Lady Star (6 page)

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Authors: Claudy Conn

Tags: #sexy, #regency, #lighthearted, #claugy conn mandy

BOOK: Lady Star
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A groom came forward and Jules said, “Thank
you, Jeffries. Will you see to it they are both watered?” He then
turned and heartily slapped his friend on the shoulder and said,
“Very well, why do you look so dour? Tell me and have done.”

“If you must know, I am concerned. She is not
in your usual style, Jules. You must see that?”

“Yes, perhaps that may be true, but see where
my ‘usual style’ as you put it, got me. Going for something
different this time.”

They crossed the cobbled courtyard and took
the wide stone steps to the front door of the Georgian styled home.
An elderly retainer opened it wide and stepped aside for them to
enter. They dropped their top hats and gloves onto the round center
table in the central hall and followed Bankes, the butler, and
‘Cooks’ husband, as he led them down a wide corridor. Its walls
were lined with what Edward assumed were family portraits. The
butler whom Jules called Bankes, opened a set of double doors and
once again, stepped aside to allow them to enter, before he quietly

It was summer and there was no great need for
a fire, but Edward felt the chill in the house, all the same and
shook off the cold as he looked around at upholstery that needed
repairs. “Fallen on hard times, have they?”

Jules had moved to the window overlooking
roses in full bloom. “Indeed…they have.”

“You mean to set things right by marrying
this chit?”

“Well, I…well… we don’t know one another well
enough. I haven’t thought that far…
not yet,”

Sir Edward snorted a laugh. “I see.”

you don’t see.
It would be
presumptuous of me. She is a rare flower. She needs delicate
courtship and understanding. I don’t want to charge in on her. You
must see that?”

“What I see is…”

The sound of rustling skirts stopped any
further discussion as both men turned to find a beauty with short
flaxen hair brushed into a glorious windswept style. She wore a
cool blue muslin gown with a high waist line and an A frame that
hugged her as she walked. She was of good height, quite graceful
and incredibly enchanting. Sir Edward’s jaw dropped as he felt his
heartbeat quicken. Gone was the hoyden and in her place was an
exquisite beauty.



MADISON LANDS WERE extensive, richly
irrigated and wisely cultivated. Its tenants prospered because its
landlord’s interests had always centered on his estates. Not for
Thomas Madison the lures of London, the temptation of the gaming
tables, or the promise of speculation in industry.

Rumors had always flown that Mr. Madison’s
roots were less than noble, that in fact, his great-grandfather had
been a mill owner in the North and his original money had come from
this source. It was certainly possible, for the Madison family had
only been installed at the manor for some forty years.

More than once, the late Lord Francis Berkley
had gazed at his neighbor’s lands and sighed. Madison prospered,
while Berkley fell into ruin. The late Lord Berkley wasn’t the sort
to look inward, find the fault and repair. He took his troubles to
the gaming tables, to the races when the tables were cruel, and
finally into investment schemes that quickly ate up what he had
left and then what he had borrowed.

Now both Thomas Madison and Frances of
Berkley were gone.

Both had left all that they owned to their
immediate heirs. In Madison’s case, he had only his wife and his
only child, a daughter, Georgina.

Georgina was not quite a raving beauty, but
she had an air about her that made a man take note. She was of good
height, good figure and her auburn hair was long and luxurious. She
had a lively mind and was quite ahead of her times in her way of
thinking. In fact, it was what had frightened off any would be
suitors to date. She was ever ready to go on about matters that
dealt with women’s rights and she did so with vigor.

Her closest and dearest friend, Star, was
forever telling her that she was like no other female and was
caught up in quite the wrong times. Georgina refused to use a
ladies’ saddle, not because she was a ‘neck or nothing’ equestrian,
but because she saw no sense in it.

These thoughts and others crashed in her
active mind as she rode her steed across the fields on her way to
Berkley to visit with Star.

Wayward locks blew in her face. She grabbed
them and shoved them away from her eyes and thought with a grimace
that she should have braided her hair earlier, for it was getting
windier by the moment.

