Read Lanie's Lessons Online

Authors: Maddie Taylor

Lanie's Lessons (23 page)

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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“Swirl your tongue around it.”

When she immediately complied, his eyes flashed with approval and she could see the hunger in their depths, the spark of desire achingly familiar to Lanie. A warmth spread through her that she could please him so easily. A simple gesture, yet so intimate and erotic that she closed her eyes and imagined it was much more than his thumb. Circling her tongue around and around, she drew it in deeper and sucked harder.

He pulled away and her eyes popped open. Ethan’s avid gaze was glued to her mouth and the little smile on his face told her that he knew exactly where her mind had been. He didn’t comment, giving her his mouth to focus on instead. As he kissed her, she felt the wet glide of his thumb graze her nipple. Her body tightened. Eagerly, she opened wider greedily seeking more as she circled her tongue around his, mimicking the motion she’d made around his thumb. Lanie heard the low growl of pleasure that rumbled in his throat before he lifted his head.

“Oral cavity checks out fine. Tilt your head back.”

Without question, she did, arching her neck and exposing her vulnerable throat. She felt a tug on her ponytail as Ethan freed her hair, allowing it to tumble over the table’s edge. His fingers tunneled into the thick mass of loose curls, combing it until it lay as smooth as silk in a rich golden fall. With a gentle touch, he brushed a few stray tendrils over her shoulders baring her throat and the curves where her neck met her shoulders.

“Silky, shiny hair and flawless soft, skin—so beautiful. This all checks out perfectly.” He winked at her, before asking, “Having fun yet?”

“Yes, doctor. This is the best medical exam I ever had.”

“I aim to please. Moving on to the really fun parts…”

Strong hands guided her hands above her head. They trailed down her arms, her sides, and swept up and over her breasts. Swollen from arousal, they overflowed in his hands. Slowly, he circled their fullness, pressing and squeezing gently until her nipples hardened and ached for his touch. Arching into his hands, she wordlessly begged for more.

“Perfect breasts, lovely and healthy. I wonder if they taste as good as they look.”

Bending to her, he licked a firm tip, nipping it gently, before drawing it into his mouth and suckling it, hard. Her back bowed off the table as a cry tore from her throat. It changed to a whimper when he stopped, but he was only shifting his attention to her other breast where he repeated every nip, pull, and lash of his tongue.

“Mmm, so sweet and very responsive. I could linger here all day, but I have other interesting parts to examine.”

With splayed fingers, he trailed his hands across her belly, measuring every hollow and curve. “A nicely tapered waistline and curvy hips.” He bent and swirled his tongue around her navel, before moving lower. “And this womanly softness—very sexy.”

“You mean a pooch, don’t you?”

“No,” he disagreed, gliding his tongue over the slightly rounded curve of her lower belly. “You are how a woman should be. A soft, lush armful.”

“You’re as ripped as a washboard and I have a pooch.” She could hear the pout in her voice. No matter how many crunches she did, it wouldn’t go away. She’d abandoned sit ups a while ago, concluding she wasn’t cut out for a six-pack.

“Imagine two washboards grinding against each other. Un-uh… not my thing. You’re soft and supple, in a lush, yielding package that’s pure heaven to sink into. That’s how it’s supposed to be, baby.”

He continued his head to toe inventory, sweeping down her smooth legs and then inching slowly back up the inside. As he approached the apex of her thighs, she expected him to end his slow torture and get down to business, but he didn’t. Instead, he stopped and delved into his little black bag. Metal clattered and clanked as he dug around one handed, which was wholly unnerving. If not for the constant connection he maintained with his other hand, she may have freaked and run screaming for the door.

At last, he found what he was looking for and held up a weird spiky metal wheel. It looked like the tool she used in her rose garden on stubborn weeds, only in miniature. Her mind conjured up painful horrors as she took in the sharp points and tried to imagine what the crap it could be for other than the obvious. She didn’t have to wonder long.

“This is a Wartenberg wheel, a five wheel to be precise. I’ll be using it to check your nerve response and reflexes.”

“What happened to the good old red rubber hammer, doc? That looks sharp and scary.”

“This has been around a long time. The good Doctor Wartenberg who invented it died in the 1950’s so it’s been used for at least sixty or seventy years. Lie very still for me. This won’t hurt, unless you want it to,” he said, waggling his smooth dark brows.

