Land (3 page)

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Authors: Theresa Shaver

Tags: #Dystopian, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult, #Genre fiction, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Land
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Before Mrs. Moore could reply, Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Hardsky the parent chaperones, along with a man no one knew came up to the group. Mrs. Davis started up right away.

“Norma, this gentleman is also Canadian and he has advised us that our best option is to go to the Canadian Embassy here. They are required to care for us and see to it that we get home.” she said triumphantly.

Mrs. Moore looked the man over and questioned him. “Where are you from sir?”

“Please call me Paul. I’m here with my wife and daughter from Toronto.”

Mrs. Moore then started firing questions at the man. “The Embassy, is it not in downtown Los Angeles? Wouldn’t you have to walk through a lot of very poor, possibly dangerous, neighbourhoods? Other than allowing us inside, what do you think the Embassy could do for us? Won’t there be thousands of Canadians going there? With no transportation how will they send us home? And if they can’t send us home, how will they feed us? Thank you Mr. Paul but I do not believe that you can answer any of those questions with the answers that would make it worth going there.”

As she started to turn away from him, he grabbed her arm and with panic in his voice loudly stated, “It is their job! They have to take care of us!”

Mrs. Moore gave the man a very steely glare. “Unhand me and remove yourself from this area sir. Attend to your own family and I will attend to my students.”

The man moved away angrily and Mrs. Davis immediately took up his case. “Norma really, that is the best idea. We can’t be responsible for all these students in a crisis! We need to go to the authorities for help and the Canadian Embassy is our best bet.”

Mrs. Moore sadly shook her head and looked around at all the students in the class. Everyone seemed to have been listening to all the discussions about what to do. Most students look unsure and confused and some were still crying. The only other teacher, Ms. Scott was still sobbing in the arms of another parent.

Mrs. Moore stepped away from Mrs. Davis and raised her arms. “Alright students, your attention please! We have been discussing the best way to go forward and there are two different opinions of the best course forward. We will discuss both with you and answer any questions to the best of our ability and then you will vote on what you feel is the best choice for each of you.”

Mrs. Davis was incensed by this and turned to Mrs. Moore with, “You can’t be serious! They are children and don’t know what’s best for them! Letting them vote is ridiculous and totally irresponsible!” she said in a huff.

“I disagree.” Mrs. Moore cut her off. “They are all sixteen and older and after being informed, have the right to choose. After all, this decision may mean life or death for them and I am confident that they are mature enough to have a say in their future.”

“Well MY daughter will not be voting anything! This is a decision for adults not children.” she said forcefully.

“Very well Mrs. Davis as you are her parent that is between the two of you. But as the rest of the young adults are without parental representation they will make their own decisions.”

She turned back to the students and noticed that a few were smiling and that Mrs. Davis’s daughter was looking miserable.

“As I was saying, the first choice is that we will all try to walk to the Canadian Embassy in Los Angeles which is about 20 to 30 miles away. We will then hope that they will help us to get home.” she paused looking at everyone’s faces to be sure they all understood the scenario and then continued. “The other choice is to try to leave the city as quickly as possible and hope to find bikes or other transportation along the way. After leaving the city we would then continue our way north towards Canada.

Now, you have all heard the different discussions about both these options and I will try to answer any questions.” she finished and waited expectantly.

Alex and the other students around her looked to each other and Quinn said, “Let’s step away for a minute.” They all moved away from their teacher and once again it was Quinn that started the discussion. “Does anyone here want to go to the Embassy?” he asked. Everyone shook their heads no and Mason and Mark made comments like “idiots” and “suicide”.

“All right so we are all agreed that we need to get out of here and on the road.” He quickly did a head count. “Ok there are ten of us to start and who knows how many others will want to join us. But if it’s ten plus Mrs. Moore I think that would make a good team to work out duties like standing watch and camp chores. And we can rotate so no one has all the crap work.” Quinn was about to continue when Mason jumped in. “Hey, who made you team captain? I’m the quarterback here and I don’t agree with your plan at all and neither do my friends!”

