Larkspur Road (25 page)

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Authors: Jill Gregory

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Larkspur Road
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Travis flicked on the bedside lamp, then sucked in his breath. Behind him, he heard Mia’s gasp.

“No. Oh, God.” Shock knifed through her. She stared at Britt’s bed.

The covers were neat, the pillows straight, the comforter only slightly wrinkled. But in the center of the bed sat a cluster of flowers.

Not just any flowers.

wildflowers. Tied together with string. Blood stained their wilted petals and stems, soaking into the pink-and-yellow-flowered comforter, staining it a sickening shiny red.

“Oh, my God,” Mia gasped. Trembling, she met Travis’s grim eyes.

blood is this?

Fear jammed her throat, nearly choking her.

“Travis…it’s him, isn’t it? That boy I saw outside Ponderosa Earl’s. It has to be.
locked up Samson and left dead flowers in my house. On Britt’s bed!”

Travis’s mouth was taut. “We’ll find out soon enough. It’s time to bring in Hodge.” He yanked out his cell. “We need to—”

Before he could finish the sentence, they heard a voice in the hall.

“Aunt Mia?”


“We’re in here,” Mia called shakily and set Samson down. Immediately he raced out into the hallway to greet her. Mia wondered frantically if she should head her niece off—keep her out of here, not let her see the chilling sight of the flowers and the blood.

“She needs to see this.” Travis read her thoughts as the sound of Britt’s quick footsteps drew nearer.

“Hey, Samsie pie, cutie, what’s up—”

She broke off as she reached the doorway. Stared from Mia’s white face to Travis’s frowning one in surprise.

“What’s going on…?” Britt began but her voice trailed off as she spotted the dead flowers on the bed. The blood.

Every drop of color drained from her cheeks.

“Oh, God.” Her voice cracked. “He broke in…here?” Tears welled, filling her eyes.

“You know who did this.” The way Travis said it, it was more of a statement than a question. “Tell us, Brittany.”

Mia marveled at how cool he sounded. How in control. He put a light hand on her niece’s shoulder. “Was it that boy in the bakery today? The one who made you drop the pie?”

Tears began to stream down her cheeks. She didn’t seem to hear Travis’s questions. She was staring at Mia, shaking her head back and forth, her mouth trembling. “I’m sorry, Aunt Mia. I’m so s-sorry!”

“Don’t be.” Mia reached her in three quick strides and threw her arms around the girl. “Just tell us the truth, Britt.” She held her for a moment, trying to absorb her trembling sobs, wishing she could take all the fear and pain vibrating off Brittany away. “Everything’s going to be all right,” Mia told her firmly. “You just have to tell us the truth.”

Britt pressed the heels of her hands to her wet eyes. “I…kn-know. I w-wanted to tell you! I did! But I didn’t want to upset you. Or my mom and dad. I…I thought I could handle it.”

Mia glanced at Travis. Despite the gravity of his expression, he nodded, encouraging her to take the lead.

Gently, she squeezed Britt’s shoulders. “Once you tell us, this can all be over. We’ll take care of it, honey. I promise.”

“You don’t understand—it’s not that simple!” Britt’s voice rose. Breaking free, she paced to the window and back, her face pale. “You don’t kn-know what he’s like. He’ll
give up. And I don’t know where he is or where he’ll show up without warning. But I never thought he’d break in here, Aunt Mia, I swear!”

“His name, Brittany,” Travis said quietly. “Just tell us his name.”

Something in his deep, steady tone got through to her. Britt’s eyes flew to his face.

“It’s Wade. Wade Collins.” She drew a deep, shuddering breath. “He’s my ex-boyfriend and he won’t leave me alone. He’ll
leave me alone. I’m scared, Aunt Mia, I’m really scared! If I don’t go back to him…he says I’ll be sorry!”

And with a burst of sobs, she threw herself into Mia’s arms.

Chapter Nineteen

It was midnight by the time Sheriff Teddy Hodge left Mia’s house.