Anxious, she hurried her horse onward for
Star had sent round a note asking her to visit her. She wondered
and worried, for Star would not have been so cryptic unless there
was a problem.

She knew that Vern was ill and hoped he had
not taken a turn for the worse.

Thinking of Vern made her sigh. Star’s
brother was showing a marked interest in her and it made her feel
quite uncomfortable. She had known him most of her life and had
always thought of him in brotherly terms. She knew he was in
dangerous financial straits. Could it be he was interested in
making a match of it to gain control of her wealth? She hoped

She understood that this was the way of
aristocratic life. Marriages of convenience were common, even
sought after, but that was not what she wanted.

She also knew that a union between them was
smiled upon by her sickly mother, for it would serve to have her
only child married to a Lord of the Realm and installed nearby.
Georgie understood a marriage to Vern would help him set Berkley to
rights. She couldn’t marry a man she didn’t love, even to help him
and her dearest friend.

In spite of her modern, practical and radical
views, which encompassed some very intriguing opinions about
romance and sex, she still withheld the hope that when she married
it would be to someone who loved and respected her.

Some moments later she had given her horse to
the head (and at the moment only) groom at Berkley, Jeffries. She
marched up to the house where she made her way to the kitchen door
and was met by Dilly, the Berkley’s day servant.

The woman’s mop cap was askew and Georgina
smiled and set it in place for her saying, “There, Dilly, much

Dilly bobbed her head, “Thankee miss.”

It was then that Georgina realized that Dilly
was covered in flour and laughed, “Look at you, whatever has

“Yikes, miss, Oi went and did it this time,
Oi did. Spilled a tin of flour…and we jest can’t at such a time…
Cook will ‘ave m’head, she will.”

Georgie laughed, “Never you mind. Cook is all
bark and very little bite. I’ll have my people send over two tins.
How is that?”

“Why, miss, grand ye are.”

Georgina smiled, “Where is Miss Star?”

Dilly perked up proudly, “Entertaining she
is, as she should be. Poor thing, stuck here all the time when she
should be going to balls and sech.” She shook her head, “Ye know
she has been working the stables, mucking out and sech. It isn’t
right. Ye both should be in London…dancing and laughing.”

Georgina sighed, “With Mama so ill, tis
impossible. Star and I go on nicely just as we are.” However, she
had a moment of weakness as she imagined Star and herself waltzing
around a ballroom floor. She frowned at herself and said,
“Entertaining, you say?”

“Aye, two gentlemen,” Dilly dimpled. “One for
each of ye.” This sent the young woman off onto a peal of

“Who are they?” Georgina found she was
intrigued in spite of herself.

“That very pleasant Mr. Stamford and a
stranger…a Sir Edward and
…is he ever a looker!
Dashing he is.”

“Where are they?”

“In the library,” Dilly said and nodded with
her chin. “And
happy, Miss Star will be for your
company…so go on, then.”

Georgina made her way down the hallway giving
herself a silent lecture regarding Jules Stamford. She must not,
would not,
think about him. It just wouldn’t do.

In her usual forthright manner she walked
into the library and pulled up short when she saw him. As always
whenever she saw Jules, he completely took her breath away.

“Georgie!” Star declared as she crossed the
room in a rush and took her friend’s hands. “How wonderful…”

Georgie was pulled along and was thankful for
Star’s low combustion personality as it allowed her to recoup after
looking at Jules Stamford which had made her brain turn into

Star pulled at the strings of her friends’
hat and flipped the straw bonnet over to a chair as she said, “Look
at you, all windblown and lovely.” She stood back, “Oh, I don’t
ordinarily like brown, but you look beautiful in this shade.”

 “I hope I am not intruding,” Georgina
said glancing once more at Jules. What was wrong with her? Why did
he make her feel like a silly school girl? She was not. She was a
twenty year old woman with a mind of her own and he was not the
sort she had imagined might take her fancy. He was fashionable, he
was a
pink of the ton
and she thought probably not very
bookish. She was
fashionable, though Star was forever
telling her she knew how to put clothes together. She was certainly
not one of the
haute ton
and had no wish to be and she was
most certainly bookish!

