Lara Adrian's Midnight Breed 8-Book Bundle (212 page)

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It was obvious that his father hadn’t yet heard about the recent slayings. Kade didn’t mention them, nor did he speak of the mission that was sending him north. Instead, Kade cleared his throat and asked the question that had been burning in his gut since the moment he heard there had been trouble in Alaska.

“How’s Seth doing? Is everything all right with him?”

Kade’s blood went a bit cold in the hesitant silence that preceded his father’s reply. “He is well. Why do you ask?”

Kade heard the suspicion in his father’s voice, the mild disapproval that always had a way of creeping into the elder male’s voice whenever Kade dared to question matters concerning his brother. “Just wondering if he might be around, that’s all.”

“Your brother had Darkhaven business to attend to for me in the city” came the terse reply. “He left a few weeks ago.”

“A few weeks,” Kade echoed. “That’s a long time for him to be away. Have you heard from him at all recently?”

“Not recently, no. Why?” On the other end of the line, his father seemed to go silent with impatience. “What exactly is this about, Kade? A year without any contact from
you, and now you want to interrogate me about your brother’s comings and goings. What is it you want?”

“Forget it,” Kade said, instantly regretting that he’d made the call in the first place. “Just forget I called. I gotta go.”

He didn’t wait for his father’s reply. Frankly, he didn’t need to hear it.

Kade ended the call without another word, his thoughts swirling with the grisly images he’d seen in the tech lab a short time ago and the knowledge that his brother had not been accounted for in potentially a number of weeks.

His brother, who shared the same dark talent as Kade.

The same dangerously seductive wildness—the violent power—that could so easily slip out of control. And had, at least once, Kade acknowledged with grim recollection.

“Goddamn it, Seth.”

He tossed the phone onto the bed. Then, with a furious growl, he whirled on his heel and slammed his fist into the nearest wall.


he Arctic storm had pounded the Alaskan interior for two days straight, dumping three feet of snow on the small town of Harmony and its far-flung neighbors along the river and plunging daytime temperatures all over the region to fifteen below zero. Ordinarily, weather like that tended to do one of two things to folks: keep them knuckled down at home, or send them flocking to Pete’s, the local restaurant and tavern.

Today, despite the howl of the wintry wind and the skin-biting cold as the third and final hour of sunlight faded into midday dusk, nearly all of Harmony’s ninety-three residents were packed into the log-cabin Congregational church for an impromptu town hall meeting. Alex
sat beside Jenna in the second row of pews, trying as hard as everyone else to make sense of the recent carnage in the bush, which had brought six dead, brutally savaged bodies into makeshift cold storage at Harmony’s airstrip and put the whole town into a state of anxious unrest.

Alex knew that Zach Tucker had tried to keep the news of the attack on the Toms settlement quiet, but despite the vastness of the interior, word traveled fast—faster still, in this isolated eleven-square-mile chunk of land that hugged the shore of the Koyukuk. Bad news, particularly the kind involving multiple unexplained deaths of a violent nature, tended to reach folks’ ears as if flown there on a raven’s wings.

In the forty-eight hours since Alex’s discovery of the killings, and Zach’s decision to transport the bodies from the crime scene into Harmony to await the clearing of the weather so the Staties in Fairbanks could come in and take over the investigation, the feeling around town had gone from one of shock and dismay to one of suspicion and dangerous, mounting hysteria. Forty-eight hours had been all the townspeople could take without demanding some answers about just who—or what—had so viciously attacked Pop Toms and his family.

“I simply don’t understand,” said Millie Dunbar from her seat in the pew behind Alex. The old woman’s voice trembled, not so much from her eighty-seven years of age but from sorrow and concern. “Who would want to harm Wilbur Toms and his family? They were such good, kind folks. Why, when my father first settled here, he traded with Wilbur’s grandfather upriver for many years. He never had a bad word for any of the Tomses. I just can’t figure who could be so evil to have done something like this.”