He’d questioned Brittany for over an hour and taken photos of the dead wildflowers on the bed. He’d made a detailed report, then put out an APB on Wade Collins. He’d dusted for fingerprints and collected the flowers and blood as evidence to be tested and preserved in the event of a trial.

“A stalker, huh?” Sternness and sympathy mingled in the stare he directed at Brittany as they sat in Mia’s living room discussing home invasion, spray-paint vandalism of vehicles, and threats. “This ever happens again, young lady, you’d best tell your parents and the authorities pronto. It’s nothing to fool around with.”

“Yes, sir,” she’d mumbled meekly, her hand squeezing Mia’s tight.

In the course of the questioning, she’d shown the sheriff the photo of her on the porch, the one Wade had sent to her phone, and she’d haltingly revealed that the moment she saw
spray paint all over Seth’s truck at Jackie’s party she’d been certain Wade was behind it. The last time she’d seen him Wade Collins had told her in no uncertain terms that he didn’t want her dating anyone else. Only him.

“I guess I need to tell Seth the truth, too. Before Sheriff Hodge pays his parents a visit,” she whispered to Mia in a small voice as Travis walked Hodge to the door.

“Seth still doesn’t know? You haven’t told him anything about Wade?”

“I wanted to forget about Wade—as much as I could! I didn’t want Seth to have to be involved—or you either. But once Wade spray-painted his truck…” She swallowed. “I knew I should have told him right away. But he’d have told his parents and they’d have called you….” Her voice trailed off helplessly. “I was embarrassed that I picked such a crazy boyfriend. I didn’t want Mom or Dad to know, and to be disappointed in me—”

“Britt.” Mia squeezed her niece’s hand. “Parents are here to protect their kids. So are friends—and
. We can’t help if we don’t know. Your mom and dad would have helped you with this if you’d told them the truth instead of running away.”

“I know.” Britt’s lower lip trembled. “But Mom was planning her honeymoon. And she was so happy. It was stupid, I know,” she rushed on. “I realize that now. I don’t blame you for being mad at me. He could’ve hurt Samson. I’d never forgive myself—” She broke off, staring in dismay at the dog, curled in a fluffy ball on Mia’s lap on the sofa. He’d received treats to help him forget his ordeal and now his eyes were drifting closed—no doubt from exhaustion after an evening of being locked up by an intruder and barking until he was nearly hoarse. “I’m so thankful he’s okay,” Britt said in a choked voice.

You’re not the only one,
Mia thought. It chilled her to think that while she and Travis were drinking wine, talking about the past, and making love, Wade Collins could have killed her dog, burned down her home…

She pushed the awful thoughts away and focused on Brittany.

“We need to get something straight, Britt. Right now. I’m not mad at you—what Wade’s doing isn’t your fault. None of it. But what
did, keeping this to yourself,
was wrong. Secrecy doesn’t help solve problems. Telling me and Travis—and Sheriff Hodge—
will help. In the morning, we’ll call your dad….” She trailed off, remembering in dismay that Steve had left for China today. She bit her lip. “You need to email both your mom and your dad, let them know what’s going on.”

“There’s something else you should know.” Britt swallowed. “Wade…he said he might hurt Tate. That’s why I didn’t want to stay with Dad and Gwen while Mom was on her honeymoon.”

The words came out in a tumble as Mia listened in horror.
Tate? Britt’s father’s toddler son with his new wife?

“I had to lead him away from Tate,” Britt hurried on miserably. “I thought if I left town and he couldn’t find me, he’d be so busy searching for me that he’d leave Tate alone and spend all his time trying to find out where I’d gone. But I…I never meant to lead him to you, Aunt Mia. I swear. I didn’t think he’d find me here in Lonesome Way. Laura promised she wouldn’t tell him or anyone else where I went.”

