Lab 6 (3 page)

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Authors: Peter Lerangis

BOOK: Lab 6
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“Which is?”

Jamie exhaled impatiently. “Okay, so they make a map. They even build a brain. Then what? How do they know it’s working? Say the brain is programmed to see. It needs eyes, right? Say the brain can feel anger. How do you
unless it has a mouth to tell you? It needs human parts, Sam!”

“Well, I guess you could look at it that way.”

could you look at it?”

As they walked up Sam’s street, Jamie fell silent.

The brain needs a body.

(Hellllp me …”)

Sam tried to block the memory of the voice. It still haunted him.

There had to be a way to find out more.

Sam’s house was in sight now. Its gabled Victorian tower jutted over the tops of the adjacent small ranch houses.

The tower room. Mom and Dad’s computer.

The tower was their home office. All their files were on the computer there. Sam wasn’t allowed in, but he’d never tested the rule.

Maybe if he just wandered up there. Maybe if Dad had been his usual absentminded self and forgotten to lock it …

“Sam?” Jamie said. “You’re quiet. Are you having a relapse?”

“Actually I’m okay now.”

As they turned up Sam’s front walk Jamie patted the magazine in his pocket. “Return it to me in school tomorrow. And don’t let anyone else see it.”

Oh, great. She has to walk me home. My neighbors have to see Ms. Skullface walking me home, tapping me on the butt

“Fine,” Sam said curtly. “ ’Bye.”

Jamie smiled. “Glad you feel better.”

Sam felt instantly guilty for his disparaging thoughts. “Okay. Thanks, Jamie.”

He turned and inserted his key in the front door.

He didn’t see the shadow behind the azalea bush until the door was open.

“Now we can get started,” said a deep voice.



Stage: 1

Origin: Earth

Current Status: Permanent

New Status: Corporeal Transfer

Return Date: Unknown

Reason: Unknown

Imprinting: Begun


Sam backed inside the house, trying to swing the door shut. He could picture tomorrow’s headlines:
“Really. I promise I’ll talk to Mr. Antonelli. I’ll call him. Now. Okay?”

Bart leaped onto the porch, throwing a sidearm block to the closing door. “Too late, pal — ”

“Can’t you see Sam is sick, you putrid slab of beef?” Jamie yelled.

“Oh, so you two are like … ?” Bart raised and lowered his eyebrows.

“NO!” Sam snapped.

“What are you doing here?” Jamie demanded.

“It’s not what I’m doing, it’s what I’m
to do.” Bart leveled his eyes at Sam. “May I come in?”

“Oh, that’s good, Bart — trash his house,” Jamie snapped sarcastically. “Sam’s parents won’t suspect a thing.”

“They’re not
” Bart grinned.

Sam shot a glance at Jamie. “Thanks a lot.”

Bart was already pushing his way into the living room.

“Hey!” Sam shouted.

“Don’t worry, he’s chicken,” Jamie said.

“Where are you going?” Sam demanded, following Bart through the house.

Bart turned into the stairway and began bounding up, two steps at a time. “To find your bedroom.”

“But it’s — ” Sam cut himself off before saying
on the first floor.

Bart stomped through Mr. and Mrs. Hughes’s bedroom on the second floor, then headed for the guest room.

As Sam clambered up after him, Bart ran for the rickety staircase to the tower attic.

To Mom and Dad’s office.

“That’s not my room, Bart!” Sam called out, sprinting to the foot of the tower stairs.
not even allowed up there!”

Bart was turning the knob.

You locked the door, right, Dad? You weren’t absentminded. Not today.

The door swung open.

Sam rushed upstairs. “No! Please! It’s my parents’! There’s all kinds of national security stuff in there.”

“Cool.” Bart was already sitting at the computer, inserting a disk into the slot. “Guess they’ll be upset that their son was fooling around with their stuff.”

“I’ll tell them — ”

“Not if you value your life.”

“The virus won’t wipe anything out!” Sam blurted out. “It’s not that sophisticated.”

Bart grinned. “So why are you worried?”

Because I may be wrong.

Because even if I’m not, it’ll take FOREVER to retrieve these files.


The screen was flashing now. Then a message appeared:

Sam blanched.
written that. It had been meant for Bart.

Code streamed across the screen—warning signs and total gibberish.

“JA-A-A-AMIIEEEEE!” Sam yelled.

Jamie came running up the stairs. “What’s he doing?”

“Stop him!” Sam said. “He won’t smash YOUR face in!”

They both lunged for Bart. They grabbed his shoulders and pulled.