Jules stepped toward her, obvious pleasure
written on his face as he said, “Miss Madison. What an unexpected
delight,” he turned to Sir Edward. “I should like to introduce my
very good friend to you, Sir Edward Danton.”

She nodded at Sir Edward as Jules went
through the introductions, but Star was yanking on her sleeve,
“Where have you been these past few days?”

“Buried in a new author’s work. It was
written anonymously, but I have heard that a young woman by the
name of Jane Austin wrote it.”

“Yes, yes,
Pride & Prejudice
, or
some such title. I wondered who it was who wrote it. She is very
daring, isn’t she? It is quite a naughty and delightful book. Vern
brought it home for me last week and I devoured it!” Star said as
she tugged her friend along with her to the sofa, plopped down and
pulled Georgina beside her.

Out of the corner of her eye Georgina noticed
Sir Edward looking at Star with what appeared to be undisguised
fascination. She didn’t look away in time and Sir Edward’s gaze
found her own and he smiled.

 “How is Vern?” Georgina asked and was
rewarded with a warning look from Star, which set her mind busily
trying to figure out what that could mean.

“Coming along,” Star said vaguely, again
giving her friend a meaningful look that clearly said drop the

Sir Edward turned to listen to Jules who was
saying something about the family crest hanging just to the left of

Georgina glanced at Sir Edward and politely
inquired, “What brings you to Rye, sir?” When Sir Edward had not
answered, she repeated the question.

He turned to her, “What? Oh yes! Jules of
course,” he managed glibly.

“Doing it rather too brown, ain’t you?” Jules
bantered devilishly. He turned to the ladies and inclined his head.
“The truth is… our Edward is here recovering from a broken

* * *

Star looked at Sir Edward, surprised and
intrigued and saw the look that came over him as his eyes turned
into glinting steel pointed in his friend’s direction. She nearly
broke out giggling as she thought everyone was casting one another
‘meaningful looks’. Sir Edward looked as though he could easily
strangle his very good friend and Star did in fact, release a short

“Oh, I am not joking,” Jules continued
unaffected by glaring glances. “He really is suffering the woes of
unrequited love.”

“I can’t imagine anything much sadder than
that,” Georgina said sympathetically.

As no one said anything to this, Jules
slapped his friend on the back and said, “Now don’t look at me like
that. I am certain the ladies will award you their sympathy and I
can’t think of anything better for a broken heart.”

Sir Edward was moved to refute this in fine
form, but he controlled himself. “It isn’t their sympathy I seek,

ole friend,
” he glared at Jules, “
but their
.” He inclined his head toward Georgina.

“Oh, well done,” Star said. “I for one cannot
of all people suffering a ragged and torn heart.
Even if it were true, tell me why would it heal any better in the
wilds of Rye, than in London?”

Georgina coughed back a laugh, “An
interesting point.”

Jules laughed and wagged a finger at Sir
Edward, “Indeed, Miss Berkley already has your measure.”

“Does she?” Sir Edward said sweetly. He
turned to Star, “As it happens, I was not far from here when…when
two things occurred to stall me. I was made aware my suit was ill
advised, and my hired coach broke down.”

“Well how horrid for you,” Georgina said.

“Indeed, a broken heart and a broken coach…”
Star could not help but giggle.

“He only
he has a broken
heart,” Jules put in.

“Broken heart, indeed! What utter nonsense,”
Sir Edward said languidly. “I have relinquished such romantic
notions to those younger and less experienced. If I have suffered
anything, it has been an irritation of nerves because I am used to
getting my own way and have recently been balked. The
shall pass.”

“I applaud you, sir,” Georgina said with
genuine approval.

“Georgie!” Star laughed. “You cannot mean
that? It is no such thing. He sounds very much like one of Byron’s
poetic heroes. I think Rye will enjoy him, don’t you?”

“I am nothing like Byron or his
any of his poetry
!” Sir Edward objected.

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