Ms. Kylee; Mrs. Chloe left you a note also. I open it up Ladybug, sorry I missed you but Jacob decided to leave early for Cabo we will be back in a week. If you need anything ask Rosa or Maddox. Love you Aunt Chloe. Well I guess I’m on my own, I take my sandwich in the living room and watch some TV. It’s starting to get dark outside so I pick up my dishes and go put them in the dishwasher. Rosa looks pleased that I picked up after myself. I decide to go change into something comfy. After going thru my stuff I decide to wear the shorts and shirt from last night Rosa must have washed them t
hey are nicely folded on my dresser. After changing, brushing my hair, and teeth I walk back downstairs to the living room to watch a little more TV. I guess I must have fallen asleep because I wake up to Maddox picking me up. Oh sorry Kylee bear I was trying not to wake you up. Drowsily I look at Maddox what time is it. About one thirty he tells me as he’s sitting me on my bed. Thanks Madds you didn’t have to carry me. It’s my pleasure I just didn’t want you sleeping on that uncomfortable couch all night. Well I better get to bed. Hey Maddox I said before he walks out the door. Yeah Ky, do you think you can stay with me again? Umm Ky I don’t think that is such a good idea. He pauses for a minute. Well I guess it will be ok mom and Jacob are gone already so they can’t get upset, let me change and I will be right back. He walks out and a few minutes later he returns in a pair of pajama bottoms and climbs in bed next to me. Thanks Madds I feel safe when you are here. He wraps me in his arms, that’s what I’m here for Kylee bear now go to sleep. Within a few minutes I’m fast asleep in Maddox arms just how I like it. I woke up the next morning to Maddox staring at me; I stretch hey you how long have you been awake? Not long you looked so peaceful I just couldn’t wake you. Well I’m glad you stayed I’ve slept so well with you here the last two nights. I’m glad you feel safe with me Ky; he clears his throat I guess we should get up. I moan no Madds lets just stay here awhile longer. Maddox agrees anything you want Kylee bear. Madds you know I hate that nickname right. Laughing at me I know but its habit. Fine you are the only one that can get away with calling me that. Smiling, anyone else calls you Kylee bear and I will kick their ass. Thanks Maddox, so what are you doing today? Oh I thought we could hang out by the pool maybe I can show you around the ranch if that are alright with you. Yeah that sounds like fun I’m glad you’re going to hang around I hate being by myself. How about you change into your swim suit and I will ask Rosa to make us some breakfast. Maddox walks out and I go to the dresser and I’m glad I bought a really cute bikini at the mall so I change into it put a pair of shorts over the bottoms I look in the mirror I look hot if I must say so my suit hugs in just the right places my boobs aren’t huge but they aren’t tiny either even being the poor girl back home guys would still check me out but they knew I wouldn’t do anything with them so I didn’t get asked out a lot. The only person I wanted to pay attention to me was Maddox and he never treated me like nothing but a little sister which sucked. I went downstairs and Rosa was setting out a spread of food Maddox was already eating when I sat down and grabbed some fruit. He looked up at me with the craziest look on his face. Maddox are you alright your staring at me like I’m on fire. Umm yeah I’m fine just shocked to see you in that. A bathing suit Madds you told me to change so we could swim after breakfast. Yeah I know I just wasn’t expecting it to be black I thought you liked pink. He looks nervous well my shorts are pink is that ok. Shooting me an odd look that’s fine just surprised. While I nibble on the fruit Maddox stuffs his face with enough food to feed a small country. So Madds how do you like Texas? It’s alright this is the longest mom has stayed married and in one place plus my dad lives here. It must suck to have to move all the time why didn’t you just move in with your dad? Yeah but after a while you get used to it and I love dad but mom needs me more than he does so I just stayed where ever she is. Well you ready to jump in the pool. Sure but we should clean up our mess. Don’t worry about it Rosa will clean it. But Maddox we made the mess we should pick it up. Fine Kylee we can bring it all inside, we gather up everything from the patio table. I hate someone cleaning up after me when I’m perfectly able to do it myself. Rolling his eyes at my comment, so you ready to get in the pool now? Nodding let’s get in then Maddox runs and jumps right in while I took off my shorts I lay them on the chair by the pool and walk over slowly, I start to get in and suddenly Maddox grabs my legs and pulls me in the pool. I come up out of the water and see him laughing like a mad man. That was not funny jackass, splashing him in the face with water all he did was laugh harder. Oh come on Kylee don’t be mad I kept making a pouty face; Maddox swims up to me come on Kylee bear don’t be mad at me that’s when I dunked him underwater he pops up to see me laughing like a lunatic. Really that's how you wanna play. No no no truce Maddox alright Ky lets shake on it, reaching out my hand he dunks me. Laughing sorry Kylee that was just too easy. Telling him in a stern voice, Maddox Kourt you will never change; yeah I know Ky but you still love me anyway. Yep sometimes I wonder why, Aww Kylee bear you aren’t mad at me? No not really you know I can’t stay mad at you even when you suck I told him with my bottom lip sticking out in a pout. Maddox swims up to me lifting my chin up so I’m looking into those beautiful blues eyes, thank goodness we are in the pool so he can’t see the chills that run through me when he looks at me like that. Looking down at me, Kylee bear I won’t pick on you anymore. Thanks Madds but I think I’m done swimming I’m going to dry off and change. He swallow deep ok Ky I’ll get out too. As we are toweling off Maddox doesn’t take his eyes off of me. Deep down I wish he felt the same way about me as I do him but that will never happen he sees me as the dorky little sister type. I walk in the house and up the stairs to my room and Maddox follows me in silence. When I’m in my room I change into a pair of denim jeans and a white tank top and my new flip flops. While I’m brushing my hair I hear a knock on the door, Maddox just come in, the door opens and he walks in and flops on my bed. You look nice Kylee I turn and give him a weird look uh thanks Maddox. Really Ky you don’t know how pretty you are. Laughing with my joking voice Maddox I think you were in the sun to long your talking crazy. Changing the subject, Maddox are we still going to look at the vineyard? Well it kind of looks like it might rain so maybe we can go tomorrow. So what would you like to do then? I was thinking we could just hang out around here I will even cave and watch a chic flick with you. Laughing at him sure, well let’s go to my room and see what we can find, I follow him in and we decide on a comedy. When the movie was almost over I start to hear the rain. You were right Madds it’s starting to rain, yep Ky that’s Texas for you. Well I’m glad we stayed inside I really don’t like playing in the rain. Uh since when does my Kylee bear not like playing in the rain you grew up in the rain capitol of the world? You know just because I lived somewhere that it rained everyday doesn’t mean I like the rain. Sure Kylee I believe that I remember us playing in the rain as kids and you loved it. Oh whatever Maddox it’s not my fault you can talk me into doing anything. It must be my charm he says with a huge smile on his face. Slapping him on the arm, that must be it Madds. Well that movie's over what do you want to watch next? I’ll let you pick but nothing to gory, you won’t want me jumping in your lap screaming halfway thru. Oh Ky I will protect you from all the big bad monster that are going to jump out of the TV he’s using his sarcastic voice. Throwing a pillow at him I mumble for him to shut up and stop making fun of me, my pouting is what makes him really start laughing. I start acting like I’m crying; I hear the laughing stop as he moves over to me. Oh Kylee bear don’t cry I’m sorry I was being an ass. That’s when I smack him in the face with a pillow laughing my butt off. You dirty little faker there I was feeling sorry for you. Maddox lies on top of me and starts tickling me. Stop stop I manage to get out in between the laughter. Say you’re sorry and I might stop. Ok fine I giggle out I’m sor

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