Read La Brat Online

Authors: Ashe Barker

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

La Brat (16 page)

BOOK: La Brat
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“Then I accept your terms, Sir.”

“Excellent. And now, I reckon our table at La Mignon should be about ready. Are you hungry?”

“Sir, I do believe I am.”


* * * *


“So, Genie, about your underwear. Or lack of it.”

“Sir?” Eugenie spread a smear of butter across her bread roll and regarded Aaron across the table.

“Your choice is very convenient. Please finish your roll. Then I’d like you to stroke your pussy and tell me exactly how wet you are.”

“I see. Of course, Sir.” Eugenie nibbled the roll, taking delicate little bites from it.

“I may have misread your signals in the past, but I’m pretty sure you’re taking the piss now. I do not recommend it, Genie.”

“I apologize, Sir.” She finished her roll in two swift bites, dusted the crumbs from her fingers and proceeded to lift the front of her skirt. Her actions were concealed by the thick linen tablecloth, though she took the precaution of dropping her napkin across her lap too. The slide back into her old submissive headspace was effortless, felt natural. She was delighted that Aaron appeared intent on starting their scene immediately, and she was more than happy to comply.

She stroked her cunt, sliding her fingers between her moist pussy lips and dipping the tips of two of her digits inside herself. She swirled them around, caressing her inner walls, loving the sensation and luxuriating in the heat of his gaze as he watched her. She took her time about pulling her fingers out then held her hand up for him to inspect the juices coating it.

Aaron leaned across the table to take her hand, raising it to his nose to inhale the musky smell of her.

“Mmm, you seem very aroused, little sub.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Is there anything you might like to request from me?”

“There is, Sir. I was hoping you might fuck me.”

“I might. Eventually.”


“First, we have a dinner to enjoy. And you did offer to submit to a belated caning. I intend to invite you to join me in my apartment, where I can take care of all these matters to our mutual satisfaction.”

“I see, Sir.”

“Tomorrow’s Sunday. Are you intending to work?”

“No, Sir, I was hoping to take the day off. As long as nothing urgent arises, of course.”

“Of course. In that case, I expect you to remain with me all night. You will sleep with me, girl.”

“I’d like that, Sir. Very much.”

“And tomorrow? As you’re taking a day off work, what are your plans?” He turned to smile at the waiter who had arrived with their main course, a fragrant
with a selection of vegetables and rice. The serving tureens were arranged across their table, but Aaron declined the server’s offer to fill their plates for them. The waiter scurried off.

“You were saying, Genie, about your plans for tomorrow?”

Eugenie helped herself to
petits pois
and a few sliced carrots. “I usually walk on my days off, Sir. Perhaps along the Seine. Or maybe along the Champs-Élysées to la Louvre. Anywhere, really. I just love this city.”

“Me too. Would you like company on this excursion of yours?”

“You want to come sightseeing with me?”

“Why not? We could hit the tourist trail together. I’ll even treat you to an ice cream. Or a hot dog.”

“In that case, Sir, I would love your company tomorrow. Please, would you pass me the potatoes? I think I may need the sustenance.”

“I suspect you will, Genie. And you know how I feel about fattening you up.” He piled a generous helping onto her plate. “Now eat up. I find myself rather keen to ask for the bill and get out of here.”


* * * *


Aaron’s staff apartment was on the floor above Eugenie’s. It was not a great deal larger than hers, though his did boast a separate bedroom and his bathroom was more spacious, accommodating a bath as well as a shower. He also had a small balcony, though the view lacked the more spectacular vistas offered by the guest suites. Eugenie gazed around his living room.

“How is it you have more space than I do?”

“Seniority, sweetheart.”

“You are not senior to me.”

“No?” He raised one eyebrow, daring her to take issue with him on this. Eugenie felt discretion may be called for.

“Well, not at work. Here, yes, I accept that, Sir.”

“Good. I’m glad we have that settled. In which case, lose the clothes and kneel.”

Eugenie felt herself slipping yet deeper into the once familiar mindset as she unfastened the buttons on the front of her dress. She’d not been especially conscious of this sensation when she and Aaron were together in the past, but had been intensely aware of its absence as she’d scened with a succession of other Doms in the years since. A sort of calm descended on her, a quiet acceptance of his control, a willingness to obey and to serve him.