He rolled back on the wooden floor, grinning, as another message popped onto the screen:

As the screen went black, Bart howled with laughter. “Guess we’re even now, huh?”

“You are slime,” Jamie hissed.

Sam slumped over the desk. “My parents will kill me.”

With a big yawn, Bart stood up and walked toward the door. “Then I guess that’ll save me the dirty work.”

Let us begin.

Can’t I refuse — and just stay here?

You will interfere with their affairs.

They’re interfering with ours.

But we serve them.

Please. It is simple. We direct the question to your long-term memory quadrant.

Then you reply.


I repeat, WE ARE CALLED …

Watchers …


the keyboard.

He didn’t know what any of the file names meant. But they were all coming back. All of them.

“Done yet?” Jamie’s voice called from behind him.

“Go home,” Sam grumbled.



The car door.

In the driveway.

Sam bolted up from the chair. He ran to the tower room’s only window. It was almost opaque with dust, but he could make out the shapes of his parents, climbing out of their car.

He spun around and noticed Jamie for the first time since he’d started undeleting files. She was sitting on the floor, rummaging through papers in a file cabinet. She wore Mrs. Hughes’s old porkpie hat and a tie-dye shirt that had been hanging on the coatrack for ages, cinched with a thick black leather belt Sam had never seen before. “JAMIE, PUT THAT STUFF AWAY AND GET OUT OF HERE!”

No time to argue. Sam sprinted downstairs, through the house, and outside.

His parents were trudging up the front lawn.

“HI, guys!” Sam said. “How’s it GOING?”
Too loud. Don’t try too hard.

“Tired,” his dad said. “It’s been a long week.”

Mrs. Hughes was looking at his jaw. “Sam, were you in a fight?”

“I fell … in gym.”

“You fell on your jaw?” Mr. Hughes asked.

“Sounds like a cranial nerve problem,” Mrs. Hughes said.

“No! I’m okay,” Sam insisted. “Really.”

“Well, maybe you’re overtired,” Mrs. Hughes said. “I’m heading right to bed. You should, too.”

“Bed?” Sam stood in front of them. His eyes darted up toward the tower window, which emitted a soft glow. “Wait! Don’t go in! I mean, it’s a perfect night. I was just going to take a walk. Want to come? We haven’t had a family walk in a long time.”

“We’ve never had family walks,” Mrs. Hughes said.


Sam spun around. Jamie was walking out of the house. No hat. No tie-dye shirt. Her black bangs fell across her eyes as she muttered hello.

“Jamie Richter?” said Mrs. Hughes.

Mr. Hughes raised an eyebrow to Sam. An

“We were … doing homework,” Sam improvised.

“Yeah,” said Jamie unconvincingly.

“Ooooh, I love that
Mrs. Hughes said. “I had one just like it, years ago.”

The belt. She HAD to forget to put back one thing….

Jamie looked down, befuddled.

“Well, see you, Jamie!” Sam blurted out, heading into the house. “Come on, Mom and Dad!”

“No family walk, Sam?” Mr. Hughes gave his wife a knowing grin.

Mrs. Hughes gently pulled Sam back. “Why don’t you give your friend a proper good-bye?”

‘What — well, I — ”

“Don’t be too long,” Mrs. Hughes sang, walking into the house with her husband.

As the front door shut behind them, Jamie burst out laughing. “They think we’re — you and me — ”

“THIS ISN’T FUNNY!” Sam snapped. “Half their files are still missing — and you just stole Mom’s belt!”

“Get a life, Sam,” Jamie said, walking away.

Sam noticed her backpack was open. “Wait a minute. What else do you have in there?”

Jamie spun around. “Nothing.”

“Show me.”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Your next concert gig is Sunday, right? I’m thinking of coming, with my pen and pad.”

Jamie glowered at him. Sullenly she pulled around her backpack and held it open.

Sam yanked out the tie-dye shirt. A white fright wig left over from some Halloween. A black grease pencil. A marble composition notebook.

“They’re not going to
any of it,” Jamie said.

But Sam wasn’t listening.

He held the notebook slantways, letting the porch light illuminate the cover. Written across the front label, in his dad’s scrawly handwriting, was a name.

Kevin Hughes.


Council and Protector of the Realities.


The Tenth Oscillation, encompassing the nine dimensions within.


Parallel-time worlds, travel holes along the space-time continuum.



you?” Sam said.

Jamie peered over his shoulder at the scribble. “No way. Who’s Renin Hugges?”

“Kevin Hughes,” Sam said.

“So you
know a Kevin — and he’s
to you?”


Sam leafed through the book. The first page was dated 9/28 — yesterday’s date.

He tried to decipher what was under it:

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