Lake on the Mountain: A Dan Sharp Mystery (34 page)

Read Lake on the Mountain: A Dan Sharp Mystery Online

Authors: Jeffrey Round

Tags: #Romance MM, #erotic MM

BOOK: Lake on the Mountain: A Dan Sharp Mystery
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Goodbye, Again

A week went by, followed by another. He heard nothing further from Pete Saylor or Ted Killingworth, though every time his phone rang he half-expected to hear Larry Fiske’s oily rasp threatening him with legal action for his part in helping Ted confront his mother. Even if Ted said nothing to implicate him, they would know Dan had helped in some way to restore his father’s legacy.

Ked stayed on at Kendra’s for the time being, at least until Dan could be sure everything had returned to normal and there were no further risks to him or his son. One night he saw Bill out surrounded by friends at a crowded Danforth bar, but either Bill hadn’t seen him or he discreetly avoided looking in his direction till he left.

Dan had returned to his work, but most evenings he spent alone at home. He’d had enough of other people’s company for now. He seldom answered the phone, though the one time he did he was surprised to hear the voice of his former-neighbour, Steve.

“How are you?” Dan asked, genuinely pleased.

“I’m fine. Really well, Dan!” There was enthusiasm and warmth in the voice. It sounded like the old Steve again.

Steve thanked him again for having met with him that late night in the fall. It had made all the difference, he said. Just knowing there was someone who cared whether he lived or died had made him want to get back on his feet.

“Things are going better then?”

“Yes. I started back at work last week.” He paused. “And I’ve met someone … she’s fantastic!”

It was as simple as that, Dan thought. Steve’s real medicine was a new love. He suspected Steve had dependency issues among his other problems.
Maybe you’re being cynical,
he told himself.
Stop searching for the cloud behind every silver lining

Steve insisted on a get-together. He wanted Dan to meet his new girlfriend, who, Steve assured him, would just love Dan. Yes, she was that terrific. They chatted for a while and exchanged promises to hook up. Later, Dan walked Ralph and then turned on the television to pass the time. He’d just turned it off and gone upstairs to check his email when the phone rang again.

“Oh, god, Daniel,” he heard Kendra croak out.

His heart leaped into his throat. A dozen scenarios, all ending in Ked’s death, careened through his mind. “What is it?” He envisioned a photograph of his son beneath a headline outlining the city’s latest traffic fatality. Something to do with a faulty skateboard or a bicycle spoke left unmended that had caused a fatal spill.

“Something terrible’s happened to Ked’s best friend.”

“Who?” he said, uncomprehending. “Who is his best friend?”

Kendra’s voice shook. “A boy he goes to school with. I thought you would know who it is.”

Dan felt sick. “I can’t think right now. What happened?”

“It was a drive-by shooting. Ked’s friend was shot and killed.” She paused. “He’s very broken up. I don’t know what to tell him.”

Dan heard her speaking to Ked. “Sweetheart? Do you want to speak to your father?”

Dan waited while the phone was passed.


“I’m here.”

Ked was whimpering into the phone. “Someone killed Eph!”

An image of the skinny black kid on the corner flashed before Dan’s eyes.

“We heard about it after school,” Ked said, breaking into sobs.

“I’m so sorry, Ked.”

Dan had no idea what to say to his son to console him for his loss, for the encroaching edges of life bearing down on him. He was also terrifyingly grateful it had not been his son who had been killed, though he could scarcely bring himself to think this. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so helpless.

Kendra came back on the line. “Danny, he’s too upset to talk.”

“Should I wait?”

“No. I’ll get him to call back later when he’s feeling better.”

“Okay. Tell him I love him.”

“All right.”

Dan held onto the receiver until the line went dead. He went back to the TV and turned it on, waiting for the news.

There was a new receptionist behind the glass at Martin’s office, though she wore the same blank look as her predecessor. Martin didn’t mention the change and Dan didn’t ask.

The topic most on Dan’s mind was the death of Ked’s friend, Ephraim Adituye, a bright kid seemingly with everything to live for. Martin nodded in understanding. He’d heard the news reports. The entire city was reeling from the killing — not the first of its kind in recent memory.

“How are you feeling about this?” Martin asked solemnly.