As the fabric slipped from her body to pool around her feet, she stepped into the center of the room and, without a word, sank to her knees.

She tucked her heels beneath her, spreading her legs a little, just sufficient to allow an unimpeded view of her swelling clit. Her hands lay on her thighs, palms up, and she lowered her gaze to a spot on the floor about a foot in front of her.

Aaron’s footsteps behind her caused her to tense, though in anticipation rather than fear. She was not afraid of him, not in the least. He had mentioned a cane, and she had no doubt that if he said he could acquire one then he could indeed do so. She was content with that, would submit willingly, now or in the future. Privately she hoped he would not resort to it this evening, but that was not her choice and she would not mention any reservation she might have.

“I never forgot how lovely you are. If anything you’re more beautiful now than you were three years ago.” His voice was soft, his hand gentle as he stroked her hair.

Eugenie thought she might purr.

“I see you still wax. Is that especially for me?”

“It is now, Sir. I got into the habit with you as you required it, and I have come to prefer being smooth.”

“I still require it. It lends a whole new level to naked.”

Eugenie’s stomach clenched in pleasure at his words. She hadn’t realized until that moment how very desperately she wanted to please Aaron. She needed his approval so much she ached with it. And how fearful she had been that she might somehow fall short of his expectations. She couldn’t bear that.

“So now, what do you want, Genie?”

“Sir? I want you. Just you.”

“You will have me. What would you like me to do to you?”

“Spank me, Sir. I need that.”


“I have missed your hand, Sir. I need you to make me scream.”

“Ah yes, pain always seemed to have a calming effect on you. That and a few rocking orgasms.”

“The orgasms would be very welcome too, Sir.”

“I’m sure. I recall you used to be very supple. Can you still touch your toes, Genie?”

“I can, Sir.”

“In that case, please stand and bend over.”

Eugenie got to her feet, taking care to execute the move as smoothly and with as much grace as possible. She stole a peep at Aaron’s face and took encouragement from his satisfied expression. So far so good. She bent over, placing her palms on the floor in front of her.

“Spread your legs. I want to be able to see your cunt.”

“Like this, Sir?” She shuffled her feet apart, aware of the cool rush as her pussy was exposed to the air-conditioned atmosphere.

“Perfect. You’re glistening, Genie. Aroused already?”

“Yes, Sir. It would seem so.”

“Such a slut.”

“Your slut, Sir.”

“Mine.” He drove three fingers deep into her cunt, causing Eugenie to rock forward and emit a small gasp. A sharp slap to her buttock turned the gasp into a squeal. “Keep still, girl. And be quiet.”

He finger-fucked her hard, angling his thrusts to hit her G-spot. Eugenie concentrated on remaining in position and bit her lower lip to keep from crying out. She wondered briefly if all women were configured the same way, or had he managed to retain perfect recall of the geography of her body? He certainly knew his way around her.

As suddenly as he had started, he stopped. She groaned as he withdrew his fingers, but knew better than to complain. Instead, she shifted her feet and hands on the floor to settle more comfortably into her submissive, exposed posture.

She listened as his footsteps receded. He was moving away from her. She waited, heard him return. Then she winced as something hard and cool trailed across her bottom. The cane?

“You know what this is, little Genie?”

“I think so, Sir?”

“Any objections?”

She gulped, but schooled her voice to remain even. “No, Sir. Please proceed.”

“Will you be able to keep still?”

“I’m not sure. The only other time I was caned, I was tied to a bench.”

She thought he hesitated before asking his next question. “Tell me about that time, Genie.”

She shifted again, concentrating hard on maintaining her balance. “It was a punishment. I had been very rude to my Dom. In public. So he caned me. In public. Twelve strokes.”

Aaron whistled. “Twelve strikes, and a public caning at that. He must have been very pissed off.”

“Yes, Sir. He was. I had called him a mean, controlling bastard when he rebuked me for orgasming without his permission.”

“Mean and controlling—those traits are in the Dom job description.”

“I realize that, Sir. I was in a bad mood. I should not have said it.”