Then everyone started talking at once and the group quickly split into two camps. Josh and Mark were starting a shoving contest when Emily yelled out, “STOP IT!”

It was such a surprise that everyone stopped talking and pushing and turned to stare at her. “Mason, Quinn we have to work together on this or no one will survive! Mason if you don’t like Quinn’s plan then tell us what you think we should do and we can discuss it. But no more fighting! The longer it takes for us to figure it out, the harder it will be once we get out there.” then she sat down on the ground and waited. Mason looked like he wasn’t too happy his girlfriend had called him out but took a deep breath and sat down beside her.

Once everyone was sitting again and looking to him he began. “OK I agree we need to get out of here but I think going thousands of miles across two countries is stupid. I say we head to the coast and get a boat. We sail it right up to Vancouver and then hike the rest of the way home.” he said with a smug smile.

Quinn was looking at him waiting for more. When he realized that was it, he shook his head and said, “That’s it? Go get a boat and sail it away? Haven’t you been listening? Nothing works! Boats have motors same as cars. Even if you found an old one, what would you do? Steal it? We are going to try to buy bikes. Not steal them. Ok, so now you have stolen a boat. Do you have any idea on how to sail on the ocean? Man, come on! At least on land you can’t drown and what about food and water? That’s almost as bad as staying put and waiting for help!”

Mason gave him a look of contempt and told him, “I’m not a total idiot you know! I was thinking of getting a sail boat so it’s just a matter of getting out of the marina and then using the sails. As for stealing it, well it’s a brand new world and survival of the fittest is the new law of the land. We can stock up on food and water on the way to the coast and we can also fish if we have too. It beats killing ourselves walking or biking thousands of miles. My old man always says “Work smarter, not harder.” Anyways that’s what we are doing and I don’t need to talk about it with you. If you make it home I’ll be sure to have a cold beer waiting for you. You will really need it by then.”

Before Quinn could say anything else Mrs. Moore called them back over to the main group.

Once they were sitting again she began, “Now that we have answered your questions it’s time to vote. All those wanting to head to the Embassy raise your hands.” Alex was shocked that all the students and adults except for Mrs. Moore and her and Mason’s group raised their hands. With a frown of disappointment on her face, Mrs. Moore said, “And those wanting to leave the city?” The ten students with Alex and Mrs. Moore all raised their hands. That was it, eleven people to leave out of the whole class. With a resigned sigh Mrs. Moore continued, “Although I disagree with your decision, it is yours to make. Mrs. Davis will now take over and you may follow her directions. You ten students who are leaving follow me to the side.” As Mrs. Moore started walking away from the main group, Mrs. Davis realized what that meant and immediately started objecting. “What are you doing? You can’t leave! You children join the main group right this minute. You lost the vote so you will be coming to the Embassy!”

Mrs. Moore rounded on her forcefully and told her “Shut up! You are not their parent. They have made their decision and as the adult responsible for them I give it my blessing. I will know that at least some of my students will survive this. Now go back and prepare the rest to get moving.” she finished while turning her back on Mrs. Davis in dismissal.

“Norma you can’t talk to me that way! And what about the rest of the children? They are your responsibility as well.” she said in desperation. The thought of being responsible for all the students erased the smugness of getting her own way.

With a look of exhaustion Mrs. Moore turned back and wearily said, “Mrs. Davis, I will be accompanying you and the rest of the students to the Embassy.”

“But you don’t want to go there. I don’t understand you at all!” she said in exasperation.

“All the students are in my charge. And even though I strongly disagree with your choice, someone has to try and keep you alive and that seems to be me. Now please go back and get everyone ready to go while I talk to this group.”

With a look of disbelief on her face, Mrs. Davis walked away.

“Well if we do make it home, I’m sure that one will have plenty to say to the school board! And I for one would welcome that if it is the worst outcome of this tragedy. Now we must make haste as time is slipping away! Have you all decided what to do?” Mrs. Moore looked to the group expectantly.