So how
Wade find her? Mia wondered. Not that it mattered at this point. He’d tracked her down and now it was his turn to be tracked. Pursued. Mia’s responsibility now was to protect Brittany as long as she was here in Lonesome Way—and to call Steve’s new wife and alert her to the threat against Tate.

She glanced up as Travis returned from seeing the sheriff out.

“I’ll replace that door and lock for you tomorrow,” he said without preamble. “And I’ll be installing a state-of-the-art security system by tomorrow night.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Mia told him quickly. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.”

“I’m sure you will be, too, once I get done with this place.” Travis’s mouth was a set line. “Until Collins is in custody, you’re getting the Tanner Security Specialists top-of-the-line protection package. And you…” Those dusk blue eyes settled on Britt’s drawn face. “You don’t walk anywhere alone until this is finished. You understand? When you drive to work, keep your car windows up and the doors locked. If this jerk darts into the middle of the road, go around him or through him, but you don’t stop for him, not under any circumstances. Got it?”

“Got it.”

She drew a deep breath. And actually managed a watery smile for Travis. His words, his take-charge calm seemed to be reassuring her, Mia realized.

And they’re keeping me from jumping out of my skin.

It was hard to believe that less than three hours ago they’d been making hot, crazed love on a sleeping bag. And then had taken a long shower together in that huge glass-enclosed shower stall…

His gaze shifted to her at that exact moment and a slow smile touched his lips—even reached his eyes—almost as if he’d read her mind.

It was amazing how her heart lifted. In that instant, she almost forgot about Wade Collins. About the blood on the old comforter, the dead flowers, and her broken kitchen window.

She was beginning to feel like Travis was really back in her life.
But for how long?
Her heart clenched. She didn’t know. But for now…

For now,
she told herself,
it’s enough. It has to be. Live for today, isn’t that what everyone always says people should do?

“Aunt Mia, I…don’t think I can sleep in that room tonight…on that bed.” Britt’s voice was a whisper.

“You don’t have to. For tonight, you’ll sleep in my room with me.” Very gently, Mia set Samson on the floor and straightened. She shot Travis a fleeting smile. It was beginning to feel like everything that had happened in the cabin had occurred days ago, not a mere few hours. Yet she could still feel the heat of his powerful body against hers, could still taste the tenderness of his kisses.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” she asked softly.

“You’ll see me a lot sooner than that. I’m not going anywhere.”

She stared at him in confusion.

“I’m bunking on your sofa tonight, Mia. Until that window’s fixed and the security system’s in place, you two are stuck with me.”

She swallowed. “You actually think Wade Collins might come back here?

“Highly unlikely. But I’m not taking any chances, not with either one of you. Or with this guy.” Travis knelt to stroke a hand across the little dog’s furry head as Samson’s tail wagged furiously.

Meeting his gaze, Mia felt her heart filling with a rush of emotion. She wouldn’t have slept for a minute tonight with wondering if Wade Collins would return and find his way into her home again while she and Britt were asleep. Gratitude swept over her. Gratitude that Travis was here, helping her deal with this mess. Gratitude that he was back in her life….

At least for tonight,
she reminded herself carefully.

She brought out two fluffy pillows and a freshly washed blanket that smelled of laundry soap and sunshine and laid them across the sofa while he took Samson outside one last time.

Britt had padded off to the bathroom to wash her face. Mia met Travis in the kitchen when he returned and found him giving her dog a treat.

“I don’t even know how to thank you. For everything.”
She wrapped her arms around him and brushed her lips to his.

“Would that be thanks for earlier tonight—or for right now?” He caught her against him with a grin and drew her close.

The feel of his arms around her made her breath catch in her throat. There was no denying it. Travis Tanner still had the power to rock her world. Just by being here.

“Both. Definitely both,” she whispered and rested her head against his chest.

They stood like that for a while, holding each other, and Mia didn’t want to think about the future or what tomorrow would bring. She was soothed by the steady rhythm of Travis’s heartbeat, by his arms solid and strong around her, and that was enough for now.

Chapter Twenty

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