“And did it work? Were you suitably chastened?”

“I apologized, Sir.”

“That’s not what I asked.”

“I know. I did not like him very much, Sir. And I do not believe he liked me. We only scened a couple more times after that.”

“So, he caned you. In public. Then dumped you.” It was a statement, not a question.

From his tone, she knew he did not approve of the conduct of this Dom from her past.

“I suppose he did, though I was not distressed at the loss. As I said, I did not like him.”

“Do you like me, Genie?”

“I do, Sir. Very much. I never stopped liking you.” She paused for a moment then continued. “I never stopped loving you, Sir.”

Aaron paused, seemed to be considering her last remark. “I’m also a mean, controlling bastard. You must remember that about me. Especially now, when you’re about to receive a caning.”

“I love you, Sir. It is that simple. Really. And I trust you.”

“Good answer. Let’s get on with it, then. I won’t tie you up, but would you prefer to lean on something for this?”

“If you would permit that, Sir.”

“Of course. I’m finished admiring your pretty little cunt for now. You may straighten up.”

Eugenie obeyed, relieved as the backs of her thighs were really starting to hurt. She stretched, rolled the stiffness from her shoulders before glancing at Aaron for further instructions. She could not prevent her eyes being drawn to the slender length of rattan dangling from his right hand. Was this the same one from before? Had he brought it with him to Paris from Northumberland?

“The chair. Brace yourself on one of the arms. I want your legs slightly apart and your bum lifted up for me. Tell me when you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Sir.” Eugenie walked across the room to the chair and stood beside it. She placed her palms on the cushioned arm and lowered her shoulders. She arched her back to lift her bottom up, then decided she could do better and laid her elbows on the chair arm. She folded her arms and rested her forehead on them, the new position raising her ass farther in the air. She turned her head to face him. “Is this all right, Sir?”

“Fucking beautiful.” Aaron followed her across the room to stand behind her. “I’m going to start with some gentle slaps to bring your blood to the surface, get you warmed up a little. I haven’t decided how many strokes of the cane to give you. I’ll stop when you stop liking it, so I’ll be asking you frequently.”

“Liking it, Sir?”

“Yes. Liking it. Despite your willingness to accept your caning from three years ago, this is not a punishment, Genie. I’ll stop at any time, if you ask me. Or if I think you’re looking distressed. So, are you ready?”

She nodded then closed her eyes to wait.

Aaron’s palm connected with her upturned bottom, the slaps soft at first but gaining in strength as her skin started to tingle under his rapid taps. She wriggled, moaning her pleasure as he prepared her for the cane. By instinct alone, she parted her thighs, hoping he might take the hint and caress her pussy too. Maybe even drop a few slaps there.

Aaron picked up on her cues and landed a sharp swat on her throbbing pussy lips. Eugenie squealed, opening her legs wider.

“Ah, my lovely little slut. You like that?”

She nodded.


“Please. More, Sir.”

Aaron continued to rain quick, sharp swats across her now throbbing buttocks, delivering an occasional blow to her pussy or clit. Genie murmured her thanks for each strike across her cunt and wondered if she might come just from this.

“Not yet, greedy little subbie. You need to earn orgasms.”

How did he always know what she was thinking? He’d said he was not a mind reader, but he gave a decent impression of one.

“I know that, Sir. I am sorry.”

“Stop apologizing, Genie. You’re doing fine.” Aaron caressed her smarting skin, digging his fingers into the soft, rounded flesh of her buttocks. It felt heavenly.

The sensation changed. He laid the cane across her bottom, stroking her with it. Her breath hitched.

“Relax, love. Allow yourself to enjoy this.”

His low, sexy tone calmed her, reassured her that whatever was about to happen would be fine.

Aaron tapped her with the cane, not hard, but still it sent a tingle through her sensitized skin. He repeated the action then did it again. Just as he’d dropped rapid slaps onto her rounded cheeks with his hand, now he did the same thing with the cane. The blows became faster, faster still, but remained light. Eugenie exhaled, realizing she’d been holding her breath in anticipation of the pain she was sure was about to explode across her ass.

BOOK: La Brat
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