One of the townsmen near the back of the church piped in. “If you ask me, makes me wonder about the boy, Teddy. Too damn quiet, that one. Seen him hanging around town a bit of late, but he wouldn’t even say hello when spoken to, just acted like he was too good to answer. Made me wonder what the kid was up to, and if maybe he had something to hide.”

“Oh, please,” Alex said, feeling obligated to defend Teddy since he wasn’t there to do it for himself. She pivoted on the pew and shot a disapproving glance to the area behind her, where dozens of faces had hardened with suspicion because of Big Dave Grant’s baseless accusation. “Teddy was shy around people he didn’t know well, that’s all. He never talked much because of the teasing he always took for his stutter. And to suggest that he could somehow have anything to do with the murder of his family when he’s lying right next to them on a cold slab is disgustingly callous. If any of you had seen the condition they were left in—”

Jenna’s hand came down softly on Alex’s wrist, but the warning was unnecessary. Alex had no intention of taking that train of thought any further. Bad enough she’d been reliving the gruesome discovery over and over in her mind since she’d stumbled upon Pop Toms, Teddy, and the rest of their kin. She wasn’t going to sit there and rehash for everyone how brutal their murders had been. How savage the wounds that had rent flesh to the bone and torn open throats as if some kind of hellish beast had come out of the cold night to feed on the living.

No, not a beast.

A being out of a nightmare.

A monster.

Alex closed her eyes against the vision of blood and
death that began to rise from the darkest reaches of her memory. She didn’t want to go there, never again. It had taken years and thousands of miles, but she had outrun that dark reality. She had outlived it, even though it had robbed her of so very much along the way.

“Is it true there wasn’t no murder weapon found?” someone shouted from the middle of the gathering. “If they wasn’t shot or stabbed, then how exactly were they killed? I heard there was a hell of a lot of blood spilled out there in the bush.”

From his position behind the pulpit, Zach held up a hand to quell the ensuing barrage of similarly curious questions from the crowd. “Until the AST detachment arrives from Fairbanks, all I can tell you is that we are treating this as a multiple homicide. Being that I am one of the investigating officers, I am not at liberty to discuss the details of the case with anyone at this time, nor do I think it would be wise for me to speculate.”

“But what about the wounds, Zach?” This time it was Lanny Ham who spoke up, his reed-thin voice edged with slightly more than its normal level of nervous energy. “I heard the bodies look like they were attacked by animals. Big animals. Is that true?”

“What does Alex think, since she was the one who found the bodies?” someone else asked. “Do either of you believe it could have been animals that killed them?”

“Roger Bemis said he saw a pair of wolves prowling around near his property on the west side of town the other day,” interjected Fran Littlejohn, who ran the town’s small health clinic. Ordinarily she was a reasonable woman, but now there was a strong note of worry in her voice. “Been a hard winter already and it’s just started.
What’s to say it wasn’t a hungry pack that decided to attack the Toms place?”

“That’s a damn good point. And if it was wolves, what’s to say they won’t come looking around here, now that they’ve gotten a taste for human prey?” came another paranoid suggestion.

“Now hold on, everyone,” Zach said, his attempt to inject calm getting lost as the voices in the building escalated along with the level of hysteria.

“You know, I saw a wolf right before nightfall just last week. Big black male, sniffing around the Dumpster out back of Pete’s. Didn’t think nothing of it then, but now—”

“And don’t forget that it wasn’t more than a few months ago that wolves killed some sled dogs down in Ruby. The papers said they didn’t leave anything more than entrails and a couple of leather collars—”

“Maybe the smartest thing to do is to take some action here,” Big Dave said from his post at the back of the room. “Seeing how we’re stuck waiting on the Staties to get their shit together and come out to lend us a hand, maybe what we need to do is organize a hunting party. A wolf-hunting party.”