Her eyes ran over his handsome face. Ethan in a white lab coat, chart in hand as he towered over the bedside, smiling warmly at his patient while giving a glimpse of that sexy dimple would be more effective than the best medicine. His bedside manner, however, needed work, or maybe it was the material and his delivery. No matter… Whatever he said, if done with a wicked looking metal barb in his hand, it would never be funny.

Taking one foot in his hand, Ethan lightly rolled the wheel up the bottom, from heel to toe. The sensation was prickly and although she tried not to, she flinched and pulled away.

“Lanie,” he said, shaking his head with a little frown. “What did I just say? Besides, I barely touched you. You can’t tell me that really hurt.”

“No, sir, but I’m ticklish and I get nervous, especially around sharp, pointy things.”

“That’s perfectly normal, but you need to practice some restraint and hold very still. No more flinching. Understood?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Now that you know what it feels like you should be better prepared. I’ll press a bit harder, so it won’t tickle.”

“Um, no thanks. I’m good.”

He arched a brow at her. “I wasn’t asking permission.” With slow deliberation, he lifted her other foot and repeated the motion, drawing the wheel along the sensitive arch. This time she managed to be still.

“Good girl.” He continued up her leg, the tines prickling more as he moved along her tender inner thigh. As it moved into the hallow of her groin, a high pitched hum quavered in her throat while goose bumps erupted across her skin. When he bypassed her sweet spot and pin wheeled over her hip, the hum changed into a distinct sigh of relief. He crisscrossed her belly with the spiky little wheels smiling slightly as her muscles rippled and contracted in its wake. At one point, he changed the angle, scraping rather than rolling it along her sides and she curled away with a nervous laugh.

Ever meticulous, his eyes never left the constantly moving wheel as he spoke. “I didn’t know you were so ticklish.”

“Today, more so than usual, it seems.”

“All these years as your doctor and I never knew.”

“You’ve never used a medieval torture device on me before, either.”

“Very true. I’ll have to make a note about this in your chart.” He winked at her reassuringly as he leaned over the table, the side seams of his jeans abrading her inner thighs. Added bonus, she could feel his hard length every time his fly brushed against her pussy lips. Longing for him to abandon the game, rip open his zipper and take her, she closed her eyes to distract herself with that fantasy. Of course, Ethan noticed.

“Am I boring you, Lanie? You look like you’re about to fall asleep.”

He rubbed against her, the denim brushing her sensitive skin. She wanted to grind against him to get some relief, but with the wheel of torture still abrading her skin, she didn’t dare move and didn’t trust her voice to answer. She could say with conviction that Ethan was anything but boring. In fact, with a pinwheel in his hand, he was as exciting as he was intimidating. But it was nothing compared to Ethan and his talented fingers, tongue and cock. No, her Ethan had never come close to being boring.

“Let’s see if I can keep you awake by using this on your more sensitive places.”

Her eyes flew open to find his hand suspended over her breasts, the spiky wheel a hairsbreadth away from her nipple. At close range, it looked more menacing. He lowered his hand, skating the tines around her nipple as he began rolling it in a half circle beneath each breast. She felt the prickling sensation awaken her nerve endings. It wasn’t painful, but it was distinctly unusual. Slowly moving upward over the fullest part of her breast, he gradually drew near to her nipple.

The spines indented her skin as it deliberately rolled along. It really should be hurting, it looked as though it would, but Ethan was being very careful. Afraid to test it more by moving a millimeter, Lanie’s breath locked in her chest and she lay stiff and motionless.

“How does that feel? Still tickle?”

She wanted to say that it was prickly, like the bristles of a stiff brush and scary as hell, but when her mouth opened, the words wouldn’t come out, only a pitiable squeak. Unable to pull her eyes from the wheel, which seemed to have hundreds of sharp spikes, she shook her head ever so slightly in answer.

Ethan lifted his hand and with it the wheel. He leaned over her and said softly, “Lanie, you’re taking this so well, but you have to breathe.”

She did, sucking in a mouthful of air and filling her lungs. Her chest expanded and her breasts pushed upward drastically, at least an inch or two. Concerned that the exaggerated movement would make the wicked barbs dig in farther, she concentrated on inhaling through her nose instead, long, slow and even.

