Lady Thief (33 page)

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Authors: Rizzo Rosko

Tags: #romance, #marriage, #kidnapping, #historical, #sweet, #lord, #castles, #medieval, #ladies, #marriage of convenience

BOOK: Lady Thief
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Blaise nearly teetered off of his stool with
how hard he rocked on it to stand on his feet.
"The devil I

Again, Lady Gray pretended not to hear.
"I am
certain that by the beginning of the celebration you shall be a
lady to be admired." She forcefully shoved Elizabeth in Blaise's
direction with more strength than a woman in her condition should

She stumbled on her gown and landed in
Blaise's chest.
His hands clenched like iron shackles around her
arms as he steadied her.
Elizabeth turned her head up and met the
complete displeasure on his face, as well as a dark glow under his
tanned flesh.

Lady Marianne laughed as though she had not
nearly injured her new lady in waiting.
"I certainly shall not hold
fault against you for wishing to proceed straight away.
Come find
me when today's lesson ends!"

"Marianne!" Blaise roared, still squeezing
Elizabeth's arms in his tight fingers.

While unsure if her eyes played tricks on
her, Elizabeth thought she saw Blaise's orange hair blaze over his
head in fiery indignation.
'Twould be fitting to be named after the
flame that burned over his skull.

The lady ignored the furious call of her
step-son and waddled out of the solar as quickly as her feet would
take her.
Olma, frightened of the display, followed her instead of
opting to stay.

For the first time since she arrived at
Graystone, Elizabeth found herself completely alone with the man
she had rescued on that rainy road.
He still held her close to his
chest, as though unsure of what to do with her.

Elizabeth did not mind.
She marvelled at the
solid form of his chest beneath his tunic and her fingers.
When she
had first laid eyes on it, she immediately knew of love and
admiration for his handsome body.
She was not a blind woman, but
never would she have thought to feel such pleasure being held so
tightly to him.

"Well, my sweet Eliza," he said, and
Elizabeth turned her head up, lifting herself from her lustful
thoughts and once again banishing the image of Blaise's broad
shoulders, bare chest, and strong legs in her hut.

He stared at her with one side of his lip
curled and his nose scrunched, as though his current situation was
somehow her fault.
"I shall speak to my father, but because he
allows Marianne every freedom she desires I doubt we shall escape
this arrangement.”

She swallowed.
“What do ye suggest, then,
Lord Blaise?”

His lip did not curl, nor did any hint of
amusement enter his eyes.
“Shall we begin?"

She nodded.
“By all means.”



About The Author


Rizzo Rosko lives and works in Ottawa,
Ontario, is a romance junkie, a lousy web designer, and is working
hard to improve the craft of creating an actual plot.
She one day
hopes to stop mooching off her big brother for cheap rent, because,
as we all know, writing is an easy way to earn a lot of cash.


Rosko has won no awards, requires eleven
hours of sleep per night, and sometimes has to force herself to sit
in her chair to write because, for the most part, she is too lazy
to write an outline before sitting down at her computer.


Other Books by Rizzo Rosko


From Siren Publishing (As Mandy Rosko)

Mate of the Wolf

Night and Day

Eclipse (Coming in August 2011)



From Smashwords

Lady Thief

Lady Deception (Coming Soon)

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