“It wasn’t wolves,” Alex murmured, her mind flashing back unwillingly to the sight of the bloodied track she saw in the snow. It hadn’t been left by a wolf, nor any other kind of animal, of that she was certain. But a small voice whispered that it wasn’t exactly human, either.

So … what, then?

She shook her head, refusing to let her thoughts wrap around the answer she hoped—prayed—could not be true.

“It wasn’t wolves,” she said again, lifting her voice over
the din of paranoia running as rampant as a disease all around her. She stood up and turned to face the vengeful crowd. “No wolf kills like this, not by itself. Not even the boldest pack together would do this.”

“Miss Maguire is right,” said Sidney Charles, one of Harmony’s Native elders and the town’s long-running mayor, even if he held the office in name only in recent years. He nodded to Alex from his seat in the front row of the church, the dark hair of his leather-bound ponytail shot with gray, his tanned face lined the deepest at the corners of his mouth and eyes, creases earned from his kindhearted, jovial nature. Today he was somber, however, the heavy weight of all this talk of death showing in the slump of his otherwise proud shoulders. “Wolves have a respect for mankind, as we should respect them. I have lived a long time, long enough that I can promise you they did not do this awful thing. If I live for a hundred more years, I will never believe they would.”

“Well, all due respect, Sid, but I, for one, would rather not take that chance,” Big Dave said, to the ready agreement of several other men standing nearby. “Last I knew, there weren’t no season on dealing with problem wolves. Ain’t that right, Officer Tucker?”

“No, there’s not,” Zach relented. “But—”

Big Dave went on. “If we’ve got wolves threatening human settlements, folks, then it’s our right to defend ourselves. Hell, it’s our goddamned duty. I sure as shit don’t want to wait around until some rangy pack decides to attack again.”

“I’m with Big Dave on this,” said Lanny Ham, shooting up from his seat like a rocket. He wrung his hands in front of him, his nervous gaze darting around the room. “I say
we take action before the same kind of trouble comes to roost right here in Harmony!”

“Are any of you listening at all?” Alex challenged, her anger flaring. “I’m telling you, wolves were not responsible for what happened to Pop Toms and his family. They were attacked by something terrible, something horrific … but it wasn’t a wolf. What I saw out there could not have been done by any kind of animal. It was something else—”

Alex’s voice snagged in her throat as her gaze strayed to the back of the church and clashed with a pair of silver eyes so piercing they stole her breath. She didn’t know the black-haired man who stood there in the shadows near the door. He wasn’t from Harmony, or any of its far-flung neighboring towns. Alex was sure she’d never seen those lean, razor-sharp cheeks and square-cut jaw, or the startling intensity of his gaze, anywhere before in the whole of the Alaskan interior. His face wasn’t the kind a woman would ever forget.

The stranger said nothing, didn’t even blink his inky lashes as she went suddenly mute and lost her train of thought. He merely stared back at her over the heads of the townsfolk as if she were the only one he saw, as if the two of them were the only people in the entire room.

“What do you think it was, dear?”

Millie Dunbar’s thready voice jolted Alex out of the unnerving hold of the stranger’s gaze. She swallowed on her parched throat and turned back to face the sweet old woman and the other people who were now waiting in silence to hear what she believed she saw out at the Toms settlement.

“I … I’m not really sure,” she hedged, wishing she’d never opened her mouth. She felt the heat of the stranger’s eyes on her and was suddenly unwilling to voice what she
had been thinking that day in the bush, and in all the torturous hours that had passed since.

“What did you see, Alexandra?” Millie pressed, her expression a heart-squeezing mix of hope and dread. “How can you be so certain it wasn’t animals that killed those good folks?”

Alex gave a weak shake of her head. Damn it, she’d walked right into this on her own, and now, with almost a hundred pairs of eyes locked on her, awaiting her explanation, there was little she could do to back out of it. Not without making herself look like an idiot and condemning an innocent pack of area wolves to the overzealous attention of Big Dave and the posse that seemed to be waiting for permission to roll out and blow them away with no cause.

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