“That’s my girl.” Said in a deep and soothing voice to ease her, his eyes gave away his hunger as they sparked with sensual heat. His obvious enjoyment of the game gave her the impetus to calm a bit. “Lie still while I check the responsiveness of this little gem.”

Her eyes locked onto the trembling tip already hardened in anticipation. He rolled the wheel lightly over the peak, circled the areola before making a second pass. “Very nice. Let’s take a look at the other.”

She managed a gulp of air and released it before Ethan started on the other breast giving it the same attention. This time as the spikes rolled over one tip, he captured the other with his fingers, rolling and pinching it lightly. Whimpers and raspy growls of pleasure began in her throat. Whether from the newness of the sinister toy, the stimulating touch of his hands, or the constant attention he paid her, solely focused on her arousal and pleasure, no matter the cause, she found herself want more of it all.

Ethan increased his finger pressure on one hard tip at the precise moment the wheel tracked over the other. “Ethan.” His name rasped in a carnal groan from her lips.

Lifting the wheel, his warm lips came into play. As his hand plumped up her breast, his mouth surrounded the firm peak, sipping it into his mouth and suckling. His other hand did not remain idle, pinching the other nipple, increasing the pressure until she lifted toward him offering him more.

His hand left her aching breast, moving slowly down her body. As it traversed her belly and rounded her hips, she tensed, preparing for the inevitable. Of course, he would go there eventually, yet, when his fingers at long last touched her, sliding easily along her drenched folds, Lanie couldn’t contain her cry of unrestrained pleasure. Relieved it was his hand and not the pinwheel, she surrendered to his touch, lifting her hips silently urging him to drive inside.

He released her nipple and moved to the other, sucking it between his lips, giving it equal attention. His eyes locked on hers the whole time. It was unbelievably intense, almost more than she could bear. His gleaming brown eyes watching as his mouth worked her flesh, his fingers grazing over her lower lips, teasing but not delving inside as she yearned for. Lanie was rapidly losing control and was racing toward a climax. Unheard of with only nipple stimulation, but she felt it rising up within her all the same. He knew, reading her body’s responses perfectly, and right when she thought he would give her release, he did. But it wasn’t exactly how she expected. He released the hard tip, a wet pop sounding as his fingers left her unfulfilled pussy.

“No, please… I’m so close,”

“Not yet, you must wait until I’m done. Your body responds beautifully to my touch, but you must be patient. I promise I’ll see to both of our needs after I’m finished with your exam.” Placing one last kiss on her tingling nipples, he moved to the end of the table. “Relax your legs and let your knees fall open.”

That’s exactly what her real doctor said when he had her up in the stirrups, which was weird. How could he know? As she pondered that, she did as he asked and splayed her legs wide apart. Lanie observed him through half-lidded eyes, as he adjusted her position, moving her feet until she was exactly where he wanted her.

The pinwheel reappeared, running down the crease between her trunk and thigh and moving down toward her buttock. She lifted her head to watch. Her legs trembled and her palms dampened as she followed the intimate path. From the curve of her butt near the table, he reversed his course, moving back up, but this time, veering inward and over the soft mound of flesh above her pussy. His movements excruciatingly slow movements. He mirrored his actions on the other side. Focused on the wheel, she didn’t see his other hand move and jumped when his fingers touched her slit.

“This is a very delicate procedure. Don’t move at all.” Wide-eyed, she watched him spread her lips and roll the spikes alongside her clit. Ethan lifted his hand and the spikes slowly came down the other side. Her whimpers gave way to a high-pitched sustained whine as the spines came in direct contact with her clit.

“Textbook,” he murmured. “This pearly little nub is standing at attention precisely as it should.” He pushed her thighs forward, until her knees touched her chest. “Wrap your hands behind your knees and hold your legs in position.”

“What are you going to do?” Her voice came out raspy. In a heightened state of awareness her entire body was on edge, the hair on her arms stood on end, her skin was dotted with perspiration, and her heart was pounding hard enough for her to hear it pulse in her ears.

Always observant, Ethan put the wheel aside and ran his hands over her belly. He leaned forward, moving over her until they were face to face. His hand stroked up her body and came to rest on her throat. “Your pulse is racing. Are you doing all right?”

BOOK: Lanie's Lessons
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