Dan sat crumpled in the chair. He shook his head, bewildered by the question. How would anyone feel? Shocked. Angered. Vulnerable. At last, he said, “In a world where kids get shot by absolute strangers … why is it I scare my own son? Why is that?”

Martin stared without answering.

“I saved a kid the other day,” Dan went on. “And I had to break the law to do it.” He hadn’t intended to say anything about Lester, but there it was. Dan waited for Martin to write this down, but he simply sat there.

At last, Martin said, “Why did you have to break the law to do it?”

“Because his parents would have destroyed him. Because in order to save him, I had to keep him from his family. Some people would call me a monster for doing that.”

“Some might call you a hero for making a moral choice.”

Dan looked up. “I’m not sure it was a choice. Something needed to be done to save him.”

“Why do you need to save people?” Martin asked.

Dan shook his head. “That’s what I do — I save people. From themselves. From their shitty lives. From the world.”

“You save them or you locate them?”

“Same thing, isn’t it?”

“Is it?”

Dan had come here to talk about the death of a fourteen-year-old boy and all that Ephraim’s death said about a corrupt and seemingly pointless world. He hoped this wasn’t about to become another meaningless conversation. Neither he nor Martin spoke for a full minute. Martin had never let him sit in unbroken silence for so long.

Martin cleared his throat. “Is there anything else you’d like to talk about today?” he said at last.

Dan shook his head. “Actually, no.” He stood and reached for his coat, then paused at the door. After a moment, he turned back to Martin. “I don’t think I’ll be coming here again.”

Martin looked down at his sheet. “I’ll have to fill out the report,” he said.

Dan nodded. “It’s what you get paid for.” He stood there trying to think of something to say. He thought Martin looked scared. Had he never had a patient walk out on him before?

Martin looked up again. “Did you ever think of saving yourself for once?”

“Am I supposed to have an epiphany on that one, Martin?”

Martin stared, blinking his incomprehension. “Is that a rhetorical question?”


“Then maybe you are. Supposed to have an epiphany. Maybe that’s what you need — an epiphany to tell you how to save your own life. Something to tell you that it’s worth saving.”

“And what exactly would that be?” Dan heard the anger surge in his voice. “All you ever do is ask questions, Martin. Don’t you ever have any fucking answers?”

Martin stared until Dan felt uncomfortable. He leaned forward. “What’s the one thing that matters most to you?” Martin asked. “Whatever it is, hold fast to it.”

Dan had a sudden glimpse of this pathetic little man returning to his empty house and his lonely life every single evening for the rest of his days. A man who had no friends and who suspected the motives of everyone he met. A man who probably had never been happy and who had once turned to his profession hoping it might save him from himself, only to discover it couldn’t save anyone. All his hope dying with it.

“I’ll do that.” Dan turned the handle and the door opened. The lights were off in the waiting room. “Thank you, Martin,” he said. “I’ll see myself out.”

Craig stayed with him all that long month of no drink, no news. A month of Dan thinking about who the man had really been. Father, teacher, lover. Remarkable by any account, despite his undeservedly sad ending. Dan tried to imagine what might still remain of him — a soul, maybe, or just some essential spark if you were less inclined to go in for sentiment. Whatever it was would have been hovering over his sons, if it wasn’t busy haunting his wife in some spooky supernatural capacity. Somehow, that last thought appealed to Dan.

Ed called Dan to his office the day after he informed Martin he would no longer be attending the weekly therapy sessions. Dan had his resignation letter ready.

“You’re my best investigator, Dan. I was going to tell you it was time to stop that nonsense anyway. Won’t you give this another think?”

“Not at present, Ed. Sorry.”

Whatever the future might hold, he told himself, he was going to get in a whole lot of jogging. He might even welcome a lascivious proposition or two, though none came his way. Sobriety was having a strange effect on him.

Though Ked was still at Kendra’s, Dan was making the effort to see more of him. Even Ralph began to weary of all the walks he now received, turning his head when Dan opened his arms wide with a “What do you want, boy?”

The rain was coming higgledy-piggledy down the windshield, a composition in silver and grey, liquid and changing. Enigmatic codes, scribbles darting across the screen, with the wipers batting the way.
Then maybe you are. Supposed to have an epiphany. Then maybe you are. Supposed to have an epiphany
. Martin’s words came back to him, insistent, keeping time with the wipers. The bright effervescence of October, that final burst of summer-not-quite-over, had led to the dreariness of November’s bride-stripped-bare before slipping into December’s oncoming winter-never-ending. By the time Dan reached the wind-riven shores of Prince Edward County, the rain had turned into wet, sloppy flakes that splatted against the windshield all along the Loyalist Parkway.

