Read La Sposa Online

Authors: Sienna Mynx

Tags: #crime, #drama, #mafia, #ir, #bwwm erotica, #bwwm contemporary romance, #bwwm erotic romance

La Sposa (51 page)

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Lorenzo walked out to the living room area.
Marietta caught up with him as he dropped wearily into the chair.
“I have to go to see Giovanni soon. You will need to

Me? Why?”

I can’t leave you alone with
Carlo,” Lorenzo said.

Not to sound like a parakeet, but
again I have to ask you why?” Marietta said.

Lorenzo rubbed the tensions from his temples.
“Carlo is a complicated man. He doesn’t get along with strangers.
Woman or not, in his state, you could be a target for him. Let him
sober up and I’ll deal with him. For now, don’t be alone with him.”
His gaze lifted to her. “Do you understand?”

Marietta glanced back to the room. “I can take
care of myself!”

A deep chuckle escaped Lorenzo. “Yes,
, I’m aware of your skills.” He rubbed the scratches at
the side of his jaw. “
Tutto va bene
, honor my

Screw him. I don’t plan to go
anywhere near the stupid bastard so don’t ask me to clean up his
shit again,” Marietta said defiantly.

Good girl.” Lorenzo clasped his
hands together and bowed his head.

She crossed her arms in protest. When she
cleaned the man’s vomit and dressed his wounds to the best of her
abilities, he cursed her in a vicious tongue. Some of the words he
said in Italian she only knew from the ex-cons who worked for her
adoptive father. If Lorenzo said Carlo was dangerous in this state,
she was inclined to believe him.

Why no hospital? Why not his

Lorenzo extended his hand. Marietta walked
over and he pulled her down to his lap. “He has nowhere to go. The
whores he keeps time with would rob him in this state and leave him
to his enemies. The men in our family would turn him over to
Giovanni. Public drunkenness, engaging in blood fights, this is not
acceptable to my cousin for his top

King B,” Marietta said.

King?” Lorenzo laughed.

That’s what your cousin acts like.
Some Sicilian King. And his black Barbie doll fashion

You speak as if you don’t like
her.” Lorenzo frowned.

Marietta shrugged. “I don’t know her. But I
know her type. Snooty, pampered, probably never had to struggle a
day in her life. I bet when King B saw her fancy ass, he threw
roses at her feet and made her his princess. I knew plenty of girls
like her when I was growing up. I’ve never had time for shallow

Whoa!” Lorenzo grabbed her chin
and snatched her face around. “Listen to me,
. You show
respect. She is my
, our
, a woman that
deserves it. Do you understand?”

Marietta frowned. Lorenzo tightened his hold
on her chin.

She nodded, slowly, that she

He turned her face to the left and then to the
right. “They are right. You do look like her, a little.” Marietta
rolled her eyes.

You say that because we’re black.
Guess you think all Asians look alike too.”

Don’t they?”

Marietta hit him. He brought her lips to his
and spoke against them. “I’ll call Giovanni. Maybe we should stay
in and pay him a visit tomorrow? I need to make sure Carlo is well
enough to be left alone.”

I’ll cook you both something to
eat. But I want you to know I haven’t forgotten.” She rose from his
lap. “You promised me Bellagio.”

He nodded and watched her go. Marietta smiled.
Yesterday David Capriccio, or what was left of his body, was found
on the train tracks. The news stations said he got drunk after
grieving his father. He fell asleep there and a train ran over him.
But people either accepted it as truth, or knew
better than to question what the truth was. Either way, his death
made her an heiress according to Lorenzo. There were legitimate
trusts that opened to the surviving kids. That meant her, with
David out of the way. American dollars would total close to fifty
thousand. Not much. But she had nothing, so it was

Lorenzo said it would take several months to
sort it out with the courts. She and Lorenzo agreed she’d stay with
him, maybe in Bellagio. The idea of a life in Italy was both
exciting and a bit off-putting. She looked back at Lorenzo. He sat
in a large leather recliner, staring at the door to the room his
friend rested behind. Her heart ached for the pain she saw on his
face. Whatever Carlo was to Lorenzo, he had to be important. And
Marietta decided that made him important to her too.




After a knock at the door, Mira set her book
down. She knew Zia would not release Eve back into her care today.
The old woman loved her daughter so much, she’d gone straight into
mothering mode. Eve would be bathed, fed, sang to, and put to sleep
in Zia’s bed. She probably wouldn’t see her daughter until
tomorrow. So the knock had to be Rosetta. And sure enough, Rosetta
smiled and peeked in.

Hi. Are you okay? Just wanted to
check on you.”

I’m fine, come in.”

Rosetta entered. “I was with Zia and Eve. She
said we have a party to plan. I wanted to ask you if I could

Mira smiled. “Of course you can. It’s our
’s birthday. She turns two. But it would be even
better if you can help me with another project.”

Really? Like making

Mira frowned, and then laughed. “No. Not
quite. I need you to help me enforce Eve’s potty training. Every
time she sits on the pot cheer for her, make it a celebration. She
likes that. We were practicing before the honeymoon and I want to
enforce it again. Zia thinks Eve needs more time. I think you can
be a little bit tougher.”

Mira could see the light of excitement dim in
Rosetta’s eyes. “Is there something else, Rosetta?”

. I’m so excited
to be here. So grateful, but...”

Say it.”

I also want to say thank


Accepting me, letting me help with
Eve after Cecilia had her unfortunate accident. I really do love
Eve. I love being here. I was thinking that maybe when you have
time, I can start learning some things from you. Like how to sew. I
want to learn to make dresses.”