Alex couldn’t believe what was happening. “Why aren’t they listening Mrs. Moore? This is crazy. Please come with us!”

Mrs. Moore turned to Alex with a sad smile and said, “Alex I’m sorry, I can’t go with you. Most people are sheep. They can’t think for themselves. They will only follow and look to others to take care of them. You students are all leaders and I know that you will do fine without me. The rest will need to be taken care of and I believe it will be up to me to do that.” She turned back to the group, “What have you decided?”

Mason began by explaining to Mrs. Moore his sailing ideas and Quinn explained his.

“Alright both are sound ideas. Are you sure that you won`t stay together?”

At the boys and their friend’s negative answers she said “I am positive that you would do better if you stayed together but there is also a better chance of at least one group making it. So that`s that. Mason, there is not a lot of advice I can give you about sailing but I will say this. Work together as a team. Stay vigilant for danger and don’t give trust easily to strangers. The best judge will be your intuition. Also be reminded that even though this is a new lawless land you are setting out in, you will have to live with the decisions that you make along the way. Help others when you can but always keep your group’s safety as a priority. Good luck to you and may God watch over you.” With that she gave him a pat on the back and nods to Lisa and Mark.

She turned to Quinn and said, “I don’t know which group will have the hardest journey so all I have said applies to you as well. Your journey will be more physically demanding, so rest when you feel safe but don’t waste time. The longer this goes on the worse conditions will get and the worse people will behave. Remember that it is a different world out there and some rules will have to change. If you feel threatened do not hesitate to take action and if you are truly in a situation where it is your life against someone else, act accordingly. Do not let that burden you deeply as you are not only saving your own life but probably others in the future. Do you understand what I am saying?” She looked around and met all of our eyes.

Alex spoke up clearly, “If someone is trying to kill or hurt us, we should defend ourselves and if it means that person dies we shouldn’t fall apart over it. Is that what you mean?”

“Yes” was all Mrs. Moore said.

“Alright Mason, you, Lisa and Mark should go now. Stop at the closest convenience store and get a map and some water. The sooner the better, it’s going to get crazy out in the city soon.” Mrs. Moore stood to see them off.

“Emily is coming too.” Mason announced.

Alex‘s immediate response was, “No she is not!” and turned to face Emily who was looking down quietly crying.

“Emily?” Alex asked. “What’s he talking about? You can’t go with them! You can’t leave me.” Alex cried.

Emily looked up and met her best friend’s eyes, “I’m sorry Lex. I’m going with Mason.”


Chapter 3



Alex stared off into the distance. She could see people walking along the monorail track away from the now stationary train suspended up in the air. “I would have hated to be stuck way up there when it stopped.” she thought. She just couldn’t understand Emily. After choosing Mason over her friends all these months and she was now choosing him for a life or death journey. Alex didn’t feel like she knew her friend at all anymore. It felt like a piece of her had just been snatched away. It was bad enough that Mrs. Moore wasn’t coming with them but now Emily also splitting away was just too much to bear.  She had heard all of her friends trying to get Em to change her mind but it didn’t sound like it was working.

A tap on her shoulder made her look around with hope that it was Emily but instead she found David with an unsure look on his face.

David was a great guy. A little quiet compared to Josh and not as outgoing as Quinn but a stable addition in their group. You could always count on David for anything. Most of the time you didn’t even have to ask him, he just seemed to know what was needed. Alex knew that David had a thing for Emily. She didn’t know if he was in love with her but definitely he had been crushing on her for years. When Emily had started dating Mason, David had been in such a funk that he barely talked to anyone. For the first three weeks he walked around in a sulk. It wasn’t until Alex had talked to him about it and shared her feelings with him that he started to come around. They had both decided that Em was just trying out a new crowd and once she really got to know Mason and his jerk friends, that she would ditch them and come back to her real friends. That conclusion seemed to be very wrong now that Emily had made this huge choice.

“You okay?” asked David with concern.

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