Ted had telephoned unexpectedly, asking for Dan’s company. Not his help, but his company. His strength: “I can’t do this alone. Will you go with me?” He’d put off confronting his mother till he had a bit more solid ground — meaning drug-free time — under his feet before tackling her. But now he felt ready. Sunday.

He’d chosen the weekend when both she and Thom would be at Adolphustown closing the house down for the winter. Perhaps subconsciously he’d wanted to confront her where the crimes against his father had been perpetrated. To face her on her own turf. Never a wise decision, Dan thought. But it was Ted’s choice.

Dan had agreed to accompany him. It was odd how straight men turned to him as though he were innately more competent than them. Or maybe it was so they could finally stop pretending to be competent and let someone else do the job for once.

They met at a café in downtown Picton. Not the Murky Turkey. Better for both of them to avoid even the hint of temptation, surrounded instead by sandwiches and bright little pastries and coffee, sweets and caffeine still being the only socially acceptable addictions.

Ted looked clean, far better than when he and Dan had last met. He confirmed it had been six long, difficult weeks. But with the knowledge that he could pull himself through came the strength of self-confidence. He was finally starting to feel better for it. He smiled. He seemed in remarkably good spirits for a man who was about to blow apart his entire family. Though in some way or other he’d been preparing for this moment for most of his adult life.

He pocketed his cell phone as Dan walked in. He’d been talking to Thom, he said, trying to prepare his brother for what was coming. At first Thom hung up in disbelief, but he called back within minutes. He was ready to hear the truth. And Ted had delivered it. Give him till one o’clock, Thom said. They would confront her together. Ted agreed.

“It took me a while to convince him. I think it was harder for him to believe our father was gay than that he’d killed himself. I don’t think I would have believed it either, but for the diary.” He shrugged philosophically. “He found it particularly hard to accept the story about the assault charges. I assured him Magnus had witnessed the altercation and that he was still very much alive to tell the tale.”

“What was his reaction?”

“He was in a rage. It wasn’t loud, but I could tell. He fumes quietly, my brother. We’re both practised at repressing our emotions. We’ve always been a family of liars, especially when it comes to our feelings, and damn good at it too. I think the legacy goes back to our grandfather, if not well before that.”

Dan remembered standing by Nathaniel Macaulay’s grave outside the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in the long shadows of morning. A man whose intolerance and prejudice had reached so far as to touch the lives of his own grandchildren, long after his death. Was that the Presbyterian idea of immortality?

“Can I ask something…?”


“On the last page in the police report, you were quoted as saying your dad was a liar. What did you mean by it?”

Ted gave a bitter laugh. “My father showed up at home right before he disappeared. I hadn’t known he was coming and I was thrilled to see him. It was my birthday and I thought he’d come for that. He came into my bedroom. I remember he was crying. He held me a long time and said he was coming back to us and that everything was going to be the way it had been. But he never came back again, and I couldn’t understand why he didn’t keep his promise.”

Dan nodded. “Not much of a birthday present.”

Ted looked at his watch. “Twenty minutes.”

“Sure you don’t want to rethink this?”

“No — I can’t.”

They finished their coffee and got ready. Ted wanted to stop for cigarettes. He couldn’t give up every addiction, he told Dan with a smile. That would still give him time to get to the ferry and over to the house while Thom did whatever he needed to prepare himself. They stepped out into the whiteness of a flurry. Dan hesitated on the steps of the café before heading for his car. He watched Ted head out, shoulder to the wind, waiting till he drove off.

Dan started up the engine, the wipers taking right off again, picking up the old refrain:
Then maybe you are. Supposed to have an epiphany. Then maybe you are. Supposed to have an epiphany
. Craig Killingworth’s face bobbed up and down like a sideshow clown at the midway, a moving target in the Shoot-’Em-Up galleries. In the background, Dan imagined Ted’s father-in-law, Nathaniel Macaulay, holding a gun to his shoulder and squeezing the trigger again and again.

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