Really?” Mira asked. “That’s a
wonderful idea. I would love to teach you to sew. We can start in a
few days. I’m to stay off my feet now. Giovanni insists.” Mira
rolled her eyes. “When he’s less protective of me, we will sit down
and I’ll take you through the basics.”

Rosetta nodded and grinned. “I can’t




Giovanni walked in. His wife looked up at him
and smiled. Rosetta rose, said her goodbyes and left. Giovanni
closed the door softly behind her. “Tired?”

A little. Sleepy,” she

He walked over to the bed. “I wanted to talk
to you. I have to take a quick trip out.”

Out? Today?”

Yes, Bella. I have to go see
Rocco. I will be gone a day. That’s all.”

Is Domi here?”

Giovanni smiled. “Yes. I haven’t seen Catalina
yet, though. I’m sure she will be up to see you soon.”

You don’t know?”

Know what?” Giovanni

She stayed in New York. I spoke to
her a few hours ago. She’s coming in about two weeks. In time for
Eve’s party.”

No, I wasn’t aware.”

Giovanni, don’t be angry.” She
grabbed his hand. “She’s happy, let her have this taste of
independence. It’s good for her and him. Sweetheart, look at us.
Fighting over nothing. Taking our blessings for granted. Catalina
worked the arrangement out with Dominic. She’s old enough for this
responsibility. He even had some men left with her to keep her

He swallowed the tightness in his throat and
managed to mumble an agreement. Still angry, he set the matter
aside for the moment. Bella was right. Things were different for
them all now. More than she knew.

I’m going to be back as soon as I
can. I promise.” He kissed her brow.

I love you,” she said.

I love you too,” he



Later in America –


Catalina set down her portfolio bag. She
hadn’t gone over the sketches that she and Teddy selected for Mira
to review but she intended to over a nice hot cup of coffee.
Speaking to Mira earlier was the boost of confidence she needed.
Some of the business managers had been giving her a hard time over
her naiveté. But she held her ground. What she didn’t know, she’d
bluff her way through to get whatever job was at hand done. And
thankfully, today, Mira connected the dots. They laughed when she
shared office gossip, and made plans for some of the changes Mira
would want once her company was under her control.

Just getting in?” Theodore Tate
asked, charging inside without knocking.

I was just about to call you. I
hate to do this, but I’m going to have to cancel lunch today.”
Catalina removed her coat and put it around the back of her

Canceling on me before breakfast?
I’m hurt.”

Sorry. I spoke to Mira.” Catalina
chirped. “She’s better. You know, from her miscarriage scare. And
she has so many ideas for us.”

Why don’t you tell me about it
while we walk down to Jason Deli, and I buy you the best coffee in
Manhattan?” Teddy asked, pushing his hands down into his

You know I can’t. I just arrived.
And Domi has instructed his men to escort me everywhere. I’ve
already sent them out to get breakfast while I work.”

Yes, those two tough guys scare
the shit out of the staff. Even our Mayor isn’t as heavily guarded
as you.” Teddy laughed. Catalina smiled. “Before you get started on
your day, can I ask you a question?”

Catalina pulled back the chair and sat down.
She scooted in close to the desk. “Sure.”

This weekend, I’m having a party.
It’s at my penthouse. Invite only. Celebrities, politicians, and
people I’m sure you’d love to meet. Would you do me the honor of


Yes, it’s necessary that I do
these things for my clients. Our clients. A tradition that Fabiana
started. I continue it to keep the investors happy. Many know of
Mira’s return and tongues are wagging. It would be good to have you
there, representing her.”

How exciting,” Catalina smiled. “I
have to clear it with Domi. To make sure it’s okay.”

That surprises me.”

What surprises you?”

Catalina, you’re smart,
sweetheart. Hell, you’re such a beautiful vibrant young woman. I
expect... You come off so independent and self-assured. I’m not
trying to offend but women here don’t usually ask their boyfriends
for permission to go to the bathroom.”

Catalina felt the pinch of criticism and
didn’t like it. She leaned back in her chair. “I think we have a
bit of a misunderstanding between us, Mr. Tate…”

Teddy…” he winked.

Mr. Tate,” she answered firmly.
“Dominic isn’t my boyfriend. He’s my fiancé. And I don’t inform him
of my actions out of fear or because he controls me. I do it out of
respect because I love him. No man,” she looked him up and down.
“No man gets the respect my Dominic deserves. Not even my dearly
departed husband.”

He’s a lucky man.”

And you won’t be. If anyone,
including those men he brought from home to protect me suspect you
have interest other than business.”

Theodore touched his chest. “I guess we do
have a misunderstanding. I wasn’t trying to encroach.”

Good. Then it’s settled. I’ll call
Domi and ask him if I should attend your party. And I’ll let you
know.” She picked up the folders out of the tray and flashed him a
smile to leave. Theodore drew in his bottom lip. “Anything

Let me know if you change your
mind about lunch, Catalina,” Theodore said, hurrying to the




Lorenzo hung up the phone. One call to
and he’d learned plenty. Giovanni was back, but
he’d left again for Chianti. He found that strange, considering
he’d just brought Mira home from the
. It served him
well. He had time to deal with Carlo; and possibly get things under
control, before they both faced Giovanni with an explanation for
David and Carmine’s deaths.

The doctor walked out of the room. “You say he
was in a car accident?”

That’s right.” Lorenzo

Looks to me like the car ran over
him. He needs to be in a hospital. He’s a tough guy but those ribs
may need to be professionally set. I did the best I

BOOK: